northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

FOTV, I would love some of your named Japanese MG seeds.


Saginaw, MI

GM to all! Donna-would love to have some of your morning glory seeds if you have enough! The white with red sounds pretty and is it a light blue or the "grandpa ott" blue/purple?> If it is grandpa ott I don't need those--grew them this year and have seeds if you want some! let me know

and Marti-I have "grandpa ott" morning glory seeds if you would like some! Let me know!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

DEE: Statice mix Double baby's breathe ,helleborus augustifolis Please
Michelle : They should still be ok .

Some have ask & Wondering how to Keep our Private trades from getting Mixed up with other seeds well here is how many of us do it.
hope this helps you .
just a note card with your seeds to the one your sharing them with to ______ from _______ on the outside of the card .
there is a special Baggie with the private trades in it , Just be sure that you go through & Take out all that have your name on them.

well my coffee is gone & my floor is dry so off to sort & clean more seeds :)) back later

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh, I'm glad there is some interest in my seeds!
I sorted out packages for sbish, bigtrot, and deejay.
bigtrot: All the ones you picked are fresh seed from this years garden. You should have no trouble getting the maltese cross to germinate.
I only had one trade of the Hellebore and statice, so I let deejay have them.
I should go out and check my statice for seed, I grew a bunch this year for Farmer's market and then they didn't all sell so I put 15 of them in my front yard, LOL, can never have too many straw flowers!

Saginaw, MI

Thanks for setting some aside for me Dee!! Greatly appreciate it!

Just a holler--anyone have any black eyed susan vine seeds(any color) that they can part with?? Let me know & THANKS>.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

As I am reestablishing my poor neglected garden here in Ky (I've been in Calif for the last yr), I am willing to accept any vining seeds someone wants to send me. This old wood fence looks terrible and I'm going to cover it up with all the Morning Glories, and Hyacinth Bean vines I can get my hands on. Paula from Brazoria, TX sent me some Hyacinth Beans so have a good start on them. I don't have much to share with all of you this yr, but next year look out I'll have plenty to share. For those willing to share this year with me anyway, THANK YOU so much!!

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

marti, if you want any more hyacinth bean seeds, let me know. But I should warn you, that vine grows fast and will cover your fence:)
It is an annual but plant it once and you will always have a LOT of bean pods/seeds for the next year.

Thanks to everyone who is sharing their seeds! I am hoping to have a lot more to share in the next seed robin.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

sbish....would love any veggy seeds you might be able to part with and thanks!!!!!! I'm thinking S. Africa is just starting their spring, since they are southern hemishere.

Paula...I would LOVE some of your Hyacinth bean seeds, as many as you can part with, I have hundreds of feet of wire whatever you can spare....thanks..

This message was edited Oct 14, 2012 9:45 AM

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

wwk, I will put a big pack of hyacinth bean seeds in for you. This is a great "fence cover".

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I know....I just love them but haven't had them for many many years (planted a few this year but the heat and drought they didn't even grow)......thanks!!!!! I got a few packs of sweet pea just to mix in with the rest of the vines, I hope to plant AGAIN next spring, lol.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't grow much in veggies since its mainly just me but i do LOVE My SQUASH Being on Coumadin I Can't eat to many Green Veggies.
I can have Greens but just in Low amounts .

anyway if there is anyone here that might have the following I would like enough just for a couple plants.
Pickling Pickle
roma tomato
Buttercup Squash

Elk Horn, KY

i have some blackeyed susan vine seeds. I'll put your name on a pack

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

BFBush these are three that I'm going to try to get seeds from may just send the pods & you can plant the pods :)

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Susie, I'm very glad to hear that they should still grow! :) Thanks for the reassurance.

Saginaw, MI

Marti--have an envelope of mg (grandpa ott) ready to send out to you tomorrow &

Kathy--have an envelope of the veggie seeds ready to send out to you tomorrow!!

Czimmerman00 --thanks for setting aside the black eyed susan vine seeds for me!!

STILL raining here--even harder now than yesterday! Guess I shouldn't complain cuz it could just as easily be the horrible white stuff!!! Ha-ha!!


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Shirley, thanks! I'll watch the mail for them!!

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Shirley, the mg are what I would call a periwinkle blue. Both colors were here when we moved in 27 yrs ago! So I don't know what the names are. I'll send you some of both OK.

Marti, I can include a pack of both colors of mg's if you want.


Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

DJ -- got all your requests marked!

I can't keep up with all the seeds -- I'm interested in so many! Exciting! I can't wait to see the box!


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone!

Have added JMG's to my list for you, Marti, Deb, and Shirley. Glad to do so.

Susie, I may have a few Roma seeds. Can't remember off the top of my head but will check.

Anybody interested in Acorn Squash and / or Butternut Squash seeds? I saved and cleaned them from a grocery store purchase.
Also have 'packed for 2012' Burpee Lupine seeds for the taking.

Dee, may I try a few of these if they're still available?
Leonotis methifolia (lion's tail)
Silene chalcedonica (maltese cross)
Double baby's breath


Does anybody have Lantana seeds to offer? Names or colors doesn't matter since they probably won't come true anyway.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

fruity I'll try some of the SQUASH . If you have any extra JMG I Might just try a few :) & I Have a couple lantanas but not sure if they will make seed for i had to bring them in when it turned cold but if they do I will save you some :)
well got to get off here .
back for coffee..

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

We had our first frost last week, the mini-maxi thermometer shows 29 degrees on a south facing wall. Lots of things wilted and shriveled. I'm hoping seed production steps up in the few plants I've been waiting for.

Bigtrot thank you for mailing my seeds. I'm glad you found something useful for me last year.

Deejay, I have you down for the seeds you asked for.

Domehomedee, I would also like some Asclepias and some Lychnis Chalcedonica


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Fruitofthevine: I have all three put in an envelope for you. I can see I'm going to have more diligent about collecting seed next year.
Plants like "lion's tail" make tons of seed and I only collected a few, by shaking the seed pods, while they were still on the tree into a baggy.
I'm still working on those "bear's breeches" seeds. I figure they should be dry any day now, then I will don leather gloves and try to remove them!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much, Dee :)

I'll put you down for both the Acorn and Butternut Squash, and Japanese Morning Glories, Susie. As a side dish with baked BBQ chicken tonight, we had cubes of Acorn and Butternut Squash mixed with Carrot and Onion slices hand tossed with olive oil and a sprinkling of Kosher salt. A drizzling of Vermont Maple Syrup during the last few minutes really set off the veggies and they tasted more like a dessert. Since it's just hubs and me, I love simple baked dinners or one-pot meals.

Just so everyone knows, those requesting JMG seeds will receive named ones until the supply gets down to the mixed packs.

Night all.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'm sitting here thinking about what seeds I'd really like.
I'd love japanese anemones, mallow, mixed morning glories, and low growing annual flowers.
It's funny, living in California, we don't do many annuals. That's because there are so many flowering perennials that grow here.
I love annuals, they are so unexpected. After that first year they just appear where they please.
I'm a chaotic gardener, the fun is in the surprises.

Concord, NH

would love some of huge blue morning glories and poppies if anyone has these, thank you ! susan

Rockford, MI

Fruit, will u also set aside a pack for me of the jmg? Thanks

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Coffee is about gone , I Have answered all my mail now i have got to finish these seeds so i can get my boxes in the mail this week & Get my House back in order Before the INS guy gets here :) crazy week . for me :)))) back later
What is bear's breeches ???

Elk Horn, KY

Bears breeches ==Acanthus Mollis

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

JLEE Seeds arrived today & so Now i have the robin about ready to go out in a day or so. I Will also be Making a NEW THREAD
For us so we can Track the flight :))) . Ya all keep watch .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


new thread

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

FOTV - I have sent your seeds to you today. Pink Hardy Hibiscus Hibiscus moschuetos & Yellow Scabiosa ochroleuca

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will do jlee160.

Thank you, JoAnn.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

So I Will love to try growing some Bears breeches ==Acanthus Mollis guess our Z5 is also considered Z6 also
so worth a try I Love strange plants & I have the perfect spot for them:)
well GN ALL

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Do any of you have seeds for Yellow Hyacinth Bean Vine?

Rockford, MI

Thanks FOTV

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Yellow Hyacinth Bean Vine? Did not know it came in yellow!

Concord, NH

holly earthquake that was scary 4.6 not normal for around here,thought it was the big one!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

earthquake ??? Guess I Hadn't heard about it I was in a small one when I was in california many years ago scary & I moved back to Mi in a hurry :) SUNNY Bright Morning Off to get my Laundry done. Baked Pumpkin Bars last night , so can get other things done here before the crappy weather moves in .

have a great day ev1

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Wow, gs- you felt it? I thought it was in Maine. And what's an earthquake doing in New England anyway?!

Glad all is OK.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I lived in Sylmar, CA In 1971 when the earthquake tore apart the town, Olive View Hospital and all the streets. The building I was in went 11 inches off it's foundation.

I lived in Santa Paula, CA in the 1990's when the big one hit there and tore up Northridge and hit as far away as Fillmore, Piru and we also got shaken up pretty good in Santa Paula.

I lived in Ca all my life and yet don't remember riding out quakes like those 2, BUT I did learn something from the 1971 quake. Earthquakes are Mother Natures way of rearranging her house. When you get quakes 6.0 and higher she is moving furniture. Under that she just moved a couch or chair. 7.0 and higher, watch out she is emptying out the house for new furniture and upgrading the house.

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