she's about to .....#2

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Great U!! campus life?? I know some people that know some people that can find out about it :o)

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Ok what is it slug or cat damage???

Thumbnail by kimarj
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

????? weird yellowing

Thumbnail by kimarj
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Kim, you better spray some thing on that cabbage and the brug, oh well maybe some ironite for the yellowing! Clemen

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

That aint cabbage it's a brug!!!!!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I does look like cabbage ha ha ha : ) I try not to use chemicals but this is getting outta hand!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Kim I apologize, have been on line too long, the color on the first one though, its cabbagie looking, SORRY, can you forgive me please, You're still hottie and so I am, LOL Clemen

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Kim, I use a product from garden safe, but there are producst out there that are more soapy like and more organic! You better get some before you have no brugs my lady! Clemen

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

No need to apologize..cabbagie looking he he..we sizzle: ) I was just wondering what was causing the damage. I have some pyola and some neem but don't know if will get what ever is making a buffet inthe garden!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Cool Kim! The thread has changed, not like before! Clem

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Well time to turn in ...but tomorrow it's war, epsom salt and bug picking time ; }

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Hey Kim, it is good to hear from you.. You told us you were busy... Sometimes that just happens. Life goes on, but we can still enjoy our gardens when we come home.

II went down a street I do not usually travel, and I saw a yard with nothing else in it, but about 10 older same brugs (like a hedge) blooming , in flush, in ground,. I am going to ask these people if I can send you a picture tomorrow,. These are the first brugs I have ever seen around here. They are only about 4 ft tall, but fully in flush. There is hope for me yet!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow Peg, the brugs, like a hedge???????????Unheard of over here! Clemen

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey there!! Sometimes I am here I just don't talk much : ) Yes do get a pic.If I can grow them you can too. This is my second summer so I don't know a lot so I read more than I talk. But I am smitten so I will keep trying lol. now I must hit the sack!!

Thumbnail by kimarj
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Making us jeaulous hottie Kim with that gorgeous plant !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I understand, I am around and sometimes, o h well, just, listen, read, and let go........Clem

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Okay, I started a post about how my day was so bad, I edited and edited before I posted.. At least I got it out of my system. But you have posted before me.

Px#1: Slug or cat. Unless you have some really big slugs, those bites are pretty big.

Px#2: Looks like too much water to me. But I am no authority. Buy we grow tomatoes, (without salmonella, thank you) and sometimes we think the toms have too much water or do not have enough water, and there is this little, itty bitty red spider mite on them. They are very hard to see. Dishwashing soap diluted gets rid of them and the plants come back. I really would check the drainage and douse them before I used strong chemiicals.

Now, your cat hates me. Peg

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Peg, where is your new thread? C

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Greetings everyone. I'm just reading and learning all I can! Keep the info coming!!!
Kim, quiet? Oh I did forget, why yes you are!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

I'm still here almost forgot to make sweeties lunch ; } my point is that brug grew without me knowng how... I found DG after lol. Peg you could have vented with us!!! Hope things get better : ) Could be to much water..or mites..but why would the caterpillers hate you???

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey Marion! OT..that lil door is all the rage you done started something gal lol!!!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

lunch packed! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I was just rteading that thread and I love where your door is. Oh well, I could have started something worse I guess! Just enjoy. Will post picture of mine soon.

Now I am into learning what I can about brugs!!!!!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Dear Clem, no new thread, I just sat here and wrote about everything that went wrong today, and then after I vented, I deleted it. It just helped me to put down the words, but I really did not want to post it . Just a tool to help me. I am very word-oriented, I work as a transcriptionist now and was a newpaper reporter for 10 years.

If I will sit down and write everything out , I understand things more clearly and feel much better, a hottie, brug lover who had a horrible day at first, but now, it's okay. I am good.

And, Kim's cat still does not like me... but we do not have slugs here, I have never seen one. If slugs can take that big of bite, wow!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

I told you I was word oriented. I thought you were talking about a feline "cat" not a caterpillar. We have very few caterpillars around here either. So, I don't know what to tell you. Okay, guys, I am heading to bed....I had power outages which made work problems: new roof leaks from hail damage, when we have a signed contract to get our roof rebuilt, and because of the weather they are 2-weeks past due: a sick-acting dog, who is fine now, etc., etc, etc. Just ONE OF THOSE DAYS.... not at all every day!!

Oh, daughter does not have to have surgery from her fall, the plates and pins from her last surgery helped her. Just a bad, bad ankle sprain with horrible bruises. Good News!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Boy.. you girls have been so have I..

WELCOME Cathy.. any friend of bonnies is a friend of mine!!

Clem.. you gotta be kissing that she is going to be a reall beauty with all those buds she's giving you!! I swear I can't remember much these days.. yeah.. i want to see that Dr Suess.. I have decided.. I HAVE to have that 1.. lol till I find another 1 I have to have.. hehe

AuntB.. how I envy you and your reunions.. we still have 1 each year, but most all the old kinfolk I knew are passed on.. the young people I don't know. I wasn't raised around them. Bonnie.. what about that greenhouse????

Kim... what the heck?? Does look more like a cat got after it... could the other brug be getting too wet?

Well girsl.. I dmailed the f's -j's for Marilyn today, and i am proud to have helped on the weather thread, her and peg have started.... I also put up over 100 ears of the best tasting G-90 corn, and I have my 14 yr old Gson.. In other words.. I am going crazy....hehe.. oh well nothing new to me..

OH Marion... what a way to go... your granny went with glory, and the best full tummy... couldn't ask for any better way to meet the Lord!!

TTYL girls.. this ol girl is tired tonight.. NITE!! SIS'S

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

peg.. I am sooo glad you DD is going to be ok... AND if you can't "vent' to your sis's.. who can you vent to?? I see that you did ok with your method of venting.. but sometimes we need to know "someone" is listening to us... we are that "someone"... lay it on us!! we all have those kinda days.

I don't know how anyone can "lurk and leave" I have to add my 2 cents worth...

OK.. going nite nite... Love ya'll sis's!!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wow! you all have been busy and chatty! LOL! just took me a while to read thru all those posts!
I had DD High school graduation today! sniff, sniff :o( she's all grown up now :o(
guess I have to put all my 'mothering skills' towards my brug babies now :o)
Oh, I still had DS at home, but he hates being 'mothered'! LOL!

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Oneanj, beautiful pic of your daughter! I'll be like you next year!
Have a good day all, will be in touch later! Clemen

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh dear, your mothering skills won't be put away gals. They just move to another phase!!! I am sure oneangl you are more than capable of mothering both and doing it quiet well. Clemen, it's a fun year ahead--but just wait until college.

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Yeah Marion, and lots of $$$$$$$, ouch! Clem

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

You have that right!!! Oh so worth the effort though!!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

anjl.... Beautiful daughter.. I know your head is 'swelled up" with pride... and yes you will use your Momma skills till the day you die... just remember to enjoy your kids... cause they are fixing to be grown... then Momma takes a big BACK SEAT.... as they go out to explore their world their way... and that is hard on Momma.. letting go...hehe

Mornin.... SIS'S!!!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Ditto Beck5711!! Then they realize you knew more than they gave you credit for and oh the joy that comes then!!!! LOL

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Such a beautiful daughter! With some it's hard to let go, with others you want to boot em' out. They are all different and each a unique individual. My niece graduated high school in May. I remember thinking what an exciting time it was for me and how grown up I thought I was. Gosh, I didn't have a clue! lol But I was taught respect, manners, and morals so I think I've done okay. It's been a bumpy road here and there, but that's how we grow and learn. Have given my Mom the realization speech, but I'm still waiting for the realizing part from my 3. I'm a patient lady, so I still have it to look forward to. lol
Cathy, WELCOME to the thread, if I didnt' tell you before. We get kinda "wired" over here sometimes, but we're just having fun. My little town is probably much like yours. We do have a little main street with a few businesses and some vacant old brick storefront buildings the owners use for storage... No greenhouses or nurseries (yet!), but we do have a lumber yard for my really hefty home projects, a "quick" shop/gas station-Rush In, (guys last name is Rush, cute, huh?) and a bank. Gee when I type it out like that, seems like we have a lot, so I guess you could blink and not miss it. I think we have a population of 6 or 700.
Kim that first pick looks like the work of cats of the hawkmoth/sphinx moth/hummingbird moth or the horned green tomato worm. They can strip a brug almost overnight... But they usually go for the tips, and newer growth.... I'd see if I could find a critter and remove and spray with the soapy water, then get the chemicals if you notice more munching. The second one looks like it may be too much water and/or depletion of (nitrogen?) which ever Epsom Salts helps.. I do like the bluishness of the plant in the 1st pick.. which brug is it?
Beck, so sorry you had an over-challenging day, I hope today is better. I'm having differences of opinions with my older sis right now and it helps me to write or type my frustration out and throw it away, too. That way I feel better and and I didn't hurt her feelings. Kind of personal preservation therapy PPT, cause if I didn't write it out, and get it off my mind, I might have to kick some big sis butt, haha (I'm barely 5ft and she weighs more than me, lol).. but it does help to tell someone sometimes and I have my younger sis to confide in and I'm sure you nice bruggers would be glad to just listen to my woes, too. It really gives me great comfort, renews my faith in humanity to know there are people I've only conversed with that do genuinely care about each others well being. If any of you need a shoulder or an ear, I'm here. It will be better, or different, it's life and one thing you can count on beside taxes and death is change. As long as we're alive on earth, we're students in the school of life, I think it's finding with our "classmates" that can be challenging.
The greenhouse frame: Surfed the net a bit yesterday, I could probably get the peoples name and ph# IF I want to pay $15... which I don't... so I'm going to go back and knock on the door. This time I will bring a note with my info in case they are not home again. It will be nice to get an answer, yes or no, then I can move forward. It is pretty huge. I THINK I have enough room in the backyard, without moving the chainlink... It had weeds growing up in it, so I really don't think they use it.. They raise goats and sheep, and other critters, but no a human soul was to be seen last Sunday. I won't give up, just have a lot irons in the fire right now...but if it's gone before I make it back over there.... just might have to write my frustration out on paper and.......send it to them... lol Hope everyones day is sunny and bright, take a couple minutes to absorb the beauty and wonder of nature, it calms me.. -Bonnie

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Cheer up Bonnie, the town closest to me has a a one-stop shop: Beer, Bait and Beauty Supplies!!!! Unless you count the hundreds of new grads from the Highway Patrol School who constantly patrol hoping to make their quota!!!!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

LOL!!! AuntB I think you have got Beck and I mixed up again. She is the blond with the tongue and I'm the salt n pepper with the big mouth that writes a lot.

Good morrning all. Rain this morning and now beautiful sun. Cooled off about 15 degrees, too.

This is me. Only DH would take a picture after you have been rotolling for 3 hours. But, LOL, that is the only one I have on the computer of me. Maybe this will help tell us apartt. Lov ya, Pegt

Thumbnail by merpeg
(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Peg.. no I think you have ME mixed up... I am the one with the" tongue" who LOVES to talk a lot........ and write... since you see me on here several times most days... where you been ??? BTW.. you are way prettier than me.. and there would be no way I would be smiling for anybody if I have been roto tilling for 3 hrs!!!! so that must mean you are way nicer too... FYI... I still love ya sis!!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Meg and Peck, I also get you both confused LOL, Clemen

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg and Becky! My apologies... sometimes I think I'll turn around and run smack into my own face... lol I get behind on the thread and hurry to fast to catch up. Thanks for telling me, Becky, I mean Peg ;) ... I do like your descriptions, my kind of ladies/hotties! I stopped coloring my hair a couple months ago. The years of dying are finally starting to fade and it's coming in a nice salt & peppa ;) ,(maybe a little more salty than peppery)... But I figure I can use the money on something else (plants), and it's a pain to do and anymore, it just doesn't matter. It's me, El-Naturelle- take it or leave it, right? I thought I was the one who wrote a lot... I like the pic, you're a cute Hottie! But yes, leave it to DH... couldn't get you going to a wedding or something... lol Marion, that's my kind of store... 1 stop shop and not too many choices, doesn't take you 30 minutes to get from one end to the other, (new highway patrol grads need somewhere to meet and refresh.)

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

ROFLMAO - Clem!!! I love ya!

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