sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

Most of what i will be including are veggie seeds. have carrots, leeks, squash, peas, kohlrabi, pac choy,
cucumber,mustard and turnip greens, dill,parsnip, brussel sprouts,endive,eggplant, okra, onion, radish, beans, beets

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Wow -- Ok -- I'm sorta caught up on all the postings!

DJ -- to clarify in my mind....we send you all our seeds...labeled....and you begin the round robin by sending out the box to one of us....we take what we will use.....and send it to the next person on the list within a day or so....correct? Or do we each start with our own box....send it out to one person and they send it forward.....??? Thanks for helping me grasp it....!

Happy Thursday! I'm off to school!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ALI No you do not send to me .

there will be a FLIGHT PATH For the ROBIN & I will send to the 1st Nest & They take what they can use & Add Different seeds to the Nest.
& Send it on the the NEXT NEST ON THE LIST . all the INFO will Be in the ROBIN .

well off to take my Neighbor up to the hospital for her eye surgery so back later today .

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Susie,
Hope I'm not too late to sign up!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ALWAYS ROOM FOR You DEB :) Your on the LIST & Sign Up will END OCT 1st

MOMCAT-- welcome

Jamestown, OH

I'm sending lots of veggie seeds as well as flower seeds too. If anyone has the space, try the Jumbo Pink Banana Squash. You might need a log splitter to cut these monsters though - or a man with a large cutting knife. I cut mine into sections, put in large roasting pans and baked until tender in the over, scooped it out into a large bowl and chilled overnight in the fridge. Then, I measured 2 C., just enough to fit into a pt. freezer bag - the right amount for 2 loaves of pumpkin (squash) bread. It freezes great, a beautiful, bright orange color. Everyone who eats it (sometimes I throw in some raisins and/or pecans) thinks it's the best they have tasted! My largest Banana Squash gave me enough for 32 loaves!

FruitOfTheVine - that's a real talent to master double pointed needles.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

wow that banana squash sounds delicious!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes it does I want to order 2 loaves of Banana Squash bread with raisins and pecans, please! J/K sounds great but my diet will not allow it

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I just like to eat banana squash with butter and a touch of brown sugar. Yummy!!!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

does anyone have any idea how to seperate the chaf from the seed on a butterfly bush?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Deb!

Veggies all sound great, folks, and will wait for the Robin unless packs are earmarked for me. Either way is fine.

farmwife, Reviews for that interesting Jumbo Pink Banana Squash at Baker Creek are outstanding as well:
Wonder if you store these like Butternuts in a cool freeze-free place? Marti, that's exactly how we eat roasted butternuts and also love making creamy savory roasted soup.

Don't know Anita, what I harvested looked like dust. pfft On an up note, when I pruned mine back in early Spring, 4-5 cuttings out of about 20 in total neglect rooted and traded them at our RU.

Does anybody have experience saving seeds from Perovskia atriplicifolia, Russian Sage? My plant is at the edge of a walkway and just adore the scent.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Sounds like a lot of neat seeds everyone has for trading :) Very tempted to sign up, but I think I better not. Not sure where I'm planting all the seeds I currently have :)
I do have some cerinthe seeds that I collected this spring to share if anyone is interested. The flowers aren't scented, but the leaves have an interesting texture (smooth on one side and rough on the other). I'll try to post a picture of the cerinthe this evening when my husband can help me with it. And since I won't be in the robin, if there's interest, I'll send my seeds to Susie so she can include them in the box that will be traveling to everyone :)
I'm also waiting to harvest my amaryllis belladonna seeds. These seeds look more like tiny bulbs than seeds. I've read they will take several years to get big enough to flower. (I planted some last year. Figured I'd see how they do.) But I'm not sure if the seeds will be ripe in time to include in this robin. And I'm not sure if this is the best place to include them or if I should post to the bulbs list about these. But I'll include a picture of my amaryllis belladonna when I post the picture of the cerinthe. My amaryllis belladonna are a hybrid (most of the flowers are pink with a yellow center), so I'm not sure what color of flowers the seeds will produce. But they have a lovely fragrance, and it will be fun to see what grows!

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I would like veggies seeds, too. Would really like some of the the jumbo pink banana squash seeds.
Hubby & I are always interested in veggies for the garden:)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Michelle, I would love to try your Cerinthe seeds. What color do you have?

Jamestown, OH

I'll tuck plenty of Banana Squash seeds into the robin's nest and include my Grandma's Pumpkin Bread recipe and one for iced Pumpkin cookies. I don't care for the frozen squash for pies. I also have New England Sugar Pie Pumpkin seeds that are nice small pumpkins for eating and froze lots of bags of them also. I ordered from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds. Can't wait to try Marina di Chioggia squash next yr. Another source I love is Sand Hill Preservation - didn't get to try the Japanese Striped Corn I bought from them but it's just as well since we are having a severe drought like we did in 1988. I can include a few if anybody wants them.

Lots of radish varieties in my stash, Henderson's Black Seeded Simpson lettuce which came up voluntarily in my flowerbed - no idea how it got there! It's a nice leaf lettuce for sandwiches.

Several tomato varieties to share; winter sowing in April (zone 6) is the only way to go for me! No damping off and completely hardy - try it if you haven't.

I can spare a few Black Seeded Long Bean seeds. They are typically not boiled, but great for stir-fry with yellow Crookneck Squash, Marconi Sweet Peppers, and whatever other veggies might be on hand. I hope to increase my Lipstick red sweet pepper seeds next yr. They are the sweetest I've ever tasted!

I'll share my Congo watermelon seeds. Sweet as sugar! I finally learned how to tell when watermelons are prime for picking. Look for a slight yellow tint on the bottom (sometimes) even on top. The tendril nearest the stem should be dry. Winter sow these seeds also.

I hope this robin has a BIG nest!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

MWFWIFE :Please set asside about 6 seeds for me if you will please :) I LOve all types of SQUASH Exspecially GREEN HUBBARD Squash .

Mechelle: I Also would be willing to try the cerinthe seeds I love rare or UNUSUALL Plants :)

anita :Maybe this will help you i have about 8 different colors
but don't know their names .. still need a red one yet :) .

I Have a GOURD Growing just Not sure yet if it is an apple gourd, or what will post picture tomorrow maybe some one can tell me
I Thought it was to be a NEW MOON PUMPKIN .

well back in the morning GN All

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Wow! All of you have a lot of good seeds for us. I have given most of my fresh seeds to Corey for the New Bees, in which now Robin will be in charge again. It really was too much for him, as I thought it would be for anyone who works full time plus and then some. So I will save a few things from what I am growing and I may have some seeds that are not too old to put into the stash. The main thing is that most of my seeds are more than 2 years old. I know, I must sow them...and what am I doing here anyway??

Susie ~ I have great respect for you and how well you run this "robin", as you do an excellent job and have for some time. Did you also originally come from GardenWeb, as I did so many years ago...??

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi all.
Anita and Susie, I'll include some seeds marked for you both :)
Anita, would you mind dmailing me the recipes you're sending in the robin? I'd love to try them.
Here are the pictures I said I'd post...
First, a couple pictures of the cerinthe (the second one taken about a month after the first). The third is a picture of the amaryllis belladonna.

This message was edited Sep 7, 2012 2:24 AM

Thumbnail by GardenQuail Thumbnail by GardenQuail Thumbnail by GardenQuail
Concord, NH

this is gonna be a great robin! happy gardening all

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Michelle : How tall will the cerinthe Plant get ? & Is it a tender or tropical plant ? guess i should go read up on it :) yes we should have a great swap here .

Many great traders
EVELYN Yes I Started OUT On GW Many years ago & held many swaps over there , but I found more HONEST & Trusted Players Here on this site . Don't get me wrong I Still have & Keep in touch with many Great Members over On GW YET . & will always stay in touch with them :) but I Find if i have probles with trades here you can take it to the adm & they help so it won't happen again.

I do ask that the seeds are as clean as you can get them some chafe is ok , Please PRINT CLEARLY Name & Info As you Know it.
I've Noticed that Many last spring did NOT Put their Usersname also some of the packs had Markers used & they were smeared so ya cannot read the name . so if maybe you can get some white sticker tags from a $1 store to use on the baggies to write on that would help. or just cut up some Note paper put info inside with the seeds .

well off to take my Neighbor back to get her patch off this morning she had cateract surgery yesterday so ya all have a great day .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Midwest has the recipes. All her recipes sound delicious!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

DeeJay, I read that article I am going to have to look at the seed pods under a magnifying glass. I have never seen those on my butterfly bush.

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

Deejay, I thought I had Dmailed my address last week.
I will send it again.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Oh, right... Sorry, Anita, lapse of memory! Let's try this again...
midwestfarmwife, the recipes you said you would be including in the box sound delicious. Would you mind dmailing the recipes to me once you know which recipes will be in the robin? Oh, and I meant to add that those pink banana squash sound enormous! I can't quite imagine a squash that big!
Susie, according to the seed packet, the cerinthe is a hardy annual that grows to 2 to 2.5 feet tall. The packet says the Latin name is "cerinthe major atropurpurea." Also, FYI, it does seem to seed readily. I had lots of fun collecting the large seeds from my plants at home, though I know I missed some. We also grew some at the Blind Center last fall and again this spring. Those from the spring were all volunteers. If you don't want volunteers, you'll want to deadhead them before they make seeds. Hope this info helps!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Just listed my "haves" in my first post on the list.

Fruity - was I supposed to send you toad lilies last time?
I just found a pack in my freezer & thought they were
already gone.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

CHIC You did send I Have it TY
QUAIL TY I Look forward in trying them . I Have to go into town & When I Do I Found a Bush I Have to take a Pitcure of so i can ID IT
Our Loacal Hardware Owner Plants Unusal Plants each year so i got to find out what this one is will post picture later.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Can you put me on the definitely maybe list? If I can get it together enough to collect seeds I would like to participate. Depending on when the Robin makes it to KY, if you put me just before Marti I can include some things that should be perfect for her new old garden. She is only about 50 miles from me.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Who is closest to Owensboro, KY? We may visit our son and his family on the way to CB, FL.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I would guess that Marti is. She is Northwest of me. Owensboro is considerably "Norther and Wester" by a couple of hundred miles or more.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

poisondartfrog, northwest of you? I'll have to check the map. I thought I was more east and south of Barbourville. But I would be proud to accept anything you have to send me for my garden.

My bad!! Barbourville is Southeast of my, out past London. I've got to get out more and look around. Maybe I'll take a trip to Barbourville just for the fun of it.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2012 8:14 AM

Elk Horn, KY

Thinkk its a bit south of me:)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Mittsy ~ I would love some of your single white hollyhock.

Susie ~ I would love some of your single peach hollyhocks and 'Black Watchman'

Ordairygirl ~ I would love some 'Ladybird Lemon' Cosmos

I will be posting my "haves" list soon...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ME TOO PLEASE : Ordairygirl ~ I would love some 'Ladybird Lemon' Cosmos

POISONDARTFROG ----WELCOME TO THE definitely maybe list

Elk Horn, KY

Should have these to put in box
Morning glorys
Mexican sunflower (tithonia)
heirloom tomatoes
moon & stars watermelon
jalapeno peppers
fish (heirloom from baltimorre md) pepper (hot)

Thumbnail by czimmerman00
Elk Horn, KY

One of my zinnias
A blackeyed susan

Thumbnail by czimmerman00 Thumbnail by czimmerman00
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Sorry czimmerman. You are the closest to Mittsy's route.
Marti if you come down to Barbourville wait until the week of October 8-13 when the Daniel Boone Festival is going on. It is hokey and homey and the food is good old comfort food. My Aunt Fay's chicken and dumplings are the best I have ever tasted and she always cooks for her church booth for the festival. When I was living elsewhere I always tried to make it here for that. The leaves should be coloring up nicely then, too. I have been feeling a bit peaked, but I hope to be back to normal by then so that I can enjoy the quilt and art shows, which are my favorite parts even though I don't quilt and I am not artistic. Go figure.

Elk Horn, KY

A rose from a spring trade
Helenium from seed

Thumbnail by czimmerman00 Thumbnail by czimmerman00
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

chris HANDS UP FOR THE FOLLOWING PLEASE , SURE Wish I could make it for the Festival I Love Chicken & Dumplings :)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Alana, I've marked those dates in my calender of things to do. Baring an emegency I'll be there with my appetite ready for chicken and dumplings. Love chicken and dumplings.

Elk Horn, KY

Ok susie! I'll put your name on each of those:))

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