San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

What happens to the seed in the boxes when they finish? Do you all divvy it up or have you put together list of wants for the end?

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

DH bday celebration last night. So now my time is dedicated to the Robin. Can't wait for it to arrive - should be here today or tomorrow. I'm so ready. We finally have a bit of winter so I have been winter sowing. My first year so who knows what I'll end up with but it is such a mood lifter in these non gardening months. Happy Gardening!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Momr , as minn said there is usually just one robin , but this time was 2 so yes there are more seeds i started them both with the same amount of seeds about 200 pks ea ,

i just ask everyone to take what they can use & add any thing that is not already in the robin.
if you do not have anything different Don't worry about putting in .

as for what is in there i have no idea when they get back here i will go through them remove what i can use , any extra's i will share with others who would like any

well daddy is 99 today he has been signing all morning . except while eating his oatmeal :)
ya all have a great day

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I forgot to mention last years robin someone added some PURPLE COTTON Seeds So far I think 4 out of 6 have sprouted will keep you updated on them.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Purple Hyachin vine growing well Coral vine Just popping out of the soil & To The Right is Purple Cotton I Just had to try :)
just had to share :) OH & I have a Tomato Plant popping up :) Not sure witch one yet . planted three type :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
northeast, IL(Zone 5a)


If your cotton does well, and you have seeds to share next fall, I would love to try some!! It sounds neat!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

will do deb Will put you on the list right now & How I Don't loose the list :) got it on my 2012 Fall list :)

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday to your Dad. Wow it must be some kind of feeling to be 99. I hope everyone can make it, including me, if we are allowed so much time. Centurion is just around the corner! whoo whoo!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

thank you for answering Susie. You must be overwhelmed when the box gets to you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

not really just enjoy what i can try new & share the rest that is whats nice now the East box is going to be out your way this next month & if you would like to join us just send me your name & address & give me some idea as to where you are between
# 18 ORDAIRYGIRL---org
# 19 NF2932 ----cal
i can put you in . & be happy to do so . just say the word ;)

ORDAIRYGIRL sure hope your not snowed in or flooded out . haven't heard from ya let us know ok ???
well off soon to take maragert to her eye apt , & then to the train station so you all have a great day .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I knew the Robin was going to show up today. I was so disappointed when I went to the mailbox and nothing was there. As I reached the end of my street, the mailman turned the corner! I pulled a u-turn in the middle of my street, then drove back down to my house and backed into the driveway. Once the mailman made it to my house I was dancing next to my mailbox. I was not able to check out the contnt but at least the box is here!!! LoLI will be able to go through it and get it to the PO by Saturday. I can hardly wait to get home!!!!

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

DH brought the mail home and the Robin has landed. As soon as we eat I will be busy.....seeds dancing in my head....can't sing and too excited to worry about it. I will let you know when it leaves. It's a really heavy box!!!!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I would love to join in, but after I mail my SSS box, I'm tapped out for a few months. I already plan on being apart of the next one. I have really enjoyed watching this. And I've been caught dancing next to my mailbox a time or two myself. My mail lady finds it funny.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty for the Up-date ladies Just sit back & Enjoy :)))
These Robins are about NECK & NECK Now :)

AS I SAID If You have Nothing New to add do not feel you have to add Just take what you can use .
well off to get caught up . ya all have a good evening .

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

three more...THREE MORE!!! Doin the couch wiggle :)

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

George (ansonfan) the Robin is leaving here and heading to your house in the morning and there is Pink Fuzzy Bean in there!!!

Susie I will send you the confirmation number.

There are a lot of seeds and I was trying to be reasonable but I think I still got carried away. What fun. I was disappointed that I had to look up some of the same ones that I looked up with the last Robin.

Susie this has been so much fun, thank you!!!

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

We have actually had a very mild winter. It snowed a little last week and some today. Our ski resorts in Idaho (I live 5 miles from Idaho border) just opened last week, latest opening on record. I'm afraid it is going to try and make up for it this Spring. I've been lurking on a daily basis, just forget to post very often. Very excited to see the box again!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

My older sister live out in Viola IDAHO Just talked to her sunday & She said they had like 5ft driffs Our snow is gone after the rain the other night .
WOW Donna you was Quick :)) ty for the up-date Heads up George you may have it by SATURDAY :))
well time to sign off for the night you all have a great evening .

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Karen, (Bluespiral) thank you for my goodies. You sent several that I had on my want list for quite a while. Thank you for your generosity.

Susan (Gardenseeder63) some day I want to be as organized as you. The way you had your seeds labeled and stapled together was so easy to see and take a pack if you wanted. Good job and thanks for sharing.

We are having a little cold snap here and I feel safe to start winter sowing with my new stash of seeds.

Thanks to everyone for sharing.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Susie and George, the confirmation number is 0310 2010 0000 9915 0254
with a guaranteed delivery by Monday.
Well, says the nice little lady, they don't count Friday and Saturday in their guaranteed delivery. I'm not sure why and she didn't know.
I asked if it would be any different if I took it to a main PO, 15 miles away and she said NO, don't waste your gas.

Why did I shoo my family away after supper so that I could devote time to the Robin if it is just going to sit in the PO for 3 days? Yes, I'm a little steamed.

George, the lady said that we could "hope" that the box is delivered Saturday :)

I gave it my best and honestly the Robin is full and bulging with wonders. I had a great time with it.


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a) is getting close to me. I think I am more excited about getting in on the tail end of West to East than I was the first time...maybe because I am beginning to sow. Fun stuff!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I know you all are excited to get the Robin. If there is anyway i can get it to the PO before Saturday I will I promise. With my job I am not close to a PO and the PO is either not open when I go into or closed when I get off from work. I have the box packaged up and ready to go, so Saturday morning she will be on her way!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Anita that is not a problem the robins are moving along pretty good faster then expected :)
time to get super going then i hope jim will be back so i can go out to the house I've been in here with daddy alday
well ya all have a great evening i'll be back later

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you thank you Donna. I'm really excited to get that robin here. I haven't been online today, I have been steaming carpets all day and I'm bushed, but I knew I'd better check in to let you know I'm here. Saturday would be great, but Monday's ok too. It still feels like christmas don't it :).
I look forward to diving in and by then I hope the house is all back together. I'm starting to love wood floors more and more.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Anxiously waiting!! These boxes are moving quickly!!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Considering my guess of a March finish date these Robins are
really flying around. On one swap a few years ago my guess was
way to early. Now I'm weeks over the finish line :(

(Zone 7a)

To the two folks down the line from me in the West to East robin - George and Alana - I've sent you two a dmail & cmail respectively.

Donna - you're welcome - sometimes when so many things are going wrong, if just one small thing goes right, it can make a huge difference. Well, nevermind what's going wrong for me, but just know your thank you made my day.

Concord, NH

thank you bigtrot for your kind words i really tried, blessings susan

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I forgot to thank you for the dish towels. My gosh they are so cute
and fit in really well with my winter-time accessories. I'll try to post
a picture when I find my camera.

Athens, PA


Your'e very welcome. I was glad you liked them. I neglected to thank my benefactor for the linen towel as well...... Thank , Susan.

This robin(s) have been so much fun!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

HAPPY TO HEAR EV1 IS ENJOYING THE ROBINS ,I have been working on my Gift box for the winner of who comes closest to
when the robin lands back here @ my front door sure hope he brings spring weather with him :)

we got about 2 in 's of new snow last night & this morning windy is whirling it around like a sand storm but the sun is out & beauty full
on the new snow :).
its about time to get lunch on for daddy I have been going through a couple new seed books i got in the mail this week bad bad bad
i just hope i can keep my fingers from going on line to the web sites please tell me not to do that .

i found some new unusual type of seeds i would like to try ayone heard of these or have you planted them ?
not sure of spelling on these .
strawberry spinach
pineapple sangria
pride of madiera (ECHIUM)
nemesia Danish flag
verbena blue lagoon
hulk aster been wanting this one for log time our stores do not carry them.
well daddy is hungry so will check back later .

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow Donna you did it! The robin has landed in NC!. I was really surprised, didn't expect it until Monday.
So I better get at it, I want to get to the PO Monday morning to get this thing airborne again.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh George bet e know what your goig to be doing today :)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

The Robin left my house this morning. She is enroute to Deb's house. I will dmail the confirmation #

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty anita I will up-date the top

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Anxiously waiting!!


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Haven't even heard of strawberry spinach but it sound really good.
Let me know how it turns out :)

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Well, looks like I should be home for the robin. We have been traveling to Fl and back home since the 17th. We are in Mobile, AL, for the nite. Plan to be home next Wednesday. Then leaving again the following Tuesday to FL again...this time with my mom and sister. Will be gone about 2 weeks again.

Yes, these robins are going VERY fast!!! This is the fastest one I have ever been a part of. Way to go, everyone!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yep Your Next Deb should be there about Monday :) & Shirley You will Proble rec about WEDS Or Thursday :)
Putting tonight have a few seeds soaking for the night so that I Can plant them tomorrow .
Going to plant a few Vines tomorrow also DBL Blue Pea vine , Dutchman Pipe Vine , & Painted Lady Runner bean ,
anyone ever planted these ?? Is there a trick to them or are they easy to do ?? Should they be soaked ???

or should they set is a cold area for a few days ?? any info will be helpful .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

George - will you send the West Robin to me next? Now that Karen has packed the box with seeds for me I have to default on my vow of poverty.

Susie - would that be okay?


Sorry to be such a wishy-washy - but like you all, I'm a sucker for seeds. ://


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