(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

amanda Since there were some who did not take a card & we had a couple others join us so i just added everyones name into a bowl & let daddy draw out the name & it happen to be bluespiral. who's name was drawn.

well i have been sitting here all afternoon looking up seeds & all i can say is thank you all for the special seeds you shared with me I'm going out now that jim is here & time for me to go play .
back later .

(Zone 7a)

Thank you Susie - this is so cute - winning a prize - maybe I'll frame it? A pair of garden gloves from a dollar store would look nice in a frame - it would go with what used to be a kitchen table but is now overcome with potting shed decor, heehee

You asked me about my hobbies - I did have some but gardening has become my life - lemmesee, my idea of a gift ... I guess the Stars and Moon are out? truckload of fresh, steaming rabbit manure?? World Peace???

If I had a first born, I would definitely trade him/her in for a small, light bag of vermiculite. I know, this makes for a boring gift, but there's nothing like vermiculite for germinating seeds requiring warm temps without the fungal and insect problems that somehow find me if I don't use vermiculite.

Or - you can feel free to surprise me. But let's not do the truckload of manure - everything has to be handcarried up our hill, and manure weighs soooo much more than vermiculite.

lol and ty,

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

The cuttings from left to right with the leaves at the top were Camelia (a really pretty flowering plant), two of some sort of bush that attracts butterflies and smells like jasmine, and pink and purple azaleas.

Glad it made it home to its nest safe. If you want, I can take pictures of the three plants in bloom for you so you can have something to look forward to.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I just discovered vermiculite and am using it for my seed starting now too. My local nursery actually sells it in a big 3 cubic foot bag...but I chose the little bag to start with =) I bought the 20 row starter tray (can start 20 different seeds in the size of a normal flat) and have been happily transplanting up to 72 cell packs. Now I just need about 20 more lights so I can keep going in the basement. Building cold frames today, we are still getting into the teens at night occasionally but the babies can live outside in the cold frame during the day and spend their nights in the heated garage until Spring arrives.
I have a birthday coming up next week and can't think of anything "non-garden" related that I want either. Usually we go out to dinner and I go shopping. This year I told my husband I want help putting my hoop house up instead.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just got back from town betcha know what i was doing so i won't tell ya :) just came on to get a couple addresses printed up :) will try to get back on later after super .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All just wanted to let PFG 7 Bluespiral Know I sennt out their Gifts yesterday . & i have donated some seeds to our Local school 's Garden club to play around with . i know the gal who teaches the class .

going to meet with her this week to go through them :) well going to start a new chat if ya all want or we ca close it up let me kow what you would like to do .

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

New Robin! New Robin!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I ENJOY CHATTING WITH YOU ALL So that is why i'm asking if you want a new thread so we can stay in touch report onn the growth of our seeds we have traded . i will open a new thread as soonn as i have a extra mins :) got to go get lunch on .
back later

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

A new thread will be just the thing to show off the seeds I've grown from you and you and you and you and . . ...

Speaking of which - looks like I missed the Bird of Paradise. I saw a BOP from Mexico in Susie's stash I think, but apparently the one I'm thinking of is the RED BOP - the one with exotic flowers that go in floral arrangements - does anyone have this one? I'd still love to have it.

Also - while we're here - I thought I had swapped with someone last year for some lemon monarda (M. citriodora) but I can't find it either. Wah.

All this and a cat with cancer too - what's a girl to do? :P

Hope you're enjoying your day - sun's up and temp's at 68 deg. Tough life. Better get out in it.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie a new thread would be great!

Susan, are you still having your swap? I need to come check your forum.

I'm sorry about your cat Amanda. I hope your dear pet is able to recover from cancer. The red BOP sounds beautiful. I gave the orange but I would live to have the purple or white. I have never seen the red.

Athens, PA


I would like a new thread too to chat and show our seeds' progress.... I think it is an excellent idea!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(Zone 7a)

Amanda, I am sorry to hear about your cat, too, and hope she/he can recover soon and be kept comfortable in the meantime.

Ordairygirl, I love being around like-minded souls with their priorities properly aligned with gardening in first place - well said :)

Susie, guess what arrived in our mail box today??? Someone sent the most wonderful garden treats - those organdy bags with drawstrings will be perfect for saving seed from my primroses this coming summer; who ever has enough labels and glassine(?) baggies; and where did I
get the idea that if Irish Spring soap was stinky enough to repel deer, that it would repel
humans too??? great stuff! Those gloves look like they'll fight back and not get worn out so
soon. The box was so much fun today - thank you :)

ps - to all - thought you might be interested in a germination method that DG member
JonnaSudenius has developed using vermiculite -

pps - I hope this is all right - thought these kitty/pooch videos were too cute not to share - they put human territorial and pecking-order disputes into a more humorous perspective -

I have enjoyed sharing this robin with you all so much and will meetch in Susie's next thread,

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Karen. :)

I wanted to let you all know that Rick Corey has promised to send me some BOP, and I have found my lemon mint after all.

Did I say this in the other thread already? Kick myself in advance.

Feeling better this morning.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

karen so happy you like i live my the irish spring you should see my gardens I Have bars hanging in all & Now i can see blooms every year dear & Bunnies don't bother us any more :)

Amanda hope all is find saw the news last night of the storms around your way please be safe .

Rick did you forget me ???

have a great day everyone

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

My prize arrived yesterday too, and I got it last night. What thoughtful gifts! I can't wait to plant the freesia and glads. The glassine envelopes, organdy bags and labels will be a big help seed collecting in the fall. Extra gloves are always useful too, I go through them so fast. And the soap smells wonderful, I've never used Irish Spring before.

So many thanks again, Susie, for such a wonderful robin!

See you on the chat thread...


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