Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Susie ~ Sorry, I have not been posting lately, as I have been taking advantage of the warm weather. Now it has been raining since this morning. What a change, but at least I don't have to water for several days. I am glad for the rain as it will get me inside to do the seeds and also clean house. Now I need to catch up on many things....

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I'm was having a problem with script showing up but Admin. got it fixed.....Yeah!!! Only a few more people til it gets to!

Pam...ya great idea for another thread. I think we are all busy at the beginning of the season, weeding, planting, garden cleanup (ME!!!), and various tasks, but would also like to continue our discussion. Soo much great info is being shared.. We could also do follow up on the seeds sown this spring...

I agree susie, especially at the beginning of the Oh, but I'm not, just young....

Wild Mertensia just now blooming (wild bluebells)

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Kathy ~ Any last minute requests?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Yah!!!! Send Suprise me if you can think of anything... hope things are good for you...selling anything this season?

I'm still in the process of garden cleanup and the first round of weeding, been at it for days!!!! I still have many more days til I finish the border then hope I can get the backyard taken care of and planting can begin... So what's everyone else doing this spring? Soo many of you already have blooms, mine are just starting. Dwarf Iris are just starting, jjs have been blooming for a while and also have several acres of wild bluebells in full bloom now (pix above).

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

same me some Blue bell seeds I Tried to plant some last year but nothing came up. you & I are same zone do you have to plant each year ?
sorry all but My body aches so got to go get my legs up you all have a great eve .

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

My large bellwort is blooming and my star magnolia is finishing up (starting to loose flowers already), that's it so far aside from tulips & my first daffodil yesterday.
Lots of garden clean up going on here. Rain coming in for the next 5 days - much needed.
I'd love to be able to get out there in the mornings when I have my energy - unfortunately I have to go to work and sit here and do nothing but think of everything I could be doing at home all day...

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Minn ~ What is "bellwort"?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Picture Please for i never heard of it either

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Wow! My husband just got back from the post office and announced to me, "You got a package!"

YEAH!!! It is awesome! I have not yet gone through it. I will be diving today and hopefully get this going either tomorrow or most likely Monady. Our rural post office has very short hours on Saturday.

I am sorry as I have not checked to see who already got the robin. I will need your addresses to get your seeds to you. Please dmail me, OK? I did not mean to ignore you...

It is sunny today and I hear my husband out on the mower tractor. I don't have any planting left right now, just weeding and to finish digging the new shady-sunny-shady border, since I went out after the rain and moved the last of the ferns from the north side of the house. How is that for a name? Actually it will tie right into the mixed border which is mostly sunny and the white flower border, which is hot and sunny.

I'm almost done with the whole fence line. The peas are coming up and the lettuce in the square foot gardens are bolting. I had better make a good salad for tonight. Some are still OK, but not for long as the weekend is supposed to get hot once more. The weeds will be outrunning me once again with this alternating rain and sunny-warm. I'm OK with it though as the rain does soften my hard clay areas for easier weed-pulling.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Oops! minn, we cross-posted. Thanks for the link!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Susie, my Bluebells (Mertensia) are wild. They were on the property when I moved here, acres and acres of them. Gosh they are so pretty and in full bloom now. I will see about including some in your box when I ship... Don't let me forget, ok? Not sure what the root system looks like as I've never done anything but pull them out when they show up in the border, if I remember they are a long taproot, so it will be an experiment to see if they will transplant...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

you can save me some seeds to try again :) My brother sent some a years back but they didn't sprout not sure what i did wrong . but will try again maybe I should have planted them in the fall & Not the spring
Stiff & sore tonight so off to lay back .

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I am still diving...coming up for air. Lots of goodies for y'all! ^_^

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Bad bad suzie I Got out my seeds last night & I Found The Huge bag Of all the Veggies & Gourds that were suppose to go into the box I'm so so sorry , Do you all think they will be ok till fall to add to the fall swap for next year or should i just get rid of them there are so so many. Gourds , squashes, Ornamental Gourds,
ornamental corns, Beans of a few types , they all look so nice I think they should be ok till fall , but up to you all to say .
going to be another cloudy day & So will be Transplanting & Potting up plants for my plant swap in the park to be held sat June 1st just two weeks . away . & I have some seeds to plant this weekend for we have maybe 3 days of rain moving in so a great time .

Ya all have a safe weekend

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

They should be fine Suzie.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Sue (CHEERMOM), Shauna, Pam, Amanda and Christine...I am sorry, I should have already sent your seeds as the robin will not go back to your place. It is tired, being the second round and all, and it is rather fat.

Amanda ~ I found some of your ironweed seeds in there, so I will surely not need any more, if you were going to send me any. I wouldn't mine some butterfly weed though, if you have any to spare.

If anyone else left seeds in there for me, I did not find them. They still might be in there, but nothing set aside with my name on them, that I could see.

OK, I got the pkg from CHEERMOM so I mailed the robin today! I will send Susie the confirmation number. She could hardly get off the ground.

This message was edited May 23, 2013 9:30 PM

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Gosh susie....I wanted to plant veggies!!!!! (lol, like I don't have enough things going in this season...) That or we could make susie grow them for us!!!! lol.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Have about 50 plants of squash ,gourds, Pumpkins, up near the woods Jim Said they are doing well so will let ya know & most of these were ones that I Got from Patti If anyone wants Just say the word & I will send like 10-20 seeds of each type or what ever is there & You can still plant them . JLMK.

gn all

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I was just joking So you, Jim, and the kids will have to enjoy some for me. Grilled please, with a bit of Olive Oil. Yum!!!!

Second day for cool mornings, Yikes it was in the 30*s... Too early for my maters to go in the ground... Did get some annuals seeded in tho... and some more yet when I get back out there, (a bit of rain and hate to walk in wet boders). Are there any annuals in the box? It will be here soon.... Kathy

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

I have some annual seeds I am putting in the box, along with some veggie seeds

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Should Know by tomorrow if Robin takes off today or not GN all

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

The robin is in the air...she is heavy. She had some more seeds for breakfast!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

quote from Deejay at start of robin"
"Please I Hope that some of you who have JOINED IN MY ROBIN Won't get up-set But If you have seeds from Any of the GIVE Away SEEDS For New Bee's Please You are welcome to share with other PRIVATE Trades If you want But I Would rather you not share them here .

You May think I'm Being A Prude or what ever But I Have always Shared FRESHED SEEDS From my Gardens OR New Commercial Seeds I Have Boughten & I Would Just Like the same from our players
I have said that if you do not have ALLOT of seeds to share this is fine as long as you take what you can use & Not TAKE From my Robins to trade with Or Share with others for more seeds , That is not fair to other's here in this robin .

I Put allot of time & Money into sharing with the rest of you & I Hope to always run a Honest Robin.
I'm not pointing fingers or saying that anyone has done this . or will do this .
I have asked that you Put your names & any info you might have along with the name of the seeds & If from your garden or comercial or from trade .

going to put this over on the new thread also . if you want to know why I Do not want those seeds in my robin dmail me " end of susies quote.

There were quite a few packets of newbee seeds in the robin when I recd it. Just want susie to know I did not put them in the robin. there were also a lot of old seed packets,2007-2010 . In my opinion this just hurts what susie is trying to do. She is trying to run a decent robin with fresh seeds. I am not trying to offend anyone but I think if you are going to take part in something you should play by the rules. Just my opinion

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ouch. I was hoping you would post because I sent seeds from your want list and were delighted to receive them.

I did note there was a lot of duplication and did my best to put new seed in. I agree insofar as I know Susie wants the Robin "just so" and did my best to abide by the spirit of the Robin. I even removed my own seeds that were still in the Robin from last year when it got to me. Thought that was sort of funny.

I did find several new things so the Robin was a success for me. It's only my 2nd Robin, but I was wondering if repetition was something to be expected if the same people participate every year.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

If I'm the culprit, I added some older seed, but made sure it germinated this season before sending off to susie and also made sure the date collected was on the packet so if wanted they would know it was older, but included mostly new. Sorry.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I did the same second time around, put in leftovers of some older things I had germinated. On the first go-round everything was fresh from my garden or bought.

It's my 2nd year too, and I'm getting much more specific about what I'll take as my garden evolves. Although there was some duplication and some seeds I thought of as weedy or invasive, I found plenty to tempt me again this year, more than I had anticipated. Some people out there have some amazing plants! But I'm also curious to see how much variety there continues to be over time.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry I Cannot stay & Comment or elaborate further on this For i have to go set up my sale .
I will say that when the robin returns Home Then & Only Then I will make a statement . about it
for the Robin Was Filled with Very Nicely packed seeds when it left here for the second time around.

Wish you all a very special Memorial Day .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

As for me I only found a couple seeds to tempt me as I still have ones I haven't planted yet. I put in several packets of comm'l seed all from 2013.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Everything I put in the robin was commercial 2013 this year, as I got ill around seed collecting time. I did collect some seeds but I was unable to complete the process to get the majority of chaff removed. Then I spent no time with it at all.

I was surprised to see such huge envelopes of seeds, and I wanted to put more into the robin, but I would have had to remove some of those envelopes in order to put in new ones. I remember, a couple of years back, someone removed more than her share of seeds from the robin. I had no intention of doing that at all.

I hope that there is a practical solution as there were large envelopes with seeds with no names or dates, or old dates. They took up valuable room for people who would like to have contributed more. It's like someone unloaded their old seeds. Gosh I have a lot of old seeds, but most of them have dates. These had no names, or names of people not in the current robin.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Evelyn, the box that came to me was not a priority flat rate box. I could have stepped up to the large flat rate but then it would have rattled around loose. you all have been doing this for years together, no?

I trust that Susie will figure out what if anything went wrong when she gets it back.

Where's risingcreek in all this now that this pot is all stirred up? I don't recall either large envelopes or packages of old outdated seed. Many one of our new recruits added thing without knowing.

I sense this open ended criticism is oppressive and could discourage participation and stifle open thoughtful dialogue between participants. I accept what's in the box as treasured seed sent with good intentions. Just because there are no magic beans inside doesn't make it less enjoyable a process. It's a risk you take if there's nothing in the box that wows you and you have to pay to ship it off for the price of a cheap bottle of wine.

I think it's Susie's robin and her place to criticize or correct if someone has somehow failed to follow her guidelines. I'm sorry, Evelyn and risingcreek, but I think if you have particulars they could be addressed more tactfully in a private message to Susie.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Amanda ~ You are right. I was actually going to tell her, but I was thinking that I would come off as being ungrateful to participate. I always feel that it is a priviledge to give and take in the sharing of mine and other people's gardens. maybe at the beginning of the robin, there was a lot of space, so people felt compelled to fill the box...I really do not know.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh poo, Evelyn. No one would ever call you ungrateful. xo

I am woefully behind on seed starting, so I barely remember what I pulled from the robin. Like Pam though, I sensed more restraint because of my own preferences and a dwindling amount of garden space.

I'm not very good myself at removing chaff from some of my seed. I do truly respect that seed collecting and cleaning is an art! Thank all you good people for letting me play, and I hope I've not been out of turn in trying to encourage feedback to the hostess and not static for those giant nameless seed packs.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM My friends & TY For your Concerns but let me just say I Started sharing my seeds from my garden way way back in the 90's I Always thought that this was the best way to share with Newbies along with other members who wanted to try New type of seeds . sometime they did find a few new . & sometime not , When all my robins leave here I KNOW FOR A FACT That they have Come from my Gardens , Or New Packs , or from others that have sent to share with ones getting the robin before them .

so all I Can say is I;m very sorry that some feel it cost more this way . well I Must sign off i have to go for my Blood draw ya all have a safe fun day will be back later in the day .

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

It's been well worth it for me...

Elk Horn, KY

Quote from Pfg :
It's been well worth it for me...

Same here:))

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)


You are so brave, as many blood draws as you get........myself.........I HATE THEM. I have found very few phlebotimists (sp _ I think that's what they are called) that are really good at what they do. Always had a problem with blood draws. Feel faint, blood won't come fast enough, etc etc. The one solution that helps is if they talk to me constantly while they are doing it. Can't always convince them to do so.

In fact, took the day off today, to get Dr's appts and blood draws done. Chickend out on the blood draws. Gave myself an excuse that I had to wait until next payday. LOL but there it is ... still looming out there. Should have just got it over and done with. Silly me.

It is now only nice here until about 10:30 am. That time will get shorter as summer progresses. But I"m an early riser and can still get time in before I start work, or even more on weekends. Right now, as soon as sun starts to go down can still get out there and do some work, but that too will change as we get into the upper 100's (108 etc).

Have a good day....wish we had rain...probably have to wait until very late June or July for rain..................

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Ladies Just got back had the blood draw witch dose not bother me any more for i have to have it done about ever week sometimes every 2 weeks pending how they find it :( got my hair cut brows done feel much better also picked up a few groceries & Now the sun is popping out so i now have a Box of BULBS to get planted .

I Would love to be able to Have everyone happy with the ROBIN But I Guess I Cannot do that & I'm Really sorry.
well i got to go get my Bulbs in before the storms Hit . getting closer .

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I was just fine with it Susie, no worries. I remember Michigan storms 1st when I was little and lived there until I was six and then when I would visit my much older sister. Similar to our Monsoons, but without the tornado worries!

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oops sorry for the caps . as soon as i get the conf# that the robin is in the air I Will let ya Know :)

Heads up Patti your next :) GN all

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