Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 25, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 25

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  # 25
77sunset wrote:
Good morning all.
I have been pondering over in the cryptic area. Certainly makes the old brain cells work.
Did you manage to block out your possum Steve ? They can be very messy if they get into the ceiling. The first time I heard possums during their mating season, I thought some movie monster had invaded.
I used to like seeing them around as long as they were not able to get in the house. There are some in this area but not up here on the hill.
It is cold this morning but should be a fine day.
Chrissy, one of my seedling Angels has made a Y. It is still in it's first cup but it is definitely a Y , at 2" high, isn't it amazing. It's the cross of 'The Chief'. I am so excited . I have 12 different seedlings growing now which includes 2 from 'The Chief' cross and 2 from the 'Creamsickle' cross. There is also a 'Genevieve' x 'Ecuador Pink', 'Genevieve' x 'Rothkirch', 'Joli' x 'Angels Flight', plus a few others, so a very nice mix to play with.
My largest ones of all the Angels are the 2 Versicolors.The leaves are over 12" long. No sign of any Ys on them yet.
I had to spray one of the Suavolens as it developed a lot of fine thready web stuff and the leaves turned yellow and fell off.. Only the one plant was affected but I sprayed them all .
I never noticed the web as it was so fine, but when the leaves started to yellow, I knew there was a problem.
I think our weather is not helping either, being very hot then very cold .
Hubby is improving and getting restless being confined.
How are you all going with your gardens now that most of you have warm to hot weather ?
I have to get out in the greenhouse today and move some of the larger plants outside . My little Cootamundra wattles are growing very quickly so I have to make room for them when I pot them up.
I took some seeds from my Blue Fountain Bush which are growing and now getting their main leaves. The perfume of the plant is gorgeous so I will put a couple around other parts of the garden.
Have to go down to the shop now for the Sunday paper for hubby.
Doing the things he usually does changes my routine and I have to remember what I was doing before.
I hope you all have a great day and I will leave something nice out as I know there will be someone looking for a cuppa and a nibble.
Just for fun, Bunny Sugar Cookies.