Swapping & Chatting Ric & Holly's Swap

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, Warning, a clay pot sunk half in soil, will still wick all the moisture up and dehydrate the root ball- I think...

I'm deleting Nasturtium from my Haves, in hopes that will get the stupid things to sprout. I soaked em and everything...
Got tons of Variegated Liriope divided.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I had the same thought after I sent my above post.

Just a heads up---some of my Brazilian Plume cuttings are not doing so well.
I hope I have enough "presentable" ones to fill everyone's orders....


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita, I was thinking of a black plastic nursery pot as I never use those orange clay pots, I should have been clearer. Your Aconite should probably be placed in partial shade. Ours gets about half shade and seems to like it. That species supposedly can do full sun, but I have seen it happy in full shade.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I won't be updating my "haves" until I get back home on Monday the16th when my baby sitting job will be finished until the 22nd when I go back again for a while because of a business trip that my DH will need to attend. Can't wait to get back home to see what's happening!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you! Sally already said that a clay pot would not be good. I agree....

I just brought home a 5 gal., black, plastic, Nursery pot from HD. When they throw
plants out--I try to get some of the pots. If I am there--if not, no go.

One thing, David, in case you have never dug one of the Aconites up--they have quite shallow root systems.
They actually make these round root-bulbs--much like the seed Dahlias would have.
You can dig one up with just a hand trowel.
When I dig mine up--I will take a picture. And--it won't hurt if I soak them in some fungicide--will it?

I am VERY happy how these divisions I potted up are growing. Really, really well.

No one has asked me for my Tiger Lily starts. They are also growing very well. Almost 5" tall now.
These are from "seed" (bulbils) and are 2 to 3 years old.

My co-worker, Susan, ends up with a lot of my small starts--as I do not have any extra places to plant them.

#1 and #2--Here is a picture of the Tiger Lilies right now--and (#2) when they are in bloom.

#3--The Aconite sections growing well....they are under my old Burning Bush. Getting some AM sun.

#4--The front of my house---Development lot--65'x100'. Everything I have is on this little piece of land.
I have beds all along every structure and boundary. No free-flowing beds anywhere....the 70's--you know.....
#5--Looking from my patio towards the end of my property--where the raised bed is. My shed is just to the left where there
is another bed--the one where i dug out the Aconites.

Picture #4 will give you the idea of the left side--as you can see my shed. Not too far to the left of picture #5.
The bed on the left side is already my neighbors. The Shrub at the end of my driveway is the
Wintersweet Shrub in summer garb.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Gita, I would like a tiger lily, please. We are leaving tomorrow for Texas to visit a grandy for a week. When I get home I will put up my haves, etc. Thank you for continuing to be patient with me.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

It's amazing what you've managed to put into that space and have it look so good, Gita.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Roses--Yes! I sometimes also think how on earth I can have this big a variety?
I think the secret is to just have a couple of this and that.

Jan--Will tag one for you----maybe even two.

You can grow the Tiger Lilies from all the bulbils (size of a peppercorn) that develop in all the axils
of stem and a leaf. If you do not collect them--they just fall to the ground and come up.

I collect them and trow them all in some soil in a small window-box and put it against the house on
the S. side. Throw some leaves over it. They all grow and by next year look like this. Then I pot them in small pots
and they stay outside all year again.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

All of my irises need to be divided...At the rate of this spring, they may well have bloomed by May 19th. 'Wabash', hart's heirloom light blue, a huge blue one, a regular size lavender-on-top-purple-on-the-bottom, fancy yellow already in pots, a fancy pink..
Three pots of blue creeping phlox look good so far.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I just discovered a passel of seedlings around my Digitalis ferruginea, Rusty Foxglove.

Edit: Opps! I got down on the ground today to pot up the seedlings, and although they look like the seedlings of this Digitalis species, they are not. Each had a long root running away from the foxglove to the middle of an adjacent Crocosmia planting. They are a far cry from looking like a Crocosmia, but the plant came from a friend that had had something he planted wildly invade his perennial bed. It must have hitched a ride, and now I have another area in our gardens to patrol regularly to make sure an unwelcome interloper does not gain a foothold. At any rate, I have to retract my offer of Digitalis ferruginea seedlings. Sorry

This message was edited Apr 9, 2012 10:01 AM

Thumbnail by greenthumb99
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Shade/ sun?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Parial shade, probably about 6 hours mid-day for this particular plant.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oohh, that is pretty. Yes, please.

It is beautiful here in Texas!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

(Hi Jan!)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I thought of you today at work--when i was tossing a few so-so pots of Creeping Flox down the chute.....
OH, well.....Being the honest type--I would not dare take some of these plants for myself.
My job may be at stake if anyone finds out.....Cameras are all over on the ceilings....

I am, anxiously, awaiting the two D-Lilies Nancy grew/hybridized from seed and gave to me
at the seed Swap about 3 or 4 years ago. They are looking good and growing well.
Now about 10" tall.
Somewhere I saved the names of these. I know I can find them.
Will, definitely post pictures should they bloom this year.....


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OK! No one has asked me for the "Chrysanthemum Pacificum" starts to this plant.
Seems pictures are "magical" in getting people interested in a plant they would not,
ordinarily, consider....Here is a PF link to this plant.

Again--I repeat---this is grown, mostly, for its foliage and its mounding/spreading nature.
Its amazing dull green leaves that are fuzzy silver underneath. Totally disease-free.



Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I know how you felt Gita, It just seems like such a waste tossing out those plants.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

The blue creeping phlox I dug seems to be doing well!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Does anybody have a start of blue Woodland Phlox? I have some orange "Little Princess' tulips by the side walkway, and there's nothing much next to them in spring... woodland phlox would be just the thing; I think there's just enough afternoon shade there for it.

Gita, I think my tiger lily may have come from you some years ago... there are little sprouts all around its end of the perennial bed that might be little tiger lilies... or they could be weeds... I seem to remember I've been fooled before, LOL. I'll have to compare to your photo!

Sally, I'd love a piece of 'Wabash', Hart's light blue iris, and your big blue iris, please! But be sure to wait until after they bloom to divide them... I've been told (by DGers who grow them by the 1000's) that dividing now can shock the whole clump. You're right that many may well have bloomed by the swap date... I've got some blue dwarf bearded iris (have to see if I can find the name or at least snap a photo) just starting to bloom this weekend!

Hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful Easter day!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hi, Sally. Lol

Once I get home I will go through all the lists again and see what I need, yes, I said NEED. Heehee
Also, to figure out what I have that can be split.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, that picture did it for me! I'm like a silver and gold chrysanthemum please!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


By "please!" you mean you want some???? How many pots?

They are in 4" pots --one plant per--and growing well. They multiply easily and soon you will have a nice patch of them.
The little yellow blooms are, almost, insignificant.....and not until October...

Will tag 3 or 4 for you. is that OK? Let me know.......Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita... if you have an abundance of starts, I'd like to try that Chrysanthemum again, too, please. I had a little start of it once before from you, but something munched it (not sure what, as I'd have thought mums were on the "un-tasty" list!). Thanks! And no worries if "my" brazilian plume cutting doesn't take... :-)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, I was going to take just one, but I will gladly take 3 if you have extras. :-)

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, I had that Chrysanthemum when I lived in VA and it stayed green, although not very happily, over winter. It is a care-free plant. Can I please have a pot if there is still any to spare?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

SS--Jill--and Donner---

Am tagging 3 for each of you. I have a full tray of 4" pots.

I moved this plant from my YUK bed to a small, not so great, bed by my "moon" (patio light on a pole)
because in my YUK bed, the Chrys. Pacif. was growing on top of a clump of small, fragrant,
clustered daffs. of some kind. Have NO idea how that happened!
So--I dug up all the C. P. and rooted all the ends.
This plant benefits from being pinched back as its spring growth gets lush. Like all mums.
Then it will grow more compact. I did this yesterday--but the pinchings were too small to do anything with.
Tossed them all....

Gonna try to plant my Cannas today--just not sure where??????
Also--with these semi-warm days---I need to consider unloading ALL things in my shed, cleaning it out,
organizing it better and then putting everything back in. It has been at least 5 years since i did it.

As many sheds go--it is almost impossible to get to anything in there.
One of my biggest chores I antagonize over.....Suppose to rain today--so I may not get to it.
Many times this turns out to be a 2-day job. These pictures from last year.


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Donnerville, do you think I could get another golden jubilee agastache? That lime green color is just fantastic!

I added lily of the valley to my HAVES list. If anyone has a troublesome dry shade area, this might work for you. Mine grow under the eaves and get absolutely no water, except for when the rain hits it on a windy day. I imagine it would be invasive if given the opportunity.

I've potted up everything, except for the Dragon's Blood sedum. I'm waiting for it to green up a bit more first.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

SSG, there will be another Agastache 'golden jubilee' for you. The foliage color is indeed very striking in the garden.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

If not spoken for...
Gita - I would love one of your Wintersweet yearlings
Sally - I'd love1 of those lilacs - has the parent plant bloomed for you? Good scent?

Anyone else have a baby -
Mock Orange - I gave Bec mine from Bluestone last year - I'm looking for the old fashioned, highly scented one.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell, YES on that lilac but it has not bloomed yet so I cannot swear to fragrance, If you can ask 'hart', it is her white lilac (maybe from her friend's place) and tentative yes on an old (baby) mockorange but I have to keep one myself.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Will be glad to tag a W-Sweet baby for you.
You do know that these will only bloom 6-7 years from seed?
And seed is the only way to propagate it. I will be glad to bring you an envelope of some of the seeds.
You can sprinkle them in a bed--somewhere--in, say, August--and let mother nature germinate them
That is where I found all my seedlings.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Can't wait to get home Monday (after being away babysitting for almost 3 weeks) to see what's happening in my garden so that I can post more offerings.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - thank you...please don't donate a Mock Orange if that's going to leave you short though.

Gita - thank you and I'll gladly accept both the baby and some seeds. If I've learned nothing else from motherhood and gardening - it's patience...LOL. I've waiting 4 years for blooms...what's another 1-2? ^_^

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Chantell, I'd like one of your asiatic lilies, please!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Coleup- any alo- or colocasia you want to get rid of would be dandy for me. Thanks!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

SS I'll have it dug and put your name on it

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Coleup, I would take the Banana, black Hens & Chicks, and any alo- or colocasia you have.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

holly and sallyg Got ya covered on the 'tropicals'

Thumbnail by coleup
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

tee hee

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Tropicals are my favs.

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