Swapping & Chatting Ric & Holly's Swap

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I spent 5 hours today weeding and digging--then got tired and did some sit-down work.
After all that digging and finding pots to pot everything I dug away, mixing up 3 lg. boxes of good soil
to plant them all in--that took about 3 hours.

SO! Soon i will update my "Haves" list to include more plants....I may have to rent a truck!!!!

Just as a preliminary----I will add:

--Northern Sea Oats. They are still popping up everywhere....
--Some Clustered VA Bluebells
--Pink Evening Primrose (a kind of ground cover)
--Some off-shoot bundles of my Astilbes (don't remember the color). Should know by May 19th.
--Have several rooted and growing starts of "Endless Summer Hydrangea"
--Autumn Sedum (pink)
--Trailing Vinca Vine (I may keep these. Not sure).

Well! Wait until I list them on my "haves" so I know exactly how many of each I have.....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally, I'm happy to report that the hardy geranium you shared with me last year made it through the (mild!) winter just fine. :-) It's fun to see all the things popping up "out there" this week. I think I saw a wine-red daylily on your "haves" list... I would love to try it! BTW, do you have a spot for another siberian iris this fall? If so, I know just the one and will add it to my Snowpeak order (those clumps are all going to be big enough to split/share!).

Holly, if I could get another comfrey plant, I'd like to try again to get it established here.

Gita, I would love a start of your 'Endless Summer' hydrangea and maybe also an astilbe if you have enough to go around... I finally have some semi-shade areas ready to plant! Joyanna already has a couple of pots on her windowsill, so the curly spider could go on top of her dresser (gets good light near the window), but I think you may have a good idea with putting it into a little hanging basket... I've been meaning to put up a ceiling hook for her anyway (I even have the hook & butterfly bolt). She's very good about keeping "her" plants watered (she has also taken charge of several plants in the upstairs bathrooms).

If anybody wants some (dis)Obedient Plant, it's coming up gangbusters this spring. It's "obedient" in the vase (stems stay put when you bend them) but not so much in the garden... but it's shallow rooted and easy to pull when the clump gets too big, so I don't really consider it a thug.

I also have a good bit of variegated vinca major... it seems a *bit* better behaved than the all-green one, but it's spread pretty well along the basement stairwell wall, starting with just a couple of scraps 3 years ago. If anybody wants some, I can just pull it and bag it the day before the swap, and you can divide it up into as many little pots as you like.

All the cuttings I took are still alive-looking! The Zepherin Drouhine climbing rose cuttings I stuck in Feb. definitely look good -- new growth, so I'm pretty sure they're getting good roots. It's one of the toughest roses I've come across, nearly thornless, sweet scent, and it's the only rose I know of that will bloom in part shade (is said to do fine on the north side of a house!).

OH, and speaking of cuttings... please let me know if you want Crooked Willow cuttings... I stuck a couple "just in case," but this is still a really good time to take cuttings, and I can stick some in water. I can also just cut some if people want them for flower arrangements.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Critter, I have a small full shade area where literally everything I've planted has died. I think it's due to multiple creatures that dig in that area. I'd love to try that variegated vinca to see if it'll survive there!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

ssgardner, We have varigated vinca major growing on the south side of the house, it over winters there just fine. We also use it on the north side, where it grows just fine in the shade but usually freezes out. Depending on how temperate or protected your shade area is it may do OK, it is sold as an annual in our zone most of the time. I believe our "bed" actually got started from dumping some containers there. LOL Ric

Crozet, VA

Wow....lots of talk already and I am just finding you guys. I was so happy to see that Wind and Kubileya will be attending the swap. Always good to see folks I haven't seen in a while. What fun the day will be!!!

Sounds as though everyone has lots to share. We will have to get a list ready and get it posted.

Gonna go and check the other swap threads. Thank you once again to Ric and Holly for hosting again. Can't wait to see your greenhouse.


Crozet, VA

Wow....just read the have lists and am just amazed at the variety of plants being offered. Sure does beat paying a nursery for some of these lovelies.

These are my requests and I realize that some may already be spoken for in terms of what you folks have to offer, so no biggie if I am late making a request and they have already been spoken for.

Sally - I would like to have some Woodland Poppy, the Yellow Iris and some varigated Liriope

Holly - Another Woodland Poppy if you don't mind

Ssgardener - a Russells Lupine please

Donnerville - yet another Streptocarpus if you have any left over

Gita - I would love to have more Swedish Ivy rootings, A Brazilian Plune Flower if all are not spoken for, Purple Oxalis please and if you have anything thing else left over at the end of the day, I will gladly give it a good home. Thank you.

RosesRRed - I would love to have a Caryopteris if you still have any.

That is it for now. I will try getting a list of things together that we will be offering soon and post it.

Really looking forward to seeing everyone again.


Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

SSG, I will dig up some joe pye weed for you if it has survived my heavy handed transplant last year. So far no signs of growth from this plant :-( I do not remember if it is one of those that sprout late in the spring, like the hardy hibiscus. Keep my fingers crossed.

Can I have some of your lupine babies if there are still any left? I grew them a few years back. Two of them bloomed for a couple of years, but disappeared all together. Lupines like cool summers which we do not have in this area. Also, if the flowers are hit by a few 90 degree days, they wilt and that is the end of the blooming of the year. I think I will try a shadier area this time so that they only get the morning sun.

Ruby, I will bring you a few Streptocarpus plants.

This message was edited Mar 25, 2012 5:46 AM

Crozet, VA

Thanks you Sally. I have so enjoyed the couple of times that the Ruby one bloomed for me. I would like to have another to keep this one company. hahaha

I was surprised a bit ago when I was called outside to hand the good hubby a tool. I got side tracked on the way back inside and ended up doing some weeding. Imagine my surprise when I saw a white bloom and upon inspection realized it was a Bleeding Heart. I know I had planted more in that spot and there was another pink one blooming its little heart out too. What grand fun that was and I am so glad that I went out there today. I have another couple of Bleeding Hearts planted in another location and I checked on them and had another lovely surprise. I owe Coleup all the glory for these. I have grown Bleeding Hearts in the past and had some critter kill them. This is year number two or three for these and so far so good.

This week has also seen some of my tulips in full bloom. They too are so gorgeous and bring a big smile to my face. I found a few more things in the front bed that we have gobs of that I can share at the swap if anyone is interested. Will post my "Haves" later in the week.

Happy Day to everyone.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy Spring Rains to everyone! We did need it! I have updated my list with the recent wishes. Poof! All granted!

Jill, whatever Siberian you have in mind- how could I resist? The one I have a ton of to share (and already some have this one from me) is an old all purple. The other I have is very tall and unusually shaped white (Anniversary?") from Becky No Va . And I may have enough to share. Anything else will be cool and new to me! Thanks!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here are all my small pots, divisions, etc outside my front doo to live in some
fresh air. Also--to harden them off a bit.

--In picture #1--there is a whole hodge podge of plants, as well as all my small X-cactus.
Swedish Ivies, some NBC's, etc.
--in picture #2--the tray closest to the wall are all my Braz. Plume starts. Doing well.
--in pic. #3--this is all my Monkshood starts.

--Pic. #4--my Clivias are starting to bloom. They have groen so much.
Please D-mail me if you are interested on one.

Pic. #5--My two biggest Endless Summer starts. These were outside, dug in, all "winter"....
I have a bunch more that are more like rooted sticks. have to pot them up as well.

Everything is doing very well.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


When we met up at your house for going to the Seed Swap--we went back to your moister bed
in the back corner. If I remember--did I not dig up or what? some of your deep red D-Lilies?

I know I forgot them. Do you know what was beck there that i wanted and then just left them there????


Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)


Can I have some of your Peruvian daffodil and bunny tail grass if there is enough to go around? Thanks.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Ruby, as soon as I see some Caryopteris volunteers, I'll pot them up for you. I'll keep you posted and put your name on the "have/wants" list for this plant.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, I have lots of chunks of one or two of my best Daylilies that I planted out to hold for this swap. I'm not sure how many labels stayed in place. I'll try to determine that today. I am 'pretty sure' it was the wine red one that I made several pots of. I think we held one up and discussed if I had put enough divisions in the pot.

Yes DonnerSally, happy to share ! Peruvian Daffodils will need full sun and heavy feed and water to bloom. I have not gotten them to bloom yet...but they make lots of babie bulbs.

Ruby, if you could ask John if he has one of the Mexican lilies that he told me about... or has figured out what they "are"- thank you!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Well--perhaps I would like to have one or two of your wine-red D-Lilies then.

All I remember is it was way back in the wet corner and I took some (How--I do not remember),
laid them down and said i will get them when we get back to your house.
This may have been in 2011--not this year. I do think these were dark wine or dark red...????????

I AM (emphasis) making notes of all your latest requests, just have not yet, officially, added them on my "haves"/"wants list.
I AM keeping track....

Spent a few hours outside again--potting up small divisions of Cannas and playing around with trying
to see if I can root new growth cuttings of the Kwanzan Cherry Tree. Lots of prep time....
Had to trim one of my KC trees back a bit--and it had so much new growths on it and all ready to bloom.

We will see.....We will see.....(Yes! I KNOW I use a lot of punctuations...but as i type, and my mind is "talking"
to my fingers--if there is a pause in the context of the sentence, I use "....." or "---".)


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I just added ornamental sweet potatoes to my wants list.

I saved them last winter but they rotted...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Is anybody interested in sun coleus? I just asked Badseed, and she said she'd be selling them (she is "Gemini Gardens") again this spring... I got some really wonderful plants from her last year at good prices (smaller plants, but still big enough to take a cutting right away), and I bet she'd be able to get them out in plenty of time for the swap. She's placing her wholesale order this week, so we should know what varieties are available pretty soon.

Crozet, VA

Thanks Roses, not problem if you don't get any Careyopteris this time, there is always another swap coming up and we can try again.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, can I have 2 cannas, one of each color?

Ruby, I'd like some creeping jennys, please!

flowaJen, little chicks, please!

Donnerville, I think I got agastaches from you last year. They're coming up now! I can't wait to see them bloom.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Put your requests on my list.........Bedtime for me now.......Long day in Garden tomorrow.....OUCH!!!

Will make sure I have my pain pills with me........Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, your little lilac (the one we couldn't find as you were leaving last fall) is sprouting out beautifully... Joyanna helped me tuck some of Sally's sedum around the base when we up-potted it in February, too. OH, and.. I found your hens and chicks!! I asked you for another start of them, because I thought I'd looked just everywhere and hadn't seen them since the swap day... they had fallen inside a nested stack of pots... and they're just fine! Tough little guys. :-)

I need to update my list... got a division and also a couple of root cuttings from my Kerria japonica, now blooming with little double yellow pompoms! I got mine from Orchardfancy, and it's grown to be an anchor for that corner of the garden. I think Sally said she had a well rooted one, also. It's a nice alternative to forsythia (both are blooming for me now). I repotted a couple of 'Zepherin Drouhine' climbing rose cuttings that had started rooting (I wasn't actually expecting succcess when I stuck them into herb containers on my deck LOL). I haven't dug them up to look at them, but the various other cuttings I've taken are still green, so that's a good sign!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have bottlebrush buckeye that I stuck in the fall? they are opening buds but I'm afraid to check for roots or I may hurt them. If asked for I will bring in pot and advise you don't disturb. It's a shrub that needs a wide space to get big, looks gangly when small.

Also can dig sprouts from white lilac from 'hart'. Pretty sure she sadi, old fashioned and good fragrance.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Sally - I would love some white lilac sprouts, especially if the plant has good fragrance. Pat

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sure thing Pat! It has not bloomed yet (last year, It was tiny when I got it a few years ago.) for me but maybe it will by May? You can take one and wait for my report if not...

donnerSally- sedum sieboldii, I didn't find in plantfiles but maybe you could bring one just in case...

ssgardener- please, sedum John Creech (I hear you saying yay, can get rid of more...!)

Ruby is the creeping Jenny a gold leaf? If so, please and thank you?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, a John Creech for you! These sedums spread so fast! And I need to make room for new ones. ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh! SSG, a Sedum 'John Creech' for me also, please... such pretty little rounded leaves... and pink blooms!

Look here for the photo that made me say "ooh!" LOL : http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/208852/

I'm waiting for my white lilac from Hart to bloom, also... but yes, old fashioned and good fragrance is what she said... I think my notes also said "double"... but now I've lost track of which one it is... guess I'll know when those babies bloom! I'm going to try to get a couple more starts from the deep purple (and very fragrant) lilac I have from my great-aunt Erna.

I've been potting up peppers this afternoon... looks like the one with lots of seedlings to go around will be 'Sweet Pickles'. Got a few extra hots also and probably a 'Gypsy' or two. Lost some seedlings (one side got too dry), so I'll be re-sowing peppers this week... If there's anything you're looking for (sweet, hot, mild, you name it), let me know!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks ssgardener! I have pulled up and divided more variegated liriope for my requests. I potted two white lilacs. I think I can bring some of another sedum, a littel taller than creeping and blooms yellow; will try to find a name for it.

Slight correction, my wood poppy is this

This message was edited Mar 31, 2012 5:40 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Here is a link to Sdum Sieboldii--from one of the Nurseries


Here is a good one showing the foliage. I gad this once--so the name "rang a bell".


I checked out the Bonnie herbs and veggies today at HD. They have so much in already!
Through tomorrow--all the 6-cell and 9-cell containers, as well as any pots 5" and under are 50% off.

I looked and they have every kind of Mints. Chocolate Mint, Orange Mint, Apple Mint, etc...etc....
All the ones you often talk about.
Lots of tomatoes too--except after today--there were a lot of empty trays.
I bought 2-5" pots of Italian parsley and one of the Apple Mint. I already have a small one you gave me once--??

I hope Bell refills these tables tomorrow. They got royally trashed.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the links Gita, its a pretty one!

Here's the other one I have and will bring. On the right, the nice medium grassy green one with ruffley leaves. On the left is the Blue Spruce sedum or a very similar cultivar which I am bringing.

And just for fun: picture of Sempervivum arachnoides (which died on me )

Thumbnail by sallyg Thumbnail by sallyg
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally, hopefully this post will remind me as I go through this thread later... I got a Semp. arachnoides from DPF last fall, so I should be able to pot up a couple of babies for you. Do you still have that tiny-leafed sedum you shared with me a couple years back (smaller than the blue spruce one and more greenish but not quite bright grass-green)? If not, I can find you a start of it also.. I have a couple of little ones here & there. I got some Sedum sieboldii last year, and it looks like it's coming back well this spring, so hopefully I'll have that one to share eventually also, as well as a couple others. It was really short for me last year, but looks like it might get a good bit taller... we'll see.

Gita, everybody sure is thinking SPRING! with all those plants. Hope they're keeping an eye on the weather so they can cover their tomatoes if there's a frost/freeze! If we weren't all down with the crud this weekend, I'd be out at HD taking advantage of their sale.

Mint from me was most likely either Kentucky Colonel Spearmint or Chocolate Peppermint... I will have both of those again for this swap, and it looks like I can pot up a few good starts from 'Hilary's Sweet Lemon' mint also. I think there may be both apple mint and variegated pineapple mint (from Ruby, maybe?) in the little bed in front of the deck bench; I'll see what's popping up there. I also need to get some herb divisions going... there's plenty of that low-growing english thyme, but it takes time to get it to fill a pot with roots since it only makes quarter inch long roots as it creeps along the edge of the patio! Hopefully I'll have some 'Rose Petal' thyme as well, and it looks like there are a couple of layered pieces of Greek Oregano that can be potted easily... might see if one of the clumps is big enough to divide again, also.

The basil seedlings aren't up-potted yet, but they're looking good, so I'm hoping we'll have a good selection of those to share this year.

Please SHOUT OUT if you want tomato plants... got good germination on several older batches of seed, so I have a lot of extra seedlings, but I won't pot them all up if I don't have "takers" for them. In particular, I have lots of little seedlings of Potato Top, San Marzano, Black Russian, Yellow Brandywine, and "Friendship" (my name for the round red noid that Theresa & I swapped back & forth for several years... we finally found the original seed packet and were very excited until Carolyn politely explained to me that the name 'Pomodoro' on the packet simply meant "tomato" in Italian). Hmm, looks like I could do mixed 6-packs with those plus something random from the tray... Who wants a 6-pack of heirloom tomatoes?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Jill, thank you kindly on the Semp, and the tinytiny sedum. My tinytiny sedum got pretty swamped by that aggressive Blue Spruce and maybe lost.

LOL the '' royally trashed '' herbs! We were at Lowes and just stunned at the huge masses of floral material that the hordes will buy. And I just cook along with dormant things, perennials, swaps and seeds....cha ching

I could bring Greek Oregano, take that off your plate oif you like.

Jill please, Potato tops and San marzano pomodori? Grazie! And do you have sweet peppers? I haven't started any yet but could use a couple.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally, I just potted up a whole extra flat of 'Sweet Pickles' pepper (germinated like crazy, LOL).. that's the one that makes cute little peppers that are great for salads & fresh eating as well as pickles or whatever... you can eat them off the plant, seeds and all if you want since the seeds aren't in the least bit bitter. I'll also get some more 'Gypsy' and 'Carmen' sowed this week... those are my favorite non-bell varieties, and I ordered plenty of extra seed... also trying 'Flamingo' and 'Atris' this year (similar to G & C, respectively).

I have 2 more semps coming from Santa Rosa first week in May; if they're loaded I'll try to get a baby or two from them also. Joyanna has a piece of your tinytiny sedum in a little snail-shaped terra cotta pot. I think she'll probably put it (pot and all) into her fairy garden planter. I think I have 3 little starts of it that overwintered in a 6-pack, but I need to check more closely to make sure it's not some tinytiny-leafed spring weed LOL.

How many tomato plants do you want, Sally? 3 of each in a 6-pack? more?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

A 3each 6 pack would be perfect! tyvm

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I potted up 2 rooted little plants of the "puffy" Spider plant in a 6", nice, green HB.

Covered the pot all over in spring time/Easter stickers. Joyanna will love it.....
You can always remove the stickers and put others on the pot--whatever the season.....

I am sure you will have enough--but I may want some of the "Sweet Pickles" peppers.
Will share them with Aina. Just make a note, please.

Reminder------I have ONE Dr. Seuss Brug left. it has two stems growing. Anyone???

Have to go check for any updates in the "haves/Wants" Thread.....haven't done it for several days...


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, how sweet is that?! Thank you! I'll make a note to put your name on a 6-pack of 'Sweet Pickles'. I think they're as pretty as many of the "ornamental" peppers, with the bonus of being delicious as well.

Sally, got you covered on the tomatoes. They're just starting to develop first true leaves, so it's nearly potting-up time. I just checked those little starts I thought I'd spotted... blushing to say, yep, those are weeds. But I'll look under the dogwood in front, where I planted the tinytiny with the blue spruce sedum... actually, given your experience, I think I'll remove any tinytiny I see there and find a better place for them!

I've potted some of my variegated vinca... it's mostly growing up against the sheltered foundation wall, so whoever said it might be a little more tender than the regular rampant kind of vinca... that does seem to be the case. Good to know I can keep some there without having it take over that whole garden bed. I got a couple more little starts of Great-Aunt Erna's Lilac and stuck some cuttings from it also... Oh, and it looks like the Bouncing Bett is coming up with extra shoots to share.

Holly, what's that vine you have on the big arch thing? Trumpet something? I think I have a potted start of it left from the fall swap, and I don't have a good place for one. I looked in PF but didn't see anything that quite matched... It has these stiff crinkled semi-circle leaves just coming out -- that's how I was able to distinguish it from the pot of Wisteria next to it! LOL

Anybody need Shasta Daisies? or Black-Eyed Susan? I've got volunteers of the latter popping up all around, and my big trio of daisy clumps needs splitting. :-)

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Critter, could I have a cutting of the rose
A 6 pack of tomatoes and a variety of peppers

Thank you

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I just went through EVERY name on the "haves" and "wants"list making sure everything is accounted for
in my records.

A couple of you do not have plants that you requested from me on your "wants" listed.
Just wanted to tell you--so you can keep YOUR records up to date.

You asked me for a Brazilian Plume Flower. You do not have it listed on your "wants".
I have it listed on mine.....

Pat asked for a Brazilian Plume Flower. I have it listed under your "wants". You Guys do not....

Holly-----Not very important--but I know of someone that would love some of your curly Willow...
If you have enough cuttings--I will take some. Mind you---NOT for me. So others can have 1st dibs...

This is getting to be a lot of work......keeping tabs.....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm not doing a good job of keeping up with the things that I've requested... will go down and try to make a list before the swap so I'm not standing in front of somebody saying, oh gosh, what was it that I wanted to be sure to get from you? LOL

Jan, when I repotted a couple of the rose cuttings, I did see a few tiny roots, and they even have a little new growth coming out, so I hope they'll be nicely rooted by swap time. I'll put your name on one. Tomatoes & peppers should be no problem! :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for reminding me Gita, I will have to get out there and take those cuttings so they have some roots. Yes you are very welcome to some for your friends.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Critter, I'd love a clematis virginiana. And I have a John Creech for you and floAjen as well.

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