(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Shirley was right one envy with my name on it but it was from Amanda , I really am Not going to let this worry me year after year I Always fine that many do not follow the guidelines of what makes for a good robin & It has just come to the point that if there are other who don't care what the robin looks like then ITS NOT WORTH THE TIME Or EFFORT ANY MORE .

Please The seeds were not there & we cannot bring them back so now lets move on to our gardening ,
Pam I figured the Little Cups will be good for the seeds you have to soak Next winter before planting I have some also :) they work nice .
as for the little Bloomer another gardening friend makes them .

well its to hot to sit here any longer going to go sit by the fan :)

Elk Horn, KY

Yes Evelyn I received the seeds frrom you. Thankyou so much:))

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I got mine too evelyn. There was only the white envied to me from you when it got me. Nothing else from you in the box.

Sorry I've been MIA. Weather here has been horrible. To top it off, 4am my house got struck by lightening. Came down through the oak tree, followed the roots, blew the gas line, fried the electrical in my kitchen and on my deck. BLEW so many plants right out of the ground :( I have lots of clean up to do, not to mention insurance claims. FD was here at 4:15am...ladder truck and all. No fire. Fwd line temporarily fixed and electrician out tomorrow (gas line...won't let me fix the typo from my phone.)
Needless to say, I may be off line for a few days.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

minnisippi: how scary and what a mess. Take care.

This post is getting kind of long.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Well, maybe someone wants to start a new thread....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

whom ever starts a new thread can post it here . so others can find you .

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