May 2011- Sun and Warmth finally....I hope!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yeah, even the small town I live in there are donations things in all the little businesses.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok, Crit, now you have went and done it. I went outside this morning and I had a hosta in a pot just sitting next to the house with two sections coming up and one section was laying over and cut off right at the top next to the crown.....never in all these years have I ever had anything like that happen. It couldn't be deeer or rabbit or anything like that because it is in the corner next to the garage and concrete right where the dog sleeps everyday and night.....omg never had that happen. It has to be a cut worm, I tore into everything and couldn't find a worm but has to be I don't know what else it would be. Mine will come back from the crown I am sure, how is yours doing?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

The first one they cut down has not come back. I'm thinking of digging it up and seeing if there is anything live underground. I put out some Irish Spring and havn't had anything else done, but I'm also putting out hair clippings today. I know, it's the wildest thing! I didn't really think it was a rabbit either, but don't know what else to think!!! What a conundrum. lol (spelling doesn't look right but WORD said it was.)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

There is no way any animal could of gotten to this hosta, the big old black lab would not of allowd it...rofl. I am just convinced it has to be a cut worm. Cut off right at the top of the soil, just like you said. This one was in a pot and doing great. I still have one piece so I know mine will be ok, hope yours does. This is the strip of dirt between the house and the driveway, not very wide. I have 3 hostas and two hydrangeas in it and only this pot has been distrubed. Course the others are huge, one blue angel, and then a varigated hosta. I don't have any slug damage, so I don't think it was a slug. It got more than one of your hostas? The others you might try putting a "collar" on them like they do for plants that cut worms go after.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We had 3 bus loads of supplies leave Casey's in Odessa on Friday afternoon. At my job we set out a watermelon bin for donations and it ws overflowing when the woman came to pick up everything. She had to make 2 trips to get everything and before she left the second time a couple came out and gave her some more stuff to take with her. We still have the bin out and it is slowly filling up again and someone is supposed to take the next load on Tues. Several other businesses in town have also set out donation bins for Joplin. Alot of people know it could have been us. Two hours or so is not that far of a drive.

That is weird what is happening to your hostas. I've never heard of that really. It better not come here!! lol

Dats the One iris at Commanche.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

There was only one that they wiped out completely. I'm not sure if the others were broken from where I had planted them or if something got them. Haven't had any more problems.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Here's the president was visit in Joplin, MO:

I know peoples said "Don't give up"...

I hope it will be safe and keep up with the spirit of Joplin...

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

There is 142 dead....

Also, it really help to clean up the city of Joplin and there is 7,000 volunteers...

Coming of raining in afternoon...

This message was edited May 31, 2011 6:34 AM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Pepper that is a pretty iris, Comanche has a big sign that says SALE on it now. I just can't bring myself to go there, I guess cause Mom and I use to go there alot. Maybe next year.....time will tell.

I went to outside of Platte City with my family and worked on the old cemeteries Monday, thank goodness for cloud cover, altho the wind got a tad strong by afternoon! I thought we were gonna get blown off the hill top....heavens.

I have done pretty good about not buying any more plants, except for 3.48 today at HD I bought a hydrangea on sale. Couldn't pass it up for that price.. It had lots of new buds so it should survive. I have way too much stuff to get in the ground and too much to weed, and way too much stuff that needs divided to buy anything new. It has to be dirt cheap to talk me into it.

My eyeballs feel like they are on fire, they must of got sunburn...rofl. I didn't use any sunscreen on them.... ;)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have several of the new small scale hydrangas coming sometime. I ordered several of them in a co-op. Gonna take the butterfly bushes out that are in front of the deck and put the hydrangas there instead since they like shade more than sun. The butterfly bushes I might put in pots but not sure yet. I do already have 1 hydranga but don't know if it's hardy or not. One site says zone 7 and another zone 5. Hydranga 'Amethyst'.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of you're Mom, happ.

Out with May, in with June! I never thought June would get here! Here comes the heat and the long days!

One volunteer guy from Denver, CO. was saying how he could go to Joplin "and change diapers, chop wood, whatever"! That guy even packed up his kids for the trip. One guy on the news said it good, he goes,"Sooner or later we're gonna have to stop scratching our heads and staring at the rubble and roll up our sleeves and get to work". That would be so overwhelming, I'd be like, "where do I start?". I'd think alot of people would be like me, living week to week. How do you even get the money to rebuild? 142 dead, thats alot, considering how many people were in the path, they must've heeded that 20 minute warning. Unfortunately, there musta been some bad situations for people. They say now that the path the tornado took on the ground is twice as long as they originally thought.

Heres something I did today, I made an old grape flat into a big pot for Petunias. I got 2 Pink 6 packs for $1.68 each and 1 big 4 pk. of White ones for $2.18 at Walmart yesterday.
I'm gonna have to add more soil, I don't think I want all that plastic to show. I plan to do about 6 of those flats if I can find the plants to fill them all up. I'd like to have a few that don't only live one year, maybe Marigolds if I can still get them cheap at The Home Depot. Does anybody have any ideas for hardy flowers or some plant that would be good for that, and hardy?

You're eyeballs are on fire eh happ? I remember this one job many years ago where I worked close to welders. I fairly regularly got accidently flashburned and I'd get home and my eyes would be red and hurting that evening!

This message was edited May 31, 2011 9:01 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, mine went out tall and healthy so I guess we'll see how they grow now that theey're planted. I set coffee cans around a lot of them so we'll see if Folgers is good for them :o)

I love Nicotiana!

Will, when another Dg'er moved she gave rose cutting to people. They all stuck them in dirt and they rooted. That's a beautiful rose! At least if you can't get it to work the first time, there's always a chance to try again.

So, who won? :o)

Rusty, such sadness for all. I hope they never have to go thru another tornado and I hope they all put in storm shelters when they rebuild. Poor people.

Ditto Jan.

Happ, I can just hear them whining. Obviously they don't know a thing about planting.

Oh no! I couldn't help but laugh over the Hosta. I think it will be alright.

Pepper, another beautiful iris!

Happ, I haven't bought much for flowers either. I have bought ornamnets to compensate :o) I wouldn't have passed up the hydrangea at that price either.

Wil, love the petunia planter!

Well, it been absolutely beautiful here the last two days. We warmed up, so we could finally say we had a nice wind. The windows have been open for two days and a night.

I planted my tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. The cabbage and broccoli dried up under the lights this year. I replanted some of the spinach and put in a row of green beans.

DH called the guy who is supposed to be doing the driveway. I swear, if you don't keep after them they will keep putting you off. He'll come Friday to give a new estimate since we've decided to redo the garage apron too.

Today we take Dad to Pizza Ranch for a buffet birthday dinner. He's 82 now :o)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday to your Dad BillyP!

My eyes are still burning, either something in the air, or it was so windy they got burnt someway on Monday...who knows. Maybe I should go home from work.... ;) Tried to take vacation but waiting on one project to get finished so I can go.

Got home last night and mowed, you know after mowing two cemeteries my yard didn't feel so big, course I didn't finish it either, will do tonight. We have the planters downtown planted and now I think I have gotten smarter and I have 4 jugs of water and on my way home I can stop and water them, then fill the jugs backup and be ready for the next day.....sometimes you get smarter in your old age....LOL

This message was edited Jun 1, 2011 7:12 PM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Will, how about some portulaca and alyssum? They will both drop their own seeds and come up next spring. You have your ws'ing and planter all in one. :-)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

happ ... have you tried any eye drops? Visine or anything? That might help. Or get a regular type 'eye wash' and wash them out good.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Strange just never had anything like this with my eyeballs, no I havent bought anything but ought to I guess. I have noticed it is worse at work....maybe I am alergic to work? LOL on second thought I know I am.

Started dragging plants out of the solar room to get some rain water. I sure have a mess. I havent brought out the 2 big ee's yet. I don't want them to get torn up by the wind.

Love the little wagon Will, or that is what it looks like... ;) HD had those expensive petunias for 4.97 a big pink six pack.

Poor Joplin, first trying to clean up all that and then rebuilding, I am sure everything is slow, no where close to live, where are all the volunteers living? So sad.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Okay, tomorrow would be super, happ, I'll be here all day if you can come. It sounds like great fun to spend time with you're Gniece. I have a couple nieces and 3 nephews myself, well one of the two more soon, my SIL in TX. is due in Oct. I'm gonna start saying I have nieces and nephews to support in job interviews! That might be another reason why I never get the job, because I don't have any kids! I think maybe when it comes between applicants, one with kids might look better!

Who won the Chess games? Well, I hate to toot my own horn, but I bested him 3 out of 4 games! Overall, he still has me by about 10 games, but I'm gaining on him!
I've been getting lucky alot lately with him!

Thanks on the compliment on my former grape flat planter box, billyp. Next, I am gonna do one with all kinds of Mint in it, Coleus and a purple Sweet Potato plant in it. This one won't be a flowering one because where I want to put it is only dappled sunlight, I don't know if flowers would be happy enuff to bloom there.
Maybe a Rose cutting will take someday I hope!

Heres my little $160 Harbor Freight trailer that I intend to pull behind my subcompact car. I have yet to put the sides on it. I was on the road yesterday and some guy at a redlight was I guess feeling sociable for his girl on the back of his motorcycle and he says "that's a suitcase trailer!" I just smiled and said "yeah". I am mainly interested in hauling my pushmower with it and a few other small jobs prolly. It's so cheap because it's a big DIY job and putting it together is a pain! But, it was worth it, I can't afford to shell out a thousand dollars for a trailer the easy way. And besides, I don't think I've seen trailers that small for sell anywhere. And, it's easily light enuff anybody could handle it manually. I would like to save big bucks on gas when I have to drive 90 miles one-way to KS. to mow every 2 or 3 weeks. It's only got 8" But, thats deceiving, they say that in the ad but it is confusing, thats the rim size, which technically I guess is the wheel. With the tire though it's easily 13 or 14 inches in diameter. It says to keep it under 55 mph, but that will be impossible, the two-lane road I travel there has a 65 mph speed limit, and I don't like backing up traffic!

Oh, I know about the getting smarter as you age! Sometimes I look back and I can't believe some of the stupid ways I did stuff years ago!

Did anybody see the news yesterday about the Independence police officer shooting a man's Alligator yard ornament? The guy says the cops came out and shot his
concrete Alligator twice and killed it! I could immediately tell that it was a big, gray concrete Alligator (not even painted) on tv before I heard the story, I couldn't believe it! You know the guy or lady cop must be taking some ribbing down at the police station! I think I'd kinda be in favor of taking away his or her's gun, they might have an eyesight problem going there and shooting stuff isn't gonna work out, I wouldn't think!

Portulaca and Alyssum eh Crit? Thanks, I'll look into those, they do sound interesting!

Thanks happ, I hope that wagon lasts a couple years before it falls apart!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Forget me nots and I think it's called soaparia, short like forget me nots with pink flowers are perennial. Lugaria will work for the shade area. I can grab what plants are left at work for you tomorrow if you want any. I'm thinking of getting more anyways. lol. The cultivar is Midnight lady on the lugaria.

Also if you want some butterfly bushes I have 2 that I'm not gonna keep. Black Knight and Nahno Blue I don't want anymore. I have a couple hydrangas that I am gonna put in front of the deck where it's shady. I have a couple buttefly bushes there but they get tall and spindly due to not enough sun. So I plan on redoing the bed (again) to plants more suited there.

My ee's are all planted in different spots and have been for quite some time now and none have come up. I checked one the other day and it has roots which are white so that tells me it's alive but NO LEAVES!!!! I want all my ee's to come up ASAP!! lol

Wide view of some of Commanche's gardens.

Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sure Pepper, if you're talking to me. I saw the short up there and it hit me, thats me I think! You can call me anything, but please don't call me late for dinner! lol
I'm gonna look up Lugaria, sounds like a neat shade flower! I'll look up Soaparia too, thanks.
Sure, send them on Pepper, I'll mail you back the postage. I'd love to have plenty to plant by the watergarden I plan. Some of my EE's are sprouting finally, but theres many more yet to sprout. I am hoping like the dickens that they and the Caladiums didn't succumb over the Winter. The Cannas that I got from you haven't sprouted yet, but they look like they're about to, the red bud points on them are swelled way up.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Caladiums and ee's are both slow to start the year out so don't give up. I think the soil has to be pretty warm for the ee to send up leaves and up until last week we didn't have so much of that warmth.

Went to Larrys nursery and things look different I get the feeling someone else is running it. They had lots of ee's but no winter hardy ones yet. Sometimes their stock takes a while to get started. I bought some hostas for 3.98 a pot so I am happy about that. Didn't have much time so I will have to go back.

Better get with it, later.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My ee's finally started sprouting overnight!! Whew!!

Will, got you 2 liguarias today. I knew I would have a spot if you didn't. lol. I'll get the soapwart soaparia tomorrow and I'll get a few forget me nots also. I'll just fill a box for you. lol.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

New thread for June!! This thread closed!!!!

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