(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty amanda so it goes out later today Shirley you will be next on the list :) sunny today got to go get my day going :)
hope you get the job amanda.

Athens, PA

Oh Amanda - good luck with your interview!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks all - good news!!! - No silly, no word yet about the job - the West to East Robin is back in the air on its way to Mrs. Speed!!!

Look out for it Shirley, I'll send Susie the DC#.

Thanks for your collecting patience. There's always something to throw a girl off track. ;)


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

FYI - in my impoverished state my friendly neighborhood post man told me that it would cost only about $8 to send the package at its current weight whereas it costs 11+ in the medium flat rate box. I could have saved those 3 dollars for diet cokes and snickers bars, but I figured someone would have my hide if I didn't recycle the medium flat rate box.

Just sayin'.


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I got it!! :) The dogs are curious. I havent opened it yet - I literally just walked in the door from work. Now I have a cat wanting my lap...but she will have to wait.

Here we go!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


The cats really enjoyed the scents coming out of the West-East Robin. :D


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Robin WEST TO EAST Is on the way to MRSSPEEDS
Robin EAST TO WEST Has landed at AMANDAS
GN All

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Good luck Amanda

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

And I know why! Found the catnip seed! They like the merigold smell too. They were both nesting the the seed bag pile!

Well, Im done!! Really! Its going back in the mail tomorrow! What a GREAT selection there was!

Confirmation number to follow...thanks again!

Conf# 420979139101969000940638620236 - off to Tessa in the morning!

This message was edited Feb 8, 2012 9:22 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty for posting my goodness both robins are so close to home 2 more stops for both wonder who's guess will win & i guess i better get
on the ball & find my gift to get sent out ;)))) for the winner :)


have a great day everyone back later

Concord, NH

my cat gracie also wanted to jump in the seed box and rubbed all over the box lol well off to enjoy my b-day susan

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

The robin is flying fast...looking forward to having the box again. Usually my yard would be snow covered now, but we have had unusually warm weather. Just makes the Spring fever even worse. I've got winter sown jugs outside and lights in the basement, so being able to start gardening early this year is making it a little better. Now if only my job would require less time I could spend more time on growing flowers =)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

YES Gardenseeder - Have a great day! I wanted to thank you especially on the West-East robin that just left my house. I loved how you had your individual seed trades packaged. Such loving care. I think I need a little more patience for that. ;)

Enjoy your day!


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Who has the Robin next?

Athens, PA

happy birthday Gardenseeder!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

anita here is where they are

Robin WEST TO EAST was at AMANDAS & going to MRSSPEEDS
Robin EAST TO WEST Has landed at is about to leave steph going to ORDAIRYGIRL

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I know I need to go buy more baggies!! Thought I had more than enough, then I signed up for this robin and now I only have a few left...just have to remember where I got them...WalMart I think.. :) Its all good :)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Walmart, Michael's and Hobby Lobby all sell the baggies.
The price is pretty much the same - a penny difference I think.

Gardenseeder have a wonderful day !

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)



Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Steph, did you find the envy I put in the box for you? You hadn't
mentioned it so I thought I'd ask.

I've heard there's great shopping in Cozumel.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I did - thank you much!! :))

We did more sight seeing than shopping - although we did some. Found our favorite tequila, thats for sure :)

Concord, NH

thank you all for you birthday wishes i have a great one my wonderful husband took me out to brseakfast and then shopping i got a new pair of shoes and sneakers 2 pairs of jeans,and ordered me like 10 gardenbooks from[under 20 bucks with shipping] and a wonderful day out with my husband and he came home with a boquet of pink flowers! im a very lucky woman. a pocket book from my daughter and she took me to see the movie the vow it was wonderful she even snuck us in a bag lunch! it was great time i really got spoiled this year.and most important thank you dear lord jesus for another year. susan

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Good to hear you had a great day ;) don't ya love surprises /???
This morning after i got daddy up for the day I Went out to my little get-away & planted seeds along with transplanted seedlings :)
so much fun & very peaceful .

here is what I Planted today . DON'T ASK ME TO PRONOUNCE THEM --- HEHE I'M The type that if i like the looks of a plant i order the seeds even if i can not say the word .DUMB HUN ??? will let you know if i have luck with them or not .


Winnetka, CA

Good morning everyone! We have had lovely spring weather here in SoCal.... my hyacinths, daffodils and freesias are all up and blooming....tomatoes sprouting everywhere from my compost.... California poppies are up and budding and all my wild birds are singing, courting and making nests!! We've been in the 80's for weeks now... so all the plants think it's spring....

I am so excited to see the robin is getting close to me!!! Can hardly wait.... I agree with Ordairygirl... if only that 'pesky' work didn't derail us all from the garden!! -:)

Amanda.... best of luck on the job interview.... I know you'll make a great impression!!

Thanks Susie for putting this swap together... it's been so much fun! I'm on my way to your 'plant swap' link! Have a wonderful day everyone!


Winnetka, CA

Susie.... I have two Clivedon Beauty delphiniums growing and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them.... they are so lovely. The flowers are the softest sky blue and very cottage gardeny.... mine will bloom now as this is our cooler season and then die back when summer arrives... but meanwhile I am thoroughly enjoying them... one is in bloom and the other is just budding out as I planted it about 2 weeks later than the other. You're going to love them!

I just googled the 'black cumin'..... I'd love to grow some.... where did you find the seeds? Nancy

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

This sounds like fun. How do I participate?

Update: I have read the previous threads and I am READY to participate. I need to go get some baggies, but I have plenty of great seeds ready to go. Now, I just need to get onto the list!

This message was edited Feb 11, 2012 1:57 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

cool nancy you will be sending the robin back to me so maybe you can share some of your sunshine with me
well just the heat it is about 20* here & 5-6 in of new snow BURRRRRRR.

Albeachrealtor you have mail : save me a nice warm spot on the beach maybe i can bring the Robin to you ;)))
will get with you soon .

TESSA: Has the robin landed there yet . ??? I should go check conf# but daddy needs me for a bit back later.

Winnetka, CA

Susie... I'll do my best! -:)

You mentioned that you were looking for hyacinths... here are some of mine... purchased from Van Engelen Bulbs... maybe next year you can grab some....

These freesias smell wonderful!! Purchased at the local nursery...


Thumbnail by NF2932 Thumbnail by NF2932 Thumbnail by NF2932
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh so jealous keep sharing pic's sure can use some cheery blooms :) the hyacinths i have are the hyachin bean vines well it is starting to snow once again looks as we might get another 2-3 in on the 6 we got last night.
do you grow canna's or brugmasias out there ?

keep pics coming

Winnetka, CA

Susie.... no cannas .... although I may be planting some soon..... the brugs are grown all over the place... my neighbor (since moved) had 5 huge brugs in her front yard.... it was so pretty.

Right now I'm working on my pollinator garden to bring in the monarchs.... I have Caryopteris incana "Bluebeard", Dianthus 'Inchmery' and 'Floro pleno roseus', Incarvillea 'himalyan gloxinia', Asclepias curassavica, Cerinthe major purpurascens 'Blue Honeywart' (this one is blooming now and it's gorgeous - the hummers love it!) 5 different salvias, and two pentstemons...(one red and one purple) ... I'm hoping to buy an Iochroma 'Royal queen' to add to it. Have you ever grown one?

The Cerinthe has what the nursery called 'mottled' leaves and initially I thought it had a problem... but apparently this is how they look.... it's healthy as can be and blooming like crazy - the hummers adore it!


Thumbnail by NF2932
Athens, PA


So gorgeous. I am so envious! It is snowing now.... :(

Winnetka, CA

Soon Carolyn......glad to share...... Spring will be there before you know it.... wish you guys could pack up some of that snow to send us when it's 104 and we're fighting to keep everything alive.... it's amazing isn't it?.... when you consider all the different climates at any given time - just here in the United States.... what diversity we have... so many plants that grow in so many different climates.... I miss peonies... I grew up on the east coast and can't grow them here because it doesn't get cold enough... I have to wait for pictures from my sister-in-law every year to enjoy them!!
And lilacs... BOY do I miss lilacs!! I've been experimenting with some under a shade cloth this year... hope they do well.... I just love them.

Are the crocuses popping up yet or is it still too cold? I remember them from when I lived on the east coast and they reminded us that spring was on the way!! -:) Nancy

Athens, PA


Last Summer we were 106 for several days. Normally the heat and humidity don't bother me, but 106 was even warm for me. I remember thinking to myself that I was so glad I had put down nice thick layers of mulch.

I do have lilacs. Interestingly enough, I lived in Rochester NY for a number of years. I never went to the Lilac Festival they have in Highland Park (I was young and more interested in men!) and now, I would love to go.

Will peonies grow in your zone?

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

No box today- confirmation # says I have to wait till Monday.
Nancy- I have Caryopteris Bluebeard and my kids call it the bee plant- mine had every flower covered with bees all fall. I had actually forgot about it this last spring and it had got buried under some aggressive Golden Marguerite, when that finished flowering it made a nice size shrub.
Saw that they have the primroses out today in crocus have leaves but no flowers yet. Getting closer to Spring! Any time I get too much zone envy I try to appreciate the things that grow well here. My lilac in the back yard is 15' tall =)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OH My nancy is that called shrimp plant ??? i love the shrimp plants i have a red & yellow that are doormant right now & Hope they come back . please save me some blue ;)) blue is my favorite color of my flowerbeds :))))

nice plants. well time to go out to my place & relax with my plants back tomorrow .

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Amanda - I got it....I got it. Looked through seeds most of the day...What do I do What do I do.....not much house work done. Oh well the Robin will be on its way on Monday. Amanda how did the job interview go?

Bluespiral - thank you so much for the coleus seeds, campanula seeds & hyssopus officinalis seeds.

All the seeds from the round robins are going to be so welcomed when I get my greenhouse up and going.

Mechelle - Be on the look out.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)


Just purchased some of the Bluebeard & glad to hear they
bloom well but I know now that I'll have to put it to the north side
of the garden due to the bees ! Thanks for the info, we have a
pool for the kids (big kids that is) on the SE corner of the garden.

Yes I did say I purchased seeds & just after the swap ! I'm a
seed addict - HELP

Winnetka, CA

Susie.... I've heard of a shrimp plant, but I'm not sure if that's the same thing... anyone else know?

Carolyn.... that photo is gorgeous.... I grew up on Long Island in N.Y and spent almost every summer upstate, so I hear you about the lilacs... I just took them for granted... as you say .... interested in other things.... I didn't appreciate all the lovely apple, cherry and redbud trees either, but now I do! Peonies will grow if coddled... but not as nicely as they where they get the 'cold snap'.... I've been trying and so far have gotten a couple of plants into their 2nd years.... but no flowers and lost both to the extreme heat.... it's really a matter of finding a spot that doesn't get terribly hot and dry and that's most of my property. I grew the last one under a loquat tree and it did fantastic until a possum decided to jump out of the tree and crush it... it was never the same for some reason.... I'm trying again this year.... growing one in a pot under a shade cloth and I toss ice cubes on it once a week to keep it cool... we'll see.

Ordairygirl.... you have the right perspective.... each zone has it's aaaahhhhhsss..... I love Oregon and did a lot of oooohhhing and ahhhhing when I visited Swan Island Dahlias and Heirloom Roses. I did some more ooohhhing and aaahhhing when I visited the lavender farms in Washington state. When I lived in Florida... I really enjoyed all the tropical plants... the hibiscus and spanish moss and lovely magnolia trees...and northern California has such gorgeous trees! I miss the forsythia, maple trees and pussywillows from the east coast... and then there's Hawaii... the plumeria and the sudden rainfalls... it's all a blessing.... we're fortunate no matter where we live!

All the birds in my backyard are 'courting' today... wish I could send the birdsong to everyone.... it's so sweet!
Have a great evening all... Nancy

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Nancy Post #9003150 PIC Sure looked like a shrimp plant what is it ??? Besides LOVELY :)
what zone are you in ? if you want forsythia, I Have Plenty to share just say the word come spring :)

ALANA : Going to send you a note here soon & Then off to lay back for the night back in the morning .

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