she's about to .....#2

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

It really is funny here on Friday afternoons--you will see them with cars in long lines (not kidding) all getting tickets. 6 miles of 45mph for that one ah, fantastic (?) shopping facility!! My DD says it were faster, the tourist wouldn't stop and shop.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Me too Aunt b, how do you apply epson salt to the brugs??? Clem

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

wheee.. aint we all special hottie sis's???????????????

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

well, I know exactly what you mean about kids still needing a momma when they are grown :o) LOL!
I have one who will be turning 21 this year....with him, I bought one of those 'year at a glance' calendars and hung it on the fridge....circled his 18th bday in red....and every time he mentioned about being an 'adult' and 'not needing a mother' I would just walk over to the fridge and x out the days....:o) the 'countdown' lol! he kept talking about when he turned 18 he was 'outta here!" etc, etc, funny, the more days I crossed off...the more he simmered down and didnt 'know' as much! :o) lol! now he's 20, been on his own for a few years and would give anything to get to move back home! LOLOL!

DH and I have 7 kids between the two of us....but now there are only 2 left at home :o( kinda sad...but also kinda nice :o) I think more kinda NICE! lol!

My youngest graduated grade school today! no more playing on monkey bars and swings...cause that is sooo not 'cool' anymore ! sniff sniff! :o(

k, off to fertilize my brug babies :o)

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oneanjl, what a sweetie you have and you are a hottie hottie, ok here is a pic of all of us! I promised not do to this but this hottie group is too much!!!! LOL, Love to all guys, Clemen

Thumbnail by Clemen
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello Hotties!! nice pics : )
Epsom salts sprinkle 2 tbsp per ft of plant water in well... or small handful mixed in your watering can. Thats all I know from what I have read and been told by a dear DGer.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

hey Kim, thanks I was waiting for an answer tonight, I think I need to do that tomorrow!

So here you go more confusing Aunt B, MEG/PEG/CLEM LOL o who is next? Silly girls! Hottie hottie! Clemen

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Hey Sis's

I'm still around but a whole bunch of little things just overwhelmed me, and I was freaking, until I gave myself a lecture the other night. Read, above. I am okay, my roof is still leaky, work is still going crazy, but, hey, it could be a lot worse.

Kim, I owe you an apology. You must have wondered if I had lost my mind talking about you "cat" hating me. I really thought you were talking about a pet.. In our area, we really only deal with little bitty mites, mold, really weird mushrooms, ( google artilllary fungus) and cicadies, I guess it is too hot for anything else. Slugs, never seen them. Caterpilllers? We have cicadies, (sp) they cacoon and then we here them sing forever. They have a very low deep-throated sound, but we are so use to it, that's a sign of summer. I have never had a problem with them eating plants.

Again, our brug authority, AutnB told you exactly what it could be. I wish we could have brain surgery and all of her knowledge went to my brain. But, we all learn from each other.

That picture? I almost did not put it on here. I look bad, believe me, I can clean up better than that! Why am I smiling? I finally got to put in a new flowerbed where I have wanted to put one for 20 years!! But it is so visible from the front of our house, DH and I both wanted to do something, but we could never agree. He'd suggest something and I would veto, I suggested something and he would veto. He laughs at me all the time, and gets totally horrible pictures, " You're like a kid in a candy store, you are soo happy. with your flowers" He''s just as bad with his veggies, but I don't usually take pictures, . But, he took that picture to work with him on a construction site, and told them if your wife can't rotatill and cook, then you don't have a good women. I was so embarrassed... but happy he felt that way. Weird, huh?

One older lady in our neighborhood, (probably about 20 days older than me), has brought this huge brug out of her house, planted in a pot. I stopped the car, and said DH that's a brug, it had 2 blooms on it. He was very impressed "Yours is going to grow into that?

I told him, " with the help of my friends, mine is going to be even better than that." Now I have got to make it happen! I told you I have a big mouth. :))

This is a very long post, sorry sweeties. I have had withdrawal from power outages and not being able to be here very much. I am only scheduled to work a half day tomorrow, so mybe I can talk to you some more and really catch up with you. Lov ya! Peg

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

anjl ....that is sooo sweet you and your lil "grown" You are soo pretty..

Clem..... you don't look any older than your beautiful girls..... how do you do it?? you also have a very nice family... your DH ain't bad either....

Love those hottie sis's!!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

I have been wondering about you Peg... glad you are back online!!!...Love ya!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Group hug ((())))!!!

AuntB thanks! that brug is noid : )

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol! all you hotties on here... I look OLD! ugh!
probably cause I became a gramma at 39 ! :o) My DGS turned 6 mos old today :o) and those fat chubby cheeks went home wet from all grammies kisses! tee hee hee! I just love those 'doe eyes' too! I dont think I'll ever be able to say 'NO' to this lil guy! LOL!

Peg, i just started gardening again in March. I have wanted to do sooo much with my yard and DH and I couldnt agree, mainly cause he wanted to pour cement all over my garden area! UGH! so in March, I just marched outside and started getting rid of all the 'junk' that was stored out there and started planting stuff, put in the pond and stepping stones,....etc.

Now, DH loves the yard, and encourages me to continue :o) and he hasnt mentioned the word 'cement' except for the walkway that I'm waiting on ! LOL! I keep telling him that a garden in that yard will bring up the property values when we sell in a few years :o) tee hee! until then, I just get to have lots of fun :o)

Now, when we walk in the yard at night, he'll walk around and ask me the names of all the flowers. we are surprised each night cause more stuff is blooming constantly~ I am in a mixed seed swap and threw a bunch of seeds out there this spring....they are all popping up everywhere and its fun trying to figure out what they are and seeing them all bloom :o) DH will be driving down the street and stop to ask me the name of a flower and if it'll grow in full sun (our yard) tee hee hee :o)

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I don't see old anywhere...but I see cuteness what a sweet baby!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Such nice family pictures and the grandson--oh my!! I need a GS to go with the 2 GDs.
Alas I have to settle for the four legged kind!!

Keep the brug info flowing ladies--I'm reading every tidbit and hopefully learning.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

okay, brug question....

why epson salt? did I miss something? is it for 'hard' water?

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

It's to help green up the leaves maybe something else too... not sure.
And magnesium...

This message was edited Jun 18, 2008 11:42 PM

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

ahhh! i see! :o) maybe I should read slower! lol!
trying to learn everything all at once and my poor brain just cant keep up! lol!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

How much salts per gal. of water, and how often?

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Audrey.... ES is great for green growth.. I always add a teaspoon in the hole when I plant tomatoes. I also just throw some around on the ground and then water it in... it dissolves very easy... can't help you on how much to a gallon... but I want to know I never thought to add it to my brug babies.. DUH.. as the youngins say....hehehee

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I might be wrong about this so wait until an "authority" checks in but I read it is 1 teas. to a gallon of water. I read it late at night so "ye ole" brain might not have been filing information accurately.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow.. first time I came in here! Hello everyone! This is a cool thread.. Lots of reading.. So many new faces to me? LOL

About the pics? First thing I think of with yellow leaves is spider mites.. Spider mites thrive and appear out of nowhere in hot and dry condtions.. Get the big guns out.. LOL

The other pic? Slugs from the bottom, cats from the top. Slug damage is usually just a hole.. cat damage is usually a devoured leaf.. Soapy water won't kill cats, (around here anway).. just makes em shiny and clean... I use Fruit Tree Spray.. If you don't' have a huge jungle, and you can spray the entire plant top and bottom.. it will control anything, including spider mites.

Lot's of people use BT for cats, but I didn't like it.

I use epsom salt once in a while.. My scientific measurement is a hadfull to a 2 gal watering can. :)

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i do not know about mixing epsom salt in water. my standard procedure is 2 tbsp per ft of plant. besides if u water with espsom salt, since it is basically salt, will leave white residue on the leaves, not a nice to see.

sprinkle the ES around the base of the plant, scratch it into the soil. water thoroughly.

hth... ma vie

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Girls, Girls, Girls, I mean Hotties, Hotties, Hotties, I'm LOVIN the pics! Thanks for starting it Meg, I mean Peg, lol. The salts replace magnesium. It is especially lost in potted plants when we get frequent rains or in extreme heat when we water so much. I just toss a TBL or 2 on my big pots and water in.. no muss, no fuss mixing and lugging the watering can... Thanks Kim, I was confused on which mineral the the espsom replenishes. But considering I'm learning to live in a confused state, it makes all things easier to deal with... lol I'm quite busy at work today, just took a few to check in, didn't get on the puter last night, sprayed and fed the brugs... I have one that has really spurted up, I had to look at the tag to recognize it!
Do we have any newbies that don't have any brugs? I could possibly have a couple cuttings laying around and I just can't thow them away if any of you are totally if you're here and think you want to try some, OR if your lurking and want join in the fun... I'm not sure what they are, but could tell you when they bloom, cause I got "confused" lol, and now I'm not sure. They aren't the greatest I've sent out before but, they could turn into something beautiful..
Kim, as normal, I'm confused... noid? did I spell it wrong niod? Here's a noid... then I'll post my pic...

Thumbnail by AuntB
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

yellowing of the leaves accdg to Monika G., the brug EXPERT

chlorosis is caused by a lack of iron or magnesium. When the clorosis starts from the bottom leaves on upwards, its lack of magnesium, when it begin at the top, its lack of iron. Both a too low or a too high ph-value of the soil can cause a malnutrition of the two minors even though, you feed with a good fertilizer.

The stunted growth of the top could be caused also by malnutrition but also from broad mites.

edit spell error

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 1:51 PM

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

ZZ, Hi! Welcome! Glad you found us. These Hotties are starvin for brug info, and I hate it, but I have to actually work at my job, sometimes, I'd really like to just have a brug party somewhere and meet everyone in person and talk brugs all day, but I gotta be responsible and earn a living... ... Did you tell me about the fruit tree spray before, (just jogged my confused state, that I bought some stuff last fall to protect from broadmite for a year)... is that the stuff? I didn't use it cause I wanted to start their year in Spring...guess I still have gime... Oh, just call me Buffie, ain't I adorable!

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

info quoted from Calalily, brug EXPERT

" EXCESS Sodium, potassium, chloride or phosphate(these are salts) causes yellow NEW growth, then the OLD growth yellows and dies.

If the mature leaves only are affected, it could be magnesium deficiency.

Inter-venal chlorosis is caused by iron, manganese, zinc or copper deficiency and is usually a sign that the pH is too high making these metals less soluble and therefore unavailable to the plant.

Phosphate deficiency usually causes a purple (but not always) tint to the leaves.
Calcium deficiency is ONLY on new growth because calcium is immobile and won't move from the mature leaves to the new ones.

SOMETIMES phosphorus deficiency can cause yellow leaves.

Last...there are certain viruses that cause inter-venal chlorosis.

taken from my notes provided by these experts, unfortunately the files are non existent now.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Aunt B.
Do you have your brugs in the ground? Do you think I could plant one in the ground? I don't want to lose one!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

That was the only one I've planted directly in the ground... It did not return from the roots I protected over winter here in Zone 5. I've drilled big holes in nursery pots and sunk them in the ground that way as well. Then you can dig the pot up in fall and store in a frost free area. I'm not sure about your zone, Audrey, maybe MaVieRose knows, she's in zone 8. Here's a pic of Peach Versi, yr#1, see the top of the pot, (drilled several 3 in holes around the pot-can't see that) with egg shells broken to keep slugs away...

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Yippee.... NEW BLOOD!!!! WELCOME ZZ and MaVe Rose... you girls are really smart.. ty for the info.. us"hotties" can use all the info we can get about lots of subjects.....hehe well I need the info..

Buffie.. lol Bonnie... not surprised you killed that poor brug leaving them out in the cold... I think most of the brugs will survive zone 8 but die to the ground and have to start over each spring. Read some say if they do die back it takes them longer to Y.. hence longer to flower... Now that dieing back is in zone 8.. I think in 9-10.. they are evergreen??

I am thinking.. that ES is really NOT salt....?! Anybody know about that?

OK.. breaks over.... this hottie if fixing to get real HOT...LOL


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh My Gosh, you hotties sis have been busy chatting all day today,except me!
Ma Vie, you finally made it to our nice thread, aren't we wonderful! Welcome and thanks for joining us, we need another expert over here. Welcome to ZZ too!

Oneanj, what a cute grandbaby you have! I Just want to squeeze those cure cheeks!!!

See you later hotties! Clem

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Welcome ZZ and MaVie...

I'm just checking in real quick. My day off got cancelled, so my plans went down the drain. I love the family pictures, beautiful.

Okay, "Buffie" I know that's not you! You said you had S&P going on...:))

Beck, I am putting mine in the ground, unless they are really special and I will tell ya about those later. Anyway, I have seen them growing in the ground here and blooming like crazy. They are a little smaller because they die back, but the blooms look fantastic. I have still got to get out with my camera and get that "hedge" picture. Add #1000 to my list of things I need to do right now!!

And I have got to start running and getting things done. Lov ya, Peg

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg, no pressure on the other 999, work on that #1000 ;) Do watcha gotta do. We'll be here. Ok, who haven't we seen a pic of? Beck? Marion? Audrey? The only one I could find (I'm usually on the other side of the camera) is from my "baby" Drew's grad last year.... (during mid power surge, too) but it'll give ya'll something to keep the mice away.. and the restrooms ARE to my right. lol Peg, I like your pic, you can post a fancy one, but I like the tiller one just fine. Clem, your family is beautiful, just like you, I think you are on the right, standing.. One thing I can't resist is chubby baby cheeks, I like the dimpled hands, rings on their arms and legs, how their little toes look like peas in a pod! Anjl, I couldn't say no to him either. How nice your DH is so interested in your interest. It's storming here, now... (I work in Topeka).. they are moving in from the northwest, strange..

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I don't have a camera, yet! I'll post one if and when I get one and learn how to use it!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Okay AuntB, I see you have the same problem I do. Kids both taller!! Oh well we just keep reminding them we are dimes among nickels!! Right? Geez I'm always taking the pictures except when I went ziplineing in Costa Rica and I assure you that it will NOT get posted.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Aunt B.. That one year stuff is for aphids, whiteflies mostly.. won't kill or repel mites...

I post that pic a lot.. cause when I found it and started using it.. I loved it! The caterpillars I was having last year were some kind of tobacco worm and that is the only stuff I found that killed em quick.. and it's not toxic... When I used BT for cats, I swear that made my brugs drop buds... could have been something else, but if I remember right.. (which is rare) I think I used it like 3 times and everything dropped buds every time!

BTW... that double pink seedling is about to put on another show.. please keep your fingers crossed for me that this second flush is as nice as the first one!! They say the first flush is usually the worst.. but hasn't been my experience. My beautiful triple white seedling is now a melted calyx deformed mess! My beautiful Double orange can't hold a bud... geez.. I earned some brug points here didn't I? LOL

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Audrey, i have brugs on the ground, some in pots. some came back, some don't. i place heavy mulch on all. for insurance purposes, i take i take cuttings to be sure i have a "copy" of one that might get lost. i normally take cuttings in late August of each year... i find that the easiest time to root cuttings w/out complications of rotting due to cold weather. put it this way, i try the best i can, but i do not pamper my plants. i use the simpliest, cheapest fertilizer and most important organic fertilizer i can find locally.

Becky, i post a link above ES. in my research, that is so far the best site i found. if u are wanting to know technicalities or composition, write the manufacturer, cause i do not know. when i first came to the U.S., that is the first thing i did, write different manufacturer and plant suppliers to learn their product, before i dive in the plant world on my neck of the wood.

i do not read people's mind, that a dangerous thing to do. i came to this thread to help, not to be known cuz i am no expert by any means. i share info i learned from researches and experiences. ask away question/s that need to be responded to. i will do my best, if not, i will research it. i have tons of notes i have collected thru the years. my bookmarks/favorites and notes are like a cabinet with categories and folders for easy access. i do have my senior moments, the very reason why i save, print notes and files. i have a filing cabinet filed with written and printed info from numerous website. i also have books to consult in case i can not recall. getting old sure suck!

hey Clemen! how are u GF? are u done with ur shopping? i hope u did get carried away and got some dough left in ur pocket book LOL!

thanks for the warm welcome Ladies!

i will post a photo of brugs i have grown a couple yrs back. due to major illnesses and time spent in hospitals, i lost most of my brugs. these brugs has gone thru all the abuses from Mother Nature: summer's soaring 115 deg. F super hot weather, and winter's super cold [at least to me and my brugs ] 110 deg. F with snow on some occasions. i am fine now, as they say a gardener will always be a gardener, i have ordered and beg some cuttings from fellow members. i will share and pass on soon as i have some to spare.

Thumbnail by MaVieRose
(Jan) So Milw, WI(Zone 5b)


WHO: Jan

WHAT: Female - "...5' 2" and eyes of blue..." , short red hair, will be 56 on the fourth of July (!)

WHERE: South Milwaukee WI

FAMILY: 2nd marriage (got it right this time!). Paul (DH) is 58 and works in a warehouse (Receiving Dept.); DD (Rochelle) is 28 and has a degree in Architechture (sp?); DS (Jason) is 30 and I don't know his job title but he's got a comfy job in Computer Technology and teaches part-time...No GC at this time as neither is married, yet :)

WORK: Receptionist/Switchboard Operator at a large brokerage firm in downtown Milwaukee

PLANTS: VERY INTO tropicals this year: cannas, EE's, brugs, castor beans...

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Wow Wee!!! Hey y'all I see see new peeps Wecome!! I see dear friends Howdy!!
I did the epsom salt thing and I looked for cats nowhere to be found : (..tomorrow they will get a good soapy spray gonna have me some clean bugs at least ; }

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh gosh.. I didn't mean to come off like I was an expert or even that I thought I was.. that's NOT the case. I am in my 3rd season of growing over 100 brugs each year.. so I had to learn something! LOL

I was enjoying seeing all the new faces in the brug forum!

Hope you figure out what it is Kim.. :)

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