sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

sorry-short stay in the hosp. here are my thoughts- I put in commercial seeds that i have purchased either this year or last year.
as for the newbie seed thing, the initail post seemed to be directed at me, as i do the newbee see project for the warmer zones. I would never do anything so unethical as use seeds that dont belong to me for a robin. I knew I would be blamed for the newbie packets in the robin and wanted to nip that in the bud.

when the FALL robin got to me it was full of 10cent seed packets ,marigold mixes, etc. and no veggie seeds. they were gone, the entire Baggie. also, most of the seeds that individuals were sharing with me specifically, were not there. i demailed susie with my concerns.

this time there were not many baggies from individuals, i think 3. the rest were group seed envelopes with flowers, or vines etc on the outside. a lot of packets had no DG names. this time the flower that was way overdone was asters. tons of packets of purple asters. nice flowers, but how many can you use. again, hardly any vegetable seeds. I spent 12.00 on postage, added quite a few seeds, had to smash the air out of everything to get it to fit, and did not take much of anything.

all it takes is one greedy person to ruin a robin like this. while I had fun sharing seeds, and enjoy the idea of it, i dont think i care to participate again. i prefer seed swaps where all the seeds go to one person, that person sorts thems out and mails everyone back their seeds. if you send in junk or old seeds you get them back. much more equitable.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

KC Sorry that you didn't find much in the robin , & That you won't be Joining us again , as i said before i have No control as to who shares what to the robin after it leaves Here . I Trust that Others will share with each other that is what this is about.

As for individual packs from each player this time No I Just combined them to make more room & Possible less Postage
being that it was the second time around so that was I Who did that .

as for you Not getting any specified seeds I went to check the haves & Wants & I did not see any post of you asking for any seeds from anyone I'm sorry if I Might have over looked it .

could you please send me the conf# when you get back from the P O .

well My Lunch is over & I have a few Plants to put in the ground before our next rain fall .
back later

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

I received the robin yesterday and plan to get it in the mail Friday morning to warriorswisdomkathy in CO

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yeah!!! Sounds like I'll have it on Monday-ish.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY For Posting Patti I had not Heard that it was in flight .
very hot & Humid today so guess i need to go to the cold frame to pot up plants where it is cooler :)))

have a great afternoon .

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

patti already had the robin, i sent her the confirmation number, sorry messed that up. i did my trades with private dmails so i doubt if you would find anything. as I said, you do your best, but cannot control what other people do. since this seems to be an ongoing issues, and I prefer swaps anyway, I will consider it a lesson learned and move on. with swaps the person in charge has total control over what goes out. if you send in 20 packs, you get 20 different packs back. if you send in junk, your junk is returned to you, if you have not played by the rules. just easier and simpler then trusting everyone on the list of people to do the right thing because sadly, some do not.

one more vent:
there are not many seed swaps on this site, maybe because one person tends to go behind peoples backs and tell them not to join so and so swap, and people listen. sad but have some of those dmails that my cousin saved, telling her not to join this swap or that swap for what ever trumped up reason. on other gardening sites, this does not seem to be an issue, and I tend to stick with those sites for swaps.
when one individual tries to control everything, it just ceases to be fun.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

KC This is Not an Issue everyone is on their Honor as to what they take & or share & Before you accuse anyone of going behind anyones back you maybe go to the source & Confront them with your evidences .
I Know of No one in Our Group who would do that .
If I Have had a BAD TRADE With someone Yes if someone else I Know is going to do a trade with that Person Then yes I will worn them & That is why we are friends here who can trust each other we do not like to accuse anyone of anything
Unless we Know it to be true .

As I said I'm Very sorry you couldn't find anything you can use in the robin , Best of Luck with your trades in the future .

well my cake is ready to come out of the oven had to bake my PEANUT BUTTER Cake for the RU :)

back later

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Oooh OOhh Ohh

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


1 tsp SODA




MELT Over Low Heat : 3/4 C OLEO , 3/4 C PEANUT BUTTER , Remove from heat
ADD : 1 tsp VANILLA , 6 TBS MILK , Untill Creamy
Frosting should be creamy so add more PS Or Milk witch ever it needs
If To THICK Add 1TBS Milk Or so
If To THIN Add More PS


Thumbnail by deejay9
Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

Susie, the Robin is in the air, I dmailed you the tracking #. Had a great time with it, thanks everyone and thank you AmandaEsq for the Centranthus ruber, also called valerian or red valerian, I am going to plant the seeds today.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Patti, just to let you know, once established it will reseed insitu. Yummy fragrance too. I'll be looking for the box starting Monday, yipee......

Pix, my Rhubarb is in full bloom, yeah, I'll be making a pie next week!!! LOL, first time for collecting leaves, (been waiting for it to get old enough).

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Kathy - mine is starting to look like that too! Only my stems arent red...I've never grown it before - arent the stems supposed to be red?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Depends on the variety...I have seen some that only get tinged with red and are fully mature..if I remember correctly "Valentine" is the deepest red variety.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I will have to look and see which one I have. I looked yesterday and they arent even pink. But the ones next to it - are dark red but VERY small yet. Thinner than a pencil at this point. Guess they need more sun?
I also read that if you cut the flower off, it will produce more leaves? Sorry - rhubarb newbie. I dont even like the stuff, but need it for jams & pies I've been told by the family.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yum!!!! The smaller or thinner stems are the best, not as stringy. Also Rhubarb sauce is absolutely the best on vanilla ice cream!!!!! Or Rhubarb crisp!!! How come you don't like? Maybe need to add more sugar to the Is't amazing what can be done with vegtables.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I think its a texture thing...I dont really know. :)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Someone gave us a clump last year that's huge now. DH made a Strawberry Rhubarb sauce served over ice cream that was yummmmmm... I never knew it flowered, that's a surprise. So far ours has not.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy did the robin land there yet ??? sorry can't stay got to go lay back soon just thought I would ask ;

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yup landed and am going thru it tonight..

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

me next :D

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

One more thing. This week a new rudbeckia opened I wasn't sure would survive. I took from the robin last year a few seeds of the rudbeckia 'prairie Sun' and of the 'Irish eyes.'

One of them opened this week!!!!! I'm delighted. It has a greenish yellow disc and the rays have the characteristic yellow and an orangey green marking on the second third or so of each petal. From memory I think that one must be prairie Sun. Will have to look back.

Also, the Gaillardia 'burgundy' opened this week and wasn't sure THAT one would make it between THe dog trampling it and it seeming to rot in the too much water we had this spring.

I'm never disappointed with the robin. I'll do it again next season if deejay lets me. Besides,once I mentioned it now he's saving money and even daydreaming about putting a pod in out driveway to pack our stuff and move to Montana. If/ when that happens, WWWKathy and I will have to dish seriously about which of my prairie plants will be going with me.

Love you ALL. And your crazy old nameless seeds too.


Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Lol... Will be shipping out the box probably Wed.. Waiting to hear from Sbish and Susie to see if there's something I can stick in there for them.... Most of the bag of goodies I had sent is gone so thought maybe if there's something that they were wanting I could put in a packet for them. And anything that is labeled WWK on the packet is from my garden, you last gals in the trade take as much as you would like... Not sure what Susie does with the left over seed, she must get inindated with the Am hoping I get more blooms from things this year so I can add even more variety next fall.....

I'm excited to see all the Hibiscus and the Daturas bloom, the later should be this season, hoping they smell good!!

A few blooms from this season...pix 3 is traveling north in the border, will have to see about throwing more seed down in the area it used to be.....
4. My Lilac is blooming soo profusely, lol, atleast on one side. The four legged degenarates chommed the other side off...
5. My long Iris border that is just truely blooming good this season, ok, ok, don't be commenting about the weeds, haven't gotten to this bed

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Lol, this is the other side.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I hate to say it, but pic 1 in the first post looks just like the iris I just sent you. Your blue/white combos are gorgeous, btw, I love how they are all variations on a theme, and the yellow is a nice complement.

I located pics of the large-scale weed-suppressing ground cover I'm planning to use in unfinished areas this year. It's Tromboncino Squash, 3 plants. We were away for about 6 weeks, from early August to late September, and this is what I found when we got back. Look how it went marching across the lawn, with roots all along the way!

I'm with Amanda about the robin. I don't expect to want everything in it, but I love the hunt for new treasures and challenges, and coming across old standards I'd forgotten about.

Thanks, Susie, for keeping it going.

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Kathy - my lilacs look very similar. There is one I have with ONE flower on the very top. :) Many years ago, my DH, not knowing, hacked a few of them WAY down. I wasnt sure they would ever come back. They are blooming this year :) One is very light pink, one is very dark purple and the third is in between. I didnt know I had 3 different ones :)
My iris are just starting to push flower heads. I had some short early bloomers - dark purple - from a gal new me two years ago that was thinning. I picked up about 30 iris from her for $10. They are all in the same bed and finally blooming this year. They didnt do a thing last year. Guess they were getting established.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

The IRISES In My Shaded areas are doing the Best this year Maybe I Might just Move them all back towards the woods more . Just waiting for it to cool down just a bit more going to go post a few Pictures .

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yes susie show me what you have, lol, wanna make sue I don't duplicate....(lol)....(pam)...

Pam, those look great, how big you think they might get in 1 months time....(that's when I usually get those heavy thunderstorm (gully washers). But then again, might get lucky and just get regular rain, like tonight....sounds so lovely!!! More coming this direction any time now, will sleep good tonight, that's for sure!!!, tell hubby Hands Off!!!!! Just a hint, if ya wanna cut back on your Lilac, do so right after bloom (within 4 weeks of bloom) anything later than that and you risk cutting off next years bloom. Don't worry, once Lilacs are established they can take pretty much any punishement you can delve out..... Truely!!!! Pioneers found that out. Very tough plant, can hack it down to stubs and it will come back!!!! Can survive drought, and pretty much any punishment you can do to it, they just keep coming back!!! Love 'em. One day I'll get some of those that bloom off and on all summer... Sryinga microphyla, Littleleaf Lilac (leaves are 1/3 to 1/2 the size of common lilac), was the first to bloom (sporadically) thru the summer, now they have several hybrids that are suppose to do such but haven't tried them nor heard from anyone that specifically has one for comments. Ok, enough, I'll behave now...sorry if I share too much....later Kathy.

Amsonia t. pix

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy I Put my Pictures in a album on facebook so if anyone wants to look just be friend me sue Kohler

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Hubby knows hands off now ;) The yard is mine! I am already planning on my trimming once they are done flowering. I still have a few in pots that I am not even sure where I got them from. I am going to save them for my sister though. She is moving back to MN from TN in July and they bought a house. Been 20 years since we have lived in the same state. Im very excited! Getting an "Amy" garden going so I can share with her.

I dont remember who put the Mortgage Lifter tomato seeds in from the first go round, but I wanted to say they germinated very well. I do have only one surviving plant (combination of mother nature and my bad) but it is growing strong. Cant wait for it to get fruit!! Along with the other 50 or so tomato plants I have. :)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

It might have been me... 2 years ago I got 1 decent Brandywine, between weather and critters the rest were ugh :(. So I quit. I decided no more big tomatoes in my garden, I'll get them at road stands. We just don't have enough baking sun, the cherries do so much better. :)

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Could have been. I will pull out my envie and look to see if I wrote it down.

Woburn, MA(Zone 6b)

Can somebody point me to the latest trade thread or round robin? I know I'm coming kind of late into the mix.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

here is a link that might help you

then here is the link for up coming swaps ea months

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Minn. did the box get there?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Robin landed :) :)

It will be back in the air on Monday. I went through it and had a few things set aside...then I looked at my current seed stash and did something I never thought I would do...I put everything back in the box. Although I would love to pick out a few, I have so many that I havent planted that would love to get in the ground.
Well, I did grab a few of the bread poppy seeds and scattered those in the flower bed...but just grabbed my personal treats (thank you all very much) and passed on the rest. I will be adding some globe thistle seeds.

Woburn, MA(Zone 6b)

Is this seed trading round robin closed to new participants? I have quite a few seeds I could trade.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

It is almost Home has One more stop then back home to me . I'm sure we will be doing one in the fall Once again it you would like to JOIN Us .

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

would like to correct something- the robin landed at my house on the 23rd, I mailed it on the 24th

i did not keep it for 5 days

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

If you would have posted when you sent it out I might not of made the mistake I go by the 3 day mail when I Do Not get the conf# when it has taken off . This is why I ask you all to post when it lands & send me conf # when it is back in the mail.

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