Best/Worse/Whatdid I learn today? visit with friend and newcomers always welcome!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The Areosmith quilt is a tee shirt quilt I made for my nephew from his concert tees. I called it 'Walk This Way'. Tee shirt quilts are like wrestling a mattress and I don't like doing them. I'll never make one for just anyone. My nephew is a definite exception. I'd quilt the moon for him. Here's his Eric Clapton/BB King tee shirt quilt. I called it 'Riding With the King'

Thumbnail by melody

I love the fact that you made this quilt for your nephew, even though it's NOT something you would want to quilt. Shows the love, and I'm sure he appreciates it

Victoria Harbour, ON

I was going to say much the same , he certainly blessed. Im guessing by the bands he isn’t a teen?
I did a few, hockey ones for grans from all the years the played,Mai backed each block with iron on/wonder under, made is easier, also made 2 memory quilts for a lady who lost her hubby, they were Christmas gifts for her children, they all turned out beautiful and are cherished but so much work..

What a storm we had last 3 hours, messaged Jeff to tell him not to come from the city, far too dangerous riding a motorcycle or spider.

Dianne how is Chaos and are you getting this storm?

Deb how are you making out?

Lindakay is it blistering hot where you are, not as hot as when you were further south

Susan, you weather has been hotter this year right?

Joanne was telling me her gardens like many others are doing extremely poor this year, not even a feed of beans, few tomatoes and cucumbers.

Kind of a lazy afternoon, put Tiger bear and Winnie the Pooh on background, sure wish I had a pattern, tiger is a little elongated but that is ok, am sure I can add something to it. Tomorrow after my therapy hoping to put the kite and little creature, don't know its name, similar to a fairy, think it’s pink but seeing it’s a boy I will do it in blues then it will be ready to quilt. I’ve another baby quilt to do and I’m not asking what if the room had a theme lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Melody, your quilts are beautiful. I have made a few t shirt quilts. They can be a pain to do.
Betty, it was 102 today, and pretty much the same all week. Del Rio has been 110 or more. If you start with 7 inch squares, and make them into 6 ½ inch hst, the quilt will be about 50 inches square. You can add borders to make it bigger, or adjust your sqares to the size you need.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Day break, was nice to watch, not as much as my sunset in Georgian Bay, not a wonder we are know for our sunsets. Trying hard to be a Nice day but rain may win out… think 88 here but very humid, glad my chiropractor appt is at 7:40, much to return to Home Depot and a few things to pick up at Walmart and home it is. No students today so my day and evening will be my own so play with baby quilt. I have all the birth info I need for the baby announcement for the back so hoping to work on that, but as you know, things change by the minute😜

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

My Nephew is 34 and the baby quilt in my first post is for his second daughter that he and his wife are expecting this fall. I've also got his Elton John shirts that I'm going to quilt up for him for Christmas...just got my yellow bricks fabric to work around the shirt panels. It's too hot to garden. Heat index here in west KY was 115 yesterday, so I'll stay inside and sew.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

YIKES, I won't complain about 100 degrees! I had no idea you are such a quilter Melody!
Betty, bipolar would NOT surprise me at all about your mother. She is a work of art. I honestly don't know how you have tolerated her this long.


Betty - we have gotten some pretty hot temps for Alberta this summer - around 104F & higher. A lot of farmer's fields are scorched for lack of rain. We had a couple of weeks where we had torrential rains but didn't last & still wasn't enough. After that, the sun hit again & it was another heat wave.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The temperatures have played havoc with my yard.

We went to the movies yesterday and it was AWFUL! Marie picked it and now I have something to tease her with. "Longlegs", don't watch it! LOL

We have an appointment with a kitchen designer for Friday, we want to add an appliance garage. Our cupboard situation is NOT contusive to baking. We have to haul out the heavy mixer and pull out all the sugar, flour extra from down low all piled together.
The cabinets over the washer and dryer are completely unreachable for Marie. We want much deeper ones and I guess we will need to decide if we want to have them hung lower.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Oh, all of you quilters...the County Fair is coming up in a couple of weeks,. I'm hoping you all will enter. The quilt section is always one of the smallest groups and I'd really like to see a nice showing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, busy day.. was 86°f, lower temps than you all but the humidity is brutal, not enjoyable.

Melody wish we had County Fairs, at one time our area fairs and our Toronto Exhibition had great shows but not any longer, I envy you all who get to see these quilt shows. i will have to find out when Midhurst Craft show is, think in the fall, about 40 minutes away, haven’t been for a decade but should go.

Melody I did go to Paduca qu.ilt store, so much to choose from. One year my girlfriend and I were on our way to Texas, my Uncle lived in Tulsa’s Oklahoma, we laughed as we were in middle on nowhere.ere, where I don’t know but was bout 1/2-1 hr from Tulsa when we saw a billboard in the middle of nowhere, sign said”a million and one calico prints” right, here 8n the middle of nowhere’s land. We got off the highway and there was such a pretty little town, on one side was the begging older building, 3 floors, full of fabric and craft supplies, on each side of this building were 2 big buildings, you could drop your Quilt off and pick it up next day, if I remember correctly there was another smaller quilt shop and a Church. Either I marked the name of the town down or thought I’d never forget where, now that is 40 years ago, researched but never found it.

Oh Pat, just the mention of doing Reno’s brought chills, you’ve more gumption than I. Lower cabinets is better than getting on a steep stool. When you purged did you maybe keep to much. lol

Susan that is ht for you. Our farmers are having difficulties as well.the elder Mr. Johnson who had a large store, sold all fresh. Veggies, flowers, acres of vegetables growing didn’t open this season, boy he was missed.. poor guy passed away a few weeks ago,nothing like it around here. How was your garden? L9ng weekend for us, going camping?

Today has been a long day, early morning chiropractor treatment, want to go look for a few things for kitchen, all decorative but i was finished early, stores that might sell what I want didn’t open til 10 so wasn’t about to kill time. Chiropractor office is closed as of tomorrow for a week so I will get to sleep in, as though I ever do.

I worked on the Winnie The Pooh backing, although it looks wrinkled the birth block once pressed will be nice, i sat and too tear away off so I caused most of the wrinkles, then Ari came and finished her quilt, all that remains is waiting til baby is born so we can add birt info on back, she was pleased (9 yrs old) with final outcome.

Grayson enjoyed the splash pad, his baby sister watched

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful quilt Betty. Splash pad looks fun.

Victoria Harbour, ON

calling for 82°f, chance of rain tomorrow and Sunday, hoping rain comes during the night so everyone can enjoy their long weekend.

Jeff got here about 8:45, just in time to setup for his 1st meeting of the day, his lastmeeting of the day is 2:30 then he will run to Barrie for a part for his motorcycle kick stand.

Lordy, my brother Bernie dropped 8n to get the leak in sink fixed, here Brian didn’t put the rubber seal in either drain, after he got that going it would drains, got plunger and omg talk about junk coming out of it, he hadn’t brought tools, needs all new plumbing parts so will come tomorrow. Big sigh

I am beyond fed up but beyond being upset, it will get fixed when it get fixed, not sense being aggravated so I will just play with the quilt.

Someone called me at 5:15am, by the time I got to the phone they had hung up, tried to locate who called, but that technology doesn’t work, am sure they will call back if important but it woke me and i could go back to sleep so worked on the quilt.

Is it a long weekend for you?

So muggy you just can’t breath outside

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear your still having to fix things Betty.
No long weekend here. What holiday is it for you?


I forgot to send this lol

It's a long weekend, but I'm not going camping. Two in a row is enough for me, cost-wise.
Glad that your water problems are getting fixed, Betty


Linda Kay - it's just a long weekend to make an even 12 months of long weekends. Not a special day per se

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

U.S. doesn't have that. Enjoy your weekend.

Victoria Harbour, ON

It’s our Civic holiday Lindakay, i had almost forgotten it was a long weekend, to we elderly every weekend is a long weekend.

Bernie got here 1st thing this morning, Jeff and I were both up at 6…Jeff did a few hours of his office work, ran into town to pick up a few more parts Bernie needed, Bernie told me the glue in new drain should be dry for me to try and see if it’s fixed but I am not going to rush it, will wait til Jeff gets here later tonight and let him try.

Bernie is on limited income so the $200, then $100 and $200 Jeff gave him today will help him out.

I worked on the baby quilt for a bit this morning then went into town , stopped at Greg’s camper site, had to be 25 people and more to come for a day of games, dropped off all those baby outfits that came from Cracker Barrel, few toys for Grayson then it was grocery time.

Had lunch, cut grass and tempted to have a hot bath and call it a day but not before i do my lemon pie lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You have had a busy day. Praying your sink is ready to use.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy birthday Sharon.
Enjoy your special day.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Birthday greetings Sharon, will the family be over or will you be going out for your weekly Sunday meal?

Hot one again, great weather for long weekend. Jeff and I were up early, he gave it a good cleaning and WD oiling then put new belts and blade on my band saw. We will see how it cuts when he gets back, so loud, can’t remember it being that loud but likely was.

So far so good, back in business with sink, crossing my fingers, I even did a heavy duty dishwasher load, water went through ok

my boys are all off for motorcycle and spider ride, heading north in cottage country, likely they won’t be home til late so no having to cook. I do have corn to husk so maybe I’ll cook a few and see how I do eating them.

Trying to talk myself into going downstairs and working on the quilt backing bit for a bit but ohhh think it would feel so nice just to f8nd a good movie, put my feet up and enjoy,maybe even a nap.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sunset last night and great granny playing cars with Grayson

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

He sure is growing. Enjoy your family time.

Victoria Harbour, ON

He sure is funny how the learn the word NO quickly..

Can’t win, was just too hot and humid today so didn’t work in gardens, went out a few hours ago but the skitters were carrying me away so in I came

My kids must be enjoying themselves, they still aren’t back

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Dianne has been on my mind today, wonder how she and Chaos/TH are doing?


♫♪Happy Birthday, Sharon♪♫ Hope it was everything you hoped it would be.
Grayson's sure getting big :)

I was finally able to serve Bob with papers (via email, as per the judge, without affecting our No Contact order) to appear at the courthouse on Wed, to get the divorce & property filings separated. Time is 10am Wed. Once the documents are separate, the divorce can go through on its own. It's nice that a mobile moved in next door to his girlfriend's, so her place is even more blocked from my view. Things are moving along as they should, and I'm grateful for this.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Praying all goes smoothly for you Susan.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, I KNOW we kept too much but everything that gets donated etc, you would think I was cutting off Marie right hand!

We spent 6 hours working on projects and the garage. Marie hired grandson & he did some heavy lifting & moving of stuff for us. The garage is now all tore up, with stuff everywhere. Brandon needed to leave by 2PM. Thankfully our 2 missionaries are coming for an hour tomorrow and I will have them haul stuff from the garage onto the longarm room shelves. I can work in there with the air conditioning!

Marie & I met up with quilting friends at a nice restaurant yesterday at 4 PM. We didn't leave until 8PM! They had us set off in a secluded area alone.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Praying you get things organized soon. Sounds like you had a wonder time with your quilting friends.

Verona, ON

Hi everyone,

The heat finally broke yesterday. Today it is lovely - mid 70's. I sure don't do well in the heat anymore. When I was younger I loved it = would lay out in the sun for hours. Some years I would lather on the baby oil and then lay out in the sun. Having had 2 bouts of skin cancer - 1 on my face and another in a spot that will never see sunshine again now I am older. That topical chemo hurts - it feels like a lit cigar is pressing against your cheek. 6 weeks of that can wear you down. It is just like regular chemo 5 days on then 2 days off.

The TH and I hunkered down in the house with the AC on during those horrible hot days. It was so hot there was very few out on the lake. We walked around 5 am each day and it was still hot from the day before.

Happy belated birthday Sharon!! Did you have birthday cake? Warren always wanted pie but actually would have been delighted to have both pie and cake.

It was John Graves Simcoe weekend. I guess the government a few years ago felt a need to name the weekend after someone. Simcoe was the Lieutenant Governor I think of what was called Upper Canada.

LK is your son back from Sturgis? How big is Lizzie now ? Zeke is 125lb now. I don't want him getting any heavier - even though he is well trained if he is being leash walked and a rabbit appears he can pull me right off my feet.

I took quite a tumble a couple of weeks ago and it feels like I bruised or cracked a couple of ribs. I had a massive purple/red bruise on my rear. It is just starting to fade now. I sure understand now what my sweet dad meant when he used to say "this getting old is for the birds."

Susan I couldn't imagine sleeping in a tent with the heat we had here on the weekend. Wise choice to stay home.

My gardens are looking lovely but you can see I didn't put in as many annuals this year.

Stay safe, well and cool!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear you fell Dianne. Praying the soreness goes away soon.
Lizzie turned 1 on July 8th. She weighed 105. Still growing.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Perfect day out there

Oh Dianne sorry you injured yourself, I’m sure the TH kept an eye on you.
Bet the water in the lake isn’t refreshing, must feel as though you are getting into the tub. Did you go to emerge and get checked out? Do you have one of those alerts you wear regardless where you go you go should you fall or feel ill? Likely cel phones do it all now.

Soon Dianne my favourite time of year will be here, love fall. After this heat I think i will enjoy winter..remind mem8n January/February when i talk about the snow lol

Lindakay 105 lbs Is a biggg dog, what is their full grown weight?

Pat, bet there were a lot of quilting ideas going around at that lunch, I’m looking for something for my little ones, any??

Did the Missionaries come to help?

I decide to tile between stove and refrigerator, hoped i would have had enough to do section behind refrigerator but looks like I’ll either be painting that area or wallpapering.
Must have been tired when i calculated how many tiles i had, thought it was 100 in a box but not 50 but that will be ok,

Starting to feel tired so best I get at it and finish today’s mission, i will read up on how long I have to wait in tinder to grout, hoping i can run into Home Depot and pick up grout and get it done before weekend.

Seems I am with Pat, always making a mess with project


Dianne - so sorry to hear about your tumble and bruises. I'll bet that you're quite "colourful" lol No falling anymore, ok? (fat chance that anyone would listen to my scold, but I can try, right?)

Went to court today to sever the Divorce from Property Division and once the judge was assured that I didn't want Corollary Relief, she allowed the severance of the two filing. When I get the severance document in email, then I return to Red Deer to file for the divorce on its own merits. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm content.
Had a scare before court though - I lost my phone in its cover, with my debit card in it (as well as membership cards, they weren't important, and my "travel" credit card which only had $7 on it so not an issue). I noticed when I got to the courthouse & went back to my car (where I'd paid for parking with the phone app) and didn't see it. I sat through court, having kittens about it. I was to call Dianne (at Costco's, shopping) when I was picking her up, and couldn't even find Costco without the map app in an unfamiliar city. The Sherriff called my phone when I got back to my car, and there it was - in the window wiper well on top of my hood! I was sure panicking without it. Amazing how we can't get along without a phone when we leave the house!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, it always seems like when we start a project, another one has to follow.
Susan, sounds like you are headed in the right direction finally.
Glad you found your phone.
Betty, average weight for a cane corso is about 140 pounds.
I have had several offers on my home in Del Rio. Most haven't qualified for a loan, or just backed out last minute. My realtor called me tonight. A lady wants the house. She is going to the bank tomorrow. Please pray she gets the loan.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Praying big time for you Lindakay, would be one less worry you would have
I will have to ask Noah how much his dog weighs..

Susan, lucky girl, not even how much you miss would miss it but so costly to replace it. Glad you are closer to being finished with Bob

Do you know that this morning I had to put heat on, went to Home Depot to buy grout and had to put heat on there as well.

Last night i went to bed, about 9pm Ziggy jumped off the bed and was scrambling, i thought there must have been a mouse, nope within a minute he was back on the bed..I could hear sounds, Jeff had left for the city 8n the morn8mg so wouldn’t be him, hmmm, I said who is there? jJeff said it was a nice night for a ride so decided t c9me up. Heard him at 5 getting a coffee so got a coffee and sat with him until he had to leave by 9

Giorgia coming at noon so best I have breakfast, I did not eat all day yesterday, too busy I guess.

Verona, ON

Lovely day here but the rain has started. So far it is just a gentle rain but we have a rainfall warning in effect overnight.

I've been watching some of the Olympics - just the events I am interested in. I somehow missed the surfing so will have to search for it on You Tube. Zeke's namesake didn't participate but he is on the world's professional surfing circuit. I'm just in awe when the surfers hit the barrel of the wave and make it through. Some of these kids in surfing and skateboarding are as young as 14.

Betty I often forget to eat but really as silly as it sounds need to make a chart to I can see when I need sustenance. I am going to make soup tomorrow.

Deb how are you and the dogs faring? Did you all find this blasted heat hard on you all?

LK does Lizzie sleep with you or is she crated?

Sharon how are you doing?

Both Chaos and Zeke have a hot spot on 1 of their rear legs. I'll have to get it shaved and treated.

Susan I am so happy that you got things straightened away. One less thing to weigh on your shoulders. You are handling things well Susan - kudos to you.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

The dogs all have crates, but they all sleep where they want to. Sometimes in the crate, sometimes on anyone's bed. They take up a lot of the bed space. Lizzie likes to sleep on the floor next to my bed on most nights. Other nights she is a great foot warmer.
Betty, you don't lock your doors at night?

Victoria Harbour, ON

We have had no rain as yet Dianne but will before the day is over. What causes ht spots? Are you finding there aren’t as many Farmers Market this year? A friend asked if I wanted to go to Meaford for a ride this weekend but so much has closed permanently that there is t a draw like before, you wouldn’t ’now the town. Would imagine it’s getting quieter on the lake, is the exhibition starting this weekend, you know school and fall aren’t far behind when it starts. Didn’t you find the majority of participants were extremely young this year?think it was skateboarding that one f the men were 49. Wonder why curling isn’t included, they added a few that I can’t under stand why? I did enjoy beach ball though, think they call it something different. How is Chas doing?

Getting tired, broke down and had 3 jujubes, but have a pork roast on, picked up new potatoes, carrots so I will feast well tonight.

I’ve 1/2 of the tiles grouted, telling myself f I do 3 rows more I could quit, put stove back in it’s place and call it a day, could finish it tomorrow

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, yes the missionaries came and helped on Monday and we hired Marie's grandson & 2 of his friends for an hour to move bins and load up a bunch of boxes for donation. We sent 6 boxes/bins to a friend for their charity blanket work. We still have WAY TOO MUCH fabric and stuff. I really wish Marie would unload the whole lot of the fleece.
Dianne, Yep, same question, what causes hot spots?? Yes, we don't seem to "bounce" like we did when we were young. I am still sore from my fall couple of weeks ago.
Susan, PROGRESS at last. Sorry about your scare regarding the phone. it is such a panicky feeling!
Prayer for successful sale Linda.
Sharon, hopefully you will check in soon!

Verona, ON

Hot spots are usually cause by a traumatic injury - like a piece of fur being ripped off while outside. The word traumatic makes it sound far worse than it usually is. The dogs then keep licking the area. I clip the fur off around the area and put on some neosporin. This is a challenge with Zeke as he loves to lick the ointment off. I make sure I use a spray for muscle aches and sprains on myself. The little stinker will sneak in on the bed and lick an area I have put ointment on.

LK both Zeke and Chaos like to either sleep on the bed or on the floor beside me. Chaos is showing his age and doesn't make it up onto the bed often anymore. I finally collapsed the crates as they took up so much room and the TH never slept in them. I do have a 'naughty' spot where I send Zeke for a timeout. lol sometimes he knows he has pushed too far and puts himself in a timeout.

Yes Betty many of the contestants in the Olympics are very young. I watched some Beach volleyball and basketball today. I find it very interesting that many of the athletes no matter what the country train and go to school in the US.

Deb do you have a show this weekend?

I just got a weather alert warning there might be 20 in of rain in the next 48 hours. Oh whoopie!!

Stay safe and well.

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