Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey ya deejay9 the plant looks a lot like a hellebore ,at least as far as the bloom.I don;t know as far as the leaf though as I have never grown any.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Deejay, it's a Potentilla, could be Miss Willmott, if the flowers are hot pink. If they are more burgundy, it's probably Monarch's Velvet, I have both and love them. I divide mine to get more.

I'd love seeds from your datura. Thanks!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Pfg And so it is, thank you for the lesson, really thank you ,as wondering so was I.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Here are mine, also Thalictrum, which I was asked about. #3 shows the foliage better.

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I have been collecting more seeds. There will be some surprises for y'all. Actually I was surprised as I had collected quite a few already, but I have just started to clean them. That is the hard part. I have not done much of this before. I am trying to keep out all chaff and stems, but I am not 100% successful.

I will give you the list once they are ready. I will post it here and on the other page. Thanks for your patience. A lot has been going on here.

Have a good night everyone.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

PFG - I have plenty of White Datura seeds and will send you some. They were fantastic this year.

All - sorry but I will not be home until 10/11 to post a seed list.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Everyone,
I just posted my list on the other page and added everyone's request up to this point on the thread!

Fruity - I'm already hungering for your cosmos beautiful and colorful!

Everyone -- I'm so excited about all the seeds....I can't wait for spring now and winter hasn't even begun!

DJ -- since I will have seeds for lots of people and the box may get to me after the box gets to I just mail out those packets to them separately? Sorry for yet another question but I've never been a part of the seed swap thing!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will any of you have Yellow or Purple Moon Vine seeds?

That's what I do, Candi, if a player is ahead of me. Ya know there might be a Round 2 as well.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All
Fruity is right anyone wanting to go back through the robin once it has went around to all is welcome to sign up for it . & at this point
I'm Thinking I will start in the EAST TO SOUTH TO WEST BACK TO THE EAST .

I have a ton of seeds to also to add but Not sure they are going to be ready or not by The 15 th of Oct so Here is the plan I Have been thinking to do .

start in the east with all that I Have at this time & Of the seeds that have been Donated & get it in the air by the 15th when it has been all around bring it home & refresh with more take out what you all have shared with me then send it back out to any who sign up.

Pam TY Mine is the "Monarch's velvet " hope to get a few seeds to share .
off to get my day started ya all be save . back later

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

deejay, sounds good to me. Maybe by the second round I will be able to add more seeds, (my son says let him know what I want and he will go to the nusery by his house and get them for me) that way I can share some seeds with others.

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

"flight path" sounds good to me too.

This message was edited Oct 2, 2012 12:33 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That sounds like a mighty fine plan, Susie.

No seed collecting here for the past two days because of all the rain we've received, but we sure do need it. Ya know, the easy part is snagging, the difficult part is cleaning. I'll try to get my seeds as clean as possible but doubt they'll look like Ferry

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

We're all in the same boat. I do it while watching TV with J after dinner. He said, do you have to that to all those?! Well yeah, I do! Whenever I think I have the perfect system, it doesn't work on the next batch, lol.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just wanted to share a few TIPS For you all when CLEANING Seeds . These are the TOOLS I USE . & They work well will many of the seeds .
These were sent to me by RickCorey_WA but you can buy in any hardware store I'm sure .
# 1 Strainers
# 2 Screens
pending on types of seeds they can help

I received another very nice box of seeds today & you all are going to be very excited when you see this robin & As Long as ev1 Plays fair & takes a dab of each there will be enough for all to try if you want .
I Can hardly wait to get this bird in the air :))

well today I Helped My Best friends with her new garden & I hurt tonight so may just have to lay back early .
Then the last two I can't remember right now sure i will by tomorrow

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

here are a few Flowers I took today. Mini Morning glories hardly an inch across the others are cosmos

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I realize since I am not in the trade I ought not to post here ,but it is some fun watching.I seem to be having trouble collecting and counting seed for the time being,sometime though.
My thought about Ott

Thumbnail by juhur7
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So true, Pam. Me too while sitting on the porch or watching TV on an afternoon break.

Guara perhaps? Those screens were really handy last year, Susie. I never seem to have just the right size and ought to check one of our hardware stores.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I got a couple of screens like colanders. I think that the smaller one is supposed to be for a sink strainer. Still, I have spent the last 3 hours working on those seeds and even with the straining, some things go through the strainer that are not seeds. Sometimes so small I need a microscope! I am really trying to do them right. What is the secret of buddleia? I can hardly tell which are seeds.

The hardy hibiscus do just fine; I got a lot of those collected. Oh, the lavender. I think some of the heads are not yet dry enough. I will have to wait to finish them later.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Buddliea are as small as dust like fern spores, The bloom that has dried and looks like a candy wrapper rolled at the ends,inside are seeds that are tiny and smaller still. I have a few ,and it's a tough one .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for that tip, juhur7. My only Butterfly Bush has white blooms and this is a current pic.

I am fairly new collecting seeds from my gardens, since they're only three years old. Big seeds like those from Daylilies and Cannas are easy. Blackberry Lily seeds are easy too, but have a few plants going on two years old with healthy leaves that haven't bloomed. Wonder why?

I'm patiently waiting for several pods of a Species Lily to dry on the Mother plant that gets about 4' tall. The blooms in mid-July were stunning, going from darkest pink near the throat to light pink and ending with white tips on her recurved petals.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Michelle, I'd love to try a few of these if you have enough seeds to spare.

Heliotrope "Deep Marine"
Phlox, Dutch Tapestry
Salvia, Marble Arch

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from juhur7 :
Buddliea are as small as dust like fern spores, The bloom that has dried and looks like a candy wrapper rolled at the ends,inside are seeds that are tiny and smaller still. I have a few ,and it's a tough one .

OK, so how do you separate the seeds?? I don't want to send out chaff with the seeds. I can hardly see them.

OK, I will try a smaller strainer. I hope we have one in the kitchen.

This message was edited Oct 2, 2012 7:48 PM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I do not separate them, I use the whole pod, as the pod is only as long as your little finger nail is across the tip if it's large.
I can't see them well enough out of the pod at all to work with them.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Susie, I just found this thread do you have room for one more?

Sue G

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from juhur7 :
I do not separate them, I use the whole pod, as the pod is only as long as your little finger nail is across the tip if it's large.
I can't see them well enough out of the pod at all to work with them.

Well, I guess I screwed up the whole batch as I mashed all the stuff and then finally put it in the tea strainer. I will try and collect some more and try again. I have cut it back several times and it is blooming again. I will wait for them to dry thoroughly....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


10. PAULA_P------TX
18 MARTI001 -----KY
19 MELLEN1954---IOWA
22 JLEE160--JEN--MI
25 PFG---PAM---NY
26 PATTI1959-- OR
28. SNARVA,----- NJ
29. BIGTROT---

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Last year was great, this year looks even better!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

MWFW - Mary - do you have any of these this year? Northern Catalpa, Western Catalpa, Western Catawba, Indian Cigar Tree, Fish-Bait Tree
Catalpa speciosa - I would love to try them.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sure does & I Have allot of KNEW Types Of seeds to share with you all but not going to tell you about them till I get the flight plan made up . will work on that this weekend. .

Jamestown, OH

Minnesippi, there should be Catalpa seeds on the trees, BUT I also have trees popping up in my flowerbeds. I promised warriorwisdomkathy a tree trade, so maybe we can work one out too if I can get all these sale plants from Lowe's in the ground. Can't resist, and the manager is willing to dicker with me! And - I couldn't resist buying 40 young peonies from a hybridizer who's been at it for at least 40 yrs. They are seed grown herbaceous and will be a surprise when they bloom. If that's not bad enough, I ordered more Rockii, Chinese, and Herbaceous peonies from China! Yes - I know I've been BAD! I ordered extras to sell, so hope I'm not in the doghouse too much with hubby! My Japanese Maple seed experiment finally worked this year, and there must be 150 or more little trees in pots to stick in the ground.
They'll go in a temporary spot until I can figure out a permanent place next year. AND, I discovered little trees all around our big Pink Flowering Crabapple, and White Flowering Crabapple trees. I guess after 30 yrs. of planting, this yard is becoming a jungle. The wild Black Raspberries have completely taken over the grape arbor. I had my husband dig most of them out last yr. with our backhoe, and it only made them grow more! I've given tons away to neighbors. They are super hard to dig by hand.

Rockford, MI

I would love some veronica- sunny border blue, evelyn, and goodness grows from PFG
& from garden quail- heliotrope deep marine blue
- thanks:)

Rockford, MI

DeeJay- would love some of your poppies if you still have some seed available:) they look beautiful!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Thanks for letting me in Susie - I have a LOT to share!

Sue G

P.S. I still plan to get up there to see you sometime. Have you ever been to the Cascades in Jackson? I know it's no big deal but one of my huge childhood memories

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Jlee160 you're on my list for the Veronicas.

Bigtrot, thanks for the white Datura. Now that I see how easy they are to grow, I want more and more!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I've been on a 10 day road trip, thought I'd let you guys know I'm still in.
I'm on cloud 9 tonight, my 4 year old grand-daughter was weeding for me without any prompting, I never taught her to weed! She's obviously been watching. I'm doing some hand watering and this little voice says "beema, where should I put these weeds?" and I look over and she is holding up two fistfuls of weeds. So I gave her a bucket. Then the next thing I know she has gotten out some 4" pots, filled them with potting soil, and has planted some little aeoniums she found on the ground under the bushes where she was weeding, "beema, where should I put my plants?". Then when I told my daughter she said that there were little piles of seeds all over the yard. This kid is a natural, all the more reason to start my own little nursery!

Concord, NH 2x3 polybags 2mil. 8.25 for 1000 bags!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all
JLEE I Have About 200+ bags & Each Bag is filled with about 1000+ seeds each so there will be plenty for you & the girls to plant:).
CHEERMOM : I've Not heard of the cascade's in Jackson but draw me a map & I will be there Just tell me when.

on the 13th of Oct i'm going to be meeting other DG members in Christmas town FRANKINMUTH Mi can hardly wait .a week from sat:)

Well went to a friends Aniversary Party last night WOW guess i got a little pie-eyed ya might say for i have to go get my car.
this morning , been YEARS since i was that tippsy. think someone slipped me a micky or donald :) HEHE but a heck of a good time
I'm sure just hope it all wasn't caught on cam & Go to UTUBE eeek.

Mary: you Must have a HUGE Farm For all those trees :) Need more TREE POTS I Have a Barn full FORREAL.
Just come on up you can have them all for the trip :)))

well got to go ya all have a great day back later

Jamestown, OH

Deejay, thanks for the pots offer. A trip to Michigan would be fun but seems we don't get far from here, especially during harvest - early this yr. due to drought. I know there is a wool spinnery in Frankenmuth that I've been hearing about for yrs.

I am wondering where to plant the trees since the yard is already FULL, and I'm getting complaints from my men about trimming. Guess I'll have to expand into the sheep pasture and build little fences around the trees - LOL!

Domehomedee - lucky you with your little gardening helper!

200 bags - YIIPPEE! Oh, what fun!

Rockford, MI

DeeJay- -gotcha down for bombast and emma's gift:)


northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

jlee, I'd love to try a few of your Emma's Gift, too, if you have enough.


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