Swapping & Chatting Ric & Holly's Swap

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I've put my request for your Brazilian Plume Flower on my WANTS list, Gita. Sorry I missed doing this, but I plan on really getting into this when I get back home from baby sitting on April 15th. At that time I'll probably add the successful stuff to my list and maybe delete those that have not made it.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I have not posted yet what is available from my little corner of the world or what I want on the other thread. Sorry. I'm not organized enough yet for that. ;)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Just now joining in on the fun. I'll go and set up a space on the "have/wants" thread. I'm not sure what I'll have - will know more by next weekend. Only did a quick look so far on what everyone is offering, but Gita, your pictures of the foxglove and the Brazilian Plume caught my eye. If you still have some of those left, can you add me to your list? Thanks, terri

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You got it--Terri!

I have more of the Foxgloves than have been requested.
I will bring some extras......

Wish the Brazilian. Plume starts would show some new growth.....may be too cool for them???

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, sedum sieboldii grows low to the ground in a neat mound. The leaves are about the size of finger nails, or slightly bigger. I will pot up some for you.

SSG, my agastaches are also coming up. The lemon green leaves are lovely now. The joe pye weed is still showing no signs of waking up. I sure hope I didn't kill it when I moved it last year :-(. I will dig up some for you if if ever comes up.

Jill, can I have an obedient plant from you? I had this plant when I lived in Va and loved it. My current garden has plenty of room for it to spread if it can find its way through the terrible soil :-(. Can I also have a few mint/basil/chilly peper plants? Any variety will do - if there is still any to go around Thank you.


Crozet, VA

Wow, some ral trading going on here. I have made notes and will attempt to update my haves and wants later today.

As of today, I noted that both ssgardener and sallyg want creeping jenny, Sally wanting the yellowish colored one. Will update my list shortly.

Oh my gosh, there are just so many things that you all are so graciously offering. Cannot wait to get there and be surrounded by all the great people and all the great plants. I am one who will most likely have room in my car at the end of the day if there are left overs to be given. hahaha I have ended up with some really cool plants that way.

I will be adding three new things to offer - Butterfly Bush, purple - Blackberry Lilies and some Hosta, both solid green and some varigated.

Fun, fun, fun!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

SSG, I'll poke around in front and try to get a start of that Clematis potted up for you. I have it growing up our ornamental pear because I thought it would be amusing to see the tree "rebloom" LOL. C. virginiana has little starry white blooms, much like 'Sweet Autumn' but waaaay better behaved. :-)

Greenthumb, I crawled behind the coral honeysuckle this morning, and the piece that I tried layering for you last fall has rooted into its pot! Yay! I'll cut its connection to the parent plant and make sure your name is on the pot.

Donner, you can have lots of obedient plants! I'll get a couple potted up, and I may also just bag some up for you right before the swap... if you get even 1 clump established, you'll have it. I really do love it, but this year my "patch" of it has become too wide again. I'll save some to dig in fall, also, in case you need to try a different planting time... I'm planning to put some siberian irises into that same area, so I'll need to clear out a few more clumps. :-) Got you covered on an assortment of mints, basils, hot peppers. No tomatoes?

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Hahaha, Jill. No, no tomatoes. My adeanture in the realm of veggies stops at basils and chilly peppers. This is what I got when I tried tomatoes last time: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/901830/

Creepy stuff :-(

Thanks for all the other plants though. Would you like to have a few more AVs and Streps? ;-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

donner---IF you were Andrew Zimmern--you would eat all those larva
and get a bit more protein in your tummy....:o)

Looks like a tomato horn-worm deposited its eggs on your tomato.
You could have, easily, gotten rid of them...scrape...scrape.....and your plant will be fine.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, i'd love a hardy banana plant! Is it a basjoo? Do you keep it outside all year?

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes. ss it is a musa basjoo. It is hardy around here but I bring mine in every year. This year is the first year I had to place it diagonally on my enclosed but unheated sun porch where I overwinter all my "tropicals" as it finally got too tall to fit upright.. A semi sheltered spot outside is good as wind will tear up those beautiful leaves!


Thumbnail by coleup
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

A few requests

ssgardener some of each of your sedums John Creech, Dragon Blood and Ogon Pretty please

Gita Brazillian Plume flower , dark leaf/orange flowered canna. purple oxalis. foxgloves , bluebells and an endless summer hydeanga Pretty please
And pretty pretty please a Dr Seuss brug and your noid deep pink brug if no one else"must" have them

Kubileya Indian tobacco, cinnamon fern, yellow datura Pretty please

critter 2 six packs heirloom tomatos. sweet pickles. assorted basils, black eyed susans, kerria cutting
Pretty please.

Critter, what kinds of coleus might your friend Badseed have available for sale????

This message was edited Apr 2, 2012 8:09 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, I haven't gotten a list from Badseed yet... will nudge her and post when I hear something... she did say she had ordered 13 varieties last week (all sun coleus, I think) and would probably order more once she had the first order potted up.

Donner, you know you don't have to twist my arm even a little if you're offering any of your AV or strep babies!

Which reminds me... gessies... I can take a good many cuttings from my Alsobia 'Cygnet', and they're nearly as easy to root as spider plant babies. I'll try to remember to stick some in pots ahead of time. They have the sweetest fringed white blooms!

Thumbnail by critterologist
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, the Alsobia cuttings you gave me have started to bloom http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1240666/. A few of our gardeners are interested in some cuttings. I will also bring some cuttings for Ruby.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I'm afraid I don't have any more sedum ogon!

But I do have Dragon's Blood and John Creech ready to be potted up! And I have some more Sedum Angelina, if you'd like that instead.

I'm so excited about that banana! I had just checked with a nursery, and they didn't have them in yet. I have the perfect place ready for it!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

DH (greenthumb99) has not posted a picture of the campanula Elizabeth, so I'm trying to tempt you with a photo below. Also, if there is any interest, we can pot up some of the unnamed variety of iris shown in photo 2. We have perhaps a dozen. Any interest in May apples? We seem to have an abundance this year.

This message was edited Apr 3, 2012 9:30 PM

Thumbnail by ecnalg Thumbnail by ecnalg
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Those campanula Elizabeth are beautiful!! May I have some please?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Absolutely! We'll be happy to bring some for you.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I may be overconfident, but I think I'm getting that poison ivy thing under control again in our micro-strip of "woods"... so Pat, yes please, I'd love some may apples. Maybe Joyanna and I will come down and get them so we can see your burgeoning spring gardens!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Can you tell me something about that campanula? It is so unusual!

Light? How tall? When it blooms? How long it blooms?

Maybe I can put one in the space that I dug up all the Monkshoods from.
It would be decent light as the sun crosses over--and then dappled through my maple tree.

Will let you know. Thanks, Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita - I would say it is in the neighborhood of 2 feet tall, blooming for a decent interval. A couple have needed a stake to support one of the stalks. It seems fine in partial shade, which is what we have the most of, and will self-seed quite well. We can put one or more aside for you. I am very fond of the flowers.

Jill - A visit to harvest some May apples would be very nice. I believe David is awaiting some bulbs that he will share with you.

Chantall - We'll be potting up some of the easier-to-dig Russian olives for you. The large ones are too much of an undertaking. They are just starting to scent the air now.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Pat, I'd like to try two of the Elizabeth campanulas pretty please.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We'd be happy to do that. Pictures make things much more tempting. Your fern and bleeding hearts photo was so beautiful and lush.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


In your picture--I would think they are like---3' tall????

I will try one or two of the "Elizabeths"--if you have enough. Thank you. Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I just asked David and without prompting, he said about 24 inches. He also helped me out by saying that last year's pictures of them in bloom were taken on 5/28 and 5/30. We'll put you down for 2. I think the angle that picture was taken may be what made the plant appear taller. Here is one in a pot.

Thumbnail by ecnalg
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That's pretty I would like one if you still have some.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from coleup :
A few requests

ssgardener some of your sedum John Creech, Pretty please

Gita Brazillian Plume flower , dark leaf/orange flowered canna. purple oxalis. foxgloves , bluebells and an endless summer hydeanga Pretty please
And pretty pretty please a Dr Seuss brug and your noid deep pink brug if no one else"must" have them

Kubileya Indian tobacco, cinnamon fern, yellow datura Pretty please

critter 2 six packs heirloom tomatoes. sweet pickles. assorted basils, black eyed susans, kerria cutting
Pretty please.

This message was edited Apr 2, 2012 8:09 PM

Not sure you all saw these requests so I'm bumping them up.

Donnerville, I've got a "Mona Lavender' plectranthus for you http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/57891/

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


A couple more questions on the campanula....
--is it annual or perennial?
--How long does it bloom? My to-- what?
--How does it propagate? Seed? You have so many small plants to share? How did they come to be?
--Does it do well in containers--or has to be in a bed? Space in my garden is at such a premium.....

Thanks. Don't mean to be a pest about this.... Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly - We'll put you down for one.

Gita - It is a perennial. In the second picture, it is growing in a pot and doing very nicely. That is where we started with one and it needed to be divided the second year, so some went in a bed. It does tend to need watering when grown in pots and it did seed below the pot. It seeds around the plant to propagate. We have a patio and a corner has lost the pavers due to frost heave, I guess. We had a pot there and it propagated vigorously in the available space. You will have more next year, so if that is a concern, you may want to pass. If I had to estimate bloom time, I would say it was a bit longer than average.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Pat--Thank you. will still take two and find room for it somewhere.

If I cannot--I will share it with a woman at work who has a lovely home in WV on 33 acres.
I give her plants now and then. All the oddball plants I have also live in her garden down there.
She only goes there on weekends....

Thank you. Gita

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I showed Susan (the woman at HD) the Campanula Elizabeth and she loved it....

If you are trying to get rid of more of them--I will take a couple extras.
If you do not have any extras--that is OK too. I will just take my two.

David---The Monkshood divisions are growing really well.
I may try to plant a couple of them somewhere else in my garden and see if they will
come through without all that rot and dying. if not--I am DONE with this plant.
I still have the two I planted in another bed that has done the same thing.
I sprinkled some Fungicide powder on the area around them. Maybe that will help.

What would be a better Fungicide/Rot drench on the roots?????
I DO want to have a couple of these bloom in the late fall! I love the color and the blooms.

Thanks again. Gita

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I was wrong! I had one more sedum ogon left! :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"Rot & dying?" Is it a fungal disease issue or because they are too wet over the winter? I've started planting a lot of things up on little "hills" for better drainage.

Coleup, I did pot up most of my extra tomato seedlings when I transplanted them yesterday, so if they do well I'll have a dozen for you, NP, and I should have you covered on the rest also. :-)

I got an initial list from Badseed but no prices... I will check with her on that... hopefully she'll have them up on her website soon... 'Fishnet Stockings' was in her initial order, making me happy since I didn't manage to over winter that one but was struck by it all over again atthe Philly Show.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)


Try a large pot at least half way out of the ground with some builder's sand mixed in with the potting mix. Do not use play sand since it is often soft, carbonate sand which alters the pH of the soil. You can plant other things around the pot to camouflage it.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We'll bring 2 extra for Susan.

In my pre-David life, I got a Monkshood and planted it in our clay soil. It slowly turned completely black, and I would suspect that it was too wet.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

David, that's probably a good planting method for those agastache I've ordered, too... I even have a couple of larger nursery pots with broken bottoms that don't work for "the usual" thing but would be great for this!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, Pat and David----

Thank you all for your input.

The plants by the sheds (pic. #3--2009) may get a bit more water from run off from the shed roof.
IF it is a rainy season.
You can see what the dying stems look like. That year, I was lucky to see a few bloom.
When I tug on these browned out stems--they just come apart from the roots.

Pic. #1 is the smaller clump I planted in 2009 against the wall of the house of this bed
in hopes of seeing it do better than by the shed. It is not a wet bed. It faces East.
The bottom of the plant IS shaded as it grows among two perennial Ferns and I also plant my
Dr. Seuss brug in this bed, which grows massive and shades out a lot of plants behind it.
This photo was taken in October of last year. You can see how healthy the growth is.
However, it too died off before it should have bloomed.

Pic. #2 is of the same (against the house) plants last year. Two of the stems from this clump
survived to bloom. I would like to save this clump--somehow....

Pic. #4 is still of the same clump. This was taken in July of last year.
You get an idea of what this bed looks like.....and, you can already see the stems
of the Monkshood dying back.

Pic #5--a better look at this same area and the dying back.
I do water the brug aa lot--but it is growing in a pot that is partially planted into the bed.
The Monkshood is not all that close to the brug.

I am willing to dig this clump up and pot it as you suggested, David.
Would a clay pot be best? What is the light requirement of the Monkshood?
Seems I remember it to be part shade??
How wonderful it would be to have these bloom for me as they should.

OK! Have to get a few things done--including tagging a lot of the plants everyone has asked for.

Thanks again---Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Gita, are you ignoring my requests for some of your "haves"? See 11 posts back.

hahaha better respond before I get cold feet on some of my requests!

Are you growing the double purple datura this year? Is anyone?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


of course not!!!! I just wrote up all the tags to stick in the pots of the plants you asked for.

Sorry if I did not get back to you right after your requests.

Have to go to the "haves/wants" thread and update.

I did seed both the purple and yelloe Daturas. Just a few--and just for the heck of it.
They are all still little seedlings. Are you asking because you want one?
Should be OK--but lets wait to see how many actually germinate.

You want some seeds???? I can mail them to you today. Are you in the Address Exchange?
let me know....Gita

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