Best/Worse/Whatdid I learn today? visit with friend and newcomers always welcome!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you will get it fixed. You have a great mechanic.


I'm happy with him, and he's only about 2 1/2 blocks from me :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Our weather here today can’t be any more perfect, i really should be outside

Good luck seems to be on your side Susan, so glad for you. You always talk about another document needed, sorry, mind gets confused. With all the times you had to bring more documents, was it division of property that still remained to be settled??
If so that would be the one I’d be worried about, things come in 3’s so maybe that is the end and Ike you I’d be having a big party, well deserving.i don’t blame you about not giving them the quilt, after all it was for a fundraiser and being a quilter I know how much effort you put into it. Was it the round robin where we all added borders to a block and yours was a peacock? I so miss those quilt block exchanges, some of my most treasured quilts are from then.

I got a letter telling me my warrantee was almost over, imagine, 25,000 miles and ran out of warrantee, not buying extended warrantee

Had a busy morning, I keep thinking today is Friday, Midland was a zoo, shopping and stopping in to the Stained Glass Shop to chat then Giorgia coming for her lesson at noon I am ready to call it a day. Town was so busy either shopping for the long weekend or buying school clothes and supplies.. I have the blocks for the front of the fireman quilt set out on living room rug, sure would love to get sewn so I can quilt it this weekend but don’t think that will happen.

All my doors are open, candles burning, in the message that is in cyber space yesterday I mentioned that Ziggy must have killed a mouse downstairs, i believe in craft room but think mouse got in between the ceiling tiles, Lordy does it smell but I can’t locate it, know from past experiences it takes about a week before it dehydrates and smell grrrr anyone have any ideas as to how to rid the smell? Worse than skunk.

Haven’t had lunch yet so maybe I will go pull some weeds and breath in fresh air


No more documents to be dealt with, Betty. He had until Nov 26th to pick up stuff, and I was more than generous & nice according to the RCMP - I gave him until the end of Jan, and he was still wanting stuff in May LOL
No it wasn't the peacock I embroidered & painted. That quilt top is my bathroom shower curtain. I get a lot of positive comments on it.
Here's the quilt I did for Wellness and the template I used for the center and also stitched. Not so easy to see from the top, but easier to stitch from the back, which is what I did. I'm happy to find a fabric eraser, that erases pencil. Found it at my favourite thrift store :)
Betty - were you one of those that worked on this quilt?

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B

Here are the outside borders. Ignore the blue - that's the quilt on my bed lol
If I'd had more time, I would have done more quilting in the borders, but I'm DONE with it.

This message was edited Aug 29, 2024 2:19 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B

This is just blocks on my design wall. It's the one I'm making for Michelle & Lonnie. It won't be in time for their anniversary the end of Sept, but it's a "just because I love you" quilt. I'm looking for more fabrics to add - lots of white blocks, but I'm pleased with it, so far.

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful quilts Susan.


Thank you, Linda Kay

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The Round Robin was the ONLY quilting swap that I got burned on. One member stopped all the quilts and never passed them on. She was one of the last ones before I would have gotten my quilt. I was very disappointed. I contacted her multiple times and offered to do her round on the quilts and pass them on, if she would just send them to me. She responded once, never again & did not mail me the quilts. I think that was the LAST swap we did.
I did have LOTS of fun doing the swaps and we had so many different ones! I worked in color combinations that I would never have gotten to any other way and definitely got better at making quilt blocks. Sad that we stopped.
Susan, I am excited for you, to FINALLY get this mess ended. I am glad to hear you are having a celebration after it is final.
Linda, I know I could not handle all the dog drama LOL.
Betty, I am sorry to hear about your mouse stink. We have coordinated a date that Kevin & Dana with families can come. I'll let Adam know, it will be up to him to decide if he can afford to miss some work or rearrange his route to be able to spend some times with his brothers. It's just one weekend but it hits in the middle of Adam's driving route.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Bad storm going in, hope not in Dianne’s region,i leave the sound of thunder and seeing lights in the sky as long as I don’t flood. Sure hope Jeff hasn’t decided to drive up tonight.

Pat, will it be before Thanksgiving? Wow, just had a flash, not that many weeks before we have ours, 5-6 weeks. Young lad came to do the ditches, heck seems like he was here a few days ago and here it is 2 weeks.

No Susan, that wasn’t one I worked on, perhaps it was in the other group you went to.
I’m doing happy dance for you, finally will all be behind you, now if only Bob was to decide not to move into your park.

Thought I would show you all the quilts that got donated to our hospice, so nice, I’m sure they will be cherished

Yikes, that was a bad clash, am sure power will be out shortly. At least if we get the storm over with people can enjoy the last summer weekend. Your long weekend as well right? Anything special planned?

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Kyle and Destiny had photos taken

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Beautiful quilts Betty.
Love the family photos.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Worked in getting top of fireman quilt done this morning, will set it aside till tomorrow when i sandwhich it, s cleaned up and cavcujmed, nice to see the coffee table again, i went from embroidery machine to sewing machine and mega 5hreads on the floor, best i get used to using my sewing room.

Thanks LindaKay, they turned out nice.

I wouldlove family photo’s of all of is for Xmas, have mega photo’s of individuals/couples etc but not of all of us, might be impossible task, as you know not easy getting everyone together in same place,same day.

Just walked in, hearts go out the the family of the bad accident of a bus in USA , just heart tail end so need a sit down so will watch cnn and see what area.

Thursday I bought 4 cases bottled pop, got them home only to find out they were the sugar free so luckily Food Basic’s exchanged the 3 unopened, bought 3 more.. now to put the 5 bottles left in craft room refrigerator, am sure kids will drink it.

BUT their supply is wrapped in heavy plastic, 4 cases per pack, well let me tell you I had to fight to get plastic off, did something to my right shoulder, talk about paining.

Gorgeous day, thought I’d work outside this afternoon but won’t happen.

Was going to get a cheeseburger before leaving town but decided I’d make my own so cooking 4 paddies, that will do me for this afternoon, supper and maybe tomorrow.

What are you all doing this weekend?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry you hurt your shoulder. Praying it's feeling better soon.
I haven't heard any news yet. Will have to go look.
No plans for this weekend. I messed up my right knee. I had knee replacement back in 2006, and it's falling apart. Tuesday I am supposed to find out when surgery is.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sorry to hear that Lindakay,that is a big surgery and not one to ok forward to..
Did you do this recently?

Have you seen the 5x5” precuts at Dollar Tree, i was buying wine glasses to make fall pumpkin thank you gift and just wanted to get home, must mark them on my list, great buy for $2

Guess you aren’t able to quilt right now, so much standing?

been laying here with the shoulder strap piece i use for left arm fitted on, spray and T3 is numbing it, thinking of soaking in a hot tub might help. Not end of the world just uncomfortable and screws up todays todo big sigh! There are so many going through so much medically that I shouldn’t be a cry baby.

Been craving Ruby’s Applesauce Cake, have the fixings, give me a push, it so would be comforting over a bowl of cherry ice cream


Pat - I got burned on that quilt Round Robin in 2016 too - I'd made a God's Eye that I was looking forward to seeing done, and I know there were some pretty awesome ones to work on (an owl?), but sadly they went the way of the dodo. I still have all the info on it. I have some of the same material, so maybe I'll make another God's Eye.
Betty - it WOULD be nice if he paid attention to the law & didn't move into the Park, but there's no accounting for lost brain cells lol

I was going to iron some material for the quilt I'm making for Michelle & Lonnie, but my iron died........... Trying to find one from a friend's in the neighbourhood until I can get one on Tuesday. Not going into town just for an iron. There might be one at the Wellness because there used to be one there.

This message was edited Aug 31, 2024 2:55 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Victoria Harbour, ON

How lovely Susan, looks like a cross, it certainly will be a keepsake. i found best iron for best price is Canadian Tire. Don’t you hate it when you’ve a plan in mind for the day and something goes awry.

I did have hot bath, took supplies out to make Ruby’s Applesauce Cake, was just mixing it when Shannon came over with a treat for me, had she come 15 minutes earlier I’d not have baked lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, I hope you find an iron. I hate it when things quilt working.
Betty, both of those look delicious.
Yes, my knee messed up about 2 weeks ago. I was trying to get out of my car, and my knee was making me cry it hurt so much. I went to urgent care, then followed up with my knee doctor. He took one look at my xray and told me my knee is coming apart, and is rotated. I have a brace to help it keep somewhat straight.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Linda, I guess the only good news is that the path is clear, surgery & no alternatives they are going to mess around with forever.

We don't have "plans" for the weekend.

2 Sons & family are coming the weekend of 9.28 & 29. My stepdaughter Rebecca is coming for the 3 day weekend in Oct.

I hope you are all safe & dry for the storm.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

That sounds horribly painful, LindaKay. I've heard knee replacements don't last forever, but, I've never heard of one falling apart before. How long ago did you have your surgery? So far cortisone shots are keeping me walking, but, I know I have that to look forward to down the road.

Heading to southern Wisconsin for a county fair this morning. I've been going since I was a kid, took my kids every year when they were young. Took my granddaughter a couple of times, but, my son usually has other plans for the weekend. Just going by myself today. That means I don't have to waste my time by the carnival rides, I can take my time and walk through the buildings and look at the crafts and baked goods. There's a nice shady area to just sit and people watch. It'll be nice.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

My first knee replacement was 2006. 18 years ago.
Enjoy the fair.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry for the sad news. I just read on Facebook that Karen Koschke has passed away.

Today our lives are forever changed. Karen Koschke was a Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, My Mother In-law & my Friend…She welcomed me into the Koschke Family the day I met her. She treated my whole Family as her own. She will be forever remembered by her generosity & giving heart. If there was ever anyone in need, she didn’t think twice about helping out. She had the utmost respect for Veterans & showed her gratitude by spending the past 10 years sewing Red, White, & Blue quilts and presenting them to Veterans through the Quilts of Valor program. She took such pride in being a part of it all.
I can’t imagine what this life will be like without her but I’m pretty sure that it will be a little less fun. My Family will be forever grateful for the happy memories, as well as the adventures we had with her.
Until we meet again 🙏❤️

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

The family posted yesterday.
So sad to read the sad news.

Thumbnail by taters55

My deepest condolences, Linda Kay. She looked like a very happy & fun lady. How awesome life must have been with her around.
My knee replacements were in 2017, and they're still going strong.
Deb - how lovely to be able to go to the fair on your own terms - enjoy!
Betty - that God's Eye was what was sent - I only have the picture of it, not the actual one - it went with Pat's quilt block - into nowhere's ville..........
Yesterday was pretty much a red letter day - in fact this past week has been red letter days all the way through. 1. Getting a generator & camp stove 2. the divorce going through 3. my mechanic fixing my car for free 4. SHARP giving me a grant to fix my water pipes so they don't freeze & getting heat in my den 5.a friend (Don) giving me a ride to town to pick up a patio table & umbrella (free) 6. Don buying me a new iron (couldn't find any at the thrift store) and refusing to allow me to pay for it (he said it's a Divorce present). At the same time he took me to the grocery store so I could buy my month's groceries. He does this because I "help him in ways he won't discuss". I think I'm good therapy for him. He has trouble being with people, and his therapist keeps telling him he needs to Get Out There. I'm pretty much the only person he communicates with. Good thing he & I are just good friends though - would hate to have the community try to hook us up. Neither of us want that. lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear things are finally going your way Susan. You have a good friend.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

So, so, sorry to hear of Karen's passing. I've missed her updates since she left DG, and she created such beautiful quilts.

Victoria Harbour, ON


Just heard about Karen’s passing as well. Do miss her and mega memories will linger on.not a day I don’t think of Barb and much the same I’m sure for Karen.I have a quilt tool you guys bought me in Frankenmuth Lindakay when we all met up. Her hubby will be lost as will her family. What growing up would have been growing under her care, everyday and everything was for family and of course her charity quilts.
So very sad..would be Barb’s birthday Friday.

Well Lindakay, in the scheme of things it did well for 18 years, here is hop8ng surgery is soon, can’t imagine the pain you are in.

Deb, congratulations on the wins, are there any more shows or is that all for you for 2024? Our community fairs are starting, the grandmother of them all the Toronto National Exhibition ends today, I understand they have had record breaking crowds. I quit going when the food building and craft building (Quilt show)

Susan, Lordy this has been a good week for you, all blessings for sure. Nice to have a friend who appreciates your value.

Pat, have all the children seen your new home? Is it now where you can sit out and enjoy it? Photo’s of your sewing room please.

I was up early, fought not cutting the grass until 9am, just got the front done when I circled by and there was Suzanne on the deck, she had been there almost the entire tire. She stayed an hour then off she went to do her shopping. i finished cutting the back then came in and clean out out my freezer, made a promise no more buying or cooking in large amounts, so sad with everyone going without that I am throwing so much away.

Morning is gone, dampness causing flare ups so maybe I will undertake something easy to fill in the afternoon.

Neighbourhood is so quiet today, guess kids are getting themselves ready for school and likely moms are all smilling.mdont you miss those days?

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I just lost my post, thank you Stanley.
Dana & Carrie have not been back to tri-cities for the last 4 years. Covid and then because I had no bedroom for them (Adam & Andrea living me with).
We have clean up and tidying to do in the sewing room & I'll post pics.


Was this "Karen" Sillolgramma? (sp?)

Today, long weekend aside, I still opened up for coffee at the Senior's Centre. I believe in consistency. Tomorrow I go for my eye dilation. The glasses I picked up last Tues aren't the right prescription. When I got tested, my distance was blurry, and my close was great (could thread the eye of a quilting needle). Now my distance is fine and my closeup is terrible. Blurry/double vision. Totally switched.
Ah well, they'll adjust them tomorrow, no charge (thank goodness).

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, I think we got you the chenille cutter in Frankenmuth?
Susan, yes, that Karen.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yes the chenille cutter, I have the chenille rose panel on my chair at the computer, i get many compliments on it.

Pat it will be a nice visit then, how is Marie doing?

Susan how could they get a new prescription so wrong? Glad you wont have to pay, another bonus to add to your list.

Well,long weekend is over, didn’t accomplish much big sigh
When I was out cleaning next to property line the little girl said, I’m going to kindergarten tomorrow you know, Amanda her mom that still keeps the pizzeria open will finally have her 5 kids in school, will give her a bit of time, been a hard year as she just had the anniversary day of her hubby Jamie being shot to death a year ago, lots on her plate.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Marie's back is giving her lots of pain and so far, Physical therapy has had minimal success.


OH, sorry to hear that Karen has passed away. We had our differences, but she was a lovely person. Her hubby will miss her terribly they were so very close. I have a lap quilt with one of her blocks in it, from back in 20212

yes, Betty - another bonus. I don't know how they get it so wrong, but 4 years ago when I got new glasses from the same Optometrist, it was wrong then, too. Can't remember what the problem was, but I've had progressives for many years.

Pat - sorry that Marie is having such back pain.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2024 4:54 PM


in 2012 we had a Red, White & Blue quilt block exchange - Karen's was the one at the top right. This was just the top, before it was quilted. It's finished now.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2024 5:00 PM

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Victoria Harbour, ON

Back from town, back in a bit to move us to a new room

This message was edited Sep 4, 2024 11:15 AM

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