Best/Worse/Whatdid I learn today? visit with friend and newcomers always welcome!


Pat - glad you reported the illegal post!!
Linda Kay - when do you get your glasses?

I'm back home - it was HOT all weekend (over 100F), so no one got any fish. They wouldn't come to the surface. All the kids got candy & gifts (drew names) and there were raffles for the adults who bought $5 tickets. A throw quilt, cooked brisket from the night before's Potluck, gift certificates, tools, etc. We had another group meal for breakfast this morning. A good time was had by all. I was pleased with myself - driving my cargo trailer for the first time was a success, and I put up my 10-person tent all by myself for the first time, too. After last night's dinner there was a "free for all" of some cut brisket to take home as well as a dozen eggs. That was a "plus" for me.
Next weekend I'm going camping with my church. Hope to have an Invertor Generator by then, too. It's on sale until Wed. Camping's SO much better with power lol
Good news - at Friday's trial Bob took responsibility for his trespass on my property May 4th. Changed his plea from "not guilty" to "guilty" and will pay the fine of $600 by Dec 20th. When registering that he was there at court he said something to the effect of "my life will be changing a lot in the near future" whatever that means, to the Crown Prosecutor.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Just regular quilts Betty. Nothing with motorcycle fabric. We couldn't find any here. Most have motorcycles, but a lot of them are pulled in on trailers. If they buy a quilt, they can pack it in the vehicle or mail it home.
Glad you had a good weekend Susan.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

When my brother goes, they ride the whole way from state of WA.

Susan, sounds like things are finally moving in the right direction.

Betty, no, I have not started the process for the new shed.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Gorgeous day here, busy day for me..

Sounds like a perfect camping trip Susan, won’t be too many more camping trips left this season so wonderful that you are taking advantage of camping weekends.

hmmm wonder what Bob meant re his situation changing.what do you now have to do through to finalize what is still oustanding for you to get the divorce finalized?

Never thought Lindakay about mailing the quilts, keep thinking Sturgis is in the middle of nowhere. Was a shooting last year near your booth, does that worry you? Will be a year since shooting and death of Jamie end of August. Jeff got a trailer for his spider, amazing what it can carry.

Pat, a rest from construction will do you good,how are the aches and pains

Vanessa’s project today

Victoria Harbour, ON

Photo of her Angel 5” jointed bear

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Mom got here around 8, can’t believe Brian, Sharon’s son had her drive the 100 miles, said he had a headache, shaking my head.

No sooner did she get settled there comes Jeff
He has new parts coming in tomorrow so he drove up on his spider, will work from home. Got me set up on his new phone with new travel companion Waze for Thursday, because i had a plug put in back passenger tire he thought i should have an computerized air pump to go on my trip a Thursday, I am giggling to myself, I’ve found me way from east to west coast without getting lost, why do i need all these gadgets. He was outside, just came in, said he connected phone to my back up camera and 8n creased volume for directions..guess he is bored and looking after mama

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love that bear.
Shooting was in Red River, New Mexico. My son will be in Sturgis. I am staying home the dogs, as my knee surgery hasn't happened yet. Still waiting to hear from the doctor. I have an appointment to get my eyes checked Thursday. Should have new glasses about a week after that.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am really envious of you Linda, completing your eye surgery. I know it sounds odd, but I am hoping my cataracts have matured enough to require surgery so my vision can be improved. I anticipate having additional corrective surgery at the same time.

Betty, Brian passengered while your Mom drove? Or he didn't come at all?

The missionaries came this morning and put up the TV in the sewing room, one more thing off the list! I made gluten free zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting. I kept 2 servings for SIL Sharon & my lunch today. did some cleaning & sewing, that's my day.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Will be a sunny day
On my way to denturist so will be back in a bit


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wearing new dentures and decided trying to eat, feels like all food i try goes under other ones were so Worn down guess it will take awhile to get used to.


I'm thinking that I may be developing cataracts. When I moved to Alberta 18 years ago, the Ophthalmologist said I may develop them in 10 years lol I have an appointment on Aug 13th for my eye exam. I'll have to see about re-lining my dentures too, while I'm at it. They've never fit well or for long.
Gave the Friendship quilt to the couple who moved, last Thurs and now I'm working on a throw quilt for Wellness to raffle & help them raise some much needed funds.
I got a scam call from Stars Lottery. They were insistent that I won $95k and a 2024 Ford Explorer. They wanted to deliver it that day. I called the RCMP & reported them. No, they don't have my PO box # or my physical address.
Betty - that Angel bear is adorable. She should be very proud of the work she put in on it.
Pat - zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting sounds GOOD.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The cake was good!
Marie's home today was too funny to watch the pets! Not best buds but starting to play and it was so much fun to watch.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope you get your new dentures adjusted for you Betty.
Pat, my cataracts started about 4 years ago, they stayed small for 2 years, then the following year, they decided to grow. I had to get 3 new pair of glasses in one year. Then Todd got sick, so I didn't go to the eye doctor. This past year my daughter in law drove me every where. I finally made an appointment eithbthe eye do, and she told me new glasses wouldn't help. I needed cataract surgery. I am so glad I had it done.

Get ready for some quilt photos. Some are for the church for the homeless. Some Misty took to Sturgis to try to sell.

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

More quilts...

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

And more...

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Last group

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55

omygoodness, that's a lot of quilts! Good for you - they're beautiful (I especially like the star in the last set) and so lovely that they're for the homeless (some, anyway). I'm sure they'll fetch a good price at Sturgis. They're used to spending $$ there.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, calling for another beautiful day

You have so many beautiful quilts you are donating , you and your DIL did great job in long arm quilting. Hard to pick a favourite but if I did it would be the star and the first photo. when is Sturgis? Will you have time to make a few. There was a little blocked baby quilt made by mennonites yesterday, hand quilted of course and they wanted $120. Quite a few throws, $200-400. People buy just so they can say they have one made by mennonites.

Susan, Is our new dental plan in Alberta as well? You could get new dentures for free vs getting them relined

Have to smile Pat, same here, Ziggy is not fond of Bella, no playing there. Ziggy goes out but if Bella is anywhere near the door to come back in he won’t. Bella barked all night. Big will find it strange hav8ng Marie back.

Dianne how is Chaos doing?

Deb, how are you making out, have you had more X-rays

quite a day yesterday in Mennonite country, their clothing now were colourful vs dark clothing, could see that was the case for younger generation but elderly still black or dark navy. I so enjoyed watching them travel with their horse drawn buggies. The train ride (1hr each way) was so relaxing. It’s corn country and cow area..the market was so enjoyable, glad i brought a cart to pull all the veggies in. In Elmira there was 2 quilt shops, some with fabric Mennonites would buy, the other had a bit of everything. Mom enjoys cross stitching quilt blocks, the had packages with 6-18” blocks to do so i bought her enough blocks to do a throw, an early September birthday gift.

Jeff had mapped up travelling route not taking any highway, no traffic, up in mountain country and a lot of ‘s’ curves. I was leaving here at 5:45am and got a call fr9m Suzanne at 5:30 saying she wasn’t coming grrr so it was Linda and I.

Linda and I talked about her hubby Dave having medical issues last few weeks, Dave’s son had him for afternoon and he saw differences and Linda decided to take him to emerge. As soon as I dropped her off she went to emerge with him, we gabbed through the night, they did testing and think it’s heart issues. Haven’t heard fr9m her yet this morning but she must be exhausted as we had a long day then all night in emerge, at 1:30 they brought her a pillow and blanket so she could try to rest.

Lordy will be a busy day, have 2 students scheduled, there goes 4 hrs, trying to entertain mom, Jeff coming this morning as he wants to go riding this weekend with Greg and wants to miss Friday traffic, likely he will have to work under gazebo as Brian is coming and suppose to start kitchen.. I’m used to being alone, everything in its place, nice to have company but not all at once. I want to start emptying kitchen bottom cupboard so Brian can put new shelves in it but don’t want to do it til I know Brian comes for sure, not always dependable

As for my teeth, they fit well just have to adjust when I eat!

Class starts at 10 so best get breakfast for mom then start day.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thank you. The top one Misty made for her bed. The star in the bottom group is called a carpenters star.
Betty, sounds like you won't have a dull moment, with everyone there.

Victoria Harbour, ON

A few years ago Lindakay I did several carpenters star quilts for Christmas several years ago, like doing them.

Brian called and cancelled out, told him if he is not here by tomorrow early a.m. not to bother, i have someone else. only hired him as he is not working and i thought i was helping with $$$, makes me angry.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Susan, I keep hearing about the wildfires in Alberta. Is your area safe? I saw photos of the town of Jasper, so sad.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Almost think Deb it’s around 200 miles but fire spreads quickly.. i could be wrong

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Carpenters star quilt is quick and easy to do.
Praying the fires stay away from Susan.
Betty, I hope you find another person to help you out. Sad he isn't showing up.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I understand what you mean about Brian, and trying to help. You were smart to hold off emptying the cabinets!

The quilts are beautiful Linda. Susan is right I think. I think we all are more prone to spend more on our vacations.

Frustrating day, spent much of it trouble shooting an issue with Marie's 980Q sewing machine. I suggested she sew on her Epick 3 until we can get her Q fixed. She is really regretting buying the Epic 3. She just has not had the time to learn how to use this machine and it takes up so much room and the embroidery arm is HEAVY and huge. Tough to try to store the beast.

We did get the 7 boxes of stamps sold today. Sold them at much less than the face value. BUT!!! They are GONE>

Victoria Harbour, ON

How are these scammers posting so much on these sight, annoying to say the least

Gorgeous day but has the feel of fall..if wind settles tonight i will burn the fire pit.

Pat, were they collector shI find they are making these machines so technical that the average person can’t do minor repairs. Did she not get lessons when she bought it? She is lucky to have you as you have a good knowledge of machines.

i would love to go outside and cut spent flowers but I took all from under the cupboard, arrived at 10, took counter top off, said whoever put new countertop on they must have glued it..s9me damage to the cupboard..made me a list to go but materials for repair then says I have to leave for 2-3 I have no water, washroom w9nt work, I’m back and he isn’t grrr

Got up this morning at 5:30 when I heard Jeff go outside so made a coffee and went out to chat. There was a motorcycle next to his spider, he left last night with Greg in the truck, wondered who else was here as there was a motorcycle at the bottoms of steps, Jeff says no worries mom,no stranger it’s mine, bought it yesterday..have to shake my head, spider and motorcycle bought in one month. My brother Mike drove in, then Greg pulled in and off they went for the day. Sure fun will be had by all.

Too funny, Mike and Greg are obsessed with cleaning of vehicles, actually all in homes, Jeff rides and if it gets dusty oh well, Mike and Greg said before they would ride with him he would have to clean his machine, they watched him for awhile and said he wasn’t doing it right so they got shammies and helped

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

If you aren’t ready to read me rambling, post of anger then just pass this one by..don’t think I’ve ever been this angry and more so with my mom..

After not coming all week Brian came at 10, cupboard was a mess, falling apart at 11 he said he had to go somewhere so left for 2 hours, came back and worked hard, did a wonderful job, better than I thought, he didn’t have,proper parts to get water going so he wrote on a note what he wanted and tried to explain to me what i was to get

2 guys at Home Depot didn’t know what he wanted so i bout 4 things, the wrong one I’d return

Wasn’t what he wanted, while i was gone Bernie and Charlene came, Brian was packing up , it was about 4 pm, said he would be back tomorrow, ok,that is ok, asked him if i had water at least for the toilet and he said no water

I said you can’t leave a 76 yr old who has bowels issues and a 93 year old without water

It was still early enough he could go get parts, he said he had dogs to look after truck was his concern. He WAS.doing me a favour, I lost it, I said I asked if you wanted a job, wasn’t for free, Jeff was paying, he just had to say how much, no favour was asked, i said if that’s the case go and don’t come back. I will give you $$$ for hours he worked and you can give it to him.

Mom got wicked with me, said aI wasn’t satisfied with anything and i was looking for a reason to get rid of him, she would have done that work for $100.00. Kept going 9n and n, I told her aI didn’t want to hear one word from her, all she did was run him down all week, kept telling me to get someone else so i yelled back and said not one ,not one word, not one.

Greg and Jeff came back from riding
So Greg and Jeff got here, saw how upset I was, Greg went to Home Depot and Bernie worked about 1 1/2 hours and got water running.

Mom wouldn’t talk to Bernie or Charlene, said they came to see her and didn’t bother with her, no he asked getting water going

So just before I came in the room she was screaming at me about and Bernie,mahatma I’d better not say anything about Bernie’s work, she asked him to do things for her and he is too sick yet he was here helping me

She went nuts with me, she had a couple of drinks but shouldn’t have gone nuts

I told her after listening to her all week about Brian and her taking a fit, not going to work here

She said he can never do enough for you, who would have done the job, I said anybody I hired, just like him, paid to do the job

Working myself up here, her gone isn’t soon enough
There will be no calls nor visits anymore, that I can promise you

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh my.
Sounds like you need a drink. Sorry eith all that's going on Betty. Praying after a good night's sleep, tomorrow will be better.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I’ve been outside working since 6 am, will do outside work, cut grass, anything that keeps me out of the house
I imagine she won’t leave til tomorrow so outdoors I will stay


I don't blame you for ranting (nah, it was needed, not a rant). Leaving 2 elderly ladies without water is unconscionable to say the least. I'm not impressed either. Glad that you had Greg, Jeff & Bernie. Brian was being paid, NOT a favour! Your mom is truly something else. Good for you, for telling her off!!
Those scammers are very annoying. Have they been reported?
Carpenter's Star? I'd never heard of it before, so will have to take a look at the pattern. Not that I'll have time for it with the other quilts I'm planning on doing, but it sounds interesting.

Jasper is a long way away, but we do get the smoke from the fires. On Thurs morning it was so thick you couldn't see further than 100ft is broad daylight.
Home from camping with out church group. The minister & his family didn't stay the 1st night, and only 1 daughter & their son (plus their 2 friends) stayed the 2nd night. This morning the whole family was there for the church service. It was a lively outdoor-sy type of service with us taking a walk around the wilderness of the campground. It's wide open & enjoyable. We also played a campground game after the service. Dianne & I had a good time. There were potlucks too - Sat dinner & Sunday lunch. I did some hand quilting while I was there, too. I gave myself a deadline of August 13th to have the quilt all done. It's definitely do-able.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, you have been more than patient with Brian AND your mother! They are both enough to drive someone to drink. YIKES.
I have only ever done one Carpenters star, I didn't find it that easy! I am used to making blocks, putting the rows together etc. NOT laying out a big pattern. I do like the way it turned out, there is a silver metallic shine in all 3 pieces of fabric. I designed it to fit a specific area in my DIL's apartment over the electrical panel and it had to also clear the alarm and bookcase below it.
FIRES are scary~!
edited to say I reported the spammers

This message was edited Jul 29, 2024 11:32 AM

Thumbnail by psychw2
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Carpenters star quilt is squares and half square triangles. I have made several and enjoy them. Pat, yours is beautiful.
Betty, how long is your mom staying?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, sunshine day in my neighbourhood

Pat that is a beautiful piece, i have a package I bought from Joann’s that has silver, coordinating fat quarters, maybe I will make that where you got your fabric?you did well with matching seam points, she will be thrilled. I reported scammers as well but maybe I am doing it incorrectly, thanks for doing so.

Lindakay, the design the young girls here is doing have instructions with 15” block, sewn in different areas and cut in 8 1/2 Triangles. All their cuts are in odd numbers, maybe I should try an extra large double square and see how big the carpenter square would be

Susan, that sounds like a beautiful service out walking in the wilderness, did they enjoy their night camping? Love pot luck must be tired today..

She left last night, after the fighting all day yesterday she won’t be back, guaranteed
Had enough, and for me that is something. i always have to force Sharon to call her, she is like that with Sharon but never I, my brother Mike’s wife call her all the time but not my brother, Bernie might call her a dozen times a year, his wife never so add me to that list.

By the time she was getting ready to leave all the drama was like nothing had happened, she chattered away, when she left about 6:30pm she said I will talk to you this week, meant to say no you won’t but didn’t.

My brother and his wife Charlene were here before I got back from chiropractor, door quickly got put up, hot and cold water fixed, b Brian hadn’t tightened anything, Bernie didn’t realize the counter tops for stove and refrigerator weren’t cut so they are doing that then FINI, usually do ok because like Pat I can so a lot. All that remains is putting everything back in cupboards and cleaning sawdust up, that will take me a full day.

Thank God this project is done, won’t attempt renovating anything more..pretty well everything done anyway.

i will take a photo when all together, lots of country things going bye bye

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I think I got all of the spammers. Let me know by giving me the username if I missed anyone. Spam is getting so much worse and we're working to get some programming in place to help keep them out, but they are getting so tricky lately.

Just to lift your spirits a bit here's some quilts that I've just finished. The bigger one is from my mom's 30's reproductions stash that I inherited (she never met a piece of 30's repros she didn't like) the second is a little walkabout that I made for a new baby coming to the family this fall. Enjoy! And I do so appreciate you all helping us with the spammer reports. It is a huge help to us and we definitely appreciate it.

Thumbnail by melody Thumbnail by melody
Victoria Harbour, ON

I am sure it’s virtually impossible to keep them out, all they need to do is purchase a membership and there they go, can send messages to all the threads..good luck and thanks for removing them

Treasures for sure Melody

Congrats on soon to be addition to the family are one lucky lady to have such a stash. The are both stunning, do you sew a lot?

Few boxes that were donated to the young ones that I teach sewing to are reproductions and some I think from that era, think I will exchange some of my fabric for some of the reproductions..everyone is so quilted out that I am enjoying all the new babies coming to out family.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Not getting ANY quilt work done here!! Those are beautiful Melody. They don't even need to purchase a membership to post on most threads, unless that has changed.

I have a handful of repoductions but I think I will rehome them. I can't get all the quilts done that I have ALL the fabric for, and the repos don't call my name. Better off to ship them off to someone who will appreciate them.

Boat race weekend was this past week and I have not been since I was a kid. I don't see that changing in my future. Hydroplane races bring in lots of rowdy visitors. Lots of locals leave for the weekend LOL.

Marie has given me permission to thin out the ribbon and lace trim. I hope she doesn't regret it because I will be ruthless. I doubt there will be 25% left when I am done. I don't use bias tape, or hem tape, I don't like most gathered lace and end up cutting it off the gather and serging the edge.

I have a friend coming for dinner so should get busy. We bought 2 new vacuum cleaners (one vaccums and mops) AND a new flatbed cart. Marie got the vacuum cleaners put together and I still need to get the cart done.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Melody, thank you for getting rid of the spammers.
Your quilts are beautiful.
Betty, glad to hear your Mom is back home. Wonder if she is getting dementia? Her getting angry, then acts like nothing happened.
Here is a video to show how to.make 8 hst at a time. Very easy.


one sign of dementia is unexplained anger outbursts. That's why I think that Bob has dementia. If only the Dr had believed me when I told him of behaviour changes, he might have received the medication to help. Ah well, that's in the past (4 years ago) and it's not my problem anymore.
Betty - glad to hear that your mom's gone, and I hope you stick to your guns about this. You need a little more peace in your life.
Linda Kay - thanks for the link.
Melody - thanks for taking care of the spammers. Your quilts are lovely. What a treasure to get your mom's 30's quilts.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, says rain all day but sun sure is trying to come out, think it would do us good to get rain, grass is starting to burn even though had rain but it’s a mega downpour and doesn’t seem to do anything. Any plants on the 3 decks I set on the ground to get a good watering seeing decks are covered, which reminds me, should do same with the ones under the gazebo

Thanks for the link Lindakay, do you know what size of block it would make?

No, mom is too with it to have dementia, she admitted earlier in the week the doctor told her she was bipolar but not enough to worry about..think he is wrong.

Yes, it’s peaceful here today, put in a good day yesterday setting things back in proper order, gave a lot of what I had on cupboards, will not rush out to buy more until i am somewhere and see the perfect thing..keeping it simple. I want to change the few pieces of wallpaper so will be on the lookout, time to get with the times right?

Only thing I’m not pleased with is where Brian was roughly taking main counter top off, broke a front piece..Bernie put a piece over the hole as the sink clips doesn’t allow for it to be set in but i had an idea, Greg can do anything, Noah works for him so think if they made me a 2” stainless steel piece, length of counter top it would not only fix it but add pizzazz. Next time he is in the area he will stop in. There are a few faint paint drips, not from me but over the different 4 coats of paint someone did, i will sand the area and repaint. One door is off a tad, when Jeff comes I’ll get him to rehang it. When it was maroon you wouldn’t notice as much but I’m noticing now..did i say I do NOT like finished project, maybe it’s because all that happened during the Reno’s..maybe once I buy things with matching colour it will be ok

Think Giorgia comes10-noon, girlfriend Joanne is on her way, takes 1/2 hour, she will take all the chicken stuff. My newborn great nephew was born Friday, might work on his quilt.

My new dentures feel good but hard going when I eat..wonder how long it takes before I adjust?

Bet get a move on

Posted photo’s as is, included the maroon colour

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

To answer the sewing question, yes, I do. I have 2 spare bedrooms devoted to fabric, machines and tools. I spend more on sewing than I do on plants. I just added my 10th sewing machine to the 'herd'. I couldn't pass up a pristine Babylock Ensante at an estate auction, even though I have a Janome that while older, does pretty much the same stuff. I also have 2 Featherweights, a Singer Centennial 15-91 and several other older all-metal machines. Most of the feet and attachments of the Babylock were still wrapped in the factory plastic and there wasn't a speck of lint anywhere. (I took it apart to see the guts before I placed a bid)The throat is bigger and I can fit a bigger quilt under it to quilt. I use a walking foot and don't send anything out to the longarmer. Mom was an award-winning hand quilter. Her work was exquisite and she volunteered at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah until her health prevented her from doing so. I never miss the Quilt Show and one of my best friends and I always make at least one day of it, We've known each other since we rode the school bus together in 1st grade.

Thumbnail by melody Thumbnail by melody Thumbnail by melody
Victoria Harbour, ON

Aerosmith tribute Quilt is beautiful, sure pops out of the fabric you used, was it a keeper Melody? All lovely!

Too funny, we become machine collectors, thank goodness we hall have rooms to house them.

I should be out in the gardens but it is so humid that when you go out it’s like a wall so inside it will be, promised myself I would do 1 hr in the gardens a day, day 2 and I’m already saying tomorrow. Sat out front where I put table-/chairs/umbrella for Marie and Ted to sit, all pavement in front of their place, way to hot for them so under the maple and under trees they sit most of the day. Lots of pine cones and acorns on the ground so got a bag and picked a bunch up, drats something bit in the neck then fell into my blouse andI am having a reaction to whatever it was, burning like the dickens.

Giorgia was at her cottage but I had a lovely visit with my friend Joanne who dropped in, will have lunch then brings the cut up pieces for baby quilt upstairs and see if I can get the designed pieces ironed on.

Before going out I got the house back in order, did stairs, will vacuum downstairs and house in order so I can play.

What are you all up to today?

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