May 2011- Sun and Warmth finally....I hope!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Haha! I wonder how that dog learned English so well?!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

In that photo 4 posts up with that arbor over the stream, would anyone have a suggestion on a vines or vines that would tolerate being submerged in rainwater for a day or 2, 2 or 3 times annually?

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

On second thought, maybe the Hall's Honeysuckle, it's kinda a thug, maybe it could do the water trellis job!?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

happ ... the hosta's weren't eaten 'to the ground', they were eaten off 'at ground level'. The leaves were still lying there. I thought it was wilted and I went to pull the leaves up so I could put some more dirt around it, and the leaves were loose. Whatever ate them off at the ground, didn't want the rest of the leaf. We have too many dogs running around out here, deer don't come up into the yards. The burro's and horses are around too.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Check out this list on Grow Native. Most of these plants can tolerate it since it's similar to what they expereince in the wild.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Great link pepper ...........thanks

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Crit, I hope you figure it out. I've never had anything but frost take out a Hosta, so it's interesting. I think they will regrow. Hostas are pretty tough.

Will, even ice cream cones can be expensive! You always love what you can't have often :o)

Bernie, we used to run to Lone Tree because they had the best ice cream. She closed up and now owns the tavern. So, we ran to an A&W and I didn't care for their chocolate. I hate to run too far for ice cream, so it looks like road trips will be our best bet. Meanwhile, we keep a tub in the freezer.

I forgot Muscatine has ''The Cherry Top.'' They come to your window for your order and you roll down your window for the tray. Just like the old days, but not on skates :o)

She, is awesome!

Happ, no storms around us. It's always Tama county, way north of us that get the warnings.

I hear you on rainchecks. The dollar IS more important these days.

Will, I still think rabbits. They have a habit of leaving things lay, but still chewing off the next one, and and the next one, etc.

Smiling over the bank robber. No wonder ''you're good'' even with no job :o)

The bamboo survived at least. The room left in the tub is good to pile leaves into for protection too.

The fence is going to be glorious! Nice privacy too!

I love how you ran the stream thru the arbor. You could widen it a tiny bit later and line a few rocks randomly on each side too.

How is your car doing?

Pepper, my Attraction BF.B. was a cranbery color. Very pretty, but as soon as it bloomed we had big winds that broke the only blooming branch off. It never grew the next year. I'm hoping Black Knight gets big this year. It was a dwarf last year.

The talking dog was the perfect hilarious video! I had tears of laughter from it, then I turned around and showed DH, then the Grandkids wanted to see it. I bookmarked it!

Will, just Google your zone and vines that tolereate wet feet. You might get some good ideas. But not honeysuckle.

Hmmm, looks like the choices are very limited. Gardenweb came up with:
Evergreen vines hardy in zone 5 are limited - very limited. And the situation is complicated by being partially shaded and with poor drainage. English ivy might work, although I hesitate to suggest something that is considered invasive in many parts of the country. If you have space, a mixture of shrubs would be a much better solution, perhaps shrub dogwoods and willows and clethra. The dogwoods and willows would offer winter interest through their stem colors if that's a requirement. Or winterberry.

Thursday, we turned around and the cat almost had a tiny grey squirrel. He's about 6 weeks old and most likely fell out of the nest. We haven't seen any others or the mother yet. I looked away and he disappeared. Later that day, I was putting things away and guess who was over by my flowers? I talked to him and brought him some water, but he followed me to the house when I went for food. DH ended up moving the squirrel feeder platform over to the tree he liked best and them put a top on it. We put leaves and a rag in the corner and found him some peanuts, dried fruit and apple slices. He was easy to pick up, move and be shown how to get in and out. This morning he looks good and is protective of his little house. That's good! We don't need a pet. He's not out of the woods yet. We have red squirrels and cats. If he makes it he does. It's all we can do.
Yesterday he was still stamping his feet at us as we looked in, so we are using tongs to set food in and arrange his rags :o)

He appears to be spoiled and loves his house.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Now a picture of him.

Thumbnail by billyporter
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Awww.. you made the little squirrel a house, thats cute! I hope he or she stays in it awhile, he or she seems to like it. I better go with he or she! Hehe!

What a coincidence that you got a post from Garden gal on Garden Web. I got in a "not-so-nice discussion" with her on there a while ago and I felt bad for being such a jerk with her, nothing terrible, but it was pretty ugly. Garden gal if you're out there, I'm sorry! : ) - There's that post you found billyp, maybe the English Ivy will work after-all.

Well, here is the 2 Butterfly Bushes going to be on they're way back to the store soon.

This message was edited May 14, 2011 5:47 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

My wife worked at an A&W drive in for 16 years. When she started,(junior in HS), they would come to the car & take your order. Later they installed intercoms, but still brought the food to the car.
I stopped by there a lot & never knew her. She graduated in 1963 & we met in 1970 at a different place.
She was a cook there when we started dating. The owners are still good friends of ours.
They quit A&W long ago, but still ran it as a drive in. They retired & sold the property over 10 years ago.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

What a lucky little squirrel he/she is! That is adorable.

I was unloading groceries and my dog kept jumping at some leaves that were against the rock around my iris bed. I went over there and didn't see anything. Figured it was either a frog or a snake but since I couldn't find it I suspected a frog. She backed off when I walked over there, so I sicked her on whatever was there. She went after it again andn left it pulled out a baby snake. She'd grab it and drop it, then do it again. Then she picked it up and shook it so hard I though it came in two, but it didn't. She finished killing it off then left it. It was kind of brown, probably harmless but if they are where I work around, they get killed. A good snake is a dead snake if it is where I can see it. ^_^

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, billyp, that new/used car of mine is still running! I think the car dealer guy had just enuff freon put in to last a couple of weeks, it's now blowing not so cold air.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, be careful with the ivy. It can get invasive even here and is hard to kill.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, I find it easier to call everything ''he'' :o)

I only got her thru Google. I've never liked GardenWeb so never did more than look in on a Googled item.

I've never been an ivy fan myself, but when you need a plant, and there are so few...

Get your money! Are you going to try them again?

Bernie, that's a neat little story!

Crit, thanks :o) I fixed him a breakfast of walnuts, almonds, peanuts, carrots and apple slices.

I wouldn't want to stick in my hand a nd pull out a snake with weeds either.

Will, at least it runs. You can always use the 4 and 40 method. Four windows down and forty miles an hour, to cool off :o)

Now you have to go to the dealer for freon don't you? I don't think they sell cans of it anymore.

Another good day to stay in. Cold, rainy and breezy. The rest of the month is going to be cool :o(

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I don't think I have to go to a dealer, but I'll probably have to go to a shady auto repair place now to get freon, I hope the ac system doesn't leak or something now.
We once bought a flat of little English Ivy pots and they all died. We might try them again. I think we could keep them reigned in back there, they'd be by themselves.

Try them again? I doubt it. Actually, the Butterfly Bushes weren't our choices here, my friend's Sister from Va. got them and brought them home from a shopping trip when she was here last Summer.
I like BB bushes but I don't know if we can have a spot for them right now and keep them alive over the Winter. But, if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't try to over-winter them in the garage, I'd just leave them outside.
Haha! 4 and 40! I've done that before, I gotta tell you, not really a fan! I'm 43 years old, I need/want air conditioning now! lol
Cold, rainy and breezy is what it is here too!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Will, I leave mine out in the ground year round.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

So do I. They are hardy and can handle our weather.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have butterfly bushes the purple and most years do fine. I think this year I lost one, funny thing I bought 4 at the end of the year, 2 purple and 2 pink and wintered them over in the "fort" with the rest of the plants. The 2 purple are fine but the 2 pinks are I am guessing the pinks won't make it at my house, I have enough trouble with the purples in the ground.

Wouldn't you know sun on Monday....oh well. Our plant sale is Saturday so I need sunshine then. Boy do we have some beautiful plants for the sale. My strawberries I am donating have berries on them and should start changing by the weekend, that should be worth something right? rofl. We have a new member and she brought some of the most beautiful plants! A bunch of red mums that are beautiful, bunch of beautiful siberian iris, heck I can't remember them all......lots of beautiful iris, hostas, daylilies, lilies, native grasses, boy you name it, it is there.

Hey Will do you want some yellow water iris? I have left these things on the waterfall with the roots exposed all winter and they make about hardy! Oh yeah without the pump running.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Billy I meant to tell you how I love that ferny peony, I am going to have to get one of those.
I don't know if I posted one of these pics or not but the hosta bed is really coming together, I am going to have to start watering tho, cause the ground is really getting dry from the tree.

This is the dry creek bed that sometimes has water if there is enough rain. See the little mini hostas, they are so cute and never get any bigger than that.

Thumbnail by happgarden
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Here is another direction.

Thumbnail by happgarden
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok, this is the last I will post. The hammock isn't up yet, but in the heat of the summer there are many a naps taken on it, if you can imagne this my DH and basset hounds up on the hammock napping together. The rest of the dogs underneath the hammock sleeping. I love to read in the swing later in the summer, which is my favorite spot. I have had that sum & substance forever, probably one of the first plants I bought. Can't plant anything under the hammock cause DH and the dogs walk all over them, hench lots of mulch will go down as soon as I get with it.

Thumbnail by happgarden
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have one of those that was here when we moved here. I never knew what it was! I have divided it and made 3 or 4 more plants from it. It is soooo pretty.

What's with the chain in the first pic? Does that one try to get away? ^_^

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Haha! If you look close at that chained Hosta you can see the little legs! It's the cultivar Hostaceae 'running bandit'!
Yeah, I also thought how uniquely neat that Fern peony is. Yeah, I was really starting to like the Butterfly Bush! On second thought, I might get another one. But, you know how it is when money is burning a hole in you're pocket! I'm apt to buy some plant that s catching my eye at the moment!
Sure happ, I'd love to have some Yellow Water Iris! We bought some water plants last year but they are in the dead group of plants now. I grew some Thornless Honey locust from seed this year and it appears 3 have sprouted so far, can I interest you in one happ? These remain thornless as far as I've seen, I've grown them before. They are thornless, but they still have the seed-pods. I always did like the Honeylocust, even with thorns! I like the little leaflets, and how they need no raking. Altho, I'm not really a fan of the seed-pods, but at least I know they are seeds and where to get them and at what time of year, and that they readily sprout to make more. Also, there are Mimosa seedlings sprouting up all over from Mimosa trees here.
See the 3 little Thornless Honeylocusts in this photo? Oh, we love lots of photos, happ! I post a few myself! The more photos the better! You're Hostas and stuff gives me an idea how to do all mine in pots someday, really, thanks for the photos happ. I'm always appreciative when people share the designs and plants of they're own, it gives me ideas how to do my stuff. I have 3 Sum and Substances myself, I hope mine get big and old! I stocked up quite a bit last year on Hostas, now I have a bunch in pots that need planting. I bought every 'Blue Angel' Hosta The Home Depot had left in Oct. when they were cheap.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We have rain coming in Thursday and it will be around off and on thru Monday. Either way on Sunday a friend and I are going to Commanche Iris Farm. lol.

My butterfly bushes do good here. I don't know why. I never do anything for them. LOL. I have a pink, purple, blue and yellow now. Any more come my way they are going to one of you guys. lol. I have minature hydrangas coming here pretty quick that I have to make room for. Those I can't wait to get.

Happ, what is that big hosta in front of the rock in your first pic? I'm looking for couple biggies like that one for my new shade bed that I will be making.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I've never heard of a yellow one pepper. That's cool

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, either way, you'll need that AC! LOL! we grew up with the heat and we do the AC too!

To each his own. I can't wait to see what you chose instead of a BB.

Happ, I cut mine back to 6'' like they suggest, but they always grow from about the bottom 2''. Mine never last more than a few years and I don't know why. I'm zone 5a too. They should be hardy enough.

I hope you have nice weather for the plant sale. It sounds like plants people won't be able to pass up.

Thanks on the fern peonies. I'm trying to build my little collection up so I can spread them all over. They are so early, and so deeply, bright red.

Awww on the tiny hostas!! I have a small one called Just So.

Awwww again, I love the dog too!

ROTFL!!! You have to sneak out and get a shot of DH and all those dogs! I can see why you like to sit, and sleep out there. Love the Sum and Substance!

Crit, ROTFL over the chain!!

Will, ROTFL again!! That's a good one!

I think a honey locust is pretty too. They grow like weeds around here. (The thorned ones.)

All your potted plants look good!

Pepper, that iris is gorgeous!!

Oh dear, I'm afraid to see how many iris I would come home with.

Is the yellow called Honeycomb? If so, it's zone 6 and not hardy here, but I sure like it! You'll have to post pictures of each as they bloom!

A better day today with sun and the wind dying down. I'm going to fertilize the iris today. I never have. Maybe I'll get better color and growth. I'm going to try epsom salts.

My repotted tomatoes. Some will be shared with my Dad, but I'll plant most of them so I can can juice.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Hello I just drop the note:

I has this iris from 2007 IACR Round Up and It final came out as yesterday for 4 yrs to bloom so I did plant it in pot for 4 yrs...
I label it and it said "Iris iacrru Cherubs med. royal blue" So, I took this yesterday and today but got full bloom this early am and nice color

I has been doing go to fishing again last week with the boat (boat from my step son)... I sit on boat seat and sure caught alot of white hybrid bass (9 was on hooks and guy did hook wrong that under the bass's mouth so I put thru the bass's grill to hold good so lost 6 fish that my step son drove too fast that happen hooks was on the boat on left side so I only has 3 good bass..) I had good time for boat and fishing!


Thumbnail by JuJu55
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

billy, would you explain more about fertilizing iris with Epsom Salts?????

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Crit you are such a goof ball, you crack me up, no that chain is for swinging thru the jungle later in the summer, after a few cold summer drinks.....rofl.

Will, I love that blue angel, that is what is in the second photo above. I have taken lots of starts off of it and back by my water facuet it has gone nuts, and is huge!

This photo shows the mini hostas a little better. I don't know how they survive they are so small and such tiny roots but they are doing really well.

My favorite hosta is in this photo besides the concrete rabbit. It stand really tall and want to find some more varieties like that. Edited to say Billy is that the hosta you are talking about earlier?

Crit your problem with the hosta still has be someone on the hosta forum can help you tho.

This message was edited May 17, 2011 10:16 AM

Thumbnail by happgarden
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I got my Irish Spring out to see if it is wabbits and that makes it stop. If not, it may be the slugs.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Rusty, how the heck are you? Dang losing that many fish would be awful. I love eating bass! Sounds like you had a great time tho. 4 years for that iris to bloom wowzer, that is a long time. I heard from someone the bloom is determined by the size of the rhizone, but I am not so sure of that. I probably would of lost the tag by now or forgot about it. Sure is pretty.

Pepper, the iris are just really getting into full bloom up here by comanche acres. So far we haven't had any rain so the blooms (short of the winds) should be in good shape. Mine are just going crazy blooming!

Billy, my tomatoes are about the size of the two idiy bity ones of yours...rofl. I started 3 really odd tomatoes. I will have to look up the names and tell you. I did buy DH 2 normal tomatoes...rofl.

So they think it is slugs eating the leaves completely off? I have had horrible slug damage before but the leaves just became holey. Gave up on beer the dog drank it faster than I could pour it. Actually in the big hosta garden I don't have slug problems it is only around the strip that has the water faucet.....

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Not definately determined slugs. Still not sure about it. I haven't seen any when I moved rocks around or anything. It isn't a damp area. We'll see if it continues after putting the Irish Spring by them.

Look at my pretty Amarylis. This is the only one that has bloomed out of 6 or 8. None bloomed last year. There is another bloom on the other side.

Thumbnail by Crit
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wowzer, that is beautiful. Mine didn't bloom all winter but did start this spring without my consent! If I would of known they were going to do that I would of put them out where they had room and I could of seen them.....

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Well, I am trying yellow Marigolds for that RadioFlyer wagon in the backyard! I figured they're hardy and they have alot of seeds for the next year. I took a photo of it if anyone would like to see it. -

If my Habanero Peppers come up I think I'm gonna try this homemade remedy they have and maybe someone would be willing to try it. -

Hi Rusty! Thats a pretty Iris there. Losing fish stinks, I remember years ago, I had a nice bass on the stringer after I'd caught it, and I pulled it in to get it and leave and it had been eaten! I saw a big snapping turtle swim away right before that! All that was left was my fish's head! Oh, I was sick!

I too love the 'Blue Angel' Hosta, speaking of them, I planted 2 of them today. I might be digging one of them out someday if they get too big and crowded together.
I'll insert a photo of my new additions below.

Does anyone know if a Strawberry plant would climb an arbor like the one above? How about Cucumbers? And would they tolerate that 2 or 3 times annually being submerged in rainwater for maybe a day (or less) each time? I'm kinda thinking there isn't any vine that would like being submerged, but I'd like to try something anyway.

Happ, did you get starts from dividing the 'Blue Angel'? I'd like to do that someday to mine, but mine are too small right now.

My favorite right now would prolly be my 'Francee' or 'Patriot' Hostas. I like all Hostas, its hard to have a favorite!

Instead of getting more Butterfly Bushes, I got Marigolds! Actually, I still might get Butterfly Bushes, I have about $26 left on the store credit card thing.
Thanks billyp, you're Tomato plants are coming along nicely there. The Marigolds were only 99 cents a 6 pack, I got 2 - 6 packs. I might need to get some Raspberry plants to go with our Blackberries, Blueberries, Peaches and Plums. I'm digging fruiting plants! I started some Dwarf Pomegranates from seeds so maybe I can have one in a pot someday!

Thats a pretty Amarylis, Crit.


This message was edited May 17, 2011 4:35 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is the 2 'Blue Angel's I planted today! They are next to 3 'Halcyon's, maybe someday they will form a sort of hedge or solid line of blue Hostas is the plan kinda.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I do know that you can plant vining plants like cucumbers, canteloupe, etc on a trellis, but since the strawberries need to be in dirt to root, I don't know if you could do those or not. Can't tell you about the water issue though

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Cukes amd other fruiting vines love trellises so they should work there. Since they love water I don't think that being sumerged for a day or two max every now and then would hurt them. You will just have to try it and see. There is a little melon that would work perfect for that situation that you could experiment with. Only problem is I can't remember it's name. I remember it's french. lol. And it's skin is a dark green.

Oh and since you have all those fruit bushes you should try Gooseberry. I have 2 left at work unless someone got them already. They taste great when you make a gooseberry cake. If you prefer more tart, pie is the way to go. lol

Happ, that's good to know about Commanche. I was hoping to catch it in it's glory.

Hi Rusty!! Gorgeous iris!!!

Dappled Japanese Willow in the middle with lantana around the sides.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Rusty, I was thinking about you yesterday. I'm glad to hear from you!

Oh my gosh! It was worth the wait! How beautiful!!

I love your fish story of those that got away, but Grrr on losing them!! At least you had a great time!

Crit, I've been reading how it's good for roses, so I finally Googled a recipe. It's 1 Tablespoon to 1 gallon of water. Use hot water to dissolve them. Then water when it cools. I'm not sure how much water per plant. It didn't say. Back to Google! I think you can use it on anything, It's magnesium and the bloom colors are supposed to be better. I got them out and found a gallon jug, and that's as far as I got yesterday, LOL!

Happ, ROTFL! That is some chain!!

It might be, but I do love all your Hostas. Especially the one that holds itself up!

Crit, smiling over the soap. I hope something works!

Happ, I wated almost that long for Mother earth and a couple others to get back to size after being divided. Mother Earth needs dividing this year.

Smiling over your tomatoes. I started mine late this year and It will be way into June before I even plant them out. I just repotted the peppers yesterday. Boy did I sow a lot of peppers!

ROTFL&L over the dog and the beer!!

Crit, what a beautiful amaryllis!! Don't give up hope on the rest. Critter has an article to help keep them.

Will, those sound great for the wagon!!

I've never tried the hot pepper recipe. Mostly because nothing much bothers my plants.

Nothing worse than losing a fish to a turtle :o)

I don't think there is a ''wet''vine either. Maybe the arbor can be moved back out of the water and use small water loving plants or shriubs where it was.

$26.00 will get you something nice. Shop around!

I wish I had room to plant a lot of fruits :o(

Keep posting as the wagon fills in. I think they are perect in there!

I think I'd space the hostas a good three feet if not four, while they are still small. They don't look good crowded. They look good planted there tho!

Pepper, laughing over the mysterious melon!

The pink gooseberries are sweeter than the old timey green too. Good for eating off the bush.

Is the willow an annual? Love the lantana!

The sun just went under. I'm going to get a ginormous fan and aim it at the sky! Grumble grumble clouds!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Will I have divded all my hostas at one time or another. Either for myself or the plant sale or a swap.
See where you have a gap between the stalks in your picture? If you wash all the dirt off the roots you will see exactly where you can cut and get roots on both groups. You can divide a hosta and it doesn't faze them at all. I dug up my big blue and put it in 3 seperate pots and nothing no wilt no yellow no nothing. They are tough. I can tell you as close as you have them by the end of the summer you will have a mass of hostas there. I attached a photo of your hosta to show where a good place to cut is. Most of the time I just take a shovel to them to get cuttings, cause I don't want to dig up the whole thing.

Love the wagon, it will be so cute by the end of the summer.

Thought it was going to rain today but looks awfully clear now.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

We are finally getting our "April Showers". We have 40% chance tomorrow, Friday 80%, then 20%-40% through next week. If we could get a little rain everyday and some cloud cover so it doesn't just evaporate, my plants and new grass will do GREAT. Just what the plant Dr. ordered! :-)

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