Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Gosh, this thread goes so quickly like a bouncing ball.

Cris, I honestly don't remember asking but would be interested.

Chris, heirloom tomato seeds please. Which Agastache? If you don't have A. Golden Jubilee, I have plenty of freshly harvested seeds for you and anyone else.

Chicken and dumplings, oh yum! Sounds like you could use a bowl or two about now, Alana. The Tithonia rotundifolia plants are well above my head, still reaching for the sky.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SUSAN Was that from seeds this year ??? That is tall My Morning Glories went wild this year also .
#3 Don;t know hope someone can tell me its Black Flower Maybe Black SALVIA ???
#4 Calf Poppies

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Few more BFB

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

If you collect seeds from your HONEYCOMB butterfly bush, please save a few for me. That luscious peachy bloom is just beautiful! Same for the Fucshia one.

Yes, can you believe how tall the plants are? Alana shared the seeds in one of our Robins, maybe two years ago, and I didn't plant them til this past June!

Jamestown, OH

Oh, such pretty flowers! I have never seen a peach colored butterfly bush before. Are they easy to start from seed?

For the tomato lovers out there, I have Blueberry (larger than a cherry), Cherokee Purple, Siletz, Rutgers, Jaune Flamme, Lemon Oxheart, German Pink Tree, Strawberry, Riesentraube Cherry, and probably a few others.

Chicken and dumplings sounds good - wish those hens would start laying again so I could make dumplings too!

Saw a lovely Agastache at Lowe's that is pink and apricot - love them all! I have lots of Tall Morning Glory, some Star of Yelta Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue Morning Glory, and Moonflowers to tuck in the nest. I gathered seeds from the Mock Orange shrub today. Anyone ever start them from seed? It looks like the Hazelnut shrub has nuts this year, but still not ripe. The big old Shagbark Hickory nut doesn't have as many due to the severe drought throughout the midwest. Sure do miss my Grandma's Hickory Nut Cake.

(Zone 7a)

Hi Susie,

I'd love to join too -


Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Susie - What is that black flower? The leaves do remind me of salvia....and if it smells icky -- it probably is! I'd love some of those seeds or plants! So beautiful -- is it blooming now? My purple salvia has bloomed from spring until now -- constant flowers -- amazing and it's still going strong!

Thanks for the "how to" on the it now! Sounds super cool to pass it question -- is it better to have seeds in clear tiny ziplock seed bags or paper envelopes......? Is it just a preference thing? I'll make sure I label everything....just wanted to make sure I'm packaging everything the right way!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ALI : We all Like to see the seeds we are getting So I For one would like The clear Plastic baggies , I Have had IN THE Pass :
Members Using STAPLES (Very Dangerous) Glue (seeds Stick to Glue) same With TAPE , This is why I Would like everyone to PLEASE
Use The Baggies .

welcome Karen good to have you with us also :),

Fruity : is Tithonia rotundifolia VINE ?? I'd love some seeds to try.

well off to read back later today


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning everyone!.

Susie, it's nickname is Mexican Sunflower. Each plant is an individual stalk. It just looks like a vine up there because I probably sowed the seeds too closely together. Really do hope they'll bloom before frost and be able to collect seeds.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I would be glad to include extras for marti who needs flowers.....gosh we just can't have that, lol.....

I want some of Fruity's red zinnias, they look to be on the blue side of the color wheel. Yummmmm!!!!!

And since everyone is claiming I allowed to claim toward the last of the robin so I get to make sure I get goodies. I'd be happy to send my box to the first to make sure theres more goodies to choose from when it starts its rounds? Sorry, am a newbie to round robins. Sure am glad you accept last years seeds, that will increase the amount of variety I can send as blooms this year were not what they could have been. And should we not offer seed of plants that require specific treatment (ie. light and indoors temps?). Would it be better to send in large baggies and include the small bags in the box so people can get their pinch?

For those not sure about baggies, Hobby Lobby has packs of 100 bags (2x3") for $1.99. And Micheal's probably also has, they are sold for jewerly findings. And from my experience if using a marker SHARPIE fine point, permanent, is just that, gotta make sure you let it dry tho or could smear. I've been using in the garden for years, tho they can begin fading after a few years, from my experience all the others seem to smear when touched.

Pix Centaurea montana Amethyst in Snow, will also include the straight blue
Pix Valariana officinalis
Pix Ratibida columnifera, North American wildflower, native to my garden
Pix Lupinus russel hybrids, mine died out over the winter but colllected seed from a friends which is both this purple and a dark red
Pix Centranthus ruber Jupiter's Beard, have some, will try to get more from my daughter's plants ( is the pink)

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Can one use any kind of ziplock bag, or are there special ziplocks for seeds?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Michelle I Get mine at Wal-mart in the Jewery CRAFT DEPT: .97 cents for 100 up this way & I usually put a PK in the robin for all to use what they need. Along with Stickers that will go on them to write on . I collected seeds from
my variegated Yucca Plant that i will be sharing , cosmos , Sunflowers , Malva . Other surprises also :))))

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Does anyone know if Coreopsis 'Moonbeam' produces viable seeds? It looks like mine is going to seed right now...I forgot to deadhead it...

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

susie, I would love to have some of the variegated yucca seeds! And I also have some extra stickers that I can add to the box if anyone needs some.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I 'm Not Sure Evelyn can you maybe google it ?? Little cool here this morning But Sun is shinning bright so off to the gardens I Will be very busy in the gardens this week Getting ready for my swap this next saturday . so you all have a great day .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gottcha Paula

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I collected baptista seed yesterday - purple flowers is all I know. They were at my aunts house and she doesnt save seed - so I snatched them :) Zinnia too - multi :)
I am chomping at the bit wanting to collect my asiatic lily seed - even though I know they are not ready yet. Gamecock iris too. That seed pod is HUGE! My first one!

I would recommend not writing directly on the plastic baggie with the sharpie. Last year - by the time the robin flew into my nest - the writing was so difficult to read because it rubs off. Write on an address label, a piece of tape or something and stick it on the baggie - or put a piece of paper in the baggie with the seed with the name.

I went to pick elderberries this weekend and I missed them :( looks like the birds got to them before I could. No jam or pies this year. I did find a huge area of raspberry bushes along the railroad tracks that I will have to scope out next year. Going to check with the neighbors to see if I can pick their apples too. Trees are changing colors, cool nights - mid 50°s, warm days - should hit high 80°s this week. Lots of yard work to get ready for winter. Lots of plants to bring in - which means I need to find room for them.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

minnesippi, I missed out on elderberries this yr also. I had bi-lateral breast lumpectomies on June 6th and than drove from Calif to Ky at the same time developing an abcess in one of my incision lines which I had to check into the hospital the day after I arrived in KY for surgery to clean it out. Than I was on Dr.'s orders not to get out in the garden or climb around in the bushes til the large hole in my breast healed over. I can not get going on my gardening, but all the elderberries are gone. DARN!! I wanted elderberry jelly for my toast. But I did buy 2 gallons of Blackberries and made jam.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

OMGosh - what an ordeal! I didnt have all that going on and missed it...the birds were in a hurry this year - got them early. I will have to try and remember next year that the week before school starts is when I have to get out there.
I am already having dreams of going to the orchard and getting apples and pumpkins. Baking in my bad is that?!?!hmmm....pumpkin butter?!!? I know I have already been told i WILL be making my pumpkin cheesecake again this year. It was an experiment on my part. The family has been talking about it all year in anticipation..guess I done good :)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Did someone say a peach-colored butterfly bush?? If the deer will leave it alone long enough for me to grow it, I will put it into my "Peach-of-a-garden", for my "peach-of-a-husband"...yes that is the formal name for my garden with peach-colored flowers. It is has been a challenge to find peach-colored flowers for it. Now since I re-did that bed, I took out the gold and yellow flowers from it, so only peach now. I had a small geranium (pelargonium), that I grow from seed, and though I did spray it with deer-repellant, they ate it just leaving a stub. I think I will dig it out and put it into a pot and see if any leaves grow back. I will put in in my nursery area in my fenced garden space.

Oh, BTW, I picked up some 'Black Watchman' hollyhock seeds so I won't be needing any. When I open the packet, I will see if there are enough for a trade...most likely there will be enough for me and 2 or 3 more people. I cannot use all the seeds that I have. I will be posting my list soon.

Havr a dood day everyone! ^_^

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Afternoon all just came in for Lunch & Open my mail :) Got lots of goodies So off to thank the senders :) Evelyn the Peach BFB Is my Honeycomb BFB & If I can find Seeds on them I Hope to share with others .

well i have plants to get in the ground :)))

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

anyone have Talinum paniculatum 'Limon'?

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

OK, I will look on my blue butterfly bush for seeds as well...

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

WWK - love those flowers! All the plants you sent me way back in the spring are doing so great here in NH! I think of that section as Kathy's garden and say hello to you when I pass it!

Everyone -- the seeds sound so great! I just collected ligularia seeds.....and some tiger lily seeds......and I even got some love dart (catanche) seeds from a plant from WWK this past spring.....I'll be sure to look for the 2x3 zip bags....use labels....and permanent marker or I'll print them off the computer if I can figure that out! I'll be sure to have my name, my DG name, and the seed name! :)

Jamestown, OH

I'm getting sensory overload just reading about all these seeds! I would love to have one of everything! Marti, are you looking for any certain veggie seeds? Sorry to hear about your surgery. May you have many happy gardening days ahead. Susie, I'll make sure you get Banana Squash seeds - give 'em plenty of room!

Has anyone seen the colored stickers from WalMart? They come in packs with green, pink, yellow, and orange stickers. I like to use those on my little plastic bags for labeling. I think that I have become 'eccentric', because now I try to use the color of sticker to match the color of the flower!

I have lots of extra 2011 flower and vegetable packets that I didn't get used this year (overbought, as usual). Should I include them, or do you only want ones that we have harvested ourselves? If it's O.K. to send them, do you want them left in the packets? If someone doesn't want an entire packet, they could take what they want and tape it to send on. I have them stored in Mylar bags inside plastic containers with lids. Most have been in the fridge when space permits.

Concord, NH

hey alikay another new hampshirite welcome! susan

Elk Horn, KY

Alikat32, would love some ligularia seeds if u have extra:))) please :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All
MWGW: Yes 2011 Seeds are fine Last swap had a few Pks that were MOLDY & Old so this is why I say Please Just check the seeds good Before you add to the Robin.

Lots of weeds waiting to be Pulled so you all have a great day .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I plan to have zuccihini, beans, tomatoes, corn, orkra, peas and willing to try other veggies.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie I love my honeycomb butterfly bush. Where did you get it? Finally, I checked my BFB bush and I found pods that looked like the picture you posted. Hopefully, I will have BFB seeds to share.

Jamestown, OH

I can include zucchini and okra seeds. I'll take a peek inside each pack and retape - had good luck winter sowing them this spring. I got carried away with the little cabbage seeds, not thinking about how big they would eventually become. I gave many plants away and now have LOTS of cabbages (small) to use - making scalloped cabbage now - should get ambitious and make cole slaw.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I need a good slaw recipe!

Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6a)

I want to sign up. See my message of what
I have to send on seed exchange. AR Fitzburgh phone # 973-226-5796

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Midwestfarmwife, what kinds of 2011 flower seed packets do you have?

Jamestown, OH

Michelle, let's see:

Nasturtium Jewel Mix, Moon Flower, Tall Morning Glory, Star of Yelta Morning Glory, Dwarf French Marigold, Burpee's Best Mix Marigold, Sunset Giant Marigold, Crackerjack Mix Marigold, Countryside Mixture Wildflowers, Jaguar Marigold, Black-eyed Susan, Mammoth Sunflower, Chianti Sunflower, Cut & Come Again Zinnia, California Giant Zinnia, Bachelor's Buttons Double Mix and Tall Double Mix, Cosmos Bright Lights Mix, Cosmos Sensation Mix, Cosmos Gazebo Mix, Double & Single Mix Portulaca.

I'll look through container #2 tomorrow and let you know what I find.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

WOW!!! You got a good mix!!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

MWFW ~ I would like to have some of your Chianti Sunflowers. I sowed some of those seeds, but they did not come up at all.

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

CZ -- will tag some ligularia seeds just for you! They are so beautiful! I can't wait to get little babies to transplant all over the shady gardens!

Elk Horn, KY

AliKat32, thanks!!

Concord, NH

im looking for large different colored sunflowers and shasta daisys lost mine this year : [

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