Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Cris316 and Midwestfarmwife, did you see my seed requests? Just wanted to double check since I hadn't seen a reply. In case you missed them above, I'm copying them here to make them easier to find.
Cris316: Alyssum "Royal Carpet" (especially if it really only grows to 3 inches tall) and some of the Siberian Wallflower.
Midwestfarmwife: Dwarf French Marigold, Dwarf Sungold Sunflower (just a few as I'll only have room for a couple plants, but thought it'd be fun to try), and some Dwarf Sweet Peas (if they are fragrant).

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

WWKATHY : Seeds arrived today Very nice all will ENJOY I'm sure . what a day still Digging up BULBS To store away .Lots to do yet they say stormy tomorrow so got to go while the sun is out try to get back later tonight.

also rec'd seeds from ARFITZ-----ALEXANDER---NJ whom is just donating seeds ty so much.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Susie, I'm so glad you're feeling up to digging.

Would you two please set aside a pinch of these for me?

Gaillardia pulchella "Doubles Mix"
Malope trifida 'Glacier Fruits'

Bok Choi
Celosia –Red 12-18”
Celosia-Red 24-36”
Are either of your Celosias the ones with large fan-like curly heads?

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Morning Everyone!!

Susie -- sorry about Frankie! :( It stinks to lose a furry friend! We just ran a 5k race that benefits our local animal shelter in honor of the pets we've lost this year! I feel your pain!

pfg - pam - I've got you down for masterwort.....I don't think they need anything special since my just flower and spread seeds like little monsters! They do get to be about 25 - 30inches tall but are not out of control.....they have beautiful leaves and when bigger grow in a nice rounded mound of leaves for a full look.....then in June they send up these nice stems with tiny white flowers....the leaves are the show stoppers tho! I've added a pic for you below! I have mine growing in part sun in many different places in the yard!

jlee160-I've got you down for tritoma :)


Thumbnail by AliKat32
Saginaw, MI

Would like to just post a "BIG THANK YOU" to all who have agreed to "earmark" seeds for me in the seed swap!!!! Would list names but I am afraid I would "MISS" someone and don't want to do that! But, you know who you are so THANK YOU!!!! This is my first time joining in round robin swaps--have been a "lurker" for quite some time but never had the courage to "step in" and see what it's all about! Susie should get my package of things for the box today(sent to her because I am last next to her on list & wanted them to be in there for all to share from the beginning)!! Can't wait till it starts out and finally reaches me!! THANK YOU again to everyone!!

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

FOTV - I have the seeds you requested and will include them in the box because you are after me on the flight plan. I do have a crinkle head celosia "Cockscomb" is what I know it as and I've included a picture. I had 6 seeds last year and all germinated. I transplanted this one to a flower box outside my window so that I could enjoy it. I have a few seeds that I will include for you if this is what you are looking for. It is only about 18" high. There are some that are 3 or 4 ft. LMK if you want seeds.

PFG - I will get your seeds out in private mail since you are before me on the flight plan.

FOTV and PFG I am so happy to be sharing seeds with you because in Susie's Robin last fall I benifited from some special seeds that you included in the box for sharing. Thank you so much. I hope to be able to come up with something special for Susie also because she does so much for us. Thanks All,


Thumbnail by bigtrot
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Going to be a rainy day I Got all my BULBS Dug & Now Drying .

Susan /FOTV Not Sure what I'm Going to do with All These BULBS From Cannas They Really Exploded On Me this year :)
thought I would try to go post them for sale somewhere :) You should see my Kitchen .
BRUGS Cuttings , CANNA"S, Apple Gourds, "SEE"

also susan I had been on a site looking for seeds & came across a plant I had been trying to id & found it is this one you might have shared with me a couple years back ??? i harvestest seeds from it .
#4 VIRGINIA BUNCHFLOWER LILY meant to post when it had bloomed last June-july but got busy with daddy.
these gourds are very heavy & I need to get them taken care of so ya all have a great day will be back in later.

Shirly Sorry I wasn't able to drive up your way today to meet with the other DG Gals but one day I will be up that way & hope to meet. ya .

Donna : (There are some that are 3 or 4 ft) celosia "Cockscomb" ???? Wow love some seeds :) & as for being special you all are SPECIAL Just for sharing so many GREAT Seeds & INFO . I Could not do these swaps without all your help .

I have a BULB Swap going on going to assign names tonight so if you would like to come join us Please do .

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Saginaw, MI

Susie, WOW looks like you've got your hands full!!! Raining here right now also & wouldn't ya know it -- I didn't bother to check weather and have a clothesline full of clothes hanging out that are now getting a "second washing" in the rain!! Oh well , not the first time and I'm sure not the last!! Anyway , I know, was bummed out when you said you wouldn't be able to make it , but then it turned out that I would not have been able to make it either:( But I am really looking forward to getting some of those cannas & brugs you have dug out!!! You should be receiving the postage for them today in the package of things for the round robin swap!! Have some iris I need to get "cleaned" up for one of the girls I work with , was going to do it today--will see what weather does!! Let me know when the package gets to you(should be today , but haven't checked the tracking info so far today). ttyl Shirley

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

bigtrot, have you got any extra cockcomb? The ones that get 3-4 feet tall?

Saginaw, MI

Anyone on the list before me(which is everyone!) would love to have some Datura,lupine, clematis, also interested in veggies please--peppers(hot or not), popcorn,beets,cucumbers,pickles,cantaloupe,watermelon,swiss chard,sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, among a few!! THANK YOU to anyone who might have any of these and "earmark" them for me! Shirley

Rockford, MI

Seeds went in the mail today, I will be adding more when the box gets to me. Still waiting for a couple things to dry

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey...can I put out a shout for any extra veggie seeds that our group might have. My daughter's sister-in-law just moved to So. Africa this spring (missionary work), and I know they are looking for veggie seeds. Should have thought about that earlier but you know we alll get busy with the growing season and projects.........Kathy

Pix...just finished rototilling this area..most all the grases are gone, one more round of raking should do it. And then on to creating my magical backyard haven....any spare fairies????? Come to think of it I got these wonderful Fairies in a trade this summer, but no instructions on how to activate.....any ideas?

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Ooooh...I almost forgot about my garden God....The Green Man....maybe I should have activated him earlier...."Your wish is my command"

Probably should find a special place for him!!!!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I found another Sassafras tree growing in among the weeds. That makes 4 trees. 2 of them are over 6 feet tall, the 2 new ones I just found are 6 inches and 2 feet. Anyone interested in a young sassafras tree?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evening everyone about 5 pm & still very rainy So its been a great day Playing in my seeds .

Shirly rec'd your seeds today Thank you great bunch , thank you also for sharing Marigolds & The special EASTER EGG SEEDS :)))
EASTER will be here before ya know it :))) will try to get your Bulbs out to you by weds .

Kathy Love your garden decor if you find the secret in putting them to work let me know please .

Marti: when is the best time to transplant them ?? I'd like to 2ft one but not sure it would be a good time to plant for it is getting very cold here now . so maybe in the early Spring ???

well we have had many seeds donated for the robin & I might just have to give you all an extra day with the robin to go through them all :)

right now I'm going to take a break while I eat my Super & Look up a few of the seeds that everyone has already sent to me then I will take out what I Can use & Send the rest for you all to try also :))) .

will check back in later.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I was thinking that just before it really starts leafing out in the spring would be a good time to transplant it. I will watch it and make sure nothing harms it this winter. The 2 foot one is growing at the fence line so I'll watch it carefully. AND put your name on it.

Saginaw, MI

Hey jlee160, where abouts in Rockford are you??? My sister-in-law lives in Rockford . Just curious--wouldn't it be something if you knew her!!

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Everyone, sorry to have misslead you on the 3 - 4 foot Cockscomb. I do not have any of this tall variety. I would sure like to find some though. I have the shorter variety but they have 6" - 8" curly heads. They are still blooming and I'm watching for seed. LMK if you are interested in what I have and I'll keep you on a list and send seed to as many people as I can.

Marti, I've put you on the Cockscomb list.

Shirley, I have white Datura seed put aside for you.


Saginaw, MI

Susie, Still COLD & RAINY here also :( Glad to hear the package for the round robin arrived to you safely!! Can't wait to see how this works! I think you have all gotten me "hooked" now--ha-ha!!

Saginaw, MI


Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

marti, I would like to have one of the small sassafrass trees, but it would be best to wait until early spring to transplant it.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Susie, whether I gave you a VIRGINIA BUNCHFLOWER LILY I honestly don't remember but it is certainly a lovely unusual looking plant.

Donna, that 'brainy' head is even prettier than the regular fan-shaped ones. Yes, please I'd love a few seeds. Of the few Amaranth seeds I had, maybe six, three plants are up about 8" tall since sowing in June. Pretty bi-colored ones, Molten Fire and Perfecta I think, but neither has the first sign of a bud. Those I really want to harvest seeds off to have and share.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LOTSA Fun Here tonight + trying to get my trades up-to-date so if there is anything from my list that you want speak up by TUESDAY
so I Can get them out for you .

well back at them ya all have a great eve not sure if i will be back :)) BUT Maybe :)

Saginaw, MI

warriorwisdomkathy, on the veggie seeds, what types are you looking for??? I have a couple of purchased pkgs. of carrots(danvers half long) and two purchased pkgs. of two different types of radishes that we didn't use this year. If you would like them , I can send them out to you. Just let me know. Shirley

Rockford, MI

Shirley, I live by lake Bella vista, how about your sis n law?

Saginaw, MI

Hello jlee160, I don't know where lake Bella vista is but she lives on Peterson Farm NE if ya know where that is!! Works for GE.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok, paula, I have your name on the second tree. I'll baby both until spring and than dig, package and ship the same day.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

A fellow DGer was exceptionally generous sharing Japanese Morning Glory seeds. There's no way I'll be able to use all of them and thought I'd ask how many of you would like to receive a sampling. There are lots of packs, some mixed ~ some named. Named ones contain very few seeds, like two to 10 per pack. The easiest way to share them is for you to say how many seeds you'd like -- 5 or 10 -- and indicate your preference for named ones or a mix. I'm not going to list the named ones but the labels will remain on or in the packs.

Rockford, MI

shirley- she is probable about 5 miutes away- or less:)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ordairygirl Can you save these for me ??

Gaillardia pulchella "Doubles Mix"
Cosmos "Ladybird Dwarf Lemon
Rose Mallow "Rugy Regis
Malope trifida "Glacier Fruits
Painted Tongue Mix-
Datura "Black Currant Swirl"

Elk Horn, KY

Hi fuitofthevine
i would love some of the Japanese Morning Glories:) named ones would b fine & small amount is fine too:) just a sampling:)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Heliotrope "Deep Marine
Cerinthe "Pride of Gibraltar
Sunflowers "Musicbox

Pink columbine
Achillea - Red yarrow
Tritoma kniphofia – “flamenco mix
Allium – 3ft tall
Ligularia dentata “Bigleaf Ligularia”

Nicotianas, Zinnia orange, Allium white, Thalictrum
Nicotiana Langsdorfii
Nicotiana Fragrant Angel
Nicotiana Nikki Pink
Nicotiana Perfume-Deep Purple


Coreopsis 'Red Shift'

Mixed Marigold--susie
Mixed Zinnia --susie

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Gotcha both covered, Susie and Chris.

Night everyone.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Susie (Deejay9) I'll mark a pack of each of these for you in the robin. Glad I have so many things that you want! I've got to get out there and collect...we are so close to freezing here. I've discovered that the reseeding annuals are the key to a "full"flower bed and complete well with the Spring weeds. The cosmos, gaillardia, and painted tongue reseed themselves heavy and are just the right height to tuck under the taller perennials.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Here's what I have set aside to put in the box. Most I've collected from my own garden.
I have one or two baggies of each of these:

Leonotis methifolia (lion's tail)
Delphinium nudicaule
Silene chalcedonica (maltese cross)
Lophospermum erubescens
Crocosmia lucifer
Canna Patens
Cosmos bipinnatus
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed)
California poppy
Statice mix
Pink rain lily
Passiflora incarnata
Double baby's breathe
helleborus augustifolis
Burning bush

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

FotV: nice mix of Zinnias on Webshots! The Zinnias that I got (where I expected Benary Giants) were all flat, "dinner plate" blooms, not spherical balls like I expected. Maybe the term is "single" instead of "double" blooms. Maybe they were just not vigorous enough to "fill out" as big plump double blooms.

Thanks for the Zinnia offer, but my small beds are over-committed already to things I really, really want to grow, plus the things that I was lucky enough to establish.

And I still have things from Susie's Round Robin of 1-2 years ago that I haven't even tried yet!
And things from last years Hog Wild Swap that I have not even FILED AWAY yet!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Susie, adding your requests to my lists (including on the other thread) :) Just a note on the "Musicbox" sunflowers, though: As I told Shirley in a dmail, I'm not sure how good their germination will be. Hopefully, they'll do all right (packed for 2011), but they did get carried around for a while in my backpack between home and the Blind Center where I attend a gardening class. Just so you know (was debating about including these, but decided it would be better for them all to get planted this coming spring than waiting longer sinnce I can't plant them all!) Oh, and there aren't very many of these left, but I'll send what I can to both you and Shirley.

Saginaw, MI

Good morning to everyone! Still cold & rainy here:(
Domehomedee: would love to have some of these from you if possible please:

helleborus augustifolis
pink rain lily
statice mix
leonotis methifolia
crocosmia lucifer


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

FOTV I have 384 feet of fencing that is crying for vines. Japanese Morning Glories would look so great. Anything you have would be appreciated.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

GM Everyone, Crispy morning here this morning in MD but will warm up nicely later.

DOMEHOMEDEE - if you have these seeds I'd like to try them. Maltese Cross did not reseed for me and I love them, they are a childhood rememberance.

Silene chalcedonica (maltese cross)
Crocosmia lucifer
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) if it is YELLOW, I have orange. I don't mean to be fussy, Thanks.

Marti, I have lots of regular Morning Glory seeds if you are interested. White with small red throat and a Blue that is very pretty.


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