Best/Worse/Whatdid I learn today? visit with friend and newcomers always welcome!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, weather warning for my region, much the same as yesterday so it’s a sew sew kind of day for me.

What are you all up to today.

Melody that sounds like a lot of programming for me to add double sided photo of quilt. I can only imagine how much entailed in keeping these unwanted posts off the site, we thank you!! As we eat smarter with methods of keeping them up they get smarter, not sure what they get out of it except to annoy the heck out of us.

Dianne, I imagine you are getting same weather as I, almost want to put the furnace on, so damp. The TH are likely laying beside you, quite content. Was it a stitch project you purchased awhile back, maybe you can do some of it, always passes the hours on a day like this. Another 2 weeks and the cottagers will have left for another year. That was my most favourite time of year, still is.

Can you imagine,, was thinking of bring in a few fall totes until it starts to rain but will try and wait another week but it will be a battle to not .

i spent yesterday working on the fireman suit, drats it’s time consuming. Once it’s made I have the air tanks to play with and figure out how to make a fireman’s axe that is light weight, wait for sunshine day to spray the helmet yellow.

Asking for prayers, Linda sure needs them, Dave is not doing well. I will add a photo of her message yesterday morning and her day got worse.

Got a call from my mom last night, did not answer it and this morning without listening to it erased it, terrible of me right?

Best I go downstairs and sew the sleeves into the jacket and on to next step. Grayson had a 3rd birthday party at the trailer park yesterday, looks as though he enjoyed it

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Betty, it will be no problem fore you. You email me 2 images and I put them together and send them back as 1 picture. You can then upload it just like you would as always. It's ok if you don't want to, but there would be no extra programming or learning for you. Since I'm a photographer, this is an easy fix for me to do and you get 1 photo with both images.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Grayson is a real cutie!! How can he possibly be 3 already!! Time sure flies!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks Melody

Deb, nice to see you post, how are you doing, healed ok? When is the next dog show?

Yes, time flies..don’t see much of Hope (almost 2 months old) as they are so busy but will at the birthday party Saturday, will take photo and post

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about Dave. Sending prayers for them.
We have been trying to organize our sewing room. Joe and Misty went shopping at the different quilt shops in and near Sturgis, and at several places on the way home. She came home with 48 more yards if fabric. No plans for it. Just because it was pretty, and can't find it here.


sorry to hear about Dave passing out.


Sorry, but haven't felt much like posting the past couple of days. Thurs & Friday were emotionally "trying" and I spent Sat & Sunday recouping. The last of the paperwork is done for the divorce and now I'm just waiting for the judgement & the certificate.
Saturday I slept until noon, then some of the day crying. Sunday I slept until 10am and except for a drop in visit from Dianne, I spent the day on my own with no calls in or out.
I needed the "time out". Feeling better now, and making some homemade tomato soup in my crock pot. I'll make another recipe of Hawaiian Pork & bring it crown land camping this next weekend. Looks like only 3 of us (ladies only) are going and I'm happy to be going away.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhhh Lindakay, bet there are a zillion ideas running in your mind of what you can make. She sure does have the sewing bug.

Susan, traumatic time going through last of the divorce paperwork, the good memories are still there. Yes, sometimes we need a good cry and time to ourselves to process all. Here is hoping your weather is great for camping, sometimes less people is more fun.

I feel so bad for Linda, the nurses took her down to emerge yesterday, thought she was having a heart attack, she is doing ok, all the stress. I just spoke to her, her blood pressure is sky high, migraine, was on her way to much on her plate

I was at chiropractor at 7:30, did Walmart, surprised to see the had childrens braces, needed them for fireman costume. Now that it’s put together it’s rather big, big sigh.. i keep thinking if it’s cold at Halloween he can wear heavy clothing.

I didn’t realize young Vanessa was coming today, hadn’t heard from her mom sooo guess I will have her 4-6


arrrrrrrrrrrrgh - I got an email from the Court Of King's Bench. The updated paperwork they had me fill out on Friday, then told me that I didn't need it so they shredded it, NOW I got an email today saying that I have to return to the courthouse (1 hour drive each way) and file the Updated paperwork that was shredded, saying that I DO need it. I replied to the email saying that I tried to file this on Friday and that the supervisor who said I DIDN'T need should be instructed about the process so another single, low-income, senior doesn't get this run-around. Told them that I was NOT impressed.
I'm going back to Red Deer tomorrow morning after coffeetime. I will be back in time for the Wellness Group in the afternoon (2-4pm)

This message was edited Aug 19, 2024 7:55 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear that Susan. Praying it gets done properly.
Ladies, we are headed to Dallas this morning to catch a flight to Daytona beach for the week. Going to put my toes in the sand.
I will pop in when I get the chance.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Susan, that is beyond being incompetent, they should have to reimburse you for at least your gas.

Oh happy days Lindakay, love Daytona Beach, I always enjoyed visiting towns along the coast. Bet there is a little quilt shop somewhere you can visit lol

Cool day, left home for chiropractor session, meeting and update on progress in meeting singularly, likely be here another hour.

i am glad I went to Walmart before coming here, my new curtains in kitchen has blue in them, Walmart had the cutest little canister set in different blues so had to buy it.
I looked for size 4 so I could get idea on how much the costume is, not much in that size so that didn’t help.

Giorgia comes at 1-3,I will need a nap at some point, watched tv till 1:30am, not used to late nights

Yikes, Kentucky fried chicken is up the street and my mouth is wondering, can almost guarantee if I buy a dinner tummy will act up but at some point you just have to have it.

Just thinking, bought chips and chocolate bars for Jeff, bags are sitting on back seat, bet sun melts them

Hooe everyone is having a good day!


I got 2 emails today, one saying that I didn't have to come in and here's a form to fill out and email back, and the 2nd email telling me that they have all they need from my previous filing and I don't have to do anything.
It pays to speak up! I'd sent them an email yesterday saying that I was there on Friday and it's an hour drive each way and they need to let the supervisor know how to sever documents. I told them as a single, low-income senior, I don't need the run-around.
Guess speaking up for myself works 😂

Victoria Harbour, ON

Good for you Susan,process for you have been to wait for final documents.

Got home at 12:30 just in time to have lunch. GiorGia just called to say she was running late, yippee, giving me a bit of time to just sit

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Good job Susan!!

Enjoy yourself Linda. Did I miss your report on how the quilts sold at Sturgis?

I was at the dentist yesterday and my Blood pressure was 105 / 70. It's close to the "too LOW" figures of 90/ 60. . I don't take any medication so that is not causing it. Guess I just need to be careful getting up, etc and avoid getting dizzy.


Well, y'know that quilt I'm doing for Wellness for them to do a raffle to fundraising? Well I have about 10 hours more work on it and it will be ready to raffle off (oh yeah, and wash & iron it). THIS Saturday & Sunday there is a Gun Show in town and the Wellness group has decided that because there will be a lot of people there, we should start raffling it then. Good idea, BUT I told them "Thanks for throwing me under the bus!". Ok, I have a life, but apparently it will consist of me having no time to do anything but quilt. Friday at noon I'm going camping & have to give them the done quilt for then. Only going to do basic line quilting on the border. After all the hand quilting I've done I can't, in all good conscience, machine quilt the rest. I'm going to use painter's tape & do straight lines, but in the meantime I have 2 inner borders to do. I just finished 2 and it calls for 4 of course.
They're all very impressed with the work I've done so far. Oh, and the chairperson (Joan) thought that the raffle should be in December. I told her, 3 1/2 months is too long to wait for a raffle, and suggested Oct 31 - she said "no" to Hallowe'en. No idea why, but there you have it. So, it'll be Nov 1st. 3 tickets for $10.
When I'm done I'll post a picture here.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, your officials sound like ours. No one knows what to do.

My daughter in law sold 7 quilts at Sturgis.

There are several quilt shops here. I am sure we will find time to visit a few.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, low 70’s and windy, was going to cut grass but that can wait until tomorrow. Shows we will be in lower 80’s next week so I can tend to the gardens.

Lindakay, glad you are in Daytona Beach, have you ever driven to St Augustine? If you haven’t would be worth rental a car and doing a day there. I find it much like New Orleans and San Antonio somewhat, so full of history.

Know there is a Joanne but believe there is a little fabric shop off the main race district, know you will find it. That is good re 7 quilts, she will know more as to what she might bring next time.

Some people Susan have no clue as to how long making a quilt takes, the prep work, sewing, quilting, Han sewing binding not even the cost of making one.

Been another busy morning, had lovely visit with June, she has decided to see and move closer to her family, came home with pillow dorms, banana plant, orange tree and lemon tree, now i am hoping i don’t kill them, know they have to come on before the frost.

Wanted to finish one of those travel bags for a lady that donated a lot of fabric, almost done except for inner enclosure, was garbage day yesterday so am thinking it went into garbage bin when tidied up, big sigh, will try yo find something that matches in colour.

Not a thing to do today unless it’s something i want to fill in time. One thing for sure a nap is a must, watching tv til early morning is starting to show.

Linda’s Dave isn’t doing well, hallucinations/confusion, been in hospital 12 days, told Linda that many people sign themselves out and he is going to do that, Linda just got home, hoping to grab a few hours sleep then back to hospital. I’m just so sad she has to go through this.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan,YEP, your committee is clueless!
My heart goes out to Linda & Dave. NOT fun, so scary and as the spouse, you feel so helpless. One of Ben's hospitalizations, they were going to send him home with me and he was hallucinations etc. I said NO Way. He did NOT come in this way, I am not taking home like this. It was reaction to Ambien. It was staff that had not worked with Ben before so they did not know what his baseline was.
It's only 11 here and already a nap sounds good!
Selling 7 is a good start. If it's like a lot of those vender things. People who did not buy THIS year, might be prepared to buy next year, now that they know the quilts are available.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Overcast here today, I’ve been lazy and the day is slipping bye.. either I get up a get

Pat, , Linda is beyond exhausted (we’ve been through that right) and Dave so wants to go home, has no clue how sick he is and giving her the what for. Just weeks before he was hospitalized they had decided to put their house for sale but think that is out of the question as the move if he does come home would be too much, big sigh

Great re the 7 quilts sold, you are right Pat, if there has never been quilts for sale the crowd was prepared, am sure next year there will be a line up

Guess Susan you are packed up and ready to travel, enjoy your weekend

Caleb’s birthday today, believe he is 26, they grow so quickly. I have Grayson’ fireman suit and gear ready, party is tomorrow

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, make sure you share photos with us.
Keeping Linda and Dave in our prayers.
We have truly enjoyed our trip to Florida. We fly back home tomorrow night. Beautiful sunrise and sunsets on the beach. Awesome food.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful plants here in cocoa Beach.

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(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Direction sign. More plants...

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Where is everyone?

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Must have been a busy weekend for everyone!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like it.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I left Friday morning & got back last night. I had a wonderful time with son Kevin, wife Gloria and Karina. We attended a "Taco Party" and the host and hostess went ALL out! I wish I had gotten a picture of the "dessert table" before so much was gone, it was a work of art, including sugar cookies decorated to look like pinatas. The cakes made to look like tacos etc. For "party favors" they had bought Tshirts for all the kids with things "Taco bout cute" and "tacosaurous" (dinosaur colored like taco)

Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2 Thumbnail by psychw2

wow, Pat - what you posted was very "over the top" and you say there was MORE?! Goodness, what a lot of work & inventiveness! Glad you enjoyed your visit with the family.
Prayers for Linda & Dave. Yes, it would be difficult to move & settle in somewhere new, with Dave's health issues.
Enjoyed Crown Land camping with Deanna & Kathy - nice to get to know the two ladies. We had cows visit nearby & the ladies' dogs were barking at them. Friday overnight was a major wind/rain/thunder & lightning storm, but it was very nice during the day. When I got home, I saw that my neighbour is selling a generator that's perfect size for camping. I'm thrilled and will get it/pay for it when my pension comes in on Wed.
I came home & asked how the raffle ticket sales went - they didn't even try to sell tickets - 1.If the Casino licensing heard about it, they would take away our status and 2.They couldn't find tickets to use (that was nonsense because there were tickets at Silver Willow and if they asked, Dianne could have gotten them). I'm annoyed that I rushed through finishing the quilt for nothing. These ladies need to get their act together & do some research before they rush into things. Ah well, the quilt is done.
Now, I'm going to make a quilt for Michelle & Lonnie. It won't get done in time for their anniversary the end of Sept, but it will get done soon.
Almost time to renew my subscription to DG.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning.
Sounds like you both had a great weekend.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, waving big time

Lindakay so glad you enjoyed your Florida trip, as much fun as it was I am sure you are glad to be home and you’ve been missed by the furries I bet.

Pat, sounds like a fun party, bet the young ones were excited to get t-shirts.must have been a glorious party that and even more so when the host/hostess put their all into it. Did Marie stay home?

Susan, not good for the club’s reputation, can’t function without you, I’d be so angry that they pressured you into getting it done then didn’t follow through grrrr
Glad you had a good weekend camping and that you will be purchasing a generator, that sure will be great and it will sure come in handy

Don’t know where the days have gone but I managed to fill them in from early a.m. til late at night

I had a lot of company, was on the go non stop and today the same, multi tasking. Trying to finish fireman baby quilt before the weekend. Been sewing quite a lot, between baby quilts and costume it’s more than I’ve sewn in a few years.

Jeff messaged me this morning, his 60 days trial permit now over.. he was at the drivers permit department at 8, now full permit and he plans 9n leaving Friday for 10 day trip somewhere, says he has no clue where he is going, that should be fun.

Yesterday I drove to Barrie to visit with Linda and David, his hospital bed faces the window and sees a winter storm and telling me I should not have driven in such weather. Linda just messaged me and said he is worse today, they brought him to washroom, a nurse stayed with him and he passed out…terrible

Grayson’s party was fun as well, he even helped Greg/Mel make the pizza’s, cake was a tad sweet for me but all enjoyed. NOBODY should get toys and clothes well over $2k and that was his 2nd party. i enjoyed holding hope.

Caleb turned 25 and is in Edmonton for the week, when we were at the party Jeff said take your glasses off and put on my sunglasses, told him sun wasn’t bad didn’t need his but he insisted, then the next minute I am talk8mg to Caleb, seems Jeff’s sunglasses are a phone, camera and takes videos, shaking my head, hard to believe they such technology.

Weather alert for strong storm but for now sun is out. I’ve been machine embroidering blocks and setting them on the back to see how many more are needed, I’m thinking 2 and also some filler blocks.

Not sure why I am hungry but I feel like a salmon sandwich, not normally something I’d crave but it is today.

I will eat then I will finish vacuuming , maybe do a bit more gardening then back to quilt.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Few more

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Back done of firefighter quilt now for the top

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

That fireman quilt is really coming along, so cute!

No, Marie stayed home with the pets. The trip was just for me to visit my son & fam. I am working on planning a weekend in Sept or Oct when my 2 oldest & fams can come. Whether my youngest will arrange to change his driving schedule, so he can participate, will be seen. I doubt it. if he has to take PTO he will want it for hunting.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, you have been busy. Love the photos.
Dogs were so excited to us return home.
Lizzie is in heat again, so she is staying in the kennel. She's not happy, but we don't need her pregnant again.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh goodness Lindakay, that wouldn’t e good for you or Lizzie, she is still a puppy herself. Is she howling? How long will this go on? Know that when of her dogs is in heat it’s a difficult time, seem to recall she buys special doggy panties but there is no guarantee she can’t get pregnant.

Nothing better Pat than having all your family around you, hope they all get to visit.
Are you finally relaxing or are there more projects on the go? Can you finally get back to sewing?

Drats, just after my post I put my head down and just woke from a long nap, no more energy lol

It’s truly a fall day out there,leaves are even falling.. can you believe by weeks end we will be in September.

Verona, ON

Well I just lost my post. Scott who owns the cottage next to me called Zeke a marshmallow. I come back later and explain why.

Going to go and catch up.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Lizzie doesn't howl, but she just wants to cuddle. The male dog is the one that cries and howls. They are in heat for about 3 weeks. We have 1 more week to go through. We bought the dog diapers, but Lizzie just chews them off.
Dianne, can't wait to hear your story about Zeke.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Drats, i also wrote a big post this afternoon, guess it’s floating around with Dianne’s


awwwwwww the kids look so happy in their "rides", Betty! Feeling sad for Linda - lots of stress about Dave. As for the quilt, well......... not my monkey, not my circus. It is at my home, but they have to figure out what they're doing then they can have the quilt. If they have to get a license & put the $$ in the Casino account, I'll find another way to help them - they can't have the quilt. It would defeat the purpose for the $$ to NOT go into the General account, where it's needed.
Caleb's in Edmonton? 3 hours drive from me - it would have been nice to see him, although I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to meet an old lady LOL
Yes, Linda, I understand how nice it is to visit, then return home to your own wee bed!
Dianne - a marshmallow? Do tell.........
Pat - how nice that you got to get away by yourself for a visit with the family :)

now, the NEWS! It's GOOD (aka GREAT!) I got an email from the courts saying the Judge signed the divorce order Aug 22 and that means that 31 days later (Sept 23) my divorce is FINAL. I'm going to have a Freedom party on Sept 28th at the senior's centre with friends in my community.
Currently designing a quilt for Michelle & Lonnie. It's on my design wall - 1/6th of it figured out.
I still have to show you pics of the quilt I did for Wellness. Some of you had input on it from our Round Robin, but can't remember who added what border lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear paper work is final.
Can't wait to see photos of your quilts.


Forgot to mention - my check engine light came on, on Tuesday and when I took the car into my mechanic on Wednesday he said a solinoid was going and because he'd replaced it a year ago, he's going to order a new one and replace it for free :) It'll be in, in about 3 days

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