Swapping & Chatting Ric & Holly's Swap

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I should mention that I live pretty close to Behnke's nursery. Please let me know if you'd like me to pick up a plant at Behnke's and bring it to the swap. They have a great selection of annuals. Their prices aren't the best, but it should be cheaper than paying for shipping.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

And let ME know if anyone has a last minute request from Pinetree Seeds. I forgot to get bush butternut and the seed racks just carry vining ones. So I still might get those seeds and a hunk of row cover for the squash.

I'm on the hunt for Alstroemeria. Someone posted, couple years ago, in MA that they grow it. I don't think it was someone who is actively posting, just saying I'm pretty sure I could grow it too, if I can find it.

Crozet, VA

Haven't had time to check in for a bit but I see that everyone is still very excited about this upcoming event and lots of swapping is going to take place. Yippie!!! I will be updating my haves list later today, so all please take a look and I am hoping to interest folks in taking more.

I had a friend come in earlier this week and walk around the beds and dig up pieces of things she was interested in. It felt good to have some things that we have plenty of going off to a home where they will be cared for. I have been amazed at the new things popping up just since this thread was started. Seeing more and more things in the garden each and every day.

So good to see that Chantell has joined in and will be attending. Always love seeing and talking with her. Will have to check out your list of HAVES Chantell because you have shared some very interesting things with us over the years.

It will also be fun to meet some of the new folks who will be attending that I haven't yet made their aquaintance. Many new names here to me.

After taking every thing in to consideration, the hubby has decided that we will travel up and back the same day. Too many pets needing attention here. He doesn't seem to mind driving, and it gives me a chance to work a lot of crossword puzzles, look at lots of magazines and to catch up on any sleep I might have missed the week before.

Donnerville, whilst out yesterday watering the hundreds of pots of Iris, he kept mentioning the ones he was going to bring for you. So happy that we are going to get to repay you for the lovelies you have sent our way in the past.

Anyway.....hope that the weekend will be enjoyable and productive for all. Will let you know when I have updated my haves list.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Found some fairly inexpensive Alstroemeria Bulbs online here:


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Terri THank you! Of course if successfull they will be future swap material! PS you're helping my research for an article too. You'll get the first baby!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much, Sally. Glad that it was helpful. Teri

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see you and John, Ruby!!! That's a long haul for y'all - mercy - but certainly wouldn't be the same w/o you both!! Hugs!

Holly - might a bug you for some more horseradish - please and thank you?

Jill - like to beg some Russian Sage and Hot & Spicy Basil (I think I'll use that for making a Sweet/Spicy honey this summer) and as always (I swear I'm marking them this time) a little of each of those 3 mints only IF you have enough though - it's a want not a need. Hugs!

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 5:01 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We are so excited about the swap it is going to so much fun seeing everyone.
Chantell, plenty of horseraddish for you.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


At the HD--the Bonnie Plants veggies and herbs have so many kinds of Mints this year.
If you want to go look--I am sure you can pick and choose...
They also have all kinds of basil and all kinds of Peppers.

They are also getting, more and more, into Heirloom Tomatoes. I saw 3 trays-full of Cherokee
Purple Tomatoes today. Also, Mr. Stripy and some kind of a black tomato.

Just FYI.....Gita

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is a "vintage" shot of Chantelle and Hart. We sure do not see Hart much at all any more....

This was taken at Becky's 1st (??) Plant Swap....

Just for remembrance------Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you Holly!! And you too Gita...I'll have to take a peek at my HD. Ahhh look at Hart! I actually spoke to her a few weeks back...she's going through some health issues...I'd appreciate it if folks would hold her up in prayer

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Will do!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh, our dear 'hart', I'll be thinking of her also.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

For those of you in Zone 7 like Sallyg, Alstroemerias should not be a problem. For those of us further north in Zone 6A and maybe 6B we have to be careful which variety we buy. A few years ago I bought the only one I had heard was relatively hardy - Sweet Laura- from Garden Crossings (prices are very high so have not ordered since but the plant was really really large and strong so you get what you pay for in some cases!) and that has turned out fine - at least it has returned each year and blooms profusely. The two offered this year from that site say they are good even in Zone 5. Mine is in a rather protected area and well mulched in the winter. If you look at Tony Avent's site ( http://www.plantdelights.com/Buy-Plants-A-to-Z/products/2/6/0 ) called Plantdelights, he lists quite a nice variety but one notices a big difference in Zone listings. His prices are high also but I understand the quality of his plants and their size is superb. The site is good for getting an idea of available varieties. These are not cheap plants but the one I have is marvelous. I have no idea how easy they are from "seeds" as advertised at the site Teri found but it's worth a try for that price! Looking forward to attending the Swap. Still getting my act together in terms of offerings!

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 11:53 PM

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Does anybody have any "Rozanne" (hardy geranium/cranesbill) that they need to divide? My hand is high in the air if you have that to share.

Gita, I wished you lived closer, I have raspberry wine monarda that I just dug out this week because it was spreading into other plants..I took and stuck some cuttings and if they take, I'll be bringing them along. I collected a pkt. of the seeds last Fall from my plants and have some from Jacob Cline that Cristiane gave me from hers. The Raspberry wine plants were beautiful last summer. Her Jacob Cline is just getting started. I don't think I have it in a good location. The soil in the sun room bed is not good, even though I've amended it. I am fighting fiberous azalea roots and a large maple tree root there.

If you want to take a nice ride one day, about an hour; you're welcome to come over. We were over to our cousin's back in March that lives near Glen L. Martin plant.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have an old Monarda (red--I think--in my YUK bed that is fully matted with my huge Maple roots.
Hence the name--YUK bed.....Things do grow in it--but not well. They all struggle.
In the corner, right next to one of the Butterfly Bushes is my patch of Monarda.

I should dig it out and just let it be. I can always give plants away at work....

Behold---my "YUK" bed in the back corner--and the Maple just a few feet away from it.
Digging in this bed is next to impossible!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gardadore, So glad to see you posting I was hoping you would make the swap. Do you think you might have some of those lions tails you had last year. I just loved them.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I just dug away some of the new, spreading Euphorbia plantlets (??).
had no idea they would crawl under rocks and rotting tree stump to keep on growing???
Two of the off-shoots were so deeply rooted I pulled them out without roots attached.
Still potted them up--hope they root????

Originally planted this in a hole by my rotting Birch stump--I think 3 years ago.
Took it 3 years to bloom....Quite pretty! The stump will not be there much longer.
I always set a big pot of something on it--the stump reinforced by bricks...
Termite Condo....:o) You can see the big pot in the pictures...
What will happen to this plant after the stump collapses? I may have to plant
the Euphorbia all around the remaining "mess". Since it is perennial--may be right pretty.

Don't know much about this plant. Anyone for a quick lesson????


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

gardadore, thanks for the Alstr. notes! I plan to visit Homestead Gardens this week, if anyone in this county has it, it should be them, or perhaps the nearby Main's Greenhouse.

I saw that one person posted about the seeds, that germination is very low, so one really should buy a larger pack. The guy gave a full name, sounds legit.

Crozet, VA

Just wanted to make note that I have added a few more things to my haves list. As of yesterday I listed Lily of the Valley, Prickly Pear Cactus, one large Scabiosa in white, Hens and Chicks and Sweet Woodruff.

Pippi, just yesterday John was asking me about a plant which is a Hardy Geranium. I am not sure of the name, but I have a several that I can gladly share too if anyone is interested. Please let me know and I would regard you as doing me a favor.

I just told someone I am not sure where we will put all the plants I have requested. What a haul this is going to be. Just hope the weather and our health cooperates and we are able to attend. As of now it is in large letters on the calendar.

These swaps go back for some time. I clearly remember attending the first one that Hart hosted. Someone please tell her we miss her. I left the swap that day feeling as though I had just been in the presence of many angels. I basked in the giving attitudes of all who attended. What good friends so many have turned out to be.

Anyone ever given thought to having them quarterly? hahaha At least I now know that Jill's town is close enough to drive in a day for a seed swap and in the future I hope the weather cooperates and we will be able to attend some upcoming ones.

Thanks for posting the pic of Chantell and Hart Gita. Such a great reminder of such good people.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, I think I aw some at Homestead. Look in the prepackaged bulb section. Brent and Beckys may have them. too. Mains really has changed with Chuck and Liza's retirement. Not a great selection as primary focus is landscape business. Have you shopped at "Peaches"? She has a lot of different plants and shrubs on 214 same road as Mains but up closer to Annap on left going North. Good luck finding the perfect Peruvian Lily for you.

Wonder hqw many garden centers we could hit in one day? Hmmm...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Our first swap was at Hart's home, too. I hope she is doing better soon.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ooh coleup thanks for the tips.
I last went to "Main's" (new management) about five years ago and they had a nice and sort of unusual variety. Haven't been back since.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Just wanted to post info forthe Verbascum Southern Charm, since my DH kept most of these alive while I was gone, I will have about 6.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Has anyone checked if HD or Lowes has the Alstromeria Lilies in their summer bulb selection?

I am not at work again until Wednesday. Will check.

How about Brecks? The old time great supplier of all things bulbs?

Here are some pics to reminisce over at Becky's Swap--
WHEN was hart's Swap? Not sure I have pictures--but I might.....I am always the picture-taker.....

--Ruby--here you and John are at Becky's Swap. Such a cute couple!
--Whatever happened to larienda????
--Larienda's hubby with the kids...
--Jill and Miata....
--Jody and her Mom

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooohhh, ROSES, are any of the 'Southern Charm' not spoken for? Those have such a delicate water-colored look.

I've been potting up starts of things while working on the bed by the deck this afternoon.. black eyed susans, an extra little chunk of Tradescantia (spiderwort), 'Kentucky Colonel Spearmint'... also found a couple layered/rooted pieces of Stephan's Jasmine and potted them so they'd have good roots by the swap.

I also have a couple starts of "Felicia's Phlox" (heirloom violet-blue one from Jim's mother's mother)... Gita, I think the one I gave you last year didn't have much top growth, so let me know if you need another piece.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, if you have an extra "ear" (colocasia, alocasia -- I think you may have mentioned both), I'd love something I could add to my bubbler bog or one of my water garden pots. Thanks!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

The hunt goes on- Homestead had one form of Alstroemeria- a pot for 25$.. Ulp, nah.

They are in the Amaryllis family. It sounds like there is a bulb but they also say 'be careful with the brittle roots when planting.'
I bought a bunch at Giant in cut flowers, for my required one picture

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

The one you gave me last year actually grew quite well and bloomed.
It was quite hardy. Lasted a bit longer than my other Flox right besides it.

I planted it in my East facing bed next to some other Flox I had growing there....
Right by all the hardy Ferns....

I realize how hard it is for me to find any spot just for ONE plant. Sharing is the rule at my house.....

I had a picture of them--cannot find it at this moment.....Bed time!!!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good! I seem to remember you mentioning that you were concerned because it had just one or two little shoots, and I told you it had Big Roots... sounds like it took off just as I was hoping it would for you!

I divided the main plant last year, left the central piece where it was and put one of the divisions in a slightly different spot (farther from the rhodi since they were starting to crowd one another). Well, this phlox really enjoyed our mild winter! The little central piece is a huge clump again, and the nearby "small" division is well established... so I potted up several starts and also dug up the big clump to plant behind the bench on the deck landing.

I'm going to have some pots of 'Hot & Spicy' greek oregano to share, also. I had a plant that was maybe a 10 inch diameter clump in the little "pocket garden" behind one of the sitting-rocks by the patio... it also enjoyed the mild winter and apparently spread its roots widely, as it came up gangbusters this spring, filling the entire tiny raised bed! I have to dig most of it out and see if the other plants in that bed are still under there somewhere, LOL.

I lost a lot of the basils just before transplanting, but I'll still have some extras to share, and I potted up an extra flat of my Italian Genovese "real Italian basil from Italy"... some of those are for friends/neighbors, but I'll bring some to the swap also... ask if you want to be sure of getting a couple!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill, I'm interested in both kinds of thyme, please! The one that I have now isn't doing very well.

Does anyone have any lavender?

I've also added Japanese painted fern and Japanese painted grass to my wants list.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Jill, I'll put aside the Verbascum Southern Charm for you.

SS, I'll set aside some lavender for you if it's looking good this year.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

RRR - I would love one of the Verbascum Southern Charm too, if you have more. Thanks.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Critter, Yesterday I divided my 'ears' so will set aside Colocasia esculenta fontenesii 'Black Stem' for you and Ruby. Anyone else? These ears play well in containers with most coleus. They should get about 3 foot tall this season ! Planted in ground they are reportedly hardy in zone 7 and will produce runners and new pups for more.

Also should have divisions of Alocasia cladora sometimes called 'Persian Palm' Big green upright leaves.

Anyone want a couple of White oak starts planted for you by squirrels in my pots?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup, I'd love any colocasia or alocasia you have. I've never grown tropicals before, so I'm really looking forward to it!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

(((Hart))) Chantell, thanks for keeping in touch and letting her know we're thinking of her.

Oh! White Scabiosa! Ruby -- pick me, pick me! Umm.. er... let's try that again. Ruby, I would love a white scabiosa, pretty please.

We almost have quarterly swaps... let's see, Feb seed swap... May spring plant swaps... Sept. fall plant swap... you're right, we need something around July, maybe something Nov/Dec also...

Coleup, thank you for the Colocasia... it'll be fun to try that in a water pot!

RRR, thanks for putting my name on a Southern Charm... I had that one before everything got away from me out there, and I miss it!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


If you have one to spare--I would like another start of your Phlox . Will plant it next to the one from last year.

Actually--I need to move the older one--as it is right next to another lavender Phlox.
Would like to give each their own little spot....where??????? Will figure it out....

Found the picture form July of last year. It sits in front of one of my hardy Ferns in my East side bed.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Been browsing everyone's 'haves' lists...

Chantell: May I get one of your peanut butter bush yearlings if they are unspoken for?

Ruby: I would love some lily of the valley

Critter: Could you put my name on one of you Zepherin Drouhin rose cuttings?

Thank you all! :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

coleup - any of your EE's have the dark foilage? I would love one if so...

Kubileya - I've got you down for the PB toddler

Ruby - If you have enough to share - I'll take a few more Lily of Valley...I love them under my tree...cutie patooties.

Holly - I may have missed it - but how tall are the bamboo poles?

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Coleup, I would like to try your alo and/or colo-casias please if you have enough.

Kubileya, may I have one of your ghost peppers please.

Just in general, I would like any hostas and coleus.

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