Swapping & Chatting Ric & Holly's Swap

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I can give you one or two Astilbes----not sure of the color....

I can also give you one of the Euphorbias I just dug up and divided....

Let me know--and i will add it to my "Promised to" list.

Is this the one you want????

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby--I know this is like a weed--and once you ave it you will always have it---
Could I have some Creeping jenny from you?
BUT--I like to have just one or two for my W-Boxes.

My neighbor used to have it all over her front bed--and I would go and just dig up a few.
Long gone! Now the Pakistani neighbors seem to live to get rid of everything that was on this property.

SO! I want some.....;o)

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita- We have some creeping Jenny that I just discovered this afternoon that escaped from its pot. We can give you some.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell et al,
I have the following elephant ears to share. See corresponding pics below. 2 and 3 take forever to wake up and attain size so am not sure if I have many or none to share tba. Have lots of #1 though! I will reserve a 'Black Stem' for you which in my opinion has dark green leaves and you can decide upon seeing it live.

Catbird, I'm determined to 'tropicalize' that townhouse back yard of yours. So glad you are biting!

All of these are great in containers, too. Just keep them well watered as they love the heat and humidity of mid atlantic summers (which are getting longer and hotter if today was any indication)

Colocasia esculenta fontenisii
1 'Black Stem'
2 'Black Magic'
3 'Illustris' Imperial taro

4 alocasia x 'calidora'

Picture #5 is of the house of the owners I worked for here in Annapolis who gave me the original starts above. Tropicals and coleus..what a way to do summer!

Thumbnail by coleup Thumbnail by coleup Thumbnail by coleup Thumbnail by coleup Thumbnail by coleup
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

For those of you looking for 'spillers' for your containers or window boxes I have nice starts of variegated icelandic ivy to share. Also works well as a house plant. Slow growing.

Thumbnail by coleup
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

coleup- Depending on how much you have and how much I have for YOU, I'd be liking any colo / alocasia, and an icelandic ivy, please.
Did I mention I have potted up two greek oregano?

Roses I dug and pottted some raspberries yesterday.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Sally

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, I'd love a start of that variegated ivy -- so pretty!

Kubileya, I'm so excited that those ZD rose cuttings still look green! :-)

Chantell, I don't know if you've got another BP shrub toddler or not, but if not I'd like to beg a couple of cuttings to try, please. I think I see some white yarrow "out there" again this spring, but I can't guarantee it won't be queen anne's lace... they look too similar to me at this time of year.

If anybody has noticed that I don't have their "wants" marked off on my posted list, not to worry, I just haven't sat down long enough to catch up on that recently. I'll get it sorted out! And I don't think anybody has asked for anything that's in short supply. :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, Poles are as long as you want them to be. Ric will cut them from the neighbors and some could be easily 10Ft long.
Did any one claim the -1 Hedychium 'Tai Pink Profusion' I would love it if it is still available.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2012 9:47 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thank you! I just want a couple of mini-bunches....OK?
I like the way it just hangs and hangs......nice lime-green color too.

Thanks, Gita

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Ivys to you Jill and Sally!

Not to worry on any even up trades/swaps as I am looking to decrease plant commitments here in anticipation of a move up North where many will not survive. Hopefully swappers up there will fill me in with Zone 4 bounty! So, no one feel slighted or any unease if I have not requested plants from you (yet) but you'd like anything I have listed. I'm sure by now that in our heart of hearts all of us would like at least one of each!!! Besides, all of the plants I have have been salvaged or passed along to me..I've just cared for and enjoyed them for awhile.

Shamelessly promoting plants here, I have the first tru dwarf Crepe Myrtle developed by Nat Arboretum called 'Chickasaw' Willing to stick cuttings or rehome mama plant to someone who will.

PS Sally, if you have an extra seedling of that bush squash you mentioned you had ordered seeds for, I'd be much obliged.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2012 10:01 PM

Thumbnail by coleup
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Coleup - happy for whatever varieties of the EE's you have - forgot how much I loved Illustris - but understand if he doesn't make an appearance.

Critter - got you down for at least cuttings if not a toddler of PB shrub - the growth this sweet girl has put on since I got her in spring of 2009 is amazing. You give her a little TLC the first year - she rewards you heavily in years to come. I truly LOVE this plant!!

Holly - Hedychium is yours. I swear each year I think I've got the hole thing dug up and low and behold - up pops a stalk the following spring LOL. I can think of worse things...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

coleup- happy to have bush squash ready for you- I actually saw Bush butternut Burpees at Lowes today so that's a go.

CHantell- can you cut me an extra piece of PB shrub? I killed the first one you gave me...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I put in a dwarf crepe myrtle ('Petite Blue', lavender blooms) last year and just love that little cutie... not big enough for cuttings yet, but I'll try next year. I did send out a few seeds, but I don't know if seedlings would even be dwarf (I know they won't come "true" and so does the person who asked for them). Coleup, I'd love to try your 'Chickasaw'!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

OOooh, I'd love to have some of your Chhickasaw Crape Myrtle, if you have enough, Coleup. I have some Hopi tall Crape Myrtles growing close to the house. They do very well even tho I'm in Zone 6a because of the protection. I'd love the miniature to put in a pot on my deck.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Coleup - We would love to have a Black Stem if you have enough. What an interesting looking plant.

Crape Myrtles are a favorite, but we don't have enough sun for them. We have 2 volunteers potted up from the bed where our very tall one is growing. Will try to get a photo of the bloom color and also of the potted plants.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Here we go. The smaller pot is a 1 gallon. These were suckers from the main plant, not from seeds. Bloom from the main plant is in picture 2. I don't know the name.

Thumbnail by ecnalg Thumbnail by ecnalg
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Where will you be moving??? Zone 4! That is Alaska!!--or northern Canada.....

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)


I would love to have the Euphorbia if nobody else has clained it. I am trying to use it for erosion control in an area by the newly expanded driveway. Pat has also graciously offerred Euphorbia. I am also getting irises from Ruby and Obdient plants from Jill. As you can see, I am trying to get plants with strong roots and will spread gradually.

Astilbes will be most welcome too. I have compiled a long list of shrubs that perennials that can grow in shade which I have plenty of.

Thank you.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Roses and Critter,
will let you know if any stickings of Chickasaw dwarf crepe myrtle take! Bottom heat and mist system would help. Like you, Pat I don't have enough sun for crepes. The little ones are definitely worth considering as garden or container additions here and I think they are lovely just for the foliage! (An aside, can't stand the major cutting back a lot of peolpe around here do to their large crepes that leave those very bare nubbins for so long before they finally leaf out)

Sallyg and or Jill I have a wet spot that would love some siberian and japanese iris if possible

Ruby and Chantell I also have dry spots for some prickly pear pads pretty please.

Ruby. I'd like some try its of each of the day lilies you are offering.

Critter, Would love to try your climbing rose, lilac and kerria if available and either or both of your thymes if they take.

Sallyg, a Happy returns and a ruffled apricot daylily, please..

Gosh, this is better than spring seed catalogues arriving! Out to water after record heat yesterday. With this heat, bleeding hearts may disapper before the swap!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pretty shade of pink Pat. Its harder every year to fit in a new woody plant.

Donnerville! A sunny area? You may include some of my overflowing Daylily selection.Talk about strong roots and gradual spread. I'm just not quite sure of which is which until they bloom. At the rate of this spring, it will be by Swap.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gotcha coleup!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

ssgardener, I did put you down for some chicks...been missing the new posts on this thread for some reason, but I got ya covered!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Coleup can I get a white bleeding heart, please?

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

lol Gita!

Zone 4 is Burlington, Vermont where my daughter and two grandsons live (my real 'garden') Of course by the time I get there global climate change may make them zone 5 or even 6! Down here I,m already much closer to 8 than 7. Who knows??? Reserving 'visitation privileges' for any offspring plants I share!

Here we have to fill 3+ seasons of color...There it is only one. Lilacs there are phenomenal and daylilies are a mainstay of summer exuberance, and it is cool enough to be outside enjoying it. I think Id rather spend the winter inside than the long humid hot summers here huddled by the ac!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Do we need a Part Two swap discussion thread Holly?

Do I need to be keeping track of what I have requested from others or will requests be labeled with my name somehow?

Jen, I'll swap you a white bleeding heart for some stellas, please.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2012 9:15 AM

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Not a problem Coleup

You usually keep track of your own list

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Coleup, most of my cuttings are still looking good, so I'm hoping I'll have those for you!

Pat, that's such a pretty pink on that crepe myrtle. Maybe we could trade for a butterfly bush or lilac? I think you'll have more sun this year with some of those trees down.

I'll probably try to make a list of what I've asked for at some point just to simplify things on the day of the swap... but I'm also going to put people's names on the plants and hopefully be organized enough to group them into different boxes (or at least into piles as I unpack the car, LOL).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I try to keep a 'Promised" list in my Have and want post. Someone else did that first

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, day lilies are probably good for that area. It is pretty sunny there. I would love to take a few if you divide them. Dividing day lilies is no fun though. Are you sure you want to do it? I have loads of ornamental grasses in the garden, and they are overgrown and dying in the center. I just cannot deal with digging them out of the clay+rocks soil and dividing them :-(

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I did a walk-about my gardens last evening, and this is what I think I will have to share. Maybe more to add to the list later.... I'll paste this info on my reserved spot on the have/want thread.

Korean lilac 'Palibin'
Common Violet
Miscellaneous Hosta
Miscellaneous Daffodils - most are white and/or pale lemon yellow
Baptisia 'Purple Smoke' - 2 divisions
Hardy Geranium noname - 3 divisions
Phlox 'Katherine' - 3-5 divisions
Stachys 'Humelo'
Spiderwort noname
Cimicifuga - 2-3 divisions
Crested iris

So many interesting things everyone has - I need to re-read thru the chats to make my 'want' list. I'm on a quick lunch break right now, so I'll peruse when I get home. Can't wait to see everyone.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally 8^) , I'll just bring any extras along. John and Ruby gave me several really nice ones few years ago. They have been getting big. Last fall I decided that they'd be happier if divided and moved so some of that job is already done. And last summer, John gave me a huge clump of my beloved Happy Returns. I've split that too. So I have plenty if not knowing what all of the names or colors are!

Yes big grasses are tough to deal with. O I think you asked for my Bunny tails- They are not looking too good.
8 ^(

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, I am looking forward to planting day lilies and whatever else that will stop the erosion.

Bunny tail is a much cuter grass. Mine are the variegated type that have got a life of their own. I might have to dynamite them one of these days :-).

Terri, may I have a Baptisia 'Purple Smoke? I have heard that Baptisias are not easy to divide, but divisions will bloom a lot sooner than babies started from seed. I grew a few (8 seeds in a seed pack) from seed a few years back - a different variety. Last year was the 3rd year of those plants and I got 1 flower stalk. Oh well. Hope they do better this year.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2012 1:22 PM

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Aspenhill you have some choice plants also! May I request a cimicimfuga and a spiderwort very pretty please?

Both Sallys my one clump of miscanthis grass has never been divided. It is growing in 6" of soil (originally 12") in my sunniest location, an old blacktop driveway. I have to laugh because it is growing ontop of itself about 8" above where soil level would normally be. Seems happy enough, very reliable and always has one or more preying mantis eggcases on it. I use the jet spray setting on my hose to loosen and tease apart clumps of hard to divides after I have leveraged out the clumps inspring when soil is moist and the most diggable of the year.

This year being so dry, I predict that most of the beauty booty I come home from the swap with will live in containers and pots for the season

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

aspenhill, what colors are the noname hardy geraniums?

Does anyone have a hellebore? I just need 1

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Critter, may I have some of your Coral Honeysuckle? I had a nice big bush very near to our very large generator. Last year when we were without power for 4 days, the horrible exhaust from the generator killed the honeysuckle and other stuff that was near it.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Terri raising hand for Korean lilac plez n thank you

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

we are like kids in candy shops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, Sally, no kidding!

I love lilacs! I'll have a couple of good-sized ones to share one of these years... I planted out some last year that had been in pots, and I know there are at least 3 of one kind... but I don't know which ones! So, once they bloom, I can ID them, and then I'll dig a couple up and replace them with varieties I don't yet have. :-)

Aspenhill, could I please have a piece of your 'Katherine' phlox? Thanks!

I've got a "promised" list started -- I think that's a good way to keep track -- but I was just noting that I hadn't updated in a while, so if you don't see your request on it, that doesn't mean anything.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jan, could I please request one of your Hakone Grass? My mom would love it, and I know just where to put it in for her.

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