Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Susie so sorry to hear about your Turkey. So hard when you do all you can.
I had a little Cochin Banty rooster when we lived on our farm in CT. He was so cute and sweet. He was the only one I would let live in the garden and by the house . He had a little dog house to live in.
I heard a thump on the side of the house, I ran outside just as a hawk killed him. I was devastated , I kept thinking if I would have made him live at the barn he would still been alive =(

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Very sorry to hear about Frankie.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

May I pretty please have some of your Veronica/Evelyn seeds? it's our one and only grandbaby's name. That would be very fun!

Rockford, MI

I am so sorry to hear about Frankie, my girls send their condolences as well.
should I send my seeds to you now, or add them when the box gets here for the second round?

Saginaw, MI

For seed swap would love to have the following from these members if possible:
from Deejay9--hibiscus(any), mixed cosmos, hollyhock-black watchman/single yellow/single peach, poppies, sunflowers, datura HAVE FOR YOU: mixed marigold

from Fruit of the Vine--cosmos, mixed daylily, echinacea, zinnia , big blue sea holly

from Pfg--echinacea(rubinstern,white swan, green envy), cosmos(psyche white)

from Ordairygirl--hollyhock(nigra), cleome(violet queen), sunflower(autumn beauty), cosmos, datura

from Warriorswisdomdathy--lupine, datura

from alikat32--morning glories, orange poppy , red lupine

from midwest farmwife--mixed morning glories, sunflowers

from obliqua--pow wow wild berry coneflower, quills & thrills echinacea, hollyhocks(any)

from czimmerman00--morning glories,watermelon, jalapeno peppers, fish pepper

HAVE for FOTV--hardy hibiscus(dk. red & lt. pink with dk. pink center)

HAVE for Paula-P---mixed hollyhock

HAVE for deejay9--mixed marigold

Will be sending envelope of others to Susie to add to box as I am last on list right before Susie gets the box back . Thank you to everyone. My first time doing this and am excited to see how it works & what I will get!!!!

*****Have also now posted(on the 9th) my list of things I am sending out to Susie to be included in the box so everyone has a chance to share them. If you would like any of them marked for you before I send them let me know!!!! Thank you.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2012 3:58 AM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm just going to have fun going thru the box and getting a few seeds for my veggie garden. I might take a few flower seeds if I see something I just have to have. I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for this to start.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening ev1 :) TY all for the best wishes He will be Missed for along time :) Pour Dolly has been crying all day that is heart breaking So I called PAT Some of you Know her as Our DAHLIA BULB Lady :) Well Her Man Raises all types of Geese, Chickens , Turkeys, Ducks , Goats , they have a great place out there & So They are going to take my Dolly & Molly So they will Be able to find Mates .
so that is a good thing :)

anyway welcome SNARVA
Michelle : when you say Renee's Garden Is her mane "REMY" ? if so tell her Susie says hi :)
WWKathy : I Wasnt a few :)
FOTV: I Love the Tithonia blooms please save some seeds ok :))) ?
Jlee yes if you have seeds ready to share you can send them here this week if you can Hope to get the robin out On or By the 17th.
Sbish5 : I have you down for :hibiscus(any), mixed cosmos, hollyhock-black watchman/single yellow/single peach, poppies, sunflowers, datura

what I do is find little cards & put seeds in the cards & Sign my DG Name so they know who they are from & I Put their name ON THE OUTSIDE Of the cards . So when you REC the Robin PLEASE LOOK IN THE BAG MARKED PRIVATE TRADES & Take out all of your ENVIES Then ad your Personal trades to that bag. for others .

then with that out of the way your free to sort through all the other 200 pks take what you can use & a then add yours to the mix .
this is a great way to share our Seeds & I Thank you all for being so Generous . for all of the new members who have joined us the 1st time .all the info will be in the robin that you will need :) all you have to do is enjoy :)

well my friends long day we had our 1st very heavy frost & I have many more plants to get out of the ground .

anyone here want any BRUGMASIA"S For postage Just LMK.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I'll add these trades to my list:

Sbish 2- echinacea(rubinstern,white swan, green envy), cosmos(psyche white)

Mellen1954- Veronica/Evelyn seeds

I may have a problem with the Cosmos... I've been harvesting as many seeds as I can find, but don't yet have cosmos. I keep forgetting to look for the plants when I'm there, and have the terrible suspicion that they may have disappeared while I was gone. Everything else I have.

This morning I got Joe Pye Weed seeds. I'm still waiting for the Platycodon pods to ripen. I have Hakone White and Hakone Blue, both double flowers. The blue I did from seed this spring and got tons of plants. Only a few of them flowered, but that's enough to collect seeds from.

Susie, I'm glad the girls will get another chance to find love!


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

BTW I had been putting my seeds in little brown envies. Is that OK or should I go get some Plastic bags?

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)


Any chance I can be before gardenseeder? I have purple coneflower seed for her........otherwise I will snailmail them to her.....

Sbish -- I've added your wants to my list! Those seeds will be tagged for you in the nest!


Concord, NH

thats fine with me, if ok with susie ,and sorry about frankie xo

Saginaw, MI

Hello to everyone! Went through seeds this morning and as I am next to last on the list which means none of my seeds would get to any of you , I will be sending these out to Susie tomorrow morning(need to go to Walmart today & get little plastic baggies to put them in !) That way these will be in the box for all to share before it gets to me!!!
I will be sending the following:

FOR FOTV: hardy hibiscus( & with center)
FOR DEEJAY9: mixed marigold & easter egg plant seeds
FOR PAULA P: mixed hollyhock & (1) purple allium & (1) shasta daisy
FOR MARTI001: white love in a mist(1)
FOR ORDAIRY GIRL: (1)annual black eyed susan & (1) yellow columbine
FOR CZIMMERMAN00: (1) giant allium & (1) of each columbine listed
FOR MIDWESTFARMWIFE:(1) of each columbine listed

7 baggies(20 seeds each)-hardy hibiscus (dk. red)
5 baggies(20 seeds each)-hardy hibiscus( with center)
10 baggies(? qty. seeds)-mixed marigold
10 baggies(? qty. seeds)-mixed hollyhock
5 baggies(20 seeds each)-purple allium--(1)for Paula_P--
3 baggies(20 seeds each)-giant purple allium--(1) for CZimmerman00--
5 baggies(20 seeds each)-blue/purple columbine--(1)for CZimmerman00--(1)for midwestfarmwife
4 baggies(20 seeds each)-yellow(long spur) columbine--(1)for CZimmerman00--(1)for Ordairy girl--(1)for midwestfarmwife
4 baggies(20 seeds each)-winky rose columbine--(1)for CZimmerman00--(1)for midwestfarmwife
3 baggies(? qty. seeds)-annual black eyed susan--(1)for Ordairy girl--
5 baggies(? qty. seeds)-shasta daisy--(1)for Paula_P--
3 baggies(? qty. seeds)-common evening primrose
3 baggies(? qty. seeds)-gaillardia(golden goblin)
3 baggies(? qty. seeds)-gaillardia(unknown color)
3 baggies(15 seeds each)-Love in a mist(white)****SEEN SOMEONE WANTED LOVE IN A MIST BUT CANT FIND YOU AGAIN--if you let me know before I send these out to Susie tomorrow I will mark one of the baggies for you!!! (FOUND THEM-1 for Marti001)

Lg. baggie --Orange trumpet vine(help yourself to a bit & pass along!)
Purchased pkg-baby's breath (1 pkg)
Purchased pkg-forget-me-not(1 pkg)

If anyone wants any of these before I send them out to Susie tomorrow let me know and I will mark them for you before I send them!!

(and thank you Susie,pfg, & alikat for marking seeds for me!!)

If anyone has any extra japanese morning glories, canna (already have regular red) , daylily , or sunflower seeds PLEASE keep me in mind!! THANKS!!!!

Have a great day everyone as I am off to work till 9 p.m. :)

This message was edited Oct 9, 2012 9:35 AM

This message was edited Oct 10, 2012 9:39 AM

This message was edited Oct 10, 2012 9:41 AM

This message was edited Oct 11, 2012 8:17 PM

This message was edited Oct 13, 2012 8:28 AM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

sbish5, I was the one who wanted Love in the Mist. I just love that flower.

Saginaw, MI

Marti001--got it!! Will mark one of the baggies of white love in a mist for you!!!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'll be putting in Canna patens, my favorite canna. It has a SMALL red and yellow flower and seems to recover faster from cold weather damage. But since there is an interest in Canna seeds I'll keep an eye on the ones who are blooming and collect some seeds. Anyone wanting Canna patens that is on the list before me just holler and I can send you some . . . I had lots of flowers this year.
Still trying to be brave and collect some of those "Bear's Breaches" seeds. They sure are taking their sweet time to mature and are they pokey!

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

the only canna that I have seeds for is the one in the was given to me a couple of years ago so I don't know it's name.
Guessing that the Florence Vaughn cannas don't have seeds? I have never found seeds on them.

Thumbnail by paula_p
Saginaw, MI

Domehomedee, Would love to have some of the canna seeds if you could add me to your list!! Thank you so much. Shirley

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

GM Everyone,

Susie, if you have any more vareigated yucca seed would you please add me to your list. Thank you.

I have posted my seed list and hopefully there will be more as I'm still harvesting here. Some plants have not even set seed yet and it's raining this morning.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Have to leave soon for my Doc apt Have to get my Doctors ok to have a tooth pulled Crazy .

I Think it was SHISB Who had ask For the EASTER EGG Plant Seeds anyone out there have any for her & I woul;d also like a few seeds.

Evelyn_inthegarden We will miss you just hope you will come visit with us when you can.
well off & running it is very wet & Cold out there . ya all have a great day .

5. PFG---PAM---NY
6. SNARVA,----- NJ
7. CRIS316------NJ
10. LAMARION--------VA
14. MARTI001 -----KY
17. PAULA_P------TX
23. PATTI1959-- OR
27. MELLEN1954---IOWA
29. DIAMOND9192002 / ANITA--IND
30. JLEE160--JEN--MI

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Evelyn, I'm sorry you had to drop out. I hope everything is ok? If there's anything you would like from my list, dmail me and I'll send it to you.

Alikat, I see I'm right after you, so I get first crack at your stash. In addition to what I already asked for, I have my eye on the giant white masterwort. Google says it gets 20-30" tall. Is that your experience? I have to replace that geenormous knautia, don't need another giant! Also, does it need any special treatment to germinate?

I don't remember who asked for Joe Pye Weed, I harvested a bunch the other day. whoever you are, just let me know and I'll out some aside for you.


Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

pfg---me, me! I would like to have some joe pye weed seeds:)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Ok, done!


Saginaw, MI

Susie(deejay9)--if no one else says they have the easter egg plant seeds, I did get some and I will split them in half with you if you would like!!! Shirley

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ok thats good I didn't know you found them :) well blinger of a day , & I'm waiting for results of my Blood wrok so i can find out if I can have my tooth pulled tomorrow or not. as for now just going to go lay back for a bit. back later .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> people may think I'm crazy for Loving a Turkey as I did .but thats ok:)

Not me! I cried a river when my cat was run over.
And probably half of us love a turkey - I know my Significant Other does!

I hope you feel better about it soon. Frankie was lucky to be loved as he was.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I want some of pfg's platycodon seeds, both white and blue...please....

Also noticed today that my Eupatorium joicus,( it's 'spose to get about 48" and has varigated leaves, with white flowers), is ready for harvest. I will collect what I can, tho we've already had a hard freeze and not sure any more will mature, but do have some......It will get put in the box for those after me or the second round....I'll also see what else i can find....Kathy...

Tried to find a pix of the eupatorium but can't find, oops...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone.

Hi ya, Corey. I'm already missing those nifty screens you added last year, among a host of seeds you shared. Many of the Zinnias I'm growing now came from seeds you shared.

Requests are caught up on the other thread. I think yours was the last one so far, Shirley. Will look through your list and the new ones soon, and I'll be adding to mine. It's been a long day, been up since 6 this morning. I weeded and did general Fall clean-up several hours and still have a long way to go. Seeds harvested today were from Penstemon "Red Huskers" and "Violet Dusk". One thing I have plenty of are the two types of mixed orange Cosmos seeds, even our UPS guy said he wants some.

Hope all is well, Evelyn, and will mail the seeds you requested and any I have later on that you'd like to try. Keep in touch here on the thread or D-mail me privately. Either way is fine.

Thinking of you, Susie, and hope you get relief at the dentist.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Susie, you asked me:
"when you say Renee's Garden Is her mane "REMY" ?"
Sorry, but no... Renee's Garden is the name of a seed company out here. The URL is
sbish5: Got your dmail; will send a reply shortly and update my list on the other thread :) marti001, I also have Love in a Mist seeds (listed as Nigella "Persian Violet") from Renee's Garden. The seed packet's description begins:
"This special colored Nigella, also called Love in a Mist, has dainty multi-faceted blossoms that open white with sky blue edges, then deepen to a rich indigo-violet hue."
Would you also like some of these?

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

So sorry about Frankie, Susie! Dogs killed my big tom a few years ago and I was so sad and so angry at the neighbors for letting known poultry killers roam.
The name of Remy's seed store is "Sample Seed Shop" Susie. Remy is a sweetie for sure and really knows her tomatoes as well as other seeds.

Marti, I am off this weekend and will be sending an envelope your way on Monday unless you tell me you will be away next week.

Rockford, MI

I would like to add a couple things to my list
from paula- hyacinth bean
marti- louisiana iris
FOTV- agastache
alikat- tritoma
garden quil- rose angel wings

I am hoping to get my seeds to susie today or saturday- it depends on how far I get with my homework- yuck! I would much rather be playing with seeds:)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Jaw really hurting this am but will be all better by 4 pm today :)
TY All for your great thoughts & Prayers . I'm going to Plant Tulip BULBS On Frankies Grave Not doing much today at all except I Just got my POTATO DONUTS Mixed up they have to be refriged for awhile ,Zoey wanted some of my DONUTS so she is going to help me TOMORROW :)

corey good to see your still watching us all :)))
alana: Remy is a Very Knowledgable when it comes to tomatos I plan to check out her seed list this fall :)

well I have to go to the bank so you all have a great day . back later

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Michelle, yes I would love to have some of those Love in the Mist seeds. Thank you!!

jlee160, I've put the Lousiana iris seeds aside and will mail them directly to you or should I just put them in the robin when it gets here. I don't have lot of them. Only had 2 seed pods on the plants. With me gone for the last year, none of my plants were really cared for, but next year I should have more seeds.

Rockford, MI

you can just put them in the box for me- thanks!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

You got it!!!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
marti001, I see the box gets to you before it gets to me. Should I send the seeds separately, or do you think you'll also get the box when it goes around a second time?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Many of the Zinnias I'm growing now came from seeds you shared.

Were any of those the Benary Giants? I never got very big plants out of them, but then I got kicked out of the bed where I started them, and underwatered them to boot.

>> Hi ya, Corey. I'm already missing those nifty screens you added last year, among a host of seeds you shared.

I gave away all my spare screening except for some funny 8 mesh that has an odd weave so that it seems finer, more like 10-12 mesh. And 24-mesh nylon window screening.

I'm learning not to try to get every possible seed out by rubbing pods into powder. Instead, I take what I can "shake" out of flowerheads, and only pulverize them, seive and pick. if I really "need more seed", as with Salvia.

I also "learned" that I can vacuumn chaff out of the rug, so now I puff as I screen seeds, and I'm willing to lose some lighter seeds into the rug. If they are that light, they might be the less viable ones, so Good riddance. Hey, they don't germinate in the rug, so how viable can they be? ;-)

Susie, I just drop in every now and then, to see how much time I have to get together some seeds to add to the Robin, might have to be on-the-fly.

This year, mostly Asian Greens like Bok Choy, Tatsoi, Spinach Mustard, Chinese broccoli and a n ifty very-cold-hardy Italian heirloom leaf broccoli. That OVERWINTERED on me and then bolted and gave me a lot of seed. Pretty when in bloom!

When I lived in NJ, we were near a little wildlife preserve, and the turkeys took day trips to see what there wqas to eat in surrounding yards. My timid little cat loved to swagger around, "chasing" the hens, or following them, in slow motion around the lawn. Eventually the big lazy tom turkey would get tired of this, come out of the woods, and chase little Toby away - faster and faster as Toby gave up on his dignity in order to stay ahead of the big tom!

When the tom went back into the woods, Toby had to lounge around and swagger a little more to show that no one had chased HIM ... he just happened to be tired of following those turkeys around, and that he sure had taught them a lesson!

Saginaw, MI

Hello Susie, When the pkg. of things for the seed swap box arrives(sent you tracking # in d-mail) I need you to please earmark one of each of the 3 kinds of columbine I enclosed for midwestfarmwife PLEASE. She has requested one of each of them but I have already sent the pkg. to you, so if you would please do that I & she would greatly appreciate it!! Hope you are feeling better!!!! Shirley

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Corey, I'm certain the Benary Giants were in there since I planted all the Zinnia seeds that were in my stash. Mixed the majority of them in a baggie before sowing so the blooming shebang was a surprise. Would you like some seeds back? This link will take you to a sampling:

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hit send too soon.....

Hope you're feeling better, Susie!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty all Still have some pain but sure not as bad as it was :) Hope to get the Rest of my BULBs out of the gardens today . & get a few of my Bulbs Into the garden.
A lady gave me some california Tall Zinnia's that she grew in her gardens so going to plant them next year,

anyone tell me if these are good for the garden GOLDEN YELLOW AGERATUM aka Lonas Annua Inodora Flower Seeds .
are they invassive ?? still lots of seed sorting to do here yet so guess i better get busy .

SHirley I will take care of it :)

& I will put a couple SCREENS In the Box So if anyone wants to try them feel free to but be sure to put them back in for others to use .
this box is going to be big :)

off to get busy , Donut day with ZOEY :)

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