Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 25, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 25

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  # 25
77sunset wrote:
Hello all. The sun is out and the sky is blue. it's quite chilly but going to be a lovely day. It is getting quiet in the Tea Room and I can sit back and relax while waiting for visitors. I see that Lesley is going to be away and I hope Dalfyre pops in so we have a kiwi here.
Marleneann has been quiet too so I guess she is going mad in her garden. Kat , are you out there ? Getting ready for school I suppose.
Sammut will be playing with her babies and Shelly has lots to do. I think Steve and Brian are off down the back somewhere discussing who knows what, probably cactus plants.
Colleen are you still planting your cacti ?
I have been looking at Brians great photos on the C&S site. Imagine how old that garden is.
I saw a cacti garden years ago and asked for a look around as I had never taken a lot of notice of cacti before. You could not help but notice a cacti growing 20' up a tree.
Apparently the whole garden had been the wife's passion and the husband wasn't interested, but when she died, he said he had to keep it all in her memory. There were cacti I had never imagined and the ones growing very tall and up the trees were fascinating.
I sometimes wonder if the garden is still there.
Perhaps a cacti lover bought the house. One hopes anyway.
I am going to move a couple of the Angels around today. There are a few more to come out of the greenhouse . It is nearly repotting time for the babies again.
Chrissy , there are 3 more seeds sprouting. I just left the trays there to grow as they please The few hot days must have stirred them to grow.
Lee, Chrissy is right about yellow. Color influences our lives without us realising it.
We all love bright colored flowers because they look happy.
I'll put out some nice cakes and you sit back wrapped in an imaginary yellow bed of daisies under a nice yellow sun.
Try these Raspberry Coconut Slices
enjoy the day. Jean. .