Best/Worse/Whatdid I learn today? visit with friend and newcomers always welcome!


Thank you, Dianne. I still have to wait for the emailed document, then re-file for the divorce.
a hot spot = infection?

I haven't watched any of the Olympics, nor the Calgary Stampede. Just not interested.
Betty - hope you're keeping your strength up - you need to eat, regularly.
Nice that Jeff was there, but sure surprised you - don't think I could take a surprise/startle like that when I'm not expecting anyone to be in the house

Oh goodness! This is your first granddaughter, how wonderful!

Verona, ON

Well the Weather Liars were right. It poured most of the night and is reving up to start again.. It is really muggy as well.

LK I never lock my doors. To be honest I don't even have a key. 2 people do have the key if I need it. Someone might get in the house but the TH would make it next to impossible for them to get out. Even friends knock and stand back as the ferocious barking of the TH is intimidating. I imagine living in Del Rio made you very conscious of people up to no good. I hope you get an offer that is what you want.

Chaos is fascinated with The Critter Fixers. He lays on the bed staring at the TV when the show is on. Zeke could care less. I had a dog once who used to go look behind the TV to see where the dogs went once off screen.

I ended up not eating last night. Nothing caught my fancy and really I was just thirsty. I think I will make chicken soup today. I love soup of any kind except green pea. My aversion to that soup is that is what they poured down my dad's feeding tube for weeks. Imagine after all that he still enjoyed green pea soup.

Betty raining your way ?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Did rain during the night Dianne but sunny out right now, fall day feel.
Ezra came for his lesson today, didn’t have what he needed so his mom said ok to take him to Barrie and let him pick fabrics he wanted and she would reimburse me which she did. Couldn’t find much in the line of fire truck but got the backing, I will go on Etsy and buy birth announcement with fire truck on it and figure something out..the yard I did bought was $24.99. Imagine!

Having lunch then a nap hopefully, all this manual labour finally caught up with me.

Lindakay,since the 2 shootings and murder last year I do lock my doors, Jeff has a key as much as most friends lol. He had left that morning for 90 mile trip home so wasn’t expecting him back same night..didn’t give me a fright just wondered who it was. Before that I’ve never locked my doors and felt quite safe, if the wanted it more than I go for it.

Dianne, I often wonder if some shows attract Ziggy’s attention, he will look at screen as though he is understanding everything.

Deb are you walking without difficulty?

Susan, is the Calgary Stampede still as busy as it once was?you must be beyond tired of all the hoops they are making you jump theoug(

Just hear

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crazy how much fabrics keep going up.
I shop at joanns, most fabrics are $7.00 or less when on sale. Hobby lobby is my 2nd choice. If I can't find what I need, I go to a quilt shop. Prices there are $12.00 to $25.00 per yard.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I’ve pretty well used up all my stash, Covid did it in
Not a wonder many can’t afford to sew/ craft anymore. i have the donation fabrics for the kids, some are quite nice but I keep those separate. Guess the thing is to buy fabric whenever it’s on sale even when you don’t need it. You bought out a lady’s long arm/longarms and fabric correct? With all those quilts you made you must have made a dent in it, especially as you have inspired your DIL and she is enjoying sewing.

I had so hope I’d spend Tim and get the baby quilt quilted but too tired, slept most of the afternoon, had my bath and go8ng to get comfy. Nothing planned for weekend so plenty of time to do it.

Mom called, I didn’t answer the telephon, I’ve no time for such shannanigans.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Diane, 20 inches is more than our YEAR's worth of rain!
"Since Washington is known as the “Evergreen State,” many view it as a land of forests and gentle rains. The Tri-Cities, however, is a dry land area located in southeastern Washington, averaging only eight to nine inches of precipitation per year".

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Quilying is a very expensive hobby. We made made a small dent in my stash. Wish I was closer. You could get some of mine.
Pat, I agree. That is a lot of rain.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, at shows near Cleveland Ohio this weekend. I unexpectedly lost my older boy Klaus on Wednesday. This is a good distraction. Met up with several friends here from Florida. Hamish, one of pups will be going back with them for more show experience before the Afghan Club of America show in October.

Verona, ON

Oh Deb I am so sorry Klaus crossed the bridge. Enjoy your time at the show.

We didn't get 20 in of rain here but it sure poured down at times. The city of Toronto was still in a bad way from an earlier storm. The news showed water just pouring down the streets not just in the suburbs.

Glorious day here mid 70's with a breeze.

There was 1 fly in the house last night. Zeke went bananas jumping after it. I finally got the fly swatter out and the fly was no more.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Deb, lI am sorry to hear of your loss of Klaus. No matter the age, it hurts.

I can't blame you for ducking your Mom's call Betty. She brings nothing but drama and pain. Then she sails away and is oblivious to the pain & stress she causes.

Boy am I glad we made plans to meet our guests OUT to dinner! the house is still a disaster as we continue sorting the fabric. Marie got the little stuff sorted by color group, folded and put in little bins, I put them on the shelves in the longarm room. Getting closer to done.


Deb - condolences on the loss of Klaus - as Pat said, no matter the age.......

Betty & Dianne - even in our tiny hamlet, we would never think of leaving our doors unlocked. There have been a lot of thefts - license plates, lawn equipment, poisoning of pets, etc.
Betty - I haven't been to the Stampede in about 15years or more. It's crazy busy, and visitors to Calgary park in people's driveways, on their lawns etc. Lots of people take vacation away at that time, to avoid the headaches. I used to go on a hilly area near home to watch the fireworks to the east for an hour, but that was about it.
Just home from going with Dianne to pick raspberries at a friend's whose away on vacation and said "Please, pick them, they'll just fall on the ground otherwise". I got about 3 cups worth.
Today is Yard & Shed Work day. Yesterday a friend took the compressor away that he bought & it was taking a lot of space in my shed. Now I can move stuff from the house into the space. My grass need serious mowing and I might just tackle pulling up the chipboard that is my lower back deck. It's getting soft & Ken's going to put proper deck boards there when he has time (2 weeks' time?). He's going to take some stuff to the dump, too. It's free to take stuff on Wed & Saturdays.
Getting very much done on the quilt. Looking forward to having it DONE lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you didn't get the 20 inches of rain Dianne.
Pat, sounds like you are getting things organized.
Susan, sounds like you have lots to do.
My neighbor taught me how to crochet granny squares. I have all the squares crochet into rows. Working on getting them put together.

Thumbnail by taters55

Good looking squares, Linda Kay! The only thing I learned how to crochet when I was very young was a chain, good for "idiot mitts" lol I figure I know enough crafts, so never wanted to learn. Eventually I'll learn tatting, because I have my grandmother's 2 tatting shuttles, but that won't be for awhile - too much quilting to do first LOL

I didn't get the lawn mowed, but sure did a lot of other stuff - cleaned house, put camping stuff & lumber in the shed, cleaned up some plants in the yard, and put stuff for the town recycle bins in my car. Also set out stuff I want taken to the dump in the back yard for Ken to take away (dump's open Wed & Saturday for free, for household garbage). I pried up a board from my lower back deck - chipboard that was getting soft. There's plywood under that, and I'll let Ken pry that up. He'll be coming in 2 to 3 weeks to put proper deck boards on. Not sure if I'll be able to get all the chipboard off - it's a 10ft square deck, and lots of pieces of chipboard. I'll do what I can.
Supposed to be getting hot again, but not as hot as it was earlier this summer

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, probably by the time I finish this post it will be afternoon.

Deb, sorry to hear of Kraus passing. Am sure it’s overwhelming for you. How are you making out at the dog show?

Lindakay, you will be hooked ( crochet hooked) once you start putting the dog ether, Roger always said how can a blanket so full of holes be so warm lol greatprojects when you’ve a stash of wool, your colours are striking

Susan, you are making great strides, hope you’ve been taking before and after photo’s, won’t be easy getting chipboard off but know you will get it done

Pat, it’s great that Marie is starting to purge, likely a bit this today and more tomorrow.

How is the weather today Dianne in your region, we got quite a heavy rain during the night, sun trying to come out, i finished baby quilt #21 and thought i might get some gardening done but have the feeling i need a jacket

Linda just messaged me, Dave has staff infection along with a lot of other thins, poor guy.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, that quilt is adorable.
I got the Afghan done, but didn't realize I put the bottom row on backwards.

Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

See it clearly but only because you told us. Are you going to undo to sewn wool and put it back on? Done that before and ended up cutting blocks.

We had rain this afternoon, i was irked and fell asleep so only way i knew was from the puddles

Anxious to hear how Linda’s Dave is doing

I’m comfy in bed, should have pushed myself and gotten the wedding name signing piece done but didn’t.

Usually a few Ames of solitaire does me in.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2024 6:07 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, your quilt is cute as always, good job.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I think I will leave it and call it lesson learned. My neighbor says it's very hard to pick it out to fix.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I don't blame you, Linda. Some mistakes are not worth fixing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Did you crochet rows together or sew with wool?

I kept myself busy today, finished the wedding signing piece, few touch ups to quilting, will do it in morning, also did the birth announcement block

Heading to bed

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I crocheted the blocks together.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sun has been out for a few hours, couldn’t sleep past 5:30am, still dark out, Ziggy wanted out but nope not until daylight and I can see if the skunks are around.

Lindakay, I am with you, good experience and a learning curve.

Vacuumed, did back of the baby quilt, will have lunch after I cut grass.

Know it’s odd doing back of quilt first but wanted to get the birth announcement inset done

Starting to tire so best get at it,

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I love how you put the personal info in the quilt.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Means I have to wait til after baby is born then rush to get it done

Regardless of how many birth announcement programs I purchase seems the theme is something other and I have to buy different ones. Checking for appliqué fire related designs, found one that says my dad is a firefighter, I’ll buy that one for sure

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Hey all! The Pixel County Fair opens tomorrow and I'd love to see some of your crafts entered. I even spotlighted the sweet treats that Bettypause won with a couple of years ago in my Friday article so everyone look for that!

If you have trouble entering, just shoot me a note and I can do it for you.

Here's my latest quilt (no, I can't enter since I'm an employee)
I cut this out a couple of years ago and made a couple of blocks. I didn't like them (the colors were 'off') so I packed it away and abandoned it. It silently mocked me every time I had to move the container. Last week I pulled it out and started all over and now it works. I hate UFOs and this one is now in the history books.

Thumbnail by melody
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful quilt Melody. I too have ufo's stuck in the closet. I need to get them finished.

Verona, ON

Another hot, hot day. There is no breeze off of the lake.

Yesterday it was Zeke's turn to get his Lyme and Lepto shots updated. He loves to hang his head out of the window during the drive. I only lower the window enough for him to get his nose out. Well as usual we had a long wait at the vet's. We really need some new vets in the area. Anyway Zeke and I were so hot I broke down and put the AC on. It was heaven.

Melody the quilt is beautiful. When my MIL was alive she taught quilting at the Senior's village she lived in. When I asked who she taught she said "Oh the elderly." I laughed and laughed - she was 94. She lived a very active full life until she broke her hip. She couldn't be on her own overnight and her Senior's studio apartment was just too small for another person. I know this for a fact as once when we still lived in Toronto and were driving 1 Friday night to the farm in a snowstorm we stopped. After I made Warren think it was his idea we stopped in Coburg at his mom's. So there we were 3 adults and 2 very large dogs in the apartment. I was just so thankful we were off the road. We sort of danced around each other if someone had to move.

Betty I get into bed early too. I don't fall asleep but read and watch TV if there is something on I am interested in. I go out sometime between 10 and midnight to either walk the boys or put them out in their yard for a bit.

Kieran's mom Jen has been bringing me down what they had for dinner some nights. I accept it but don't know what to do as I tried refusing. She is not a good cook. The TH enjoy it mixed in with their kibble so it doesn't go to waste.

Susan you pack a lot into a day. Hope you get your deck completed soon.

Stay safe, healthy and cool.


beautiful quilt, Melody! I need to finish the quilt I'm doing, then do a "Madam Butterfly" quilt I'm designing, then do a crazy quilt with some felt blocks I have (want to dress up the plain cover on our senior centre's pool table) and I also want to make a quilt for my staunchest supporters, my daughter & SIL. Hopefully the last one will be done before Christmas.
lol on the bad cooking only good for the dogs! Glad the TH enjoy it
Betty - looking forward to seeing the firefighter baby quilt - sounds like it'll be cute.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2024 5:56 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Dianne, I feel so guilty when someone brings me something to share and I can't / won't eat it. What do you say when someone brings me a beautiful sourdough loaf of bread and you just don't like that kind?? Or food so full of sugar and fat that you can't eat it? I try to immediately pass it on to someone (or something like your dogs!) that will appreciate it.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sad to say, I have done the same. I would rather make it dog food, than throw it away.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The Pixel County Fair is open for entries and I need some help.

Can some of you enter a couple of things to make sure that the system doesn't have a glitch or bug in it?

Here's the link to the contest:

Just scroll down to the category you'd like to enter and click on it. Follow the prompts and you should be able to upload.

Let me know if you have any issues and I'll get the tech team to get in gear and get it fixed.


Thanks Melody - 1st place doesn't get any free subscription to DG, but 2nd & 3rd do? That doesn't make sense.

I went to court today (subpoenaed as a witness) and they said "didn't anyone call you to tell you that you weren't required? There's a warrant out for his arrest".
I'm not sure which charge - he has so many.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, sunshine fall feeling kind of day..
I typed a post last night but was so tired I must not have pressed send so here we ago again.

Drats Susan your judicial system doesn’t seem to have it together, after all those trips re divorce etc and now this, you must be be so frustrated..cost gas $$$ for these unnecessary trips. Know you told us but being overly tired I’m not retaining all, did Bob move in down the street, think he had to wait a tad before he did right?

As for the food, it is dropped off with the best of intentions so aI accept it with many thanks, i do try it, if too spicy or something I don’t eat the it finds its way to the garbage bin sad to say. Restaurant next door brings me wonderful meals, i should have said I’m not fond of quiche, should have said ir right off because now they bring it often, i do it it from time to time but it wouldn’t make it to top of my like list though.

Melody, love the quilt and fabrics, going to look at the contest info

falling asleep, supper is in the oven so I’d best get up and make sure i don’t burn it, be back after nap

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

First place gets a year subscription. I'll check the text and make that clear for folks...good catch!

I also zapped the spammer...sigh...I spend a lot of time each morning cleaning up their messes. They've figured out work-arounds and are everywhere!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Spammers SUCK! I wish there were more legal ways to penalize them and make it less desirable for them to try this "stuff".


Betty - he tried to move in down the street, BUT it's closer than the 100 metres he's allowed to be near me until May 31, 2025, PLUS he has a no-contact order with HER that lasts until Oct 31. 2024. He's not been coming around with his car, but I suspect that she's (as has been told me by neighbours of hers) picking him up at his apartment in the next town and bringing him back to her place. That may be why there's a warrant out for his arrest - he thinks if he sneaks around that he can still see her. She's wanting him around, so he would take advantage of this.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all, storming here and will be for next 3-4 days.. means I have to stay alert re sump pump.

Melody, i won several goodies last year, subscription, lovely Dave’s Garden tote bag, wish in quilt section you could post front and back of quilt, lately I put more work on the back than the front.

Susan you have to wonder why he thinks he is above the law? Well at least he is not living there where he can be seen right now.

Jeff dropped in for 1/2 hour this afternoon, says he was going back to the city seeing bad weather this weekend and will work so when sun is shining he will come up, he brought fluorescent tape for Grayson’s fireman costume, he put more cord in my weeder then off he went. Greg called shortly after and said it’s so busy as work he has been putting in the hours but will visit tomorrow.

I had a canister set i put on local news hub the other day, an old friend of about 40 years asked if she could have them, so she and her son dropped in for an hour, was heart warming hearing her son say how much fun my programs were when he was younger and i was recreation coordinator so good visit.

John called and said Darlene was sick today so they couldn’t visit, maybe tomorrow

I came to bed at 5 after working outside a bit, had chills, sneezing and feet freezing,took neocitron, flannel nighty, socks and knitted slipper in bed and just fall8mg asleep when I heard young boy doing my ditch so out I went to pay him, now I am sweating, put fan on over my bed, opened the bedroom window..guess it will be one of those nights

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope you are feeling better in the morning Betty.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I can put two images together side by side so you can upload it as one. That way you can show both front and back of a quilt. Let me know if you're interested.

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