Disabled Gardeners Still Laughing With Joy

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Scraps, you have the greatest ideas!

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

That sounds cool, Scraps. And, so much less work and more creative than what we are doing. People expect odd things at Amargia. We are far enough off the beaten path that we can get away with just about whatever we want to do. No home owners association or anything like that. Man, did I hate those. I read a horror story by Dean R. Koontz called "The Association." Koontz did a good job of expressing my opinions on such organizations.

I now regret the way I teased Nadi when she started culinary school up north last winter. In her 21 years, she had no experience with driving in snow and such things. She kept calling me to ask what she was supposed to do. Now she is calling to rub it in how cool and comfortable she is.. They are predicting the actual temp will be over 100 on Saturday.

And, I will never hassle Kay about her tropicals or Mindy about her wildflowers again. These plants are withstanding the heat. Amargia still looks O.K, while most places are getting that heat fatigued and wilted look.

I have decided the others are having all together too much fun with my vacuuming my Lab, so I am going to take the clippers to her today.

Thumbnail by Amargia
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey!! Is that the fridge?? great !! does it have holes drilled in the back...er bottom or drainage?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hard to tell where the painting stops and the green stuff growing begins....

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Scraps is melting in this Mississippi Humidity. I just sat in the shade and whittled on a cedar walking stick today. Tooooo Hot for me to work. Kudzu I agree Nadi is in a good place right now. I need to migrate north every summer I hate to sweat. Too hot to do anything in Mississippi for a while we were at 95 at 5:00 pm. We are supposed to get over a hundred this weekend also or so someone said earlier today. I did not watch weather myself.

Carrie how is weather where you are? I might need to make a road trip. Just to get in air conditioned car and head for cool weather. But hubs would have to have a good excuse to spend money on gas these days with him laid off. He is being so peculiar about money. I know it is a necessity but I hate having to ask for money. need to go he wants to watch a movie. Love and prayers,scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Usually weather is nice up here around this time of year, but this year it has been unbelievably RAINY!! You need to go up to Maine or up to Canada for great weather!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

76* here today. got 2 BlueBird eggs in my nest !!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey Birdie, I am so glad you have new eggs to watch and I hope they have better luck this time. I may have to sneak away and come there for relief from heat. I thought you would have warmer weather there in summer. You are so lucky to be missing this steambath. You almost have to swim in this humidity. You have to crank car and let cool before you get in. I sat down on the lawn mower the other day after a short time in sun and got my rear end fried. I hopped up faster than I thought I could move these days. Then I did it again on my little tractor seat stool. It was metal and hotter. I had to pour cold water on the metal seat to cool off before I could sit down. Maybe it melted some lard off and I can wear my jeans when winter comes around. Too hot for jeans now. I need something thinner and cooler

Carrie, Rain is better than being in this oven. However, I know it is a drag to always have it raining. It rained alot here in early spring but we are about 12 days without a drop I think. I would love to have a little rain cool us off some. But whatever we have we want something different.

Jim, I thought about the old washer and had another idea. You would need a thing of detergent nearby maybe you could put a plant in an old liquid detergent bottle some kind of way. That would make it look more real.LOL. I got in lots of trouble at 9 years of age trying to wash a pair of very muddy jeans before mom got home. I used more detergent than was needed because they were so muddy and that was of course a big mistake. She found me dipping suds out the window of laundry room. It was windy and my brothers said you could see suds for miles. I got grounded and did not get out in the light of day for a while. I did alot of laundry for a while there. Learning the proper usage was part of my punishment. I have not had a day without laundry since then. Love and prayers to everyone, scraps still hot at 11:00pm

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

If you really wanted to get into Steph's 'laundry' theme, there is an article somewhere about making a planter from an old pair of blue jeans.


SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

(Jim) BirdieBlue, that is great news about the bluebirds. Yes, that is the fridge. I used a large size drill bit to put holes in the back. Bottom, as it is sitting now. I was doubtful about the fridge project, at first. I told them to make it blend into the environment, thinking it would look really junky. Love it, now. Harvested strawberries from it today without having to bend over.

Glad you are being cautious and sensible about the heat, Scraps. DW came in dizzy and feeling sick when she tried to do some weeding. And, I still suspect that woman of having hidden gills somewhere. The humidity and heat don't usually phase her. Amargia would be down around Everglade City, FL if she had her way.

She keeps trying to convince the rest of us that Amargia needs a pool. For me, she claims. It would be a way I could exercise without pain. A pool does sound wonderful today, but none of us are buying her sales pitch while there is still so much work to be done. If we had a pool on site, we all know we would never get any work out of Kay.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Jim, how did Armagia get its name?

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

It is one of those odd double word twist Kay is into. Amargia literally means "return to the mother." Kay's family lost this land years ago when her father died after a long illness. It was sold to cover medical and hospital bills.
Kay's sister bought the land when it came available, plannning to return it to their mother. Kay eventually bought Jackie out and christened it. This was their mother's favorite part of the much larger acreage she once owned. Miss Helen knew of the plan before she herself died, but she did not live to see the land fully reclaimed. The synbolic meaning of Amargia is "return to the earth, Mother Nature or Gia. I think the word is Syriac, or Sumerian or Amaraic . Some dead Middle Eastern tongue.

Some lady once dared to tell Kay that it was silly for this humble piece of land to have a name. She said only large, impressive, beautiful estates should have names. Kay drew herself up to her six foot height, looked down at the lady and said, "Ma'am, You aren't very large, or beautiful or impressive and YOU have a name. No one says anything about it anymore. It was suggested that I might want to buy a muzzle along with the wedding ring, but I think there are laws against muzzleing one's wife, even in south Alabama. .

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Jim, Good for your wife!!! In England even humble cottages can have names. I think it's a great tradition. I like the name and meaning. What a romantic story could be made about that little piece of land. BTW If your wife comes in from the heat, dizzy and nausiated get her cooled off.Thats first symptoms of heat stroke. I've seen it several times. She could be right about a pool. We can excersize in a pool better than on ground or so i've been told.

scraps, yall wanna take a break, come up and see me for a change of scenery. I'm really not that far away. I go down to ETEX in about 5 hours you could probably make it here in 7 and a tank of gas.

Maybe you can find out what has been growling and scaring my dogs the last week.I've decided not to check my flowers out at night for awhile.

I lost my black kitten for awhile today. I called her and called but she did'nt come and she usually comes arunning.i finally got up to go look for her and discovered her on the back of my chair sound asleep. Of course i did'nt feel foolish! NOT!

I bought a stone looking cross for my flower garden last week. it has solar lights. I wish i'd got 2 of them. The lights slowly blink on and off in various place and is really pretty. I did'nt expect to like it as much.
I've discovered a new plant box. Styrfoam coolers. I don't know how long they'll last but one i've got left from last year and i added another one this year.
birdie blue, i'm going to say a prayer for your bluebird eggs. Wish i could see them. Did you ever start crocheting any houseshoes?
Well guess i'll quit for tonight. Know you are each in my prayers and thoughts everyday.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Vicki That is so sweet but we have alot going on here. Electrician is going to try to get power to house so we can turn ac unit on. We are trying to finish this house so he can hunt a job. Unemployment will not keep us afloat long and savings are going fast into house. The cat on your chair sounds like something I would lose. i have hunted things that I was wearing or holding before. It is awful having brain fog. I have a family reunion I need to go to today but just can not make myself go. I never hear from my dad's people until reunion time. They never call or drop by and I just do not feel like getting dressed in this heat. I hope my brothers will come by to see me while they are here though.

Jim Your kay sounds like the kind of friend one needs to keep on your side. I love her spunk. Nobody should let people get by with the things they say that are hurtful. But some people just will not step up when we hear something mean spirited. Kay sounds alot like me when I was younger. I had better sense,I now have a blurt it problem. I just blurt out things before thinking about them and sometimes later I think that it was rude or inappropriate. Need to get going BBL

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Cando, the other day I lost my carpenter's marking pencil while I was working. Discovered it tucked behind my ear. Nope. Nothing wrong with me. Sharp as a tack.

We will try your idea in the children's garden next spring, Scraps. If we don't "flesh out" the blue jean planter, it would be a fun idea for the clothesline. Rain expected, Monday. That will bring some relief from the heat. I hope! 103, is the actual temp predicted tomorrow. Let us know when you get to the landscaping/gardening part of your project. Most of the plants we grow here would also grow in your area. With such a large piece of property, the number of plants you would probably want could get expensive.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Jim that is so kind of you to offer and I will remember. I am not going to plant the entire property though. Not for a very long time and then only if I win lotto. I am going to have a small yard compared to this one but it will be more shade. I am very surprised to have some orange day lillies blooming up there. I thought they would not get enough sun. But they are blooming. They are old ones of my grandmother's that I move whereever I move. I hope this is final destination. They look like they have three layers of petals all in one lily. I moved them several years ago so they could multiply and look good when house is done. They did not bloom last year so I thought they just needed more sun. I am glad they are ok. The ferns I moved do not look like they are going to make it. It was just too hot. I kept them watered but it did not help. BBL

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Kay always has just the right words ... I always have exactly the wrong ones! (My only hope is if I slow down and reread and proof read and rewrite and edit and reconsider.) I say, good job Kay with the rude lady, you tellem!

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Scraps, Smart lady. We are always trying to find ways to reduce the work load here. We all know Amargia is getting by now mostly on my DW’s over abundant energy. But, she always says what will determine whether or not Amargia is a success will be how well it survives after she is gone. All this work is to set up an easy to maintain system in which we will be working with nature, instead of always struggling to control it. That is all well and good, but I think we have hit our limit on the amount of land we can manage. When we sold a few acres of the property on our western side, I was actually looking forward to having more of my DW’s time. Then, we were given twice that amount of land on our south side. I am for keeping the new parcel in a semi-wild state. In the south there are so many attractive “weeds,” why not go with that? There are mature magnolias there. And, old oaks draped with Spanish moss. My vote is Southern Woodland. It will be decided in fall. A daylily like a multi-petaled version of the below?

Yes, Cando and Carrie, my dearly beloved is rather well known locally for “having a mouth on her,” as they say here. She is a sweetheart 90% of the time. But, she considers bullies or mean spirited people fair game. She has decided to try to change her image. They are taking bets at the local diner on how long “Sissy Kay” can keep her tongue under control. Carrie, Stephen King says he could not tell a story verbally, no matter how much money they offered him.

Thumbnail by Amargia
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I don't go for Stephen King too much because he goes past the real and observable. I don't understand that stuff, I can barely understand it if someone explains it too me slowly in one syllable words. That being said, if you mean he says he couldn't tell a story right the first time, well, that's exactly what I'm saying!

On your blog, Jim, who is "we"? Who lives at Armagia besides you and Kay? Is there a house, other buildings? Getting away from urban sounds so nice, and I'll even go fifty-fifty with your 100 degrees and my 60 - let's meet halfway and call it 80.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Kay and I are the only ones living full time on site, at the moment. Jenny, visually impaired, recently married and lives nearby. Nadine, Mike's daughter, started culinary school in Connecticut last winter and is only able to get back for short visits, Cole, missing an arm, and his daughter, Amymone live nearby. Melinda, is a teacher working with special needs children, but she has a job now in Utica, NY.
Crystal, various problems related to fetal alcohol syndrome, does not live on site. The membership of the Methodist church I attend, like so many churches these days, has a membership that is primarily very elderly. They contribute plants and a lifetime of knowledge. There is an apartment complex nearby with a section for elderly and disabled people on limited incomes. We have an ever changing group of individuals from there who use the space here. Quality fresh fruit and vegetables are expensive. Mike lived there at the last of his life, Amargia is on a hillside. It is still a challenge for anyone in a wheelchair. The housing here is temporary. Even the wooden structures, such as the barn, are designed so they can be moved to a permanent location, when we get to that point... We have voted not to build until the land is paid off. About another two years.

Yes, I know what you mean. King lost me completely with the Dark Tower series, which he considers his best work. He wrote a solid non-fiction book on writing itself though.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

ouch, a hill! I'm canceling my bus tickets!

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Hill, as defined by those in the gulf coast plains. Giving directions here to my want-to-be SIL, I told him to turn "near the bottom of the hill." He could not find what he considered "a hill." He is from upstate NY. He called it an "undulation" in the land," but "hill" is easier to spell.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh. Well, upstate NY hills I cannot manage. Maybe I won't have to cancel my plane ticket! When's the wedding, and how come you didn't tell us you had a daughter!? And how do all you Yankees survive the heat and humidity? (I am one, so I know. I'm still wearing wool long undewear.)

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I just wanted to share this book I'm reading with you all. It's called, "When Walls Become Doorways: Creativity and the Transforming Illness". It talks mostly of visual artists and some writers but is really applicable to any creative endeavor ... like gardening! Though it's subtitled with illness, it covers the gambit of disabling conditions from developmental disabilities to cancer to depression. I'm finding it very positive and uplifting. I'm an artist and trying to adjust to making art with fibromyalgia has been more of a challenge than I had first expected. But I'm working in my studio more and best of all, I'm feeling more hopeful about my possibilities. I hope this isn't too off topic but wanted to tell you al about it. :)

Kudzu1(all of you), I've been really fascinated with all the news of your community. Believe it or not, besides my fibromyalgia, my husband has a traumatic brain injury, one of my sons has Down syndrome, my mother is blind (macular degeneration) and both my sisters are deaf. We look like a group home when we all go out together! LOL! So disabilities figure large in our lives... I hope you keep telling us about Amargia.


Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Everybody, Scraps is still sweating it out in Mississippi. 100+ temps here.

Jim / kudzu1, The daylily I have looks more like this one in plant files
(Daylily 'Kwanso' Hemerocallis)
I do not know how to make a link thingy so maybe you can find it. Except I can not tell if it is double or triple in that photo. Mine is triple or looks like it to me.
I am not good on names and families of flowers. Whether they are flowers or weeds and pretty ( and Cheap or free) I plant them. Could not remember them anymore anyway so it does not really matter. However, I am learning the names of some ( slowly) when I have time to get on plant files but have not had time lately. I love the sound of all the people there. I feel like I would fit right in with you guys. I can't half see anymore, Can't half walk anymore, But still plugging along like they kids song my daughter had on cassette once " The Old Gray Mare Ain't What She Used to Be"

Jacki I wrote the name of the book down and will get my daughter to look for it at the library when she goes again. Who's the Author? And Thanks for the Reccomendation on the book.
I just read one my teenager(18) wanted me to read called "My Sister's Keeper" By Jodi Picoult. It was sad but a good read that makes you Thankful for your Blessings. It is coming out at movies soon. Then she brought in one called
" Nineteen Minutes" by the same Author. It was the saddest book I have read lately because it was about a school shooting and Bullying. My girls had trouble with bullies so it touched me so much. Again it makes you count your Blessings. However, there are some cuss words in them and some naughty talk and I hate that. I wish they could write books and do tv without that. I am also sorry for being off topic. But books are great to make us laugh with joy when in pain and it is too hot for gardening.
Love and Prayers to everyone and blow me a cool kiss this way we need a Breeze.LOL. It is just tooo hot! Scraps ( staying in and reading to stay cool.)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

oh, oh, oh.....2 Very Very good books are :Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls!! Both are very great page turners and everyone I have recommended them to has loved them also!!
i used to devour books. Especially my 2 favorite authors; Sue Grafton and Mary higgins Clark. I havn't even been able to get into their latest books though. Seems like God is really directing me to His Word. Especially when I get on the puter and my Bible study program. There I can be reading something and if a word or phrase catches my eye ot triggers one of those "Hmmm" thoughts (like over a cartoon character)...you can highlight and double click and get scripture addresses to do a chain reference study. It really can get quite exciting to become enlightend to the meaning and history behind and around what is written.~~~~~~oops, see how excited i get!...I'm stepping down from the podium now (hehe ^_^) Oh my goodness!, I really have spent the night getting carried away with excitement....I see daylight creeping in between the curtains and so now I understand why Sara's crying from the brdroom. Guess I'll go join her for a nap like a good mommie should.
Hoping a blessed beautiful comfy day for all my friends here

Thumbnail by BirdieBlue
Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Oops, forgot the author! Thank you, Scraps...LOL It's written by Tobi Zausner, PhD.

Today is Tuesday which means my 4 year old great-niece spends the day here. It's one of those situations that wipe me out, makes my body hurt and takes two plus days to get over...and TOTALLY worth it! LOL! She's just a wonder to me. She's already got a love of flowers and plants both in the house and outside. And at 4 years old, I don't have to plan any activities...life itself is interesting enough for her.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Steph, at the waaaaaay top of every page is what's called an "address" - it's a white oblong box with a string of characters in it like "h ttp://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/99 etc." You select that entire collection of letters and numbers and slashes and so on, by putting the cursor (blinking part) up there and pushing "control A" then you hit "ctrl C" to copy it. Then you put the cursor in the thread you want to link to or whatever and hit "ctrl V." (V stands for paste, of course.)

You can do it within DG or from other sites to DG and back. Like say Jacki wanted to show us her favorite book, she could find it on Amazon or B&N and then copy the address and paste it into this thread. Often I copy things to "My tools" until I know what I want to do with them.

Have y'all read Beverly Lewis? She has some really wonderful ones. And if you like studying your Bible but find reading a challange check out the following ...


While I prefer to use my computer program to read, you can pick the verses and they have audio files if you need them. This is where I read my Bible. They have all the translations. I could never have all them in Braille. :-)

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Hello All. Good to know your o.k., Scraps. Not just we nesting snowbirds having trouble with the heat anymore. When the time comes, maybe we can do a little plant trading. I like the tough flowers. Your daylily sounds like it might qualify. A start of one of your daylilies for some hostas, maybe. V.I.’s here are having their yearly great hosta debate. To allow it to flower or not. Leaves are larger and more dramatic, if flowers are removed. But, some hosta flowers have a nice fragrance.
Carrie, I took on the father role with Kay’s children long before we were married. Consider them mine. Kay tells me I cheated because I came in after diapers and 2 a.m. feedings. I think I paid my dues. Taught her daughters to drive. Benn in scary situations during my service. But, I don’t think I have ever prayed as much as I did sitting in the passenger seat when youngest was learning. We call a garden arch here the “arch de triumph.” It is made from stuccoed piece of bent tubular steel that was a straight piece of steel and part of my garage canopy before driving lessons began. The triumph is that she has a license.
Went into examination room with DW because one of her hearing aids was down. DW and doctor spent 20 minutes talking about “My Sister's Keeper.” He was passionate about the book. Claimed he spent so much time talking about books to test DW’s mental capacity. Yeah. Right.
Glad you like hearing my rantings about Amaargia, Planti. Doctors tell me writing will help MY mental capacity.
Birdi,Kay is a Mary Higgins Clark fan, too.
IO1, Suggested getting a Braille Bible to DW. She laughed at my ignorance. Didn’t know how much shelf space it would take up.
Stay cool all. Well, at least all southerners. Hope you warm up, Carrie.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Jim, my DD#2 had to read My Sister's Keeper for school so I think I read it when I ran out of 'my' books also I like what's going into her little mind. My DH had 4 kids of his own when we met so yeah, he got mine when they were 4 and 7.

He is MUCH stricter than I am, but then again, he is 10 years older than i am and his parents were born nearly when my grandparents were born. (His mother was old and mine was young.) So his parents were Father Knows Best and mine were Dr. Spock and misterogers.

i wish we had had a chance to develop a parenting style together naturally. He DID miss midnight feedings etc, heck, he missed the whole conception, pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum part.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

The big question is which father will walk them down the aisle? I think it's a ridiculous patriarchal outmoded custom representing transferal of property - I've been married three times and never had my father in the ceremony, but then he didn't have much to do with my life. My kids on the other hand are silly, romantic young things. Let's hope they grow up a lot before there are any weddings!

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I'm one who loves to hear about Armagia too. So keep it coming.

I used to read all the time. Don't so much anymore. I loved the Jean Auel Books about Cave of the Bear clan and Valley of the Horses. I learned to skip parts of the books to enjoy them too. My favorite author of all time was Agatha Christie. The first of her books i read, i had to go back and reread it because i did not beleive it could end that way.
I've always liked gentel mysteries. no cussing or blood and gore. Robin Cook comes to mind and John Greshem and Mary H Clark. Also can get into non fiction history,science and what ever. Also love Bible studies and history. I usually just like the words Jesus said. but have studied the whole bible over the years. Always try to keep up with medicine too. In todays world it pays to know what is going on.
I'm going to a psychologist and in two weeks she is going to hypnotise me and work on me accepting my self and trusting other people to be friends. Wish me luck. Going on to say My Sisters Keeper sounds good but have been told to avoid sad books right now.Also the news.
Our library did have a program for books on tape for the blind.

They still do. They're also changing over to digital format. That's a Federal Program. :-) It's for the blind and physically handicapped. :-)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I practically learned to read reading Agatha Christie over my mother's shoulder! Gives you an odd view of the Middle East, though.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

(Jim) Jean Auel actually learned to flint nap and do all those other primitive skills before she wrote those books. I thought she showed off her hard earned knowledge a little too much at a few points. But, DW is a very detail oriented person and curious about everything. She ate every word of those books. .
I know what you mean about sad books, movies, news...... When the rest of us watch scary movies, Kay walks out. She says she has seen enough real life horror. When her hearing began to deteriorate, she was afraid she would make a medical transcription mistake and a patient would suffer. She kept on working for a while by typing autopsy reports at the city morgue. Said she could not do those people any harm. When she has a rough day weeding, her least favorite job, she just shrugs and grins and says "Well, it beats the morgue. That was a REAL dead end job."
Carrie, #1 went to the Big Easy five years ago for Maudi Gras and came back married. #2 eloped with her college math professor. And, #3 says she isn't going to get married until she is at least 30.

Thumbnail by Amargia
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Good plan, tell her I approve!

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

(not Jim) Thanks, IO1. My minister gave me that link, but I had lost it. Now, I will not have to admit to him how scatterbrained I am.
The heat got Jim today. Not outside in the garden, but while we were shopping. The store's AC just did not work very well. Maybe you folks can convince him that using those motorized shopping carts is perfectly acceptable even when a person can still walk. We got him to the car where the AC did work properly and were able to get several sports drinks in him. He is recovering well. But, injured his elbow while he was weak and stumbling. Doctor's appointment tomorrow.
I know Jim is missing having other mobility challenged people around. So glad he has found another kind of support group. Blessings. Kay.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Everyone hope you are all well and enjoying the weather for I am not. I hate hot sticky weather. I needed to get it out of my system and vent a little.

Jim feel better soon we miss you and your stories. I would love to trade some things one day when I have time. I watered what I could today because the heat is drying everything up around here. Hubs thinks it is wasting money but I hate to let them die after working so hard on them. Use the ride on cart and save your energy for your garden and your wife. She sounds like a sweet sweet woman. I hate to ride them myself but if I don't I have to go to bed when I get home and then miss out on the fun.

Carrie maybe they could both walk them down the aisle. Start a new trend. My eldest eloped so she would not have to choose. She always said she would let me instead but I was bedridden at the time with my back. Blow me some cool air the heat index was 111 today. I had to wash windows inside and out before putting on screens. That maybe the last time they get it too. I hate doing windows. Oh and about the cut and paste stuff I appreciate it but just cannot remember it each time. Maybe one day it will stick in this olde' brain. I appreciate the help but my brain is like a dried up olde sponge and no longer absorbs.

Goodnight everyone I need to rest because the power company is supposed to come in the next few days and turn power on in new house and we can take down the temporary pole and try out central air unit. Pray for us that all goes well and it does not burn down because it has no fire insurance yet. Cannot afford it with hubby laid off. We have worked so hard to build it that I pray nobody made any mistakes hooking up the electrical stuff or the ac unit. If we get power we can stay cool while doing the window facings and other trim work and cabinets. We are getting very close if all goes well. Our electrician is a neighbor and I think all will be fine if we did not nail into the wires or something like that.. When you do it yourself you can not sue the contractor for messing up.Love and Prayers, scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Steph, you CAN build this house! I'm very impressed. Do please be careful with the nail in the power lines, etc.

Kay, would you kindly tell your addle-brained husband that those of us who live in wheelchairs bring our own to the store with us. The ones they have there are for the rest of you, people who have trouble walking distances or long periods of time, not for us, the serious wheelchair users.

On to this stupid article I'm working on. They all seem stupid until they're finished, then some of them I'm proud of and some of them excessively so!

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