August Daily Weather, What's happening in your yard?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hey Everybody!! (((waving))) I finally made it back! The only thing that I got done while JW took a nap was to clean the house. SO I just waited for his mommy to get home before I did anything outside. Actually DH & myself took JW out on the deck for a good laugh. Then after Emily came & got him we both set into working on the yard. Then I got to laugh some more! :D I'm always going next door to visit DB & DSIL; George said "Now is your chance to go visiting." HA!!! The lawn mower messed up & he was sending me next door to borrow a socket! LOL! - not sugar, not flour, but a socket! After 2 trips over there DB finally followed me back to the house & together they got it fixed. By that time it was almost to late to do what I wanted to really do...I have thoughts of moving lots of flowers (come fall). I have a new (large) bed in mind, I was gonna plot & mark, but I have a lot of it in my head & I suppose that is where it will stay until next week end.
The temp today was great! It got to 77° & at the moment it's 63°, Dyson Dark & the night critters are going strong. What a wonderful sound! Actually it would be a great night to be on the river fishin'!

Marylyn, That contraption looks pretty neat, but a walker will have to do, I guess. He's already trying to stand alone (for just a few seconds at a time). My but he's a busy little fella! I don't remember Garrett or Emily Ever being that busy! I think that he'll be like Jack & run every where! Maybe I'm just older & feeling the strain more. :)

Marsue! Yeah!! You did it! :DI have a feeling that you will get some more right, too. :) 'Love the hummer views! I have been trying to take pics of mine, but I haven't gotten any worth keeping yet. There were plenty out there when we were laughing at JW, but I certainly wasn't interested then! :D

Kiska, I think that 4! would totally wear me out! At this point I have to be ever-vigilant. Can I come up & go hiking w/ you all? The scenery! :-O Those boulders look Huge! Well, you know that I could live up there, but DH would have no part of it. Too much LA blood in his veins. He's a flat-lander, for sure.

Deb, those clouds are nasty looking! No wonder you had the downpour! Great Shots!

Rann, Looks like you were on some rough terrain & the video! Beautiful! I would go on that road in a heart beat if I could see something like that! :-O To tell the truth there used to be some roads around here somewhat like that, but they have closed them down to 'thru-traffic".

Se_eds, Glad you got some more rain! :D And your Sweet Peas are Gorgeous! I sniched some seed pods from one of my neighbors yesterday, so maybe I'll have them next year. ;)

E_B, Great shot (as always) was that on the 4th? :D Did you use a filter for that shot? (just curious)

Well, I had better go. I'll come back tomorrow evening to give the trivia answer (state fair tomorrow)
Have a great week end!

Thumbnail by music2keep
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Ahh! Your yard makes me think of rain. (How to do you borrow a socket? Those things are attached to the house.)

Se_eds, I have never been able to get sweet peas to germinate. Is there some kind of trick to it?

DH says that gasoline is $3.45 a gallon in Tulsa.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Marylyn: Those "exersaucers" certainly are a great thing! Little bunny looked happy in hers.
Celia: nice rainbow! :o))
Rann: loved the tour! Yes, indeed, wading is mandatory!--especially if one is pretty in pink! LOL
Kiska: that ash cloud certainly was ominous looking! 4 grandkids under 9 at one time! You are brave! However, I seem to recall having done that myself--my gkids loved those bucket of beads where they could make different shapes by putting them on a template. When they were finished I would iron them (literally) and Voila!--a neat looking coaster or whatever you wanted to use it for. I can't tell you how many of those things I have stuck away in drawers around here! LOL It sure kept them occupied, though.
EB: great fireworks shot!
Se_eds: I absolutely love the color of that sweet pea! I'm usually not much for pink flowers but that one--WOW!
Deb: I'm glad your BoP had no major damage. Do you bring yours inside in the winter?
Joey: waving back at'cha! :o)) Yep, JW will be giving you a merry chase once he starts walking! Glad your DH and DB got the lawnmower fixed.

(How to do you borrow a socket? Those things are attached to the house.)


It's 64º here right now--wonderful! We haven't had a temp that low in quite some time!
High today forecast to be 90º. The "cool front" continues! LOL

Sunrise this morning

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

A closer view:

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 7a)

Very interesting, Kiska. Thanks for the link. The pics there are great.

Deb, your pic looks like a shot they take just before the cyclone hits. Scary! LOL

Sweetpeas, daylillies...great!!! Love 'em!

Joey, I have grand plans, too, but they never seem to get done on MY schedule.

Very pretty, Mau. Pau is doing well? How about Janey?

74°F with 90º for later. Maybe more rain, maybe no.
Feels like: 74°F

Barometer: 29.8 in
Dewpoint: 55°
Humidity: 52%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 9 mph S
Sunrise: 6:32 AM
Sunset: 8:32 PM
UV Index: 1 Low

Coreopsis, Moonbeam.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Good morning, Celia! Yes, Pau is well and Janie is doing quite well--she's driving again and has gone back to work at the Mother's Day Out at her church 2 days a week. Thanks for asking. How's your back? Lovely Moonbeam.

Chrysler Imperial

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 3b)

46F and raining~
hopefully it's going stop before the outdoor b'day party for a young grandson. They're planning a "Pirate" party complete w/treasure hunt
se_eds~I love the sweet peas/such a wonderful link to memories. Very nice.
M2Keep~what a wonderful day it turned out to be for you. Playing and laughing w/JW would be a great way to spend time. Hope you can come take a hike someday:) Your driveway looks very pretty. Keep that new flower bed in mind; would love to see it when finished.
marsue~so glad Janey doing well. . Your sunrise pics are beautiful.
kwanjin~the ash clouds remain away from this area, so that's good for us. Sure makes a mess of everything when they come this way. It's happened a few times; I have a small bottle of it I collected.
Gas is dropping ;here, too. Yesterday was at $4.44; down from 4.51 last week.
Gson getting kisses from mom; he fell and broke his arm last week and he's the one with the b'day party today.

Thumbnail by kiska
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nice and cool today. Feels like low 70s. It's great!! Cloudy and we had some rain come thru about 1pm but it didn't last long.

(Zone 7a)

Mau, we had a nieghbor once who drove a rose like that. Pretty.

Our gas prices have not dropped. Nat'l average is under $4.00. Ours are $4.25 pg.

Kiska, my brother in OR has ash from Mt. St. Helens still in his yard from 1980. GS doing well with his arm? He looks like he's doing okay.

We had rain again! Yea! Well...for 2 minutes.

Caryopteris flower buds. Bluebeard.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Sweet Pea germination. I just soak the seed overnight and plant in plastic dixie cups - then carefully dump out the small plant into good soil. Works for me. They don't like having their roots disturbed and prefer cool summers - LOL - it has been hotter than hades here this summer.
Gasoline is down to 3.69 here. But I am not in a mood to go anywhere,

With having some rain and lots of cooler weather I am really in gear to garden!!!

Pink Super Spider was sent to me the Sunday before Hurricane Katrina hit the mainland, from a lady in Mississippi.

Thumbnail by se_eds
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Very pretty. :~)

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Kiska: I hope the rain stopped before the party got started. Your DGS and my DGS could compare casts--my DGS has a green one--they would be colorful together! LOL
Pepper: glad you are getting some cooler weather.
Celia: "drove a rose like that"! LOLOL
Se_Eds: the sweet peas wouldn't like our summers--not cool enough for them down here, I'm afraid. Lovely Pink Super Spider!
Oh, my, I'm not going to even tell y'all what gas is down here except to say that it is cheaper here than any of the prices mentioned above. :o))) It has been going down all week. Hooray! I wonder how long this is going to last?

Currently 80º and DH just came inside from the back porch and said it just started raining. Hooray again!

Pink Petunia

Thumbnail by marsue
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I think we can plant sweetpeas in august and enjoy until spring, but I'm not sure. I have sapphire blue sweetpea seeds and recall a long bloom here.
I also pine for se_eds home grown tomatoes.
I might see if I can buy some from her.
That might be a marketplace item for the time right before frost.
Tomatoes still taste good ripened on the window seal.
Enjoying all those pictures
Was below 90º today.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We awoke to a light rain this morning--must have been raining off and on all night though I didn't hear any thunder so it must have been a light rain--no thundershower. Our high today is forecast to be 77º!!! That is practically unheard of for August in Arkansas! I'm not complaining--I'll take it! LOL

Heavy T-Storms
High 77°F
Precip 100%
Wind: ESE 10 mph
Max. Humidity: 80%
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Sunrise: 6:24 AM CT
Avg. High: 91°F
Record High: 101°F (1980)
Heavy T-Storms
Overnight Low 66°F
Precip 80%
Wind: E 9 mph
Max. Humidity: 97%
Sunset: 8:01 PM CT
Avg. Low: 68°F
Record Low: 54°F (1996)

Celia: I told you that your damselfly made its way to my house! LOL

Thumbnail by marsue
(Zone 3b)

46F not raining; Sunrise: 5:51 Sunset: 10:10 length of visisble light: 18hr16m. Loss of daylight: 5m39s
Snowed on the mountains, again. It's now snowed at least once every month for a year. Generally, no snow in June/July.
Marsue~the damselfly fits beautifully with the colors of the flowers.
Sugarweed~se_eds tomatos sure do sound great. I love sweet peas, too.
6:30 this morning. At the end of our road, fresh snowfall on Byers Peak.

Thumbnail by kiska
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Mornin'! :D We had a wonderful day at the fair yesterday, but it was super crowded. The weather was great, which is unusual. It's generally too hot or it's raining. It was 75° w/a little breeze, which was ideal! We didn't get home last night until after 11:00 & were rather "pooped". Blake Shelton was in concert there, but we just stood outside the grand stand & listened...well DB & DSIL went into the grand stand to sit & listen, but JW was too tired, so we only listened to a few songs then went home. He did very well, tho (for a little one). He loved all of the animals, especially the sheep.
At the moment it's 69° & sunny. We may have some showers late this evening, but who knows for sure. ;)
At Dublin...
Clear: 75°F
Feels like: 75°F
Barometer: 30 in
Dewpoint: 61°
Humidity: 61%
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: 8 mph W
Sunrise: 6:35 AM
Sunset: 8:20 PM
UV Index: 6 High

Kelli, Yes, it had just rained before I took that pic. Thanks for the chuckle. :) Were you thinking of 'soffit'? That's what I have that's attached...(sorry, couldn't help myself :D )
Marsue, Yea...I'll be running my legs off pretty soon! Stunning morning pics! I've always heard "Red sky in morning, sailors warning", but glad that your weather is cooling down! And love the Petunia! They are one of my very fave annuals. And I agree w/Kiska about the Damsel matches (in color)
Celia, Glad someone else gets things done like me. :) If I had all the time in the world, then maybe I could have already landscaped my entire yard, but it's like DH says..."It's an on-going project". He thinks of it as work...I think of it as fun or total enjoyment.
Kiska, How did the party go? I certainly hope that the rain subsided before the party! Your little fella looks as if he is in right much pain...the ice pack is bigger than his arm! I'm hoping the pain is gone by now. btw, Gorgoeus snow cap! Wow!
Se_eds, I Love the Super Spider! Gorgeous!

Hope everyone is 'cooling' down...

The answer to the trivia is...C
Hurricane Alice struck with winds measured to 85 mph.

Today's trivia is...
When a severe Thunderstorm struck Goldsboro, North Carolina, what were the winds measured at?
a) 100 mph
b) 112 mph
c) 146 mph
d) 174 mph

Have a Great Day!
(from the state fair)

Thumbnail by music2keep
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Bright, Sunny, Upper 70's or lower 80's. Electrical work in the apartment today.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Kiska: lovely snow-capped mountain top.
Joey: Ahhhh, what a pretty "coverlet" on that "flowerbed". Your state fair is considerably earlier than ours which is usually the first week in October.
Guessing A on the trivia.

edited to add: Hi, Dyson! guess you are still getting settled in the new apartment?

This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 11:13 AM

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yeah! Dyson! You have your 'hook up'! :D Glad that you're back.

Marsue, thanks, it's my favorite place to go when I get there. It gives me lots of ideas. ;) Our fair is set before we start getting fall weather, I suppose. We may have a good frost by October. We have had snow the end of October.

one more...

Thumbnail by music2keep
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

64°F here with clouds and sun and a nice breeze. Checked the radar map and it looks like there are some big thunderstorms crossing the lake to the north of us. It rained most of the night again here.

Joey..........A local nursing home puts on fireworks for the residents every summer. I didn't do anything with filters. The smoke was hanging in the air and glowing from the fireworks exploding above. Better get some good running shoes!

se_eds...........I like the pink spider.

Sharona.........Thanks. I do sell photos occasionally. It's strictly a hobby though. I also present quite a few programs for camera clubs and photography conventions in the northeastern US.

I had perfect conditions for my bike ride last evening. I got a late start and had to push it pretty hard but still managed to snap a few photos of the beautiful clouds and some of the cardinal flowers that are quite common in ditches and wetlands around the area.


This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 1:40 PM

Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

The clouds were gorgeous!


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

To the north the sky was dark and ominous. I was hoping to make it back home before it rained.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Sidney asked me to start a new August thread..........


This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 2:38 PM

Kannapolis, NC

Enjoyed your photos, everyone.

Rann, that treacherous road in the video, maybe the people who live there call each other to see if anyone else is going to be on the road that day;-) I'm also glad to see someone else uses a little stool for long periods in the garden.

No photos to post but it's so hot and dry here that the grass is crispy and crunchy when you walk on it. We're getting a little rain today but not nearly enough. I'll take it, though.

Thanks for sharing the pics.

(Zone 5a)

Thanks Hemophobic and welcome :-) I couldn't be without that little stool when gardening ;-) lol Back to the new thread now .....

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