Merino, Australia

I see what you mean Brian. One would think twice about walking past in the dark. Real triffid looking. looks a great garden though.
Have you solved my puzzle yet or should I give you the answer ?
going back outside to plant a few more Irises as the weather has been cooler today.

Sydney, Australia

Thanks for the succulent info Jean and Stake.
Will go for a google and see what I can find.
Kat, I'm doing a bit of a test on a synthetic paper and pigment inks. I have printed some labels and put them outdoors to see if they last. They won't need to be laminated (I hope!) I'll let you all know the results.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello All, Jean, I hope your husband is improving. Lee

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's very quiet around the place while everyone is busy. Things all getting back to normal after the holiday period. Is is a lovely cool morning here but expected to warm up. The cool change brought no rain but it was welcome after 2 very hot days. The garden is looking really dry now but it will have to survive as it always does on little water. I just give enough for survival and keep the main watering for the shade houses and pots.
I planted those wattle seeds Chrissy after taking your advice on soaking. There are now lots of the little fellas popping their heads up. There are also a few more Angel seeds coming up after that hot weather. I will repot more of the Iochromas soon .
Hello to Sue who will be very busy.
Helen, Mya, Shelly and Sammut all planting madly in their gardens.
Lesley and Marleneann, I have missed seeing you hanging around the door looking for munchies. Kat will be there too and I hope she leaves her turkeys at home. They make a terrible mess in the garden.
Hello Lee, Still very cold there and I bet you are dreaming of the spring when you can be out and about in your yard.
I know where Colleen is as she has all those cacti to play with. We hope to see pictures of the finished planting. Brian and Steve will be over at the puzzle table. I must go and think of another tricky one for them.. Hubby is moving a bit more now but still cannot stand without his crutches and even then only for a short time. It will take quite s while to get his strength back.
I am still waiting on the timber to finish the shelves in the new epi house.
I will build them while hubby sits and supervises. I am quite capable at building things.
Better put out something nice. People are sure to drop in later. Try this Blackberry Tart.
Enjoy your day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. I have been busy getting ready for the birthday party on the weekend. The weather has been better. No rain though. I thought that cryptic of yours Jean, caterpillar, was great. Most of Brian's and Steve's are too hard for me. Glad to hear hubby is on the mend,Jean. Still waiting for my parcel. I hope they're alright, Jean. Anyway must go, still a lot to do. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning everyone. With daylight saving and all (not in Qld), I thought you would all be here before me but it is always worth waiting for Jean to open up as she puts out fresh table settings and goodies for munching with our drinks. I still haven't finished labelling the epies...which means finding them all. Yesterday was one of those days that saps the energy and today we are going to Caloundra for a few days so I will garden up there. It really is just sand. The back lawn is difficult to keep green as sand doesn't retain moisture. There is a triffid growing in the front garden..forget the name but it would probably behave itself down south. Pops up all over the place. It is flat and sunny up there but I have still got an epi..moon cactus.
My heliconias here in Brisbane are growing really well. As they need a lot of water, I have them in big square waterwell pots along the fenceline. It is quite exciting as they really give a tropical ambience. I have been drooling over the types available on a Hawaiian website.. I probably have about a dozen forms ..my favourites are still the rostrata and various bihai / kawauchi / caribaea forms..if you want to look, google "Aloha Tropicals". I hope eventually to get them in the ground but they do like to drink..maybe there will be enough runoff from the neighbour's watering system for them. So far I have resisted planting bougainvillea on the fenceline but it seems a sensible place for it, all things considered. A few of the golf courses we looked at for wedding venues have their perimeter fences lust an array of bougainvilles..quite spectacular when you can see it stretching down the road. There is even a council bougainvillea park but they have clipped them into squares and low hedges! No flowers! What's the point? Maybe they are afraid someone will sue for spike damage..PC gone mad! I will post photos of the bougainvillea arbour at South Bank..the old Expo '88 site. Have a great gardening day all. Cheers and ciao, Kat

Hi everyone ^_^ ...oh Jean that is lovely! I treat many seeds that way and it works a treat.how is your poor hubby? ...I just barely survived the heat yesterday ...there are many scorched leaves here but they will go on to be ok ...crispy frangippani ...crispy angels ...some crispy leaves here and there and everywhere ...the worst is the burn't spots on the fruit ...once they are burned they become a target for birds and bugs ...really sad. We are still standing though ....Hey Sammut how are you? someone told me that the water temp at the Penrith pool was over 30C ...whew!
How did everyone else fare?
I hope the gardeners up North are over the floods while we are awaiting our bushfires here in Western sydney ...hopefully the winds will go away ...but it is making me a little nervous after seeing the same weather patterns emerge as the Christmas Fires of 2001
lots of rain first then hot winds ...hope I am wrong.
Just reminding everyone that your bits will go out mon /tues due to the wicked conditions we have endured ...too much heat stress.
Kat great to hear about all those things doing well for you a lot of my stuff has been griled ...almost no humiditity in 43C temps are frightfully punishing on plants.
Hubby is hovering for food ...sorry back later

Coffs Harbour, Australia

can't stop to chat, but letting you know I will be looking at the cryptic thread this weekend, and yes, walking stick (cane) get away (begone) but not too far away (near). It might take awhile for me to get the ahng of doing the clues, so bear with me. that was my firstr ever attempt.
Gotto go to work, see yous later

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello Jean and All, Yes, Jean I am lookig sooooo forward to Spring. For the next 2 nights the temps will be around 7F(-14C) and not expected during the day to get much above 32F(0C). Then it will warm up some.
ctmorris, the pic you posted of the pink flower on 1/15 are lovely. What are they?
Chrissy, are you staying cool? I hope so.
Nothing much to chat about except the way I'm feeling and nobody wants to hear that, not even myself.
All have a good afternoon. Lee

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. At Sussex inlet for the weekend.
Chrissy it was a blast from the past to see your mention of Expo '88. We were there and I still have a New Guinea tribal mask hanging on my shed door. It's made from tortise shell and clay. It was an enjoyable time. We stayed at Greenmount in a small unit we called the bomb shelter and travelled to Expo for the day. Do they still run Expos?
I must be strange. I'm eating cheese twisties and drinking Cabernet Merlot! I'm sure I'm not supposed to put both together.
A lot cooler today after the 40C yesterday.
Spent the day replacing the sash cords in the loungeroom windows. What a job that is!
Love the bird life here. Found that a family of Emu Wrens has taken up residence in the front yard, found the transient Indian Koel eating my grapes and for the second season spotted a baby Indian Koel being fed by it's surrogate Wattle Bird mother.
Anyway I have a Jean puzzle to solve. Must go.

Hi everyone ...at last a bit of time to myself ...Steve this is for you ...it was Kat talking about expo but this is for you and anyone else wanting to take a journey back to 88
I hope that re visits some happy memories .
Lee awe shucks don't be alone ...we are all in the middle of Summer and the end of the holidays so everything is so very hectic.
I know it must get very closed in ...in Winter there, we are pretty lucky in that our winters can be really beautiful ...cold crisp nights and delicious days when the sun peeps through.I think I would get cabin fever too at those temps, never mind Spring is coming.
Jean wow it's all happening at your place ...mine too! lots of toasted crispy bits, but at the same time in the shadier parts ...well what can I say it's a jungle out there! Three different kinds of wasps! ...darling little frogs believe it or not have a great fondness for the shaded areas of my jungle and the angel leaves in particular. I am hoping they eat plenty of bugs while they are in them.
Kat they sound lovely ...all those tropical beauties, here is what Kat is drooling over ...mmmm ^_^
We are enjoying a large drop in temps right now ...a lovely cool wind bringing a big sigh ...ahhhhhhhh! I am so happy because it means I can work outside tomorrow instead of hiding. My Brother is gone to visit his son over the weekend so I am able to get on with things until Monday night ...what are you all up to over the weekend ...oi Steve get back to work! Better go check the threads ...Happy weekend! ...whoo hooo!

Thumbnail by

Oooops forgot the link for Kat
mmmmmmmm ...

Gisborne, New Zealand

Lovely plant Chrissy, nice to see a full size one. I have just bought one with the new Angels. ( Mussenda frondosa). The white leaves with the orange flowers is quite a novelty.. Sorry I haven't been too sociable, I have kept up with the theads though.. I finally answered a cryptic and found I was about a day late.. Not to worry that's par for the course at the moment I may be off line for a while next week.
I have a hospital appointment then I'm going back to my other place for a few days down time.. I have been busy trying to catch up with all the things that need to be done so they can be put on hold for a while.. Today was spent dead heading the roses.. Tomorrow wll be spraying weeds. That darn portulaca weed is a real curse and after cleaning my driveway it is now covered in the weed so spraying is a must.. I am also going to have to plant some of the plants waiting for a home as They may not get watered.. Have a good weekend you all.. Try not to end up with brain meltdown from the cryptics.. Dalfyre you'll have to hold up the Kiwi's end on your own at the moment I'm afraid as I seem to be totally out of commission ..

Thumbnail by Awchid

Hey Lesley ...um ... mine are 8ft tall and heading skywood ...I have to chop ...chop ...chop all the time. Lovely plant though ...it will make a great shelter for your Angels.
Ha ha ha the cryptics are a great success ...but the trouble is I can't keep up with who is answering what ...I suggested numbering the questions but it might be too much trouble ...I think I might just watch the fun ^_^ ...enjoy your weekend and I love your new plants.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

chrissy, I'm sorry if I gave the impression that nobody on the AU/NZ forum didn't have time to listen. I just wasn't very succinct. All here are great and generous. I just didn't want to sound like a grumble-grunt. Lee

Oh lee ...no I did not mean that ...we are also at different times to you ...while we are awake you may be asleep ...etc my hubby has to ring the states regularly (business) and he has to get up at 2/3 am in the morning to speak to someone there (although I realize your time zones like ours may be many hours different from state to state.I just mean't that sometimes without seeing the sunshine it is difficult to keep your spirits up ...it is a real syndrome called S A D ...and this can drag spirits down into sadness (hence it's name)
http://tribunetravels.blogspot.com/2008/12/lanzarote-winter-holidays-beating-sad.html ...so if you ever do feel sad ^_^ suround yourself with bright warm yellows (it tricks the mind) or hop on a plane and come on down ...we have plenty of sunshine here ...even in Winter.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

chrissy, it seems like we got our miscommunications cleared up. Thanks for your response. No, I I've never felt snubbed on the AU/NZ site. As I've said before, to me it's the most friendly forum that exists. And I'm fond of all of you.
Yellow. Will keep that in mind because as a matter of fact I have been feeling kinda down in the dumps. Lee

Merino, Australia

Hello all. The sun is out and the sky is blue. it's quite chilly but going to be a lovely day. It is getting quiet in the Tea Room and I can sit back and relax while waiting for visitors. I see that Lesley is going to be away and I hope Dalfyre pops in so we have a kiwi here.
Marleneann has been quiet too so I guess she is going mad in her garden. Kat , are you out there ? Getting ready for school I suppose.
Sammut will be playing with her babies and Shelly has lots to do. I think Steve and Brian are off down the back somewhere discussing who knows what, probably cactus plants.
Colleen are you still planting your cacti ?
I have been looking at Brians great photos on the C&S site. Imagine how old that garden is.
I saw a cacti garden years ago and asked for a look around as I had never taken a lot of notice of cacti before. You could not help but notice a cacti growing 20' up a tree.
Apparently the whole garden had been the wife's passion and the husband wasn't interested, but when she died, he said he had to keep it all in her memory. There were cacti I had never imagined and the ones growing very tall and up the trees were fascinating.
I sometimes wonder if the garden is still there.
Perhaps a cacti lover bought the house. One hopes anyway.
I am going to move a couple of the Angels around today. There are a few more to come out of the greenhouse . It is nearly repotting time for the babies again.
Chrissy , there are 3 more seeds sprouting. I just left the trays there to grow as they please The few hot days must have stirred them to grow.
Lee, Chrissy is right about yellow. Color influences our lives without us realising it.
We all love bright colored flowers because they look happy.
I'll put out some nice cakes and you sit back wrapped in an imaginary yellow bed of daisies under a nice yellow sun.
Try these Raspberry Coconut Slices
enjoy the day. Jean. .

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Oh Jean it is deliciously cool this morning ...only 18C aaaaah heaven. We had a light sprinkle this morning ...it's a perfect day for garden chores.I am really looking forward to getting things done with a bit of comfort. I think even the plants are breathing a big sigh of relief. I hope everyone can get out there and enjoy their day ...we are halfway through summer ...Autumn is not so far away.
Autumn is my favourite time of the year ...best of all it's Angel time!
and harvest time ...to me summer is to be endured, but so far it has been only dreadful for a couple of weeks ...I reckon we have been lucky!
Enjoy your day everyone ...yippee it's Saturday ...all day ^_^
see you later.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi to every one on this beautiful day .
Only poped in for a quick tea. this was plant day for me it sure puts a smile on on my face thate will last a week .
Igot a nice tray of succulents -polygala x dalmaisiana -fittonia in hangind basket -another hoya-ixora chinensis prince of orange -euphorbia ascot rainbow -all thate was a mouthful .
thanks I really needed a sit and cupa now I must be of home to play moving things around again .
Bye to all till later ----------Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
melbourne, Australia

good afternoon everyone,

chrissy - i got that book you recomended 'which flower is that?" from ebay. a seller had it amongst 20 other gardening books which didn't sell so i offered to buy it on its own from him. he is only charging me $5.00 plus postage. can't wait to get it.

went to another local market today - not as good as i thought it would be and i didn't fall in love with any plants - but i did get a lovely watering can and an extra hose which will make life much easier.

also, had a play on ebay and ended up buying some flower seeds. absolutely fell in love with the photos of them. am thinking if i buy seeds and grow these things - and then get seeds from what i grow to grow more plants that it will be less cost to fill up the garden i have. will still go to the local market each month and buy plants but may give myself a budget of money for seeds each month as well. have just noticed my strawflower "bright bikinis" are drying out so i picked a flower and think i have the very fine seeds. will grow a couple in a pot and see what i can get to come up. all a matter of trial and error i think but i feel like i am learning every day new things.

helen - let me know if you want any of those flower seeds. will be sending off soon to jean and can package up some at the same time. anyone else want any? my french hollyhocks are close to getting ready for seeds to be collected so might wait until that happens to send some of them off as well. they are absolutely gorgeous and i will be planting a heap throughout my garden for next year.
here is an ebay link to some - haven't got my camera at the moment so can't take any photos of the later flowering ones.

take care all,

shelly xxx

Sydney, Australia

Chrissy, thanks for the memory trip. I think I had hair then! Thanks also for reminding me to get back to work. For some reason I awoke at 4.30 am, which is odd for me but I think it was that the southerly came through. Last night I heard the possum on the roof again. I thought I had barred it's way up. I went out the back to see the mother and youngster on the roof. They must have kicked the father out of the chimney. So there I was at 4.30 am sitting on the front lawn waiting for them to come home so I could see how they got there. 4.45am the mother came ambling across the roof which had me perplexed. Then the young one scurried across the front lawn, up the powerpole and proceeded to walk across the power line to the house nextdoor. He then appeared on our roof next to it's mother. So they are jumping across from the house nextdoor. So the solution is to block the chimney entry with wire but this could only be done at night after they have left. I will do this when Kim is here so she can apply her nursing talents to me should I need it.
Be back later

melbourne, Australia

doesn't sound like much fun steve. be careful on that roof. would be definately sending my hubby up if it was me. we haven't got possums where we live thankfully - but the kookaburras are very noisy at daybreak which i don't mind. they always make me smile with their 'laugh'.
i went to expo 88. was only a teenager and i went with my friends parents. we drove all the way up there from swan hill and then ended up having to come back quickly for a young mans funeral (drink driving). ended up going back up there with my friend on the bus and had an absolute ball. i would have been about 17 at the time. memories.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
I have been pondering over in the cryptic area. Certainly makes the old brain cells work.
Did you manage to block out your possum Steve ? They can be very messy if they get into the ceiling. The first time I heard possums during their mating season, I thought some movie monster had invaded.
I used to like seeing them around as long as they were not able to get in the house. There are some in this area but not up here on the hill.
It is cold this morning but should be a fine day.
Chrissy, one of my seedling Angels has made a Y. It is still in it's first cup but it is definitely a Y , at 2" high, isn't it amazing. It's the cross of 'The Chief'. I am so excited . I have 12 different seedlings growing now which includes 2 from 'The Chief' cross and 2 from the 'Creamsickle' cross. There is also a 'Genevieve' x 'Ecuador Pink', 'Genevieve' x 'Rothkirch', 'Joli' x 'Angels Flight', plus a few others, so a very nice mix to play with.
My largest ones of all the Angels are the 2 Versicolors.The leaves are over 12" long. No sign of any Ys on them yet.
I had to spray one of the Suavolens as it developed a lot of fine thready web stuff and the leaves turned yellow and fell off.. Only the one plant was affected but I sprayed them all .
I never noticed the web as it was so fine, but when the leaves started to yellow, I knew there was a problem.
I think our weather is not helping either, being very hot then very cold .
Hubby is improving and getting restless being confined.
How are you all going with your gardens now that most of you have warm to hot weather ?
I have to get out in the greenhouse today and move some of the larger plants outside . My little Cootamundra wattles are growing very quickly so I have to make room for them when I pot them up.
I took some seeds from my Blue Fountain Bush which are growing and now getting their main leaves. The perfume of the plant is gorgeous so I will put a couple around other parts of the garden.
Have to go down to the shop now for the Sunday paper for hubby.
Doing the things he usually does changes my routine and I have to remember what I was doing before.
I hope you all have a great day and I will leave something nice out as I know there will be someone looking for a cuppa and a nibble.
Just for fun, Bunny Sugar Cookies.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Oh Jean the blue fountain bush ...is this it? how pretty!
and smells beautiful too? how wonderful.
Re your angel crosses ... that is fantastic! but did you mean two inches or two feet? ...if it is 2 inches it won't be a Y ...sorry to be the bearer of such tidings . You see while you may see a bloom on a short plant sometimes ... that is because it is on mature wood ...in other words it came from above the Y. Now in a seedling it may be that it looks like a Y but it is little stems, I have found in multi cot babies ... that they throw out two branches that give the impression of a y but they will be two trunks. Now if they are two feet and then have thrown a Y you may have what all the American Breeders want ... a "dwarf" or smaller angel for tubs or patios and small courtyards, whichever it is ...it is very exciting anyway with those genes. If you want to take a pic to show me I will tell you what is going on.I too am very happy it will be a great year ...
Steve I did the possum thing at Woronora ...I was so frightened the first time I heard that awful mating call ...I thought it was a serial killer ...heavy sort of breathing hissing growl (I have a vivid imagination) and then clumping of army boots in the ceiling ...Oh my go* he is in the house ...up there in the rafters ...talk about packing it! ...hubby of course was sleeping right through it ...I shakily screamed in his ear and he woke up ...listened and said "oh possums" how embarrassing! I did love the babies but we blocked the entry too after about a year.
Shelley every time you have a coffee or a few spare minutes you read that book ...it helped me so much when I was starting out ...the only thing is that you will become addicted to the magnificent world of everything green and growing ...a life long love.
Ok I have to go ...have a beaut day everyone!

Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
Possums still there. Don't so much mind them living in the chimney but I have heard of them dying and being a bit smelly and very difficult to remove. I thought I had blocked their way up as they were not waking us at 4.30am any more but I honestly did not think they could jump so far (from the neighbours roof). Won't be able to fix it until after 9.30pm which is when they leave. Once their way into the chimney is blocked they will have no other reason to be on the roof.
Chrissy they made that sound last night from inside the chimney in the lounge room. It scared the ..... out of me. There was that split second where you ask yourself 'what the?.....'. I'm sure there would be plenty at Woronora.

I hate to tell you this steve but we got rid of them when we were told about the pooing and weeing up in that space above the ceiling ...ummmm although we could not smell anything that was enough ! ...we had to replace our pink batts ...upon inspection ...also a fire danger re wet wires that may have been nibbled on by critters.I don't like fires.
Jean I have taken a picture of one of my seedlings with the multi cot branching ...it looks like a Y but is two separate stems, this happens on all my multi cots ...so that may be what you have.
Here it is ...

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Merino, Australia

Chrissy this is the little darling with the double shoots. I should have known it would not be a Y yet but when I saw the 2 shoots I was so excited. Not a great photo but there are definitely 2 shoots though when it started there was only the one set of cot. leaves.
I will leave it to do it's own thing. If it wants 2 trunks it can have them. It will be so great when it eventually flowers. I think the cold we have been having is holding up my larger ones from getting buds. There is no sign of a Y on any and no sign of buds on those from a Y cutting. Several are now around 4' tall.
You see, I need your sage advice when I don't stop to think.
The picture you put on is the Blue Fountain Bush. The flowers are quite small, about the size of a normal pea flower but are in such thick clusters that the branches hang right down and can even break with the weight of the rain on the blossom... The perfume drifts around everywhere. Now I know they will grow so easily, I will collect more seeds this year.
Steve, get rid of the possums before you have as Chrissy says, a large cleanup bill. They are so cute but so destructive.
If they decide they like your garden , you will have no flowers left either.
turned hot here now so all work outside can wait. Jean,

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Don't fret jean ...I actually had buds on my 6ft Jurassic Angels and they were burnt off in the 40C+ days (((Sob))) ...just shrivelled up and fell off ...so don't want them too soon ...Autumn is perfect.
A true Y will shout out to you ... the Y itself will be almost, if not as thick as the trunk ...and of coarse there will no longer a single trunk as it v's off into a fork. I will be sending you a couple of seedlings from the ones you sent me (if you want them) or would you rather wait for cuttings of them?...I will be sending you some more cuttings of my stuff as well. Alphonse Mucha gave me bloom from a cutting in just three months ...so it won't be long now as I said Autumn is perfect as they like warmish days but coolish evenings, your place is perfect for that.See in your picture the thin little y looking growth ...they are stems.

Merino, Australia

Thanks Chrissy, you certainly are the Angel Lady. i just repotted the little fellas into their first real pots so they should grow fast now. It has turned hot again after the cold morning. I love Autumn , so will be watching closely for buds.
i think cuttings do better for me here as they withstand the weird temperature changes we get. I will have to stop getting more Angels soon as I won't have anywhere to put them unless we move out and give them the house.
Hubby is feeling a lot better but still cannot do anything so I will be the builder on the rest of the shade house when the timber arrives. We are also planning on putting a frame over the back gate so the jasmine can climb better. If I make it wide enough there will be a nice space for an Angel or two as there is a Protea that has to come out. It is way past it's use by date and they don't do well here anyway in the clay. I am surprised it has lasted this long.
better go and make a cuppa. It is far too hot to do anything outside now.
The latest Daylily.
Enjoy the rest of your day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

Great pics of Expo 88, I wasn't going to have a trip to OZ that year but they had something on telly about the Expo & I just had to go.
I bought a 3 day pass & stayed with my school friends for two weeks & we had a blast!
It was standard practice for several years any time a queue formed to ask 'what pavilion is this for ?'
So many Kiwis had attended expo 88 that inevitably someone got the joke...
Went to the site a few years later & was amazed by the man made beach etc.
Pic is me at Lone Pine - I visited there as well as the Expo.
This photo is one of my all time favourites, it scored me a husband...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Sydney, Australia

I had not thought of the toilet issue Chrissy.
Adds another reason to stop them. Just hope it does not end up like Chevy Chase and the Squirrel in Christmas Vacation. (it actually might be better if they ended up chewing an electrical cord like the cat did in the same movie). There is a fried possum on top of the power pole out front of our place in Cronulla. It has been there for years now and comes down bone by bone. Not very healthy for possums living in the suburbs.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Great pic of you and ? wallaby. Lee

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello All, Jean, I hope your husband continues to improve. Lee

Sydney, Australia

Scored you a husband?
Did you marry a wallaby?

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Leeflea, I don't think that is a Wallaby it looks more like an Eastern Grey Kangaroo. Although I don't know anything about rugby I don't think a Kiwi would have anything to do with a Wallaby. You will have to check that out with Dalfyre.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Thanks Stake. I certainly don't know the difference between the kangaroos and wallabies and can't find a good web site to enlighten me. Lee

Merino, Australia


try this site Lee. there is a lot of info about the wallaby
Thanks for asking , hubby is feeling a lot better and getting annoyed at not being able to do what he wants. it will be a few more days before he can stay up all day.


Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Jean, thanks for the link to wallabies. Didn't know there were so many kinds. Lee. P.S. Send me one via overnight delivery!!LOL

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi All

Steve get rid of those possums ,below is a picture of my Angel Trumpet minus leaves,compliments of the possums,the little b@#$%^.from last night...

Lee on the island we have lots of wallabies hopping all over the place,must admit they are cute and really all you have to do is place guards around your plants and they leave them alone, unlike possums who can climb every,where......

Thumbnail by MyaC

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