brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Anyone here have an asparagus fern?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have an asparagus fern. ^_^

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

My sister has one and is wondering why it has one 10' tendril. She has it potted in the house.
Any idea?

Thumbnail by minnesippi Thumbnail by minnesippi
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I didn't know what that thing was called until I looked up the name "asparagus fern".

It grows like an invasive weed at my house. My neighbor has it growing wild in his yard and it crosses over into mine...I am constantly pulling it up out of my yard.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Got a note from amanda this weekend she said she was mailing the Robin out today to Mike & I Will let you Know as soon as i hear from her. Been outside also looking at all the new sprouts :) pulling weeds from here & There :) going to be 70's & 80's Here also this week so fingers crossed SPRING Is Here .

Nice fern there steph , I Have some Potting up to do ya all have a great day back later

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Asparagus are like that. They are not like normal ferns. All of a sudden there will be a huge tendril sprout out. If kept well watered and shade here they last forever but they do put out a lot of invasive bulbets -- mine are all in containers so I have to replace them every few years because they get crowded out by the bulblets.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

The Robin is in the air!

Ha ha a- got screwed up on Saturday when I got to my neighborhood post office to find that they are now closed on Saturday. Woe. So I arrived at a different post office today at about 4:45 to learn they had closed at 4:30 p.m.!!! What the . . ..?!

Plenty of post offices though, so I got to another branch and got in line just before they pulled the iron gate across. hee.

Thanks for letting me play. I tried to put some weird stuff in there so I wouldn't duplicate anything. Mike will have fun - it's his first time.

p.s. I'll find my receipt and send the confirmation no. to you later this evening, Susie.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok TY Amanda

Saginaw, MI

Happy "hunting" in the robin when you receive it Mike !! I participated in the first one and it is so much fun looking through everything ! Sounds like everyone so far has found lots of wonderful things to try . Just finally enjoying the nice weather here and sorting things out and figure out what to put where -- nothing going in the new bed we did last year --unfortunately have found many a problem with the area that one is in -- major re-do on that one !! Live and learn I guess . Happy gardening everyone !!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we all have had redo's Shirely , We Never get it exactly how we want without pactice over the years ^_^
Rainy here this morning & I have a Black cat trying to get my attention so ya all have a great day

Saginaw, MI

Actually loved it the way we had it , but I guess that area is WAY too low -- lots of standing water when we got all that rain and flooding in the area for several days straight . Normally do not have that problem in that area but guess too much water all at once for so many days straight and it had no where to go !! Even sewer drains in street were not working -- everything was FULL of water !! Guess I should be thankful I did not have to deal with as much as others did ! Pics below are at the business that belongs to my sons girlfriends father -- what a mess !!

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm looking forward to taking a peak into that box of amazingness! Hopefully I'll have a few things to toss in there that aren't in there yet. If anyone is interested I have a few ( about 3 each) of some melons that I had the opprotunity to try when I was in Iraq and Afghanistan. I got them both from Baker Creek but they are the same that I tried in country. Ali Baba Watermelon is from Iraq and Afghanistan Honey Dew. Both are some of if not the sweetest melons I've ever tried and super prolific in the garden. If anyone wants some let me know and I'll toss em in there. They love the heat by the way.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Would love to try but not enough growing time up this way so Mike if you grow them you can send me a great big melon when they are ripe ^_^ Love melons just bought one the other day got home cut it open & it smelled & Tasted rotten Nasty taste. raining very hard Lots of Rolling Thunder so guess i better get off here.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ack. nothing worse than hankering for a piece of beautiful fruit only to taste it and ruin your whole day. well . . . maybe not that bad. I shied away from oranges and grape for a long time. Still can't get a lot of that at a local farmer's market, but will keep trying until I have an acre or ten to grow my own.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Mike, I would love to try some :)

Brought my cat to the vet this morning. She has an abscess in her mouth and lost her canine tooth :/ She is 15.
Snow in the forecast tomorrow...I thought we were done! UGH!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh No Steph Don't say that Usually if you get it then its not far from us . & we Need spring so badly.
Just as you I Know :) It has been Thundering & pouring rain on & off all morning . on the news i saw that the snow was Pounding CO so guess Kathy is Snowed in once again . haven't seen her post in a few days .
hope all is well with her:

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I havent put the snow blower away yet - and evidently I may be using it on Thursday. I am not amused. 2-4" expected. Starting as rain tonight and transitioning - 48 hours of various precip. Temps should stay above 36° - so Im leaving my seedlings outside. Not sure if thats a good idea, but thats what's gonna happen.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I can't believe you guys! We've gone right from a short spring to summer - 103 degrees. Help get me outta here!

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we are into 70's -80's now & rain showers can handle it much better ^_^ then the 30-40's & rainy snow mix :(
well off to the shower then super ya all have a great eve .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I suppose thought it's damp and cloudy I am enjoying the cool weather in the 50s and 60s while I can.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

40° and rain changing to snow later :/

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OH YUK I Haven't heard of any Snow but we are going to get more rain, was cleaning out my GH-- catch all Shed of about 1000's of Pots of all sizes going to one day put them on the trailer & take to the recycle for i cannot use so many any more. just taken a break it is 70' out & I came in for lunch & More water then back to haul out the rest . My Brother is going to move My GH- Shed out here by my House so it will be closer for me to use .

My back is starting to tighten up on me so i want to get it done Not allot to do maybe 1 hr & I can have it done:
then come in out of the sun :) so back later

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

Well don't work too hard! Need to save that back for many more decades of weed pulling ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty 's for the tip mike & Let us know if robin lands today it should be there shortly in todays mail:) its a big fat ROBIN can't miss it

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

Will do! I'm thinking I'll leave work a little early just to make sure it makes there fine. hehe

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

The best part about mailing to Mike is that because we're so close it cost a lot less than I thought it would. Which is great because this semester is no different than any before - I'm broke! :D

Got excellent news just now. My finance instructor and I agreed that my grade was sooooo good that I don't have to take the optional final. My guts are still churning, but hopefully they will settle themselves and catch up with my brain which is so very relieved.

Still have this group project I'm finishing and a multiple choice final in my fire science course next week (not worried about that one!) then I'm DONE! Well, except for the long tedious process of writing up my graduate research project so one day soon I can graduate and be master of something.


Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

I wish there was a BS in BS because I think I'd ace that one no problem.... Congrats Amanda! Hopefully one of these days I'll get through my "four" years of college that I started in 2006. The Marine Corps isn't always an easy place to have time to complete college.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)


Down here, it seems we went from winter in March to summer in April. We are dealing with hot, muggy summer-time temps and the summer pattern of afternoon rain storms. Which is actually a good thing, since spring is usually a dry season for us.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Mike and Shauna. th
Mike, yer silly. Despite my multiple degrees, I am one in the camp who still questions a college education.

College was fantabulous. I learned a lot. Got to hang out with fancy people (scholarship to ivy league school got very lucky there). But I don't t think I gained much by way of skills I could take to the workforce. Of course, it was pretty much the same with law school, except for getting to hang out with fancy people. Graduate school for the master's degree? Hmmm. I have got to say that with the exception of the GIS work (elective) and the finance stuff and the high math/statistics stuff, I'm still not taking "skills" out there. It's just in my field it's so competitive now you almost have to have a Ph.D. to get ahead of the fray, and BELIEVE me - I ain't going there. Unless one of you steps up to pay for it.

Okay, paper's finished. My guts feel better. I went out and pulled some weeds. Looks like rain again, and now my brain is saying "would feel good to be prone." I wonder if I could force myself to take a nap in broad daylight.

Will let you know later.

Mike are you home? Did the box show up?! :D


Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

No box yet. Sometimes the mail guy hits me last as I'm in the country and he finishes with me.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey all...we got 5.5" of snow in the last go-around, ended overnight or should say early this am. Temps got low (low to mid 20*), so will have to see if my double layer as remay help my babies!!! Fingers are crossed, only will get to 45* today so I might not check them till tomorrow when it gets into the 50*s.

Been procrastinating on starting the last of the annuals, guess I should get to it! I did start some Alyssum (the annual one), sprouted in 3 days. I need to get some more going, I bought a large packet of fresh seed at H.Depot last week. Hope it reseeds for me again next year, smells soo yummy.

Later all!! Kathy

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

It is snowing here. 22 schools have closed including the one I used to work for. About 2 inches so far.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

poor thing. :/

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Sure Hope it dose not reach us Northern upper mich may get it but think we may get just the Rain Later tonight .

Reason I Asked about the Pulmonarias is I have a few but Don't Know the Name of them I have about 6-8 type & colors there not to big yet but maybe by later summer or fall I can share a few with you.

well going to get off here for a bit back later .

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Susie ~ I did not see the question about pulmonarias...what was it? They are really nice for the shady garden. I have a few in mine that I moved from the north side of my house where it gets too hot with the morning sun in the summer, into a new shady garden. This is so much fun, as I really did not have much shade...and the soil around where it is shady, inside the fenced yeard was hard as a rock. A lot of digging in between storms in winter and early spring. Now it is too hot to dig....whew!

I do need to dig another section and I just keep putting it off. Maybe I will get up very early and get with it. I also need to ready my area for corn and beans.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry but guess i got messed up was sending a private dmail to Kathy & reading the forums switching back & forth & I guess i type the question to her on this thread so I guess i need to go check our dmail :)
sorry but was Busy with my Getting my GH Moved still more to do on it just Ran out of UMP when it got to hot & Burnt Nose & a Sore Back :( so had to call it Quits . hope to get it finished
well I Got to go lay back ya all have a great eve .

Mike Hope The Robin landed today .

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

Landed! Well actually Caught....

So I'd like to give everyone the run down on this what has turned out to be the biggest hassle ever dealing with the post office....

I live between two towns here in eastern NC. One is the main and the other the town I "live" in. So the package arrived at the post office in the order.

May 1, 2013, 9:57 am
Expected Delivery By:
May 1, 2013

USPS Tracking / Delivery Confirmation™
Sorting Complete

May 1, 2013, 9:47 am
Arrival at Post Office
May 1, 2013, 6:52 am

Depart USPS Sort Facility
April 30, 2013
Processed through USPS Sort Facility
April 30, 2013, 5:38 pm
Depart USPS Sort Facility
April 30, 2013
Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility
April 30, 2013, 12:07 am
Dispatched to Sort Facility
April 29, 2013, 5:35 pm
April 29, 2013, 5:06 pm

Well after checking all around the neighborhood for this package on the 1st I spent a little while going back and forth with Susie via Dmail only to confirm that the Robin had not landed.

Jump to yesterday morning, I had to take my 4 year old in for a blood draw so I swung in by the PO and tried to pick it up. Nope it wasn't there, they had sent it to my "local" PO to go out via delivery. Ok got it... I'll get it when I get home I thought to myself.

So when I get home and open up my oversize "rural" mailbox, bam! Nothing. Crap! says I.... So while digging through my junk mail my wife finds the "Sorry we missed" BS.... On the slip the date says 5/1. BS once again! It's the 2nd Mr. Mailman.... and by this time I'm getting a wee bit upset. Then I read the sorriest excuse from a mail man I've ever read. It says " No numbers on house". Now my house is about a third of a mile down a gravel lane that is more sandy muck than gravel, so my first instinct is to point out that he didn't want to be bothered to leave the package at my front door. Can't call the PO at this point because it is already closed.

So I get up this morning and get the girls dressed and make our way to the PO and some quality Papa and girls time. We head out to our "local" PO to pick up the package. Now the lady here recognizes me because I ship a lot of stuff through here so I am a little concerned when she gives me the "why are you here look", but I think nothing of it as she is talking with another customer. Then I get up there and she says the other PO called to tell her to have it sent back to them for delivery ( which I must add at this point should have happened in the first place). So she calls to confirm that it hasn't left them yet and they say it hasn't gotten back to them yet. My PO lady assured me that it would be there soon enough that she just must not have gotten there yet.

Sooooo, off we are again to go and gather the elusive Robin, which clearly isn't indigenous to these parts of the country. We get there and have the PO guy there go out back and check for the package. Nope not here yet..... off to breakfast we go. Finish up eating and back at the post office. He all but throws the box to me no, signature, no confirmation, nothing. Just a here it is.....

So needless to say, I have it. I'll get it out tomorrow after I go through it. Sorry for the long diatribe but I thought I'd share and try to alleviate anyone's fears of a lost Robin.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Awwww wMike that's rotten. But the persistence! Sorry - I'm so glad you got the darned thing. The post sure can be a pain sometimes with our precious boxes.

Good thing it was only seed and not live plants!!!

I could have driven it to you in less time. Have fun. :)


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Mike, so sorry you had all that trouble with the robin. Glad you were finally able to catch it!

Almost would have been easier for Amanda and you to meet up to hand deliver it.

Holly Ridge, NC(Zone 8a)

It darn sure would have been quicker and probably just as much in gas. Lol.

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