she's about to .....#2

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Well hello sister hotties! I did not do it to myself. All those pictures (deliberately posted, I might add) is the cause of my downfall! Woe is me! LOL Clemen my little babies are in water with perxiode as I was instructed to to until I return home. Oh how I miss checking on them.

Hello Faye, yeap we may be old but we "ain't" dead!! Go for it!!!

Clemen--just what would you like from Disney? I have first call on Captn. Jack other than that let me know. LOL

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Hotties!!! Marion your babies miss you checking on them too.
Hey Faye! jump right on in and join the brug love : )
Marion don't get in too much trouble ; }
Have a wonderful day ya'll.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks but to late for that!!!!

(Cathy), MO

Faye, I have an extra one I can send you. It's still small enough to mail. That way you can experience blooms along with the rest of us!

This message was edited Jun 24, 2008 8:13 AM

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone!

See Faye, I told you that you did not even have to begg to get a brug, yippie, happy dancing for you!
Marion, do you think you can find a Disney Bruggie over there, hehe!
Peg, Ido the same with workers around my house, and you know what WE ARE CRAZY!
Hi Kim, haven't seen you lately
Beck the RU you're going to is that RJ's?? If itis tel him I send hi my love! He is a great guy!
Well that's it for now, gotta get back to work, Clemen

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning everyone. Hope your all doing well, and staying out of trouble???
I was reading through some old post, and read the "theraglady" had some brugs in hanging baskets. I emailed her, and ask for a picture, but if I write here, she might see it and post here for everyone else to see as well. I think a hanging basket would be beautiful, but I think you would have to keep it trimmed so she would not get too heavy! If I get an email back, I will share it here.
Have a great day
Linda Kay

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Mornin Glories... I mean Hotties!!..LOL

I REALLY slept in this morning.. so even though it is getting close to lunch for some it is still EARLY morning to

Clem RJ's is in July, and I have been lurking over there.. but I don't know if I will go... Heard his yard is to die for.. I am going to the E TX RU with Lorraine and catlady.. course in seperate cars... Dave himself is putting this RU on... I just gotta meet the MAN

And speaking of gotta.. I gotta go dig some gotta get some plants in the ground before I go to the RU and "geta" lot more....hehe
Ya'll don't work too hard today...
Luves 2 u.. hotties!!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I think we've ALL been too busy to chatter. I have.. And it doesn't mean I like it. lol Still haven't gone back to knock on the "greenhouse door"... Still haven't got my foundation plants dug out... Still haven't got my sitting area organized... So, today, as long as I don't have too many job duties at work.. I'm chattering. I might even get out into other areas of DG, but I'm not pressuring myself.. lol Cathy, how nice to share with Faye. Welcome Faye! I am pleased to annouce the Giant White Happ gave me has numerous buds!!! How exciting, my first buds of the season and how appropriate it's from my first new brug this year! Thanks Happ, I'm loven it! I'll have cuttings from the brugs I've given a lot of cuttins away from so any newbies needing cuttings, I will have plenty as I'm retiring a couple of my older brugs.... they are getting very woody and not so purty anymore... I still love them, it's just they are all top and no bottom so I'm enjoying what they offer this year and sharing with my DG brug Hotties this fall. Freeing up some big tubs for something new.... like maybe Happs Giant White! (I still have a small plant of the retiree's-I feel so mean)... Faye, how far is Henderson from Wilmington? I just sent my resume to Lou's Flower Patch in Wilmington, thought maybe we'd be neighbors, IF I'm so lucky to snag the job...

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Welcome Faye. Yes, how far are your from Wilmington. I'm just an hour's drive away.
Talking of older brugs, AuntB--- here's the old timer Dr. Seus, having it's first flush. It's only 20 inches tall.
One of the few left in pots. I bring it indoors at night to enjoy the fragrance.
All potted ones get feedings more often than the ones in the ground.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Ever been to Lou's Flower Patch? That is one short blooming brug! I've murdered a Dr. Suess, not proud of it, but I really didn't know what I was doing back then.... I always love blooms on short plants (tall ones too), they are so unexpected... you're out there seeing what you can see and THERE they are, those little buds... how long did I not notice they were there? lol

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Never tour Wilmington's nurseries! I'm always running to Myrtle Beach instead.
Does Lou sells brugs? One place I have to visit then, as there's only one here that do, and she's a small time grower.
I know what you mean AuntB. I missed Jamaican Yellow's bloom when she decides to grace me at 6 inches tall!! I noticed the bloom when I see this elongated thing on the ground!!
I'm always moving those massive leaves away looking for buds!
By the way, I use tomato plant food, added into the soil when transplanting. Being it's a tomato family, I figured it will work, and it did.
I'm also trying out Messenger.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I think the mater food is 20-20-20 or as close as we can get to 20-20-20. I used to get some ALL purpose 20-20-20, and have used the tomato food, too. I haven't used Messenger. No, I don't think Lou's sells brugs, don't go running over there lol...they need a greenhouse/nusery/retail manager. I just want to find a job, ANYWHERE that I can grow things or be around growing things. It's time in my life that I should WANT to go to my job instead of dreading going to my job. It's so much more rewarding than being an underpaid "admin Asst". Too many responsibilities and the pay doesn't match. I'm managing a material handling company, the customers call and I do or oversee every step including invoicing... we've moved literally millions of tons of material over the last 10 years...when men do what I do, it it's call managing, they get a lofty salary. When I do it, my title stays the same "secretary" and I'm paid less than half of what they earn. Just doesn't seem fair. So, it's not about money anymore, it's about contentment. I can learn to live on less, I have before. I just want to be given a fair shake, shown respect I've earned. Wha wha wha wha wha wha.. I'm done. I'll step down. :)

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good luck on your search of what you really want to do. You are so right, I was 'short changed' at the plant I used to work for 15 years.
Not only money wise, but they golf together on Saturdays, and when Mondays come around, decisions were already made without any input from me...
The plant shut down by the way...poor management :D

I feel the same way now. Would work in a nursery rather than being underappreciated. Moreover plants can't talk back at you!

It's Pennington Tomato food - 9-12-12 that I use, supplemented with weekly MG.

Again, wishing you all the best in getting a job you'd like.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

9-12-12.. seems low for tomatoes.. My lone tomato plant is glad I'm growing brugs, it gets food tossed it's way once in a while. I did pick tomato#2 last night. Now back to brugs.. I'm going to post a new thread on my weird "sport" (limb) with two colors of green.... I sure hope it doesn't grow out of it...

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks!!! I will switch to a higher number. Always willing to learn!

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Hey Sis. Life is too short to be doing what you do not like or not have the brug you want, even if you live to 120. Wasted years are wasted and you cannot get them back.

I gave myself this lecture, (minus the brug, since I did not know what one was then), about 10 years ago and walked out of my job. Just walked. Maybe not the smartest thing to do financially, but I know if I gave notice, I would back down and still be there being miserable. That was one of the best decisions I've made. Just do it and get it over with. I now am back in the profession I love, and doing something I enjoy and am making more than I ever would have gotten at my old job.

No matter what it is, if something is making you unhappy, you need to change. Life is so much funner when you can have fun, laugh and be silly with your hottie sisters and even laugh at yourself. :)))

Off the soapbox, now. Lov ya, Peg

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

There is a lot of discussion on fertilizing brugs (fertilizers in general, actually). The store bought kind isn't as Earth friendly,but easier to apply. I've also thought I need to switch over and be more "green". If I lived closer to my aunt & uncles cattle ranch or my grandma was still with us and raising chickens, I'd mix the aged "farm-made" manure into the soil when potting... there is also sea kelp extract and fish emulsion. I've read to get unsulfurated molasses (health food store) to mix with the kelp and fish emulsion, it helps break it down to be available for use by the plant. But for now, I have 20-20-20 on hand, so I'm going to use it up and then decide which route I'll take. I'm just now getting my brugs acclimated to getting so many meals.. usually by now, they have the feed bag strapped on big time, but we had such a late spring.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Peg, that's the way! Thank you for the pep talk. Since I do rely on myself only, I just can't walk, no matter how many times I've imagined it. (or...could I?) I have to have something lined up for an income first. I've been looking for jobs in the horticultural industry for a few months, applying and sending resumes when I see something.. And I don't have a college education, so that isn't to my advantage... but I have been around the Maypole a few times and I do hope to someday, a long time from now, graduate the school of life. Hey! Yabba dabba do (prehistoric flintstone bird yapping)! It's 5!!!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I can go you one better! I walked out on a 31 year marriage 21 years ago because I knew SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW, there was a better life! I was right! Wish I'd done ot 20 years earlier!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good for you Audrey!

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)


NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Audrey, I did it after 19. It was scary at first, but then I realized I was doing better on my own.. once I got all the bills and house payment caught up.. It's not all bad at my office, I get to wear jeans and sometimes take off early on Friday's (if they feel guilty enough for sloughing all week)! Marion's at Disneyland... Clemen? Where's them blooms? I got some new brug buds... (SO excited!) It's on the poor plant I brought in the house during 2 stormy stormy days and it got spider mite... The mite's are gone! YAY!!! And now there are buds!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Yeah, have not read everything that went on tonight and had a busy day, but what is this with all of you divorced ladies and those men, I've been with mine 22 years married + all of the prior years that I knew him, so is it better the second, third or fourth time around, hehehe!!! Not that i am looking, you all know how much hubbie and i cherish each other! Night night everyone, hopefully I'll catch up tomorrow with all of our nonsense!!!! Clemen

Aunt B pic tomorrow ok, she is still not ready to bloom!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Clemen, it is wonderful you and DH have such mutual adoration, it helps restore my faith in matrimony. I'm so happy for you both! Audrey, you give up? I don't give up. Just proceed with a lot more caution. lol Plus, I have this brug affair thing going.. we've been together 9 years, I'm really passionate about it....(no room for mixing in a whole NEW species ;) .. Clemen, STILL no blooms??? Gosh, why must they take so agonizingly long? Aren't you out there looking 2 or 3 times a day? lol I look at my buds in the morning before the sun comes up and in the evening, before the sun goes down...(and we never go to sleep mad at one another, lol) On weekends, it's at least 4 or 5 times a day! Okay, I'll post a pic of my buds, too., tomorrow. Nitey nite, HOTTIES! Marion? I know you've peeked in here...more than once... ;) Be safe, and keep your mouse card full, lady! We can't wait till you're home and can put in a bit more chatter, to live up to your HOTTIE title! LOL, enjoy all.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Ha! Did I say I gave up? I didn't give up! I'm now with my highschool sweetheart, my first love. I was 14 and he was 17. Head over heels in love! We both married the wrong people, but we've corrected that, we just can't afford to get married!

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

hello all you hotties... I guess we are all sooo busy.... getting ready for this RU is killing me.. course I don't need the excuse of the RU.. I do it willingly to myself.. just NOt enough hours in the

Bonnie.. know what you mean about the job, and also know about being single and needing the most money to survive.. here's hponing you find that dream job.. with all the perks and the big bucks!! Yippee for the buds!!

Clem.... that thing hasn't bloomed yet??

Peg.. you are just too nice... I need for some of it to rub off on me!!

Going yonderway... to the bed.. lol Nite... Luves 2 U Hotties!!


Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Guys! I wanna play too!!
Hi Becks ! Hi clems! Hi Hotties!
WHO :Berkeley Annie aka Annie (no not THE annie)
what :49 female,sooper dooper hotness,scorching!
where:Berkeley Ca. ( both embarrassed and proud!)
family:2 girls 2 boys ages 30 23 16 and 17..cant wait for my nest to empty! 3 babies...2 boston terriers (bossy terrorists)and a boxer(Sarge)..they garden with me,and add lots of compost uric acid s to the soil. (not near the herbs and veg,oh!) Edited to add my DH!!!! he is a bonsai and orchid dude...HOT!
work:preschool and retirement home art teacher,wedding planner
plants: BRUGS,herbs,fuscia,meyer lemons,limes,geraniums,herbs herbs herbs
Can this be my DG home?

This message was edited Jun 25, 2008 5:35 AM

(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

WELCOME!!!.. How are you with that rash?? Ever figure it out?? I am sooo glad you found us.. now your 2nd home!! You are 1 busy beaver!

Hey.. hottie sis's... this girl KNOWS how to grow BIG BRUGS!!

Goin to work.. lol.. well goin to have fun... diggin in the dirt!!


Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Hotties and Welcome Annie, of course this can be your new home, love it! and you being a hottie expert, even better yippie.

Well, since you are all asking for it, here she is, just sitting there and not opening, what is she waiting for I ask her everyday, open, open and NOTHING! She is stuborn! Oh well, another 8 days again...............Have a nice day everyone, Clemen

Thumbnail by Clemen
Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

expert not,hottie YES!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have a question, This is the only room I visit that I have to sroll across to read. all the other rooms are formatted differently, I guess, and I don't have to scroll. I was just wondering if I am the only one having this problem? Does anyone else have to scroll sideways to read all the text?
Linda Kay

Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Welcome Annie. Of course, this can be your home!! Also, Fay and Linda, have I missed anyone?? I may have to start an organization chart to keep up, but there is not a thing wrong with more. Like Beck, I'm probably a hottie after working outside.. but this is our group. :))

LindaKay, I just noticed the scroll thing yesterday. Possibly they had to change it because we talk so much?? Tee hee. I don't know what happened, but how are you dialup guys doing? Are we getting too long again?

Clemen, is your plant patriotic? Waiting for the 4th maybe?? I really do not think it will last that long. Remember how fast they just suddenly start opening...I wonder if you can give them some "bloom feedings?"

I've still got all leaves, some height coming now, but no buds. But I still like it :))

Beck, you are going to the RU?? Drat, I cannot make it again. Talk to ya later guys, long shift and it's naptime for me. Peg

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Audrey THAT is a fairytale! How VERY romantic!! pppppst...You don't need money to get married... you need money to get divorced! lol Welcome Annie! Welcome home! The more Hotties, The Merrier! Clemen, it will come, it's not ready, yet, kind of like birthing a baby... Linda, it's cuz we all talk so much..tehe... this is a L o n g t h r e a d... (I hope they didn't go and change It's hot here today 92 at lunch time... DD has instructions "If you check nothing else out there, check my baby bruglings in the icu/nursery.... and the giant white from Joyce with the buds" Peg, sweet dreams ya little hottie!...Hey, so busy at work today, first chance I had to check in... here's my bud pic...

Thumbnail by AuntB
(Cathy), MO

I noticed the scrolling thing too. If it's still happening when someone creatres a new thread, maybe we
should ask admin about it??

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Does it with me, too! Aggravating!!

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi hotties, I noticed that too and it BOTHERs me! Anyway, Aunt B, are you trying to make me jealous with those long big buds you have coming, haha!

Well more news from me, my variagated brug has tini tiny buds, tried to take a pic,but you just can't see them and If I posted it, you hottie girls are going to make fun of me!!
Peg, I think you are right, that baby might make it on the fourth, I won't be at home and will probably have to drag her with me where I go that day, I cannot miss opening day!
Anyway, time to go and make some dinner for the "King"


(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Helloooo Hotties!!!! And welcome Annie : ) I dunno whats up with the scrolling bit...not happening to me. Hey! I see Jaye is here so we welcome another Hottie : ) I love all the glad when I get something around here....

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Clemen's question marks went over the page!!!!
If she'd edit it, and reduce the numbers of question marks, this will be back to normal.

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Jaye gets hottie points!!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hottie points is fine, as long as I don't have to wear Hottie Pants!
There was once one DGer that used to do that when he's over excited...his !!! and ??? will make us all go over the cliff!

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