Swapping & Chatting Ric & Holly's Swap

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sallyg and HollyAnn, I have set aside the sedum ogon for you. You'll love it! I have one more left.

Holly, I'm so excited about the hellebores!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I looked at my Hellebores today and i do not see any seedlings like you posted. How come????
My oldest Hellebore--the whitish one--is several years old...Maybe 8 or 10? Time flies--so it is hard to judge...

Could it be that I cut off the flowers when they are faded and done????

Plugs of anything is good! Better than just dug up ones from the garden.
I will take some......

I added a few things to my "haves" list tonight. Everyone--please take a look.....
Besides the Dr. Seuss brug--I also have the deep pink NOID. I have a few available....

Gosh! This is getting exciting!!!!!

For those of you who did not come to the seed swap---please look at my Trade list.
I have close to 60 different seeds--and will gladly share any.

Just finished watching the first show of "Dancing With the Stars".....It was the best EVER!!!!
How often has anyone gotten "9's" in the first show!!! looks like a great season coming up.

Sorry!!! I know this has nothing to do with the Plant Swap...Ignore my comments....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I'd like one of the deep pink Noid Brugs. Please

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Okay, I have always had difficulty asking for anything, but here goes. I also haven't listed anything that I may have yet, so be patient with me.

Foxgloves and cactus and a brug if it hasn't taken over your house before the swap heehee

Hellebore and a dragon wing begonia

I need to check what else I would like.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

SS, I would like some sedum ogon also, if you have any more.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

SSGardener - Got you down for the Dragon Fruit.

Gita - I would love a Dr. Seuss brug.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly--You got it!--Pink Brug
Kubileya--You got it too. Dr. Seuss Brug

I only have 2 Dr. Seuss Brugs left. One of then is growing sideways.....could be corrected by planting it straight.
I have 2-NOID pink Brugs left. One of these two has grown quite tall, but seems to now have a "dead end"
at the growing tip. Odd! I have no idea why? I do see signs of side growth, though. This one is quite robust.....

Jan---Which brug do you want? See just above...
If you have not seen the colors--let me know---I have posted them many times....

SS--You may want at least 3 Holiday cactus to live in your HB. I will have plenty to choose from.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


All people asking me for a Brug will have a 2-page primer I have put together for all-season care
of Brugmansias. It will be in a small zip-baggie attached to the pot.

It will help you a lot if you have never grown one. They are tough! But the whole digging-up and bringing it inside--
you may need some help and ideas to make it easier.

These rooted, growing cuttings will be small 'trees" in 2 years...

This is the NOID pink.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I just seeded my seeds 2 days ago. Soooo late this year! Or, does it just seem that way
because of the warm weather we are having?

Depending on what sprouts and grows well--I may have all kinds if different plants to share yet.
It will be the long "waiting game'........

I may also have some 1yr. old Wintersweet seedlings available in 4" pots. Maybe 4 or 5.
They do not have true leaves yet--as they are deciduous. Just the cotyledons above ground.

Have to also, yet, start my single divisions of cannas. I have two varieties this year.
Will try to get to it sometimes this week.

Always such a crunch time this time of year.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is the Dr. Seuss in September of last year.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Gita, a Dr. Seuss please.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Those pictures got you! Huh? I would fall for that as well....

That leaves--ONE Dr. available.....and I thought I was not able to get rid of them all!
Been giving these away at work to whomever wanted some.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Gita, please put me down for some of your foxgloves. Thanks so much!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Roses--you are on my list....

Do you have any idea how many you would like to have? It would help to keep track.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly, how big is the blue agave houseplant? I'm interested, as long it's not too big. I'm also interested in the sweet woodruff. And do you have any more Dragon Wing begonias left?

Gita, I'd like a purple oxalis.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Can you spare 2 of them, Gita?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

SS--You got it!

Roses--Ok on your request as well. Are you asking for two Oxalis? Or just one? Not clear.....
If one--there will be plenty of little corms to make a second pot from.
They multiply quickly...

I have to divide the pot of Oxalis Sally ("donner") gave me last year.
I know it is full of those little corms. Another project to add to my list...Whaaaa.....

Jan--Just a reminder---that I also marked one of the Nandinas for you. That leaves two.....

....Just thinking.........I may be digging up my two Astilbes. Lots of off-shoots there as well.
Not sure yet--but it is not doing anything where it is...Will let you all know....Don't ask me yet!

Another note: None of you have asked me for the Brazilian Plume Flower. I have 12 divisions potted up.
Maybe you all need to see a picture of it???..........:o}


Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What a beautiful plant, Gita. I'd love to have one of the divisions of the Brazilian Plume Flower.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Pat---Will do!
This one likes to grow in a shaded area. Kind of deceiving...looking at the blooms.

SallyG--could I have some of your blue, creeping Flox?? Please.....

SS--What kind of a Turf Fertilizer is it that you have? I may be interested...

Here are a couple pictures of the Chrysanthemum Pacificum.

It is grown, mostly, for its leaves, which are a dull green and dusty silver underneath.
This plant is, kind of, a ground cover. Grows about 10" high. Very hardy and spreads nicely.
Sections can be easily dug up and propagated. Perennial. Disease-free. Drought tolerant.
Blooms in October with insignificant, little bloom-clusters with yellow, tansy-like blooms. Size of an M&M candy.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Gita, I would love some divisions of the Brazilian Plume Flower now that I have seen them!! I haven't asked for any Oxalis, Gita, but I will take some if you have extra.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yep, Gita, that picture got me. Heehee. Thank you for the nandina. If no one else wants any I would like the other two, but I don't want to be greedy. ;)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have not really read anyone's have list much yet.

Gita YES blue phlox

Gita Brazilian Plume pleeze? Would love to try it here.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--You got it!

See? All it takes is posting some nice pictures......G.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

tee hee!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pictures, eh?
My yellow iris, I could bring 2 or 3 worth.

How about prickly pear- a large one, pads the size of a saucer to salad plate.

I can always share this hardy geranium- it roots so easily and spreads out neatly into a mound and is almost evergreen.

Thumbnail by sallyg Thumbnail by sallyg Thumbnail by sallyg
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Gita, Do you have a Brazilian for me?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly -- you have bamboo poles? Guess I need to check the "haves" lists, LOL, but I'd love to set up a couple of teepees for pole beans this year... bamboo is probably easier to work with than willow prunings! I'd also love some hellebore babies. BTW, your black willow cuttings all seem to be rooting well! Hopefully I'll have some "heirloom lavender pussy willow" cuttings (from the Philly Flower Show) to share if they "take"... I've got some other cuttings that I'll wait to list until I know whether or not they've rooted.

Gita, that Brazilian Plume Flower is really something! PF says it will do fine (better, in fact) in part shade, so it might like our front porch. Do you bring the whole plant inside for the winter, or do you just take cuttings for the next year?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Jill, I will have bamboo poles. I will put you down for Helle babies also.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly--Of course I have a Brazilian Plume for you!!!! How about TWO!
After all--You ARE the hostess of this lovely event. You get 'special" treatment...

I was also surprised to read in PF that this beautiful, flowering plant likes shade. Doesn't seem to go together???
I love reading all the member comments on the plant in PF. That is where you really learn about that plant.
Opinions from around the World...
SO, Jill! Are you asking for one???? Huh? Huh??? Yes? Let me know...

I do bring the whole plant in for the winter. Continue reading...

Learned this the hard way, when in 2010 the wind blew the whole pot
(as in the middle picture above) off of the table and every branch broke off to near the base. it is a woody-type of a plant....so!
I threw all the pieces away! Stupid me! But--i did not know how beneficial that accident could have been.

It started re-growing already in the house that winter--and when I put it outside, It grew in a really full plant.
It bloomed so-so, but well enough, BUT!!! I did not know it liked shade! IOt just was not all that happy in the sun.
Now I do. This summer--it will go in dappled shade. And--in the fall--I shall cut it back again.
Wheeeee....The next big thing!

Anyway--before bringing it in this last fall--I took the snipers and cut every branch back to about 4".
Not wanting to bother with small pots and soil--I stuck all the cut off branch tips in the same pot--
all around the perimeter. Just for fun....Well! They ALL rooted!

This spring, I took out the mama plant, removed all the babies, potted them up and re-potted Mama in fresh soil
and a bigger pot. Can't wait to see what she will look like this summer!

These are the cuttings I am offering. They are a bit spindly, but all the leaves are green. They are growing.
I do not know if they will bloom this summer or not. I hope they do! Even if only one bloom.

Meanwhile--I recommend that you all read up on this plant. Knowledge is power!

FYI--I bought the original plant a few years ago at Rawlings Conservatory. The sell all kinds of rooted plants.
I no longer go there--but when I still dropped by, now and then, I cannot say I saw any more for sale...

SO! That's my story! Hope it helps all of you that will be growing this for the first time.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Holly, if there are more bamboo poles available, I would like to use them "teepee style" too. I have lots of new clematis coming my way.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ok Roses.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh gosh, yes, I forgot about needing more clematis supports! LOL, I think we will make teepees this year for pole beans and next year use them for the clems that we're gettign this spring... clematis don't do much for me the first year or two, but then they take off. I think I may end up leaving some of them to just ramble around the bed, too.

Holly, thanks so much for the bamboo poles. I'll find you something special!

Gita, yes please I'd really love a start of your Brazilian Plume plant if you still have an available one! If you have an extra curly spider baby, I could use one for a neighbor... I had to cut mine back again this winter when its spiders (but thankfully not the main plant) got bugs. If you don't have any going at present, no worries, mine will have spiders again soon I'm sure. Thank you!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have enough of the Brazilian plumes----Will put one aside for you. Had a good number to start with .
I also have several Curly Spiders . Will put the best one aside for you. It is draping so nicely. EG--the oldest one.
About a year old now...
"Newbies" coming along as well. They are so fragile! So many of the "spiders" fall off if you just touch them too hard.

I think my current Curly Spider HB needs to be separated--split in 1/3rds. Re-potted in new HB's in clean potting Mix and such.
The original HB is getting too sprawly--too old---etc....You know how older Spiders can get....

My Curly Spider Plant is still from the two spider babies I picked off your HB, Jill--WHEN????
AHHH....The first Plant swap you ever held.....I think there were about 10 of us there????
Bec (?) was mixing margaritas?..or whatever.... They were all very yummy!
We were having a good old time...hic....burp....

As my request list grows-----How many "edits" is one allowed to the same Post???? Need to know???.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, Gita, thank you... maybe i will give my old one away LOL and put your new one in Joyanna's room... she thinks the little poofy spiders are "sooo super cute!"

Oh, and for any plant swap newbies, here you see one of the best things about sharing your favorite plants... if you later lose the one you have, chances are good you can get it started again from one that you shared!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I will be glad to pot up the "poofy spiders" for Joyanna's room for you.
What size pot? or--a 6" HB?

Let me know....gita

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


maybe you missed my question on one of your "haves"?

I was asking what kind of a turf fertilizer do you have. Is it one of the "Scotts" formulations?
Since I fertilize my own lawn--I may be interested....if I can use what you have.

Thanks, Gita

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, I did miss the question! I need to go out there and write down exactly what it says. I'll do that later today and get back to you.

HollyAnn, is the sweet woodruff still available?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, I will put you on the list.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, it's a small bag of Scott's Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thank you--but i will pass on this. If it was step #3--"Turf Builder plus Insect Control"--I would have taken it.

The one you have is the "Scotts Turf Builder Plus 2" which is the feeding (Turf Builder) plus weed control.
This would be the 2nd step in their 4-step program. It is usually applied around Memorial Day.

To me--there is no need to fertilize my lawn 4 times a year. My lawn is lush enough!
I do a Spring feeding (with Millorganite) and, maybe, the 3rd step--around 4th of July,
to feed the dessicated lawn a bit and to kill all the insects, ticks and chiggers and fleas in the lawn.

A late fall ("Winterizer") is also good--but I have a good lawn and do not do that one.

edited to add--that this "small bag" (treats a 500sf area) sells for about $18 at HD.

Thank you for the offer. Gita

This message was edited Mar 23, 2012 7:21 PM

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