Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hi Mya, good to hear from you and your synopsis of the wallabies. Is that a brugmansia in the photo? Lee

Brisbane, Australia

Hi all..just back from three days at Caloundra..even though we have a wireless connection, I was too busy gardening and watching the girls (bantam Wyandottes) digging through the compost heap while I relaxed on an old deck chair under the mango tree. At times it was blowing a gale.
I must have pulled out thousand of weeds from the back grass /aka lawn..a lot of the weeds that have taken over are the same things that grow on sand dunes. In places it is just white sand so I had to mix compost and organic fertilser so the grass can grow again. A neighbour used to have an acacia that hung over our fence and dropped seeds..it was always a pain to pull the seedlings out but some managed to grow quite large and they have very long tap roots so when DB returned from exploring the seas on a hired catamaran, he volunteered to pull some out. This involved tying them to the towbar of the car and rocking across the lawn..so..many broken tying straps, ropes etc later, he had quite a pile of roots and I had some nice clear garden areas. It must have been quite amusing to any neighbours not familiar with our antics..but as he is a Top gear fan, it was a sure way to keep him interested. The front lawn wasn't too squashed and I can fill the ruts in later! I went to the Claoundra Sunday markets and bought some nice cheap plants ..but the 'plant lady' doesn't seem to be there..she was in her nineties, I think, and had terrific plants...all grown and potted herself. I have planted Ruby Rose hibiscus, double coreopsis, aggies, geranium and pentas and what looks like penstemon (though the seller didn't know) and a small, pink flowered weeping callistemon which I may move next time I am there as I want to keep things low for security...no hidey holes or screens. The hibiscus is only a small growing one.
Steve, I mentioned Expo '88..South Bank is just over the hill from here..walking distance. We had a season pass and I used to go in my lunch times. The site used to be the old fish markets and really grotty..the whole area used to be old and the sort of place you hoped you didn't break down in..I still have some of those feelings even though they have totally changed it with the big art galleries, performance centre, conference centre..there is a walkway..boulevard..the full length of South Bank (old Expo site) that has bougainvillea trained along the overhanging structures..it has taken time to grow and has had many critics but is finally starting to cover and give the intended effect. Anyway, I have lots of catch up reading to do..the cryptic thread has really grown! I think it's easier to write them than to solve them.
Some of the good things about Caloundra are we have nice neighbours and those we don't know just leave us alone so no one hangs over the back fence, there IS a nice high back fence, no turkeys, never seen a snake there yet, there's sky and sun so no sides of hills and trees to block it out and it is flat so things stay in their place and there is always a good sea breeze..going to check other threads so goodnight all. Cheers, Kat

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Your holiday home sounds like a lovely place Kat.

Brisbane, Australia

Steve, the possum story reminded me of years ago, prekid, when we were camping/ white water rafting/ kayakking at Platypus Flats in the middle of nowhere somewhere up the Nymboida River..no one for miles and miles and no lights or even glow of lights...and there had been scrunching noises and crackling leaf noises all night.so I had lain there freaking out while DB snored blissfully on..in fact, I was imagining his snoring would give our whereabouts away to the axe wielding marauder (I don't think Ivan Milat had been locked up then)..at about 2 am I headed off into the dark for some distance to answer the call of nature..and was..um..under an enormous gum when the noise of leaves and movement came close by.. I was thinking of all those axe murder and (bodyless) heads banged on cars stories..it was like frozen panic..then the cucc cuccing noises came and it was such a relief..just possums!! So I went back and slept soundly till morning. Next day, DB asked if I had heard the noises..turns out, he heard the possum noises and didn't know what they were so he then spent the latter part of the night lying there in panic while I slept peacefully! He only had to ask!!!

Merino, Australia

Good morning to everyone on. Hello PussyKat.
I think we must all have a possum story and they are quite funny. I wonder what all the city folk do for amusement when there are no possums around ? Probably worry about real burglars noises.
it was hot again yesterday afternoon but another lovely morning at the moment.
Not a lot going on here with hubby still laid up and no timber as yet. I walk around talking to the plants and encouraging them to grow. My baby Cootamundras are growing quickly so I will have a wattle fence line. They do very well here and the advantage is that you can attack them with a chainsaw if they get too big. I like the fact that they tend to grow from the base so you are never left with just a line of trunks as the tops grow taller.
I have a dahlia flowering and was surprised as I have just left them to their own devices since removing them from the garden. Others are coming up so they must like their little patch which was a pile of old sheep manure. .
I have some Brisbane lilies ( proiphys cunninghamii ) coming up too which I have never grown before , so they will be different.
Does anyone grow them ? I bought some seed and lots came up. I have some plants in pots and others in the garden. I suppose I will have to wait until they develop a bulb to see them flower. How long will it take ? Anyone know ?
Hello to Chrissy, Dalfrye and Mya and Steve too.
How are all the cacti going Colleen and Brian ? It would be great fun deciding where they go but a bet there are a few prickles in fingers.
Shopping day this week and I will be going on my own so definitely a plant day.
Must put out something to eat or Kat will be knocking at the door.
Try this GingerBread Cake.
Have a great day everyone. I'm off to peruse the cryptics.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Hello everyone. Jean, I have had Brisbane lilies and they seem to be similar to the madonna lilies..

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I have the cardwell lilly, Proiphys amboinensis ..am still awaiting flowers...big broad glossy leaves..I have had my 2 for a few years now...they die down in winter

barmera, Australia

Hello everyone. I'm glad I got up early this morning. This flower on one of my cactus was out and it was gone by about 10-30. I left a note for myself by the kettle so that I wouldn't forget to have a look, then couldn't remember why I had to look at the cactus. more Granny moments. I have heaps of irises to plant out and Epis but it is just too hot out there. Will wait til tonight and see if it's any cooler. I've had to put a shade over the little cacti in pots as the sun is just too fierce. I hope Summer doesn't last too long. Well will catch up later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Colleen, if you just put the irises in a bucket with a bit of water they will stay for days. the epis will sit on the bench with no problems . They prefer to sit for a while before planting. I have had old bits thrown away on the ground, start growing. Some plants are so forgiving.
Thanks for the comments on the lilies. i think it may be at least a year or two before I see flowers but it's something to look forward to.
love your little cactus flower too Colleen
Ivy geraniums surviving the heat.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Wow, Jean..your ivy geraniums are stunning...you continue to amaze and impress with your greenest of green fingers..and I get excited when I have a few flowers on mine. They are in a hanging basket on the centre of the big old Hills Hoist so I can enjoy them while I hang washing..they wouldn't survive on the ground here with the turkeys so I have to find other ways! Well, I collected a batch of essays to have done by the morning...thrills! Funny how I really get the urge to do Spring cleaning or major landscaping whenever I see the first batch! Cheers all. Kat

melbourne, Australia

that ivy geranium is gorgeous jean. all the ones that you sent me are going really well and looking great. have a couple of buds on a few so anxiously awaiting the flowers to see what they look like.

the other normal geraniums are all going well as well. a lot are flowering and they are just gorgeous.

getting my seeds ready to send you shortly. busy time here on the school hols and have to grab little bits of time in between kids, kids, kids and hubby.


Hi everyone ...I have been busy today ...parcels going in all directions ...say Jean do you have the hot pink ivy geranium ...if not sing out ...I should have asked before sending off your parcel but I have only come online now they are gone ...but then again I bet you have them all.
For those talking about brisbane lillies
Catch up after I have a break ...it's hot but will be very hot for the rest of the week ...it's looking very brown out there.
Oh I forgot Mya oh your poor angels ...time for the water pistol ...well it works on other critters ...squirt them on the nose when they are about to chew and hopefully they will get the message.
back later ***chrissy

Merino, Australia

Hello again. it has been so hot here after a lovely morning. we have had our first local grass fire. Luckily it was quickly caught but the wind could have made it worse if the fire fellas hadn't moved quickly.
it is supposed to be cooler later this week. for when I go shopping. Thanks for the link Chrissy. the lilies are lovely. I hope they do well here.
I have lots of geraniums, both the ivy and the bush but there's always room for another, ha ha
PussyKat, I have green fingers because I'm always playing with plants and my fingers must have touched so much green over the years.
Withe very dry year and little water, the geraniums went mad. starting to look a bit dry and ragged now though.
They are lucky to ever see tap water and have to rely on rain mostly.
Better go and feed the man now. He is getting restless staying in bed and wants to get up but when he does, he realises his limits. Have a nice night and don't eat all the cakes in the kitchen while I'm not there.
Daylily survivors in the sun.
Jean. .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
Catching up on the gossip after a day at work.
Cooking dinner soon as the boss is at Pilates.
Mya I had the same problem with our one and only rose in the front yard at Sussex. I took to leaving the days seed leftovers on the bird feeding platform out the back and they left the rose alone from that day on. I don't want to encourage them but desperate measures!
Kat your possum story reminds me of camping on the Allyn river near Barrington Tops NSW.
We were wading along the middle of the river when we spotted a Red Belly Black Snake sunning on a rock. Kim freaked out and 'he man' Steve said 'Don't worry. It won't go in the water' At which point it did go in the water, straight at us! We did a Jesus act and ran on top of the water laughing all the way!
It is also amazing to know how many people went to expo '88. All saying they enjoyed it like we did.

That's funny Steve ...running on water ...the general reaction to a white pointer ...I didn't run on water when I found one sunning itself on a railway sleeper in my secret garden ...it's the same place I fiddle in every day ...I walked very slowly backwards and did not venture there again for a few days. We had a glider possom short out our power at Woronora ...poor little thing ...I love the gliders, fed the possoms too so they would not eat my plants ...well that is until I found out about ...you know what.
Oh it's been hot ... some of my plants are quite toasted in the exposed areas ...in my jungle area it is green and cool ...the contrast is amazing ...just a fence and some sheltering shrubs and trees ...ah beautiful.
The grasshoppers are going nuts ...hundreds of them every time you walk ...usually means a dry spell coming up.
Well I will drop in to have a cuppa tomorrow ...goodnight everyone.
chrissy ^_^

Sydney, Australia

Chrissy - If you have you been in the Green Cathedral at Tiona Park near Forster. You just described how it feels to walk out of the open heat into a green, cool oasis. Sounds like your place. Also sounds like the way I cook! Burnt on the outside, nice an frozen on the inside! The white pointer comment reminds me of sitting on my surf ski at Rainbow Bay (Coolangatta) watching a fin come directly at me. Can't see the shape of the fin when they are coming at you front on. Lifted my legs out of the water and waited as it submerged beneath me. Dolphin of course but my bowels thought otherwise!
Goodnight all.
Time to bed and read - Biography of Crosby Stills and Nash.
Neil Young this Saturday. Going with my son. We can't wait.

Barmera, Australia

For those who drop in for a chat there's still some wine at the table. Try the Montipulciano an Italian variety that has some potential here.

Steve "Heart Of Gold" ...one of my all time favourites ...lucky you!
Love his work. A fin coming towards you? ...I did not go into the water after Jaws for at least three years. Yes green cathedrals are beautiful they take your breath away with their majesty.
I am having a quiet flat white before the bustle of the day begins ...heat ...heat and more heat.
Better get out there and run around with the watering can ...can't use a hose until tomorrow. As usual some plants are revelling in the heat ...some are not happy.
Catch everyone later ...enjoy your morning.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. Chrissy , I see you were up playing puzzles very early this morning. Hello Brian and Colleen. I think you two are on the same wavelength when it comes to working out the answers. Chrissy , I liked your puzzle but wasn't there to work it out. Even with hubby not on the computer at night yet , I still don't get on as I watch my Star Trek and Star Gate which I am not going to miss.
I suppose Steve is off to work and Kat will be busy doing her marking. Was it you PussyKat who left the paper all over the table ?
Haven't seen Lesley or Marleneann for a while. Shelly is around and busy with the small people getting ready to go back to school I would think.
Mya will be laying back in the sun and I don't know where Sammut is. Probably nursing her little plants through the heat. Helen are you still out there lurking ?
I seem to remember Lesley saying she may be away . Dalfyre may be around out the back I think.
Brical are you out enjoying your garden in the cool too.
Lee, I know you are rugged up keeping warm over there..
It is going to be another hot day here and I will have to got throw some water around on the pots.
That green cathedral sounds like a place I need to be today. I love walking through parks with huge spreading trees on hot days . So beautiful and cool. I could live in the middle of one of those English parks
Better go and tidy up. Brian , there is no wine left in that bottle, I don't know who finished it but it wasn't me.
I have left some very nice cheese as nibbles for the night owls.
Better get outside and water before it gets really warm.
Try some of this White Butter Cake
Enjoy the day and try and keep cool. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Yes, it was me with all the messy paperwork. I love my meowing cat pencil sharpener though (meows when you shove the pencil up its you know where..keeps me focussed on the important things in life). It is so nice to read something interesting that I don't have to correct..it makes sense and is in English..haha.
The garden is so dry. We desperately need more rain and the weather forecast is always for more rain in a week's time and, when the time comes, someone has stolen it. My plants are very thirsty.
Did I read that Sue is a brom collector / grower? I have bought some nice broms from ebay and they came as pups and I don't seem to have much luck with them. A lot have just rotted. Some have lasted a week. Neoregelias and vriesieas seem to be the hardest to get growing. I have better luck with aechmeas. I love the big spectacular flowers.
Oh dear. I am into marking mode...already had two cups of coffee and gobbled down some Kit Kats for brekky!! It's going to be worse as I start work again on Thursday and the flow of essays will become a torrent as the date of the test in March approaches. Happy gardening all. Cheers and ciao, Kat

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All,
Don't know who got the Montipulceano. Give everyone a hint, if you see a wine bottle with an Omar'sown label give it a try he's trying a lot of these newer varieties and getting some interesting results.
There's a new bottle of Vermantino just over from the cake for you to try.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. This is my 15 year old Belgian Shepherd. Her name is Sage. Another hot day today. Poor plants. Have put the irises in a bucket to await cooler weather. I even had to cover the front of the galahs cage yesterday and squirted them all down. I did the same for the chooks too. The cats and dogs are okay because they can come inside if they want. The ants are very busy again, so I think there's a change on the way. I don't reckon you can beat the old wives' tales sometimes. Like gargling with kerosine for tonsilitis. I haven't had tonsilitis since 1978 after gargling with it. Sounds terrible doesn't it, but if it works don't laugh. Anyway, had better go and hang another load of clothes out. Catch you all later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

I have loved a couple of shepherds in the past but they were a bit strange in old age and I had to give them away when my grand children came along ...the vet said they are so intelligent that they get cranky in old age just like we do ...beautiful dogs.
Kero for tonsils ...are you sure it didn't burn them out ...only joking of course ...I think I recall people painting childrens throats with it when diptheria was around.
Kat Sue has a wonderful collection of Broms ...amazing gardens and is a "proper" as in educated botanically ...gardener, I think she sells them at sales. She does a lot of garden work for others, that is why she does not get in here too often ...she works very hard and is also the baby of the group ...not to mention a bit cheeky ^_^.
She always puts a smile on your face.
Kat you are a teacher? oh boy I am going to hide my spelling ...I was working at 14 ...so don't look too closely at what I write or spell ...I am blushing just to think of it.
Jean my brother is staying and is fanatical about the sci fi station ...he can't see ...but listens.I don't mind it ...but would rather look at axe murderers/animals/places/dramas etc ...though as a younger person I loved "lost in space" and Star treck ...oh if only Captain Kirk had retired instead of popping up on Boston Legal ...what a way to ruin a much loved memory.
Oh well! better get off to make lunch ...way too hot to garden.
Hi to anyone out there ...missing your happy chat ...drop in when you can.

Merino, Australia

Thank goodness I don't watch Boston Legal. I wouldn't want my fond day dreams of Captain Kirk to be ruined.
I must say though. I may have transferred my middle aged dreams to General Jack O'Neill of Star Gate.
I too like the murders etc but really prefer the forensic type to the straight out cops and robbers. I love NCIS.
We watch a lot of the archaeology, historic, dinosaurs and outer space shows.
Most of the animal shows seem to filled with commentators who want to be seen more than the animals.
David Attenborough was the master of the wild life shows. I love watching them.
Just finished lunch so I have to wash dishes. Be glad when hubby is right so he can take that job back.
Love shepherds Colleen. My cousins always have them and one Belgian lived over 20 yrs.
I miss a dog but this is not the place for one. No good fences and too many other dogs roaming. Besides, hubby tends to over spoil them and make a sooky dog . So rather than argue, we have no pets.
I make up for it in plants, plants, plants.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sydney, Australia

Hi all I'm home!
Kat it just occurred to me that you have Bantams at your holiday house?
How did you work that?
Just skimming through otherwise I would be here all night.
Lost in Space was a big part of my childhood as was a German Shepherd called Boof
and Jean I love the colour of that last flower you posted. Please enlighten me.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi All

Steve ,I feed the possums lots,even include some extra fruit for them in my groceries but still they trash my Angels,so I am still persisting because eventually ,they'll get too sick to eat them.

I've bought a beautiful collection of Desert Roses,Euphorbias and Pachypodiums from a local grower,she has this amazing nursery,I didn't know where to start. I gave her 4 Brugmansias and she was over the moon. I'll be going back for more, that's for sure.

Kat I'm with you the Broms don't like me or where I live so I've decided that they're not for me anymore.i'll be trying more gingers though as they seem to grow really well here on the island.

Chrissy below is a picture of my wild vincas,overgrown and lush after the rains,why won't the possums eat these?

Thumbnail by MyaC

Wow! those are Vincas? ...no wild growth here at the moment ...the heat is so severe even tropical stuff is crisping up ...it's difficult to watch leaves being grilled in the heat ...so while I don't have possums I have that awful blow torch weather ...no humidity and blazing sun ...so at the moment it is a bit sad ...my chokos have cooked off even though sheltered (they don't like this weather) perhaps I will get a crop in Autumn when they may re -shoot.
Mya those "big bottomed" plants are great! mine are lush and growing well ...I hope the possums don't get into them or it really would be heart breaking.
My Bengal Tiger cuttings are growing so slowly it is embarressing ...it always was a strange plant ...I am wondering weather to just cut up the whole trunk and send you some of that ...
that should work since that is what I grew it from ...what do you think? ...I was waiting for the above Y cuttings to root and they have tiny leaves but will take at least another month to fill the little cups with roots.Let me know what you think ...meanwhile I see you have another addiction coming on ...I don't blame you they are wonderful and perfect for your climate, can hardly wait to see the pics.
Jean I watched a movie last week that had Mammoths pulling up the blocks for the Peruvian pyramids ...pretty novel idea, love the mammoths. Oh well it's time to go clean up ...see you all tomorrow

Christchurch, New Zealand

hi folks - I have been busy working, 10 hour shift on Mondays.
Today was my day off but I had to take the dog in to the vet for her teeth to be cleaned.
Since she is 14 I was a bit nervous.
She came through fine & her teeth were sound under the ugly layer of tartar.
Collen I am so impressed by your Belgian, looks a lovely dog.
They are still not all that common here but gaining popularity in obedience training circles.
are they longer lived than GSD's?
Because most GSD's are really elderly at 10 or 11 years old, seldom see them live past 12.
After dropping Chita at the vet I had to go see a specialist about the MRI of my shoulder.
Good news is that the rotator cuff is fine, bad news is that now we have no idea why I am in so much pain.
It is really getting bad - interfering with my gardening!
Anyway - going way back to my last post - the photo I attached was the one I used on my profile when I accidentally posted in a dating site...
I swear I thought I was joining a pen pals site.
Really & truly that is the dinkum truth
But after a bottle of wine & web surfing til all hours I guess I didn't really know what I was doing.
One of my beloved's work mates was showing him the dating site & they were sniggering over the desperate & dateless.
Then he saw my pic...
we were living together before he found out that the photo was over 10 years old.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Possums and wallabies do not even look at the Desert Roses,I have them all in low bowls and they haven't been touched, even when in flower, so at least I can grow them....don't destroy bengal tiger, I can wait.My culebra is very much like that,can't seem to get a good cutting for rooting. Meroo Totty on the other hand is the easiest hybrid to grow ,plus pink panther,axel rose and Maya.Shame about the possums,otherwise I'd have the best growing angels,they love this tropical weather.

Do you think a strong chilli spray might do it? just a thought.
Nice story re your pretty picture ...^_^. Bet you are glad you had a vino and posted it on the thingy.
Night all.

Sydney, Australia

Let me get this right, You did not marry the Wallaby in the photo?
You accidently!!! posted a photo (that would attract most red blooded males) onto a dating site that you thought was a pen pal site?
You blame this all on a bottle of wine and careless web surfing?
Hmmm. I believe you!
Cheers and Good night all
p.s. the shoulder problem would be from pulling beers.
I have the same problem with mine from drinking beers.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Steve - I would never have dated a Wallaby...
I'm an All Black's supporter!
Have Todd Blackadder's autograph on an item of lingerie and Justin Marshall's on another.
Didn't get Reuben Thorne's, didn't think that would be polite as his wife was there.

Merino, Australia

Good morning to everyone on. It is a good morning. There is a mist down in the all the lower areas and from up here it looks so pretty. The day cooled down late yesterday and should be perfect autumn weather for the next few days thank goodness. I will be able to go shopping without melting.
I did little outside yesterday and will get out more today. There are a few more small plants to go into the garden while it a bit cooler.I tired some Dierama but they didn't like the heat while they were so small and died.
Steve, the pink flower is one of my epiphyllums, sadly no name but gorgeous anyway.
Dalfyre, I wish I had those vincas here , they look great. I did grow a plant in WA , up around Geraldton which is a lot warmer than down here. I was told it was a Vinca but have never seen it since. It grew wild everywhere in the garden and was so pretty. No water and dry hard ground never worried it. I must look up the Botanica and see if I can find it.
Mya, I used to have a lot of possums visit when I lived up in Bright in NE Vic. I started leaving some bread out for them and eventually they would come to the veranda looking for it . After a month or so they were climbing down and eating out of my hand. It was so nice to see the babies with mum up close. I had a large garden there and never lost a single thing to them. They did go to the neighbors gardens though.
Sometimes you would see mumma and baby sleeping on the roof up under the overhang . They had a regular trail to the roof and one could here them coming . Thump as they landed on the roof from the big Liquidamber, then scritch scritch as they walked across the roof. A quick upside down look over the veranda roof to see if I was there then a scramble down the magnolia tree and up to the door.
I did have pics but they have been lost over the years.
Chrissy, yourpoor Angels. They have such big leaves . All the more to go crispy in the heat. Mine are not too bad but we haven;t had as much heat as you. At least it is cool here at night so they recover quickly. I have most of my babies outside now , Just the small Iochromas in the green house.
I like the idea of Mammoths dragging those stone in that movie you saw, who knows what people did back then. I love elephants and Mammoths are so majestic looking.
Going over to the caves at Narracoorte was very interesting as you can see the fossils still in the ground. No Mammoths though. We did have gid have giant kangaroos which I would not have liked to run into.
Also very very large snakes that would eat Kats python for breakfast and us as well.
I must get hubby to go back there again when he recovers.
Dalfyre , I hope your shoulder is feeling better. There is nothing worse than a continuing ache when you need the appendage to work with.
I hope Sue is busy but not doing too much in the heat.
Her broms will like it I would think. I found a pup on one of the old ones here that I had tossed aside as dead.
The pup is now in with the epis.
Where are Lesley and Marleneann. I haven't seen any crumbs around the kitchen for a while ? Sammut must be busy with her pretty garden or relaxing in the bath with the lettuce and tomatoes. I hope Lee hasn't frozen over there. It will soon be Spring , Lee and the flowers will be out.
Helen must be busy also and I know where Colleen is. I can see her over in the puzzle corner thinking of some obscure plant to fool me.
Brian , are you out looking in the wine bar again. I think Steve finished whatever was open there.
Kat, look after those turkeys , we may need to eat them one day.
I'm off to do a bit of washing then go talk to the plants. The children have been fed (magpies). Hubby has been fed. I have had my breakfast so I can go outside without worrying about anything domestic for a while.
Enjoy your day and some Chocolate Fudge Cookies.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

If we keep going through the wine as fast as that we may have to order in some bulk wines. I might stop one of the wine tankers that pass here all the time, I live on the Sturt Highway only about 7km from the giant Berri Estates Winery.
For the time being we can have a wine that is readily available and has generated a lot of favourable comment, Pinot Gris. Budgieman would have already tried this so Chrissy100 should get a taste this time. There has been very little interest in the Loveday cactus planting over at the C & S site so I will put a few of the shots on here rather than leave a blank.
This one is of a huge Agave sp with various cacti around it. This is not a garden in the formal sense but an arboretum planting of C & S.

Thumbnail by Stake
melbourne, Australia

good morning all,

had a lovely day yesterday on my own shopping for school stuff. kids decided that i could make the decisions which i was very happy with. only need to do hair cuts and get one pencil case now and we are all ready for them to go back on monday 2nd feb. this school hols have gone sooo soooo fast for me this time. not too sure if i am ready for them - especially since my youngest is about to start school. after 16 years of having kids at home i think i am ready to start a new chapter in my life though.

went into reject shop yesterday and they had hanging baskets for $4.00 each so got two of those. also they had a special on seed packets so i got a heap for only $1.25. most of them are annuals but i am hoping that i can plant them and then collect the seeds from them so i can always have them in the garden. here is a list of what i got:
aquilegia - long spurred hybrids
alyssum - pastel carpet mixed
coleus - rainbox mixed
calendula - art shades
candytuft - fairy mixture
lobelia - crystal palace
cornflower - polka dot mixture
delphinium - pacific giants
hollyhock - chaters double
primula - lollipops
swan river daisy - blue star
snapdragon - cheerio mixed
honesty - purple and white
sweet pea - galaxy mixed
sweet pea - bijou mixed colour
virginian stock - mixed colours
impatiens - bizzie lizzie mixed
statice - mixed

thinking of heading away for a few days tomorrow - so will wait until i get back to put some in the ground. need to stop these snails eating the seedlings though. anyone got a remedy for snails that are safe around children and pets?

looks like it will be a much cooler day today - thankfully - the last two days have been horrible and lots of fires. hubbys bday today so must go and get him breakfast in bed. have a good day all.


Barmera, Australia

G'Day Shelleyto4kids, Snails don't like to cross fine sawdust if it's available to you put a layer around your plants and keep it reasonably dry and loose. I think it gets down the back of their shirts and itches like blazes or it does with me.
More Agaves on the right is a cactus with white shiny spines, if you ever see one be very careful because CT reckons they hide behind other plants and jump out and trap you.
Regards Brian

Thumbnail by Stake
Merino, Australia

Hello Shelly. You did get a nice lot of seeds. From my experience, most of what you got will self seed very well.
Brian, I am sorry the interest in the cacti pics was not good. i have looked at them all and I was suprised noone came along with any ID for you.
I was just telling hubby about them and I suggested that as I already have 2 agaves out along the road I may start a cacti garden there as I also have some small aloes to move and a few in pots. It would be around the SEC pole so I'm sure they will be happy if they have to come and fix anything Ha ha.
I'd better leave a path for them. i already have some various colors of small pigface out there but it doesn't do much when not flowering. i have put some of the more common succulents along the fence so the whole area could become a cactus garden. When I say road, it is a dirt road about 100 metres long and we are the only house on it so it is not a main road for councils to object about planting. I can hear Chrissy laughing from here. Another collection for Jean.
It has turned hot so I am going to go and play in the shade house. .
Enjoy the day

Barmera, Australia

G'Day 77sunset, If you decide to go ahead with the C & S project just yell and we will send what we have available. The we is because CT has more non cacti succulents than I do.
I think this is what was Borzoicactus now united with the Cleistocactus.
Regards Brian

Thumbnail by Stake
melbourne, Australia

jean, i am so glad you think they will self seed. that would be much easier. i haven't sent your seeds as yet but will add what succulents i have growing here that you can add to your collection on the road. i have a sealed road in front of my place but next to the road is sooo steep that we cannot mow it and have to use a whipper snipper. i am starting to fill it up with succulents as well. i don't think the council will mind as other neighbours have plantings along the road for the same reason.
i might not get to send you the parcel until the kids get back to school though - its not long as they are back on monday 2nd feb.

townsville, Australia

Hi all i am new to this site, but i have read all of the tea room gossip and enjoyed it very much, those wonderful photos of food make me starving everytime i look at one and they all look so nice, i love the information on all the plants and i have got a lot out of it and some great ideas, so i thank you one and all. Shellyto4kids, i thought i was the only silly shelly to have 4 but lucky for me mine have all left home now and i get to enjoy being a nana, by one of your remarks i think we are even the same age or very close, you must be a lovely girl lol.
i am at work so i had better go and do some. i will continue to read this column with great interest and delight.

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