(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Aren't those Britches Just the cutest I Just love them :) I have been Playing today while Jim took daddy to his doctors apt .
still have some to do on them then I Will share what they are :) Alana Sure hope all is well . well off to check more forums then off to play with my crafts :)))

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

I am so excited! I can't wait for my first robin! Bring it on!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

D-mail me your address & I'll send some out to you.

Still no answer to my question about the orchid seeds?
I'll google & see what general procedures to do for growing.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm sorry cris I guess i missed your question I don't know anything about orchids so hope you find an answer online .
we its about time to go wake daddy for the day so you all have a great day I will check back in later today .

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

Quote from Cris316 :
D-mail me your address & I'll send some out to you.

Still no answer to my question about the orchid seeds?
I'll google & see what general procedures to do for growing.

If there are orchids that grow from seeds, sign me up! I want as many orchids as possible! I love them!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Cris, was asking who included the Orchid seeds in the Robin and what kind of seeds they were.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Evening all
well have been playing with or in my cement making many type of things :) here is two of my
??? not so sure yet , they have been fun to do & In BTW them I Have been planting some seeds
Just fixing me some hot water then its off to watch some news ya all have a great evening .

Thumbnail by deejay9
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Those are beautiful. Did you paint them? Awesome

Winnetka, CA

Good morning Susie,

The robin landed in Winnetka yesterday.... last stop before coming home from the west coast! I got home a little after 10pm so I have just now sat down and opened it up. Since Monday is a holiday I will try to get it back in the air on the way home to you on Tuesday at lunchtime or after work. I will send the tracking # to you once it's sent. Looking forward to a a nice sit down with the seeds today!

Have a good day all.


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)


Those plates are gorgeous - I'm so very impressed.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

just cutouts from my dream books & Deco podged on them :)once dry spray with clear shine its been fun going to do a few rocks today i hope .
gotta get daddy ready for church back later

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

The Robin has landed...but I didn't get it til late tonight. Plus it is mardi gras, and quite frankly, other than being excited about the fact that it is here, I don't know that I could successfully (that is a lot of double letters in successfully) go through the seeds and actually make sense of any of it. Susie (deejay) you are loved. There are a lot of envelopes addressed just to you! I should have it on the way Thursday or does it go next? To you Susie? Let me know for sure!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes Emily It Comes Home to me so I Can Get My Planting Done :)))) ☺☺☺ Oh I ♥♥♥♥ to be ♥♥♥♥♥
Have Fun @ Mardi Gra . gotta go get some rest . back tomorrow

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

I am loving going through this Robin! So much fun. I have a lot of work to do in the morning to find out exactly what I am going to keep. I do have a few questions:
How do you get seeds from a Hibiscus?
What is the deal with the Uber toxic beans?
Are the sweet potato pumpkin pie pumpkins as good as they sound?

Since I am starting from scratch, how do you all keep track of all of these seeds? Daunting for me!

Winnetka, CA

Susie - the 'second time around east to west' robin is headed your way.

The DC# is 03102010000099150421 - I sent it after work - close to 4:30ish my time.
Seems like the flight home guess is going to be close - PFG 2/24/12 & Carolyn 3/2/12... good luck!

This robin has been a lot of fun... I really enjoyed it... thanks Susie for getting the ball rolling and thanks everyone else for all the lovely seeds!! Happy Spring gardening my friends!! Nancy

Thumbnail by NF2932
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I've been watching... Winning would be quite a birthday gift! I guess now its up to the USPO to see who gets it. Either way I loved being in this robin, so many thanks to Susie and everyone who contributed. I'm starting things now and gloating over all the special goodies I would never have gotten any other way.

I wish I could join the plant swap, but it seems very hard to coordinate since we're not there all the time. Also I have an odd mix of huge established plants and lots of babies I've recently bought, started, and divided -and divided again -as I renovate this very old garden. Maybe next year, when some of them have filled in more...

Happy planting!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM Gee hard to believe they are about home . i Hope everyone found lots to try .
Thank you nancy , & Yes it looks as PFG is going to be our winner when the 1st robin lands back Home :)

So guess i better find her gift but for now i have to go get daddy ready for the day ;)
back later

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

I am learning so much! I had no idea that those "pods" that we were snapping off of our hibiscus flowers were seed pods. Amazing!

Some of the seeds (like the calla lily regal from mrs speeds garden) say that they don't produce seeds. If that is so, what am I looking at?

I can't find any info on the purple liantris from diamond gig

There was a bag of Loquats, with no other information. Anyone have a clue?

Another bag just labeled Tree Okra from Spring Trade. Ideas?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

im just type the name into google that is the best sight to give you the best info on all types of seeds .
then you know if it will grow in your area .

I just planted all my calla seeds yesterday so i will let ya all know how they do . I also planted some daylily seeds this last week & already have sprouts.

well i have to finish the wash , & whenn jim gets home i need to go to town so ya all have a great day .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Here's some info on the liatris
Gayfeather Liatris squarrosa Height 24-30 spacing 15-20 Full sun, blooms in summer,
Drought Resistant once established, Wildflower (self seeds), Perennial, 25 days to germinate.

Took pods off my calla's last year and potted them once dry. Have yet to see any
signs of life but will let you know.

Susie, you must be itching to get your hands on some seeds !

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Cris, and actually my name is Emily...I am ALbeachrealtor because I am a realtor on the beach in Alabama. :) Thanks for the info on the liatris!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Cris for that info in Liatris.

Emily, those seeds are fresh from my garden. Those are very easy to winter sow. Those put out a ton of seeds and are easy to grow. The plants I havre get north sun. I don't have any pictures but I think they had blooms until late summer.

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

Are you ready to get this one back? I am putting it in the mail today. I am trying to figure out how to get the cuttings I did for you into the box. It is pretty packed. Is there anything that you know you don't want/need in the box that I could remove for you and make some room? I have also organized it a little bit better than it was when it arrived to me. I have edibles in one back and flowers in another. Additionally, I put the MGs in one bag (still separated into their own baggies, but in one larger ziploc) and I did the same with the Hibiscus'. I also tried to attach the lilies together, the cone flower in one group, the marigolds etc.
I have loved going through the seeds and even found some that my mom (in Indiana) wants to try.

Let me know. I have pink and purple azalea for you, a white camilia (flowering bush/tree), and something that smells like jasmine, but it is a bush with pretty white flowers. The butterflies and hummingbirds love it!

Baby is crying. Talk to you soon!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all
Emily you have mail . Looks as robin EAST To WEST Will land Here today so PFG is going to be the lucky winner . going to go work on her Pressie :)
Back later today .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

No Robin today for it was sent to three rivers Mich by Mistake so they say it should be here tomorrow .
So Looks as PAM/ PFG------FEB 24 TH is right on with her guess :)) CONGRATS Well i hope The Robin will be here tomorrow :) will keep ya posted . Well I'm off to make up some more cement stones :)))
back in the morning

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

This is right down to the wire, isn't it! I hope you get it tomorrow, Susie. Sweet dreams, everyone. Pam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

were are in the snow storm going through so will let you know if & when it arrives .

going to get started on a special gift today .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie, which way is the snow moving? I'm praying it skips over us. I have some traveling to do over the next few days. I was hoping not to have to drive on the highway in the snow. LoL I was driving in the rain last and I could not see a thing! LoL

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well the Robin is on its way Back to the Post Office for my mailman could not get up our drive well if he had tried he could have but he did not . So Now I have to wait till tomorrows mail & then meet him at the mail box .

so sorry but Pam You will still get the Gift :))) . well i need to go into the house with daddy for awhile so have a great afternoon .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

JUST COULD NOT WAIT ANY LONGER . @4pm I Called Joyce @ The P O & Told her I was going to pick up the Box so I Drove out of my snowy driveway main roads were all good & got the robin brought it home had to fix super then i came out & was going through the robin ty all & I Plan to start planting a few of them this weekend was just looking up some so i will know if they will grow here or not .

So Pam You win & I will try to get your prize out to you on monday if we don't get more snow over the weekend . :) Now Off to look up more of them :) GN All

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Congrats to you Pam !!

Susie, at least you have all those luscious seeds to go through
while there is now on the ground. Think SPRING !!

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Whoopee!!!! Lucky me!!! The birthday that kept on giving!

Susie, if those boxes are anything like they were when I had them, you'll have to build another house to start everything in! I just got my shelves up in the window in the city again, and have a few things going... So far just geraniums and perennials. Last year I started too early and everything got too big before April when we opened the house and I had more space so this year I'm holding off. But it sounds
Ike you're way ahead of the game already...

Happy planting!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

there was lots of goodies & way more the i will ever use so i have offered to share them with a few New members of DG as soon as i get mine out Just waiting on robin 2 to get home on monday .

we have about ins of new snow not as much as predicted very nice winter.

back later .

Concord, NH

good job pfg!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

question someone shared some beans cannot make out the name on them but says TEE PEE ???
can someone tell me the type of beans they are .
also thank you STEP For the great seeds :) you all are very generous.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Everyone was so generous!
Wouldnt it be fun to all meet in one place with all our seed and just go crazy sharing?!?! :)
Now I just have to wait until it warms up to get them in the dirt!
Thank you again Susie! You did a great job on this one!

Athens, PA


Thank you for hosting the robin - it was so much fun! You always do such a wonderful job with these robins.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty carolyn there wasn't much knew variety as i would have thought but thats ok i have plenty of seeds to plant as it is . & hope to have many new from my gardens to share again next fall .

ok just waiting for daddy to get off the phone The he will draw a name from the bowl & we will see who wins the 2nd prize :


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ROBIN WEST TO EAST HAS LANDED JUST CAME THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR ALL IS GREAT HAVEN;T WENT THROUGH IT ALL YET . but so far there was two very nice towels for me & I found seeds envies from bluespiral , ansonfa, & Alana & in the robin was 5 cuttings looking great emily the black marker sorta smugged so not sure what you had wrote on them but that is ok ty so much for sharing i'm taken them out to get them into rooting hormone is there a special soil they like better ??? i have mira gro potting mix .

still waitig for brother to get home so i can go back out to my place & play :) but for now will thumb through the robin .


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I've been missing for a while so I may have missed it Susie, but the cards with the numbers in them that we were supposed to pull from the stash - what was that for?

Loved the robin - both of them. Thanks so much I will be looking for this next season. :)


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