Saginaw, MI

Well I sure hope EVERYONE knows what an absolute WONDERFUL person we are all dealing with on here!! And by that I mean Susie-deejay9!!!!! She was offering some cuttings of a couple plants she had and I sent her postage for some---and WOW>WOW>WOW was I absolutely thrilled when I opened the box!! She went above and beyond anything I ever expected !! She has made me feel more than welcome while participating in the trades & swaps and I can't say THANK YOU enough for her generosity & kindness to a "newcomer"!! And , so, just wanted everyone to know what a great person we are dealing with!! Was going to be able to meet her in person but it fell through on both our ends and am still hoping to meet up with her someday!! Thank you so much Susie!!

This message was edited Oct 17, 2012 4:22 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

You got your box today ??? for sure ?? Really ??? I Mailed it yesterday . I got your Fall Bulbs also & they are all in the ground just in time for the rain should be here soon Its raining in town /

OHH SHOOT I Got to go out & Dig more for FRUITY :)) so i don't get wet back later .
glad you like your new plants

Jamestown, OH

How about a recipe for those Pumpkin Bars?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

you ask for it I cheated but they are very good Well our Family sure Liked them :) & I took some over to my Neighbors thought about sending a few to FRUITY In her Bulb Box Don't think they would look very well with Cream cheese all over the cover :) .

My Neighbor Carolyn Cannot bake & her daddy has cancer & Not well so I Bake & Take goodies over to them tonight it was CHILI & Pumpkin Bars so they were very happy .

well best go answer a few dmails .

back later

Concord, NH

yep it was an earthquake,it was felt in 3 states,scared the crap out of us havent had one since we were kids we had one on christmas morning that year

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just happy there was No Big Damage & All are safe :)

Jamestown, OH

The robin has landed in Ohio today (Thursday), and her nest is filled with lots of nice flower seeds! A few I'm not familiar with, so will need to look them up. Tomorrow I'll work on requests, then add some for everyone else to share. What a great opportunity to try new seeds and share the bounty of our harvests with others!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mary I;m sorry I didn't have many Veggies to start the robin with but I Know other will be able to share with you & If I come across a few sales I will share :))) Right now I'm haven a late Super Its a salad TOMATO , Chicken Chuncks, Cukes, Onion, G Pepper, Monsorella cheese, Bay leaves, & EVOO :) Oh Also My CANDIED Pickles I Made .
MMMMMM Good . ya all have a great eve back in the morning :))))

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