she's about to .....#2

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


did u see the grasshopper thread i bump? hope u find relief in that thread.


check close for other bugs like beetles, snail and slugs. u have to look closely hope this link will help when u find ur brug's mysterious enemy.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Aunt be is a hottie, hottie alright! and nice looking babe next to you!!!! Thanks for your nice comments and not being able to recognize this old hottie, lol. Even JanLynn madeit to our sister thread, hi Jan Lyn and welcome! I also love castor beans, it reminds me of my beautiful country Nicaragua!!!! I just put some seeds out, and I saw some growth, how excited to see them here in the US!
Kim the thread is no longer about brugs, hehehe, its all about us, sorry, but having fun with everyone!
Audrey, you never d mail me, please do if you want the seeds!
ZZ over 100 brugs???? You will bet he queen of brugs soon!!
Kay and Mary, where are u????
Meg/perg hi, did i miss anyone, opps my good friend ma vie!!!
And to all, even if you do not post a pic, we are the girls, all my love you!! night night everyone, will post a pic of beauty pink and her buds tomorrow!!! Clemen

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Jan Lynn, how r u guys doing with the floods???? saw your pics on another thread! good luck to you and families! Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

MaVieRose, I'm so glad you found this thread. I can share brugs with you later this season. I wish I could store things away organized like that! I couldn't remember what I bought the bottle of aphid/whitefly spray for, and I bought it last fall! Thanks for posting that valuable information and helping us learn more about brugs and life. I'm happy you are well and able to get back in your desert garden, I didn't know you could grow them in the desert... Where is your homeland? We all learn from one another, everyone has something to share. Whether it's brug related or we get off the glorious topic that brought us together..I can always come here and leave with a smile on my kisser. I've been growing (brugs) for 8 or 9 years but not 100! ZZ, THAT is a lot of brugs to take on as a beginner! I'm sure you have much knowledge to share. Marion! I REALLY wanna see that ziplineing picture!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease??? Come on..... I used to be 5'1 and 1/2 inches... they are trying to tell me I'm not quite 5' now, I told them their measurer wasn't calibrated correctly! All my kids are taller than me. I like that dime and nickel thing.. have you started packing for your trip? Hi JanLynn! It's so nice to see you here, too!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

cmdelg, you've got mail!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Aw, Clemen, Thanks. I started typing the post of 7:41 at 7:05 - too many distractions... I better do some (household chores, EWE!) and get to bed. MaVieRose, thanks for posting those links! I do have some questions to ask about a brug I have that threw off a limb with different color leaves, but I need to take a pic so you can see it. Good night Hotties!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Good nite, Aunt B. Good nite, John Boy!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

My head is hurting tonight from reading so much info--just hope I will be able to retain some of it when I do get a brug!! I'm working on it!!

Hope everyone is safe and without much damage from the floods.

Nope, no way AuntB!!! Just imagine a hard hat and all teeth. I was rather proud I summoned up the courage to do it!! First and Last!!!!!!!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Abbis, You don't have one yet? Surly SOMEONE OUT THERE will take pity on you, and send you one for postage! Mine are all just cuttings, or I would cut you some to send you!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I do believe I have one on the way Audrey.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Aunt B.. sounds like you have a sport!! Would it be.. Maya or Sunset? They often throw an all white sport that wouldn't survive if you take it off the parent. I can't wait to see! I love the oddities.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Bonnie/AuntB .... thank u for ur kind thoughts. to be honest, i have been lurking for a long time. i can no longer contain myself, seeing lots of needed info. the photo i post above was from 2004. yes, do not be deceive, any plant will/can grow anywhere, if we provide their needs. similar to people from different parts of the world, plants can also adjust to their environment.

i am originally from the Philippines, where we were blessed with all the lovely, fragrant flowers and all type of tropical plants. ladies in the Phils. are lucky to wear fresh flowers, in place of perfume.

i have never heard of chemical fertilizer until i came to the U.S. i was taught as a young child to prepare soil to meet the plant's requirement before planting, in return the plants will provide us the great pleasure of growing. i do not know about others, but soil preparations is the bases of good planting in the islands. once plant are planted, they are pretty much on their own. except, to water them when watering is needed, no watering dictated by the human whims. only fertilizer i knew of in the old country are: chicken, cow and horse manure, used sparingly during planting time. no worries about bugs either. the only bugs i have heard are those that little boys play with not on plant.

it has been my practice to do research on a plant that get my attention. this way i know how to adjust to the plants, and not the plant adjusting to me. after all, i am the one who have the brain. LOL.

sharing and helping is nothing new to me, it is a part of the Filipino culture. we were taught these characteristics from birth... one reason i guess lots of Flips are welcome and well like all over the U.S., modesty aside.

i lost the great majority of my plants when i had a stroke and another time when i had heart attack. i am bless, i never did have any physical defects. i had angio plastic procedure 4 or 5 yrs ago. i have been feeling better, but on occasion, i give my dr. a scare when i have tightening and chest pains. but, otherwise, i feel as normal as anyone.

like i said, i have bought some brugs, and friends here were very kind to share cuttings with me.i have plenty, and very happy with what i have. thank you, i am happy i am able to care for some.

forgive me, i have to share the little knowledge i have gained in my life time, since i do not have anyone to share them with. none of my living children have interest that i have. my 39 yrs old son, whose shared my interest died suddenly last year. i have a daughter 41 and two grand daughters, residing in the Philippines. another son 35 living in San Francisco area. as this old lady's 64 y.o. structure is falling apart, still is very young at heart.

here is a link, where every one made their contribution to make it an interesting thread. be prepared to take notes. remember nothing is permanent, cut and paste or print part u feel u will use. allow me to point out, i used to use miracle grow. i latter learned it build salt and other things on the environment, and will take a long time for it to disappear on the surface of the earth.
edited to correct link

in the formula for foliar feeding, replace a few drops of food coloring in place of miracle grow ... my indicator that formula i use is already used up.

edited to correct errors.

This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 3:56 PM

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Ladies, we've got our blessed Auntb and now we have MaVie. We will learn if we pay attention. I am so tired, I am too poor to pay attention, but thank you, MaVie. I will try to study it tomorrow, but not tonight.

Back about 1000 posts up, and I hope I didn't misread anything, epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Any thing ending with "sulfate" is a salt, but not like we have in our kitchen. Some of the same properties and molecules, yet different.

Again, ZZ, MaVie, and Jan, welcome. We are trying to learn brugs real hard and have a lot of questions. I am just starting out and have one. But, while we were being newbies, we found a bunch of Sisters and friends, and, oh boy, do we have fun.

Nite, all. Lov ya, Peg

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi everyone! wow! that was alot of reading to catch up! lol!

I'm leaving to WA tomorrow, going up there to create a garden for my mom from scratch :o)

anyone wanna come help me plan it?

any and all thoughts and Ideas are welcomed :o)

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

BOY ya'll have been I don't want anoter day like the last 2 I have had here.. TOO lonely..LOL I like to check in several x a day and haven't been able to... sniff... but hopefully I will be back on track.. I am too nosey to stay away for
MaVe... it is soo nice to have you in our lil hottie group.. and I am proud you have soo much info to share.. I guess I like the advice of more experienced gardeners, than to go out on a limb and try something new.. besides I am NOT that organized, so if you don't mind I will just listen to you!!

Jan..... !!!!!!!... soo good to see you again!! Glad you are ok on the flooding. One of my problems the last 2 days, is we have had severe Tstorms, and had to shut the puter down... plus 8 " of water in only about 1 hour of rain each time in the past two days, has had me hopping... I almost felt all that rain up there skipped a few states and dumped it here!! I am grateful for the rain as we were getting sooo dry.. but now I would like it to stop.. aww heck I am never satisfied...hehe

And I made a mistake in my "pretending" to have some I remembered my MIL having brugs in the ground in TN, and they come back every year.. Sorry girls!! BTW... they grow here but also die back in the winter...

well I am getting very sleepy... tomorrow is another day... NITE

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Good morning All.

I just found the neatest garden tour. Grab a cup of coffee (or your morning choice) go to the Marketplace on page 5 and look at Gordo's offer from June 9. He has imbedded a garden tour there that is absolutely breathtaking. It's about 4 minutes long but definitely worth the time to see it. Beautiful plants and the brugs!!!

Talk to ya later, Peg

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Good morning hotties, here she is this morning, just a little bigger!

Have a nice day everyone! Clemen

Pink Beauty

Thumbnail by Clemen
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

wheeee.. Clem..... she's a coming along... can't wait to see the pics..

Fixing to leave for Beaumont.... 1 hr drive from here... DH has to go to the DR. so I will be MIA for a while.... just don't talk about me cause I not only have eyes in the back of my head... I have EARS too....LOL


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

You silly Beck, have a nice week-end! Clem

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Beck, what part of Tn. does your MIL live in? I'd like to grow some in the ground, too. I live in the nw. end. I live in a small apt, so guess how crowded it will be in winter! I only have 2 windows I can put them in front of, one being at my dining table!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Hmmm, i know I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on deoderant.. where did everybody go? Hopefully, it's just beautiful weather where you are and you are happily gardening... headed that way myself. :)

Have a good weekend, Peg

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

We finally got back from Beaumont... just checking in.... boy ya'll are quiet today... ya'll sick?.. sleeping?? or like Peg said.. out in the yard, making your fingernails black?.... ahhh that sounds good to me... the black fingernails that is... BTW... how do ya'll hotties get them clean? Sometimes mine get soo bad I put on those fake fingernails to cover them up!!..LOL...

TY Clem... yes I am silly... but I still thank you... I am sure I have been called worse...hehe

Audrey.. we both have a home in Petersburg... middle TN 1 hr S of Nashville. She doesn't do anything special in the winter either.. she is another one that can grow anything... she is 92.. and can do anything!! I have read that if you leave the brugs in the pot and bring them in still get to enjoy the beauty of the flushes and the FRAGRANCE.... but I am like you and have no room for plants in the house... I want a greenhouse!!!!! yesterday!!!

Peg... you be smelling quite nice I guess.. unless you did get out there and are sweating that's ok... you are the only one I know who can till for 3 hours and look fresh as a daisy...

TTYL.. Hottie SIS'S!!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I don't know where Petersburg is, but I'm going to try it with one that I have 2 of, just to see!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Audrey.. I don't remember the one she has, but it is in full sun....

I have asked a good friend of mine to join us hotties over here... some of you know her.. LorraineR... she's a mess just like us... a real hottie sis!!! lol

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I have an announcement to make. TA TA: I am now the proud recipent/owner of 4, yes, count them 4 brug cuttings!!!!!! Wahoo!! Guess I can't lurk anymore now, can I? I guess the real fun starts now.

AuntB, just for you I finally found a picture that is printable.

Thumbnail by abbisgranma
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Awwwwww look at them three cuties!!!!!!! Congrats on the brugs....and so it begins : )

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b) I am told!!! Well 2 cuties anyways--my GDs!!!! Apples of my eye!!!

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

As well they should be! Those are beautiful little girls!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you very much---and a double handfull I might add!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

CONGRATS, Marion!!! AND I send the biggest heartfelt THANK YOU for that beautiful picture. You're ALL adorable! The little girls and you, precious! Hugs to all three! What fun! And nope, no more lurkin', you never know until you ask. And you may help a lurker join in and have some fun. Are you packing for your trip,(LOL) I mean have you started packing your suitcase? I'd be so excited I couldn't sleep... .. I'd still like to sneak a peek at that zipline one. lol LorraineR, any hottie friend of Becks is a friend of mine. Welcome to the Brug Forum and the hottie/newbie thread! Lots of great fun and education and life. Becky I hope everything went well today. MaVieRose, you have come to the right place to talk, share and experience the joy and sadness sometimes, brugs can bring. I am sending a hug to you, too! I need to get into the links you posted and print some out, I do have a notebook I started 10 years ago, but where is it? Clemen, WHEN are those going to burst open?? It seems like FOREVER since you first posted a pic of I'm excited for you! Audrey, my first year, I let them go dormant in the basement. They stayed in semi darkness and maybe 40 degrees, coldest. I didn't water much and they survived. The brugs I have now are them, or from them. I do have to move them in and out each season, but I beg, barter or pay for muscles.;) I have to bring them in here in Zone 5, IF I want to lavish in their beautiful blooms in summer. Our internet was down at work today, hooties, I MEAN HOTTIE'S, (I need rest) I left early and mowed. My DS grilled dinner and I'm foots up on the loveseat! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, what a day! I'm back on the projects this weekend and HOPE to see some organization. Jan, thoughts are with ya, and I still have some ROS seeds I'll send. Just aren't enough hours. I want to check in tomorrow, but if I'm on a roll out there, I ain't stoppin! Marion, you have the greatest time, if I don't "see" ya before you jet. Enjoy and Love to all -Bonnie

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Bonnie! Will start packing tomorrow night. Going to be at Disney for 4 days relaxing while DD is in conferences ie: she is a school teacher attending a model school conference as a rep from her school; then on south to Arcadia to visit my Mom. More relaxing and enjoying Mom's cooking for a while. Just dread driving/riding in a car during the summer in Florida! Hot but not as in Hotties!!!!

Have a gret weekend all.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Marion, what a great picture of you and your darling babies! You're all so cute!!!
Aunt B, well you are the expert on these babies, when will she be open???? can you guess, I'll sat about 8 more days, how about you or anyone else here for that matter???
Beck, I was in Beaumont 50 moons ago to visit a boyfriend there that went to some sort of college there, don't remember which one! i remeber going to a cowbow dancing place, a lot of fun and different, country music alright, of course that boyfriend is out of my life, i married a Spaniard in 1986!

So where is everyone tonight, have a good night evryone, first day of summer tomorrow, love it! Clemen

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

AuntB Do tell if you have a sport on your brug! I read and read.. LOL You didn't say! LOL
Anticipation is killin me!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Marion.... sooo glad you are now the proud owner of a brug/s!!! Or should I say they will own you!! They will become your new Gbabies... not that you will spoil your sweet lil girl Gbabies any less... but I assure you.. you will check and check and CHECK to see if you have tiny roots.. then when you pot them up it will be check and check and CHEK to see if they have leaves.. then it's check......LOL you get the picture.. to see if you have a bud!!! I am at the bud stage as I am not still sure if I actually have that Y... Addiction started today.... wheeeeeeee!!!!! have fun on your Disney trip, and I know you will have fun being with your Mom!! Be safe!!

whooooo... I guess it was Lamar University... but don't have a clue as to the honky tonk you went to... I lived in Houston way back those 50 moons ago...hehe

Ty Bonnie.. today we just went to renew his pain meds... hope you are enjoying your rest.. don't know how you girls do anything and work too!!


(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

How soon can you reasonably expect to see buds on a newly rooted cutting? Is the "Y" a fork in the plant? I have several pointy things on mine that could be just leaves, but I don't think they look exactly like leaves. They're sharp, but still tiny.

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Good morning All! Congrats Abbis on your new cuttings. Tee Hee, I knew you would not last not having any! Wishing you a great trip and it sounds like sooo much fun.

Oneajnl is helping redo her mom's yard. Abbis is heading to Disney, Beck just got back, Audrey has brugs!! Yahoooooo! And.....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Clem, however old you are!!

First day of summer and boy, is it hot and humid here.

And Bonnie and I have the weekend off from our "real" work. I know, for myself, there is plenty of work I need to get done around here.

Kim, what's up with you, sweetie??

Jan, MaVie, ZZ, Lorraine, are you the quiet type? With this group, you can't be! Jump right in. Thanks again, MaVie for all of your researching expertise. Sounds like you are very organized. Not one of my traits.

Have a good weekend! Peg

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Good Morning!!! Happy Summer : ) Happy Birthday Clem have lot's of fun today!!!!!
I just came in from critter hunting :{..found a teeny green worm maybe cat to small to tell..and this could this be the varmit causing all the trouble??? Soap did'nt seem to faze him

Thumbnail by kimarj
Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Accidentally stomp on him and say it was a mistake!! He will go out happy being clean. LOL

This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 9:45 AM

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Oh he's a gonner ; } he he ...I am trying to find out who he is in the bugfiles

This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 9:05 AM

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