(Zone 7a)

Hi Susie, sorry to say the West to East robin has not landed. Here's what the confirmation tracker has to say:

Status of Your Item Date & Time Location Features

Processed through USPS Sort Facility
January 19, 2012, 9:53 am
Delivery Confirmation™

Depart USPS Sort Facility
January 18, 2012

Processed through USPS Sort Facility
January 17, 2012, 6:27 pm

The USPS is a real ball of fire, ain't it?


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Think The same thing happened with the east robin with someone so it should be any day now :)

all is well I Might not be on as often for a few days been getting ready for my dads 99 th b-day parthy
but i will try to get in to check see if i have mail but may not be able to post on the forums we will see how it goes .
ty all

(Zone 7a)

Susie, congratulations to your Dad on his 99th birthday - hope it'll be a very special day for you all. The changes he has seen in his lifetime must be very interesting, to say the least.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

God Bless him 99 ! I'm sure his lifetime has been a real
whirlwind of new experiences.

I mean look how the internet and cell phones have changed
the way of life in the past 15 years. Never mind that I remember
black & white TV lol

May he celebrate many more & have the good health to
enjoy them !

Concord, NH

wow happy birthday dad!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

We Hope he makes the SMUCKER JAR :) got to spend the day getting ready for the open house nothing huge or I don't think it will be for we're not sure how the weather will be . fingers crossed it will be bright & Sunny :)
snow fall 3-6" tonight they say .

Karen we will hope your robin will land today :) you all have a great day will check back when i take a break :))))


(Zone 7a)

The box has landed and now we don't have to parachute down our hill to get to the mailbox tomorrow midst predicted ice storms :) I haven't peeked yet. Am I the only granny-aged gardener who devolves into a 2-year over this kind of thing?


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm NOT A Granny But I Love to sit & wonder through all the types of seeds :) Any one have any Passion vines or cork screw vine seeds ?
good to here KAREN Bet We Know What your going to be Doing & ITS NOT ICE SKATING :))))

I Just Got word that The other ROBIN Will be Landing TOMORROW we hope :)

Findly I Can sit back tonight get caught up here While Enjoying My Hot Toddy for the night:)ya all have a safe weekend
3-6 In of snow falling here tonight :)

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm hoping to have corkscrew vine soon. I made a trade with another gardener in Africa and my fingers are crossed that it makes it through customs. I want them so bad I can taste them. Got the lattice today for them, so I'm using positive thinking. Intend to do everything I can to get them to seed next year.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Awww Susie, I looked through your want list & all I
could find was daylilies. I'm sure Somewhere I have
some Passion Flower "Incense" seeds. I'll hunt them
up & get back to you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Would like to try a few new vines this year thought if i could start them indoors they should have a good chance to bloom this summer :)
all i need is a couple 3 of each to see if they will grow for me . ty all .

well my doors are frozen shut again this morning brother here for the recue its open so will try to get back on later have a great weekend
be safe

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I have pink fuzzy bean if anyone is interested...

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Steph I would love a few seeds to the pink fuzzybean. Can we trade for something?
Susie I wish you would send some of that snow down our way. I can't even get in the mood to wintersow, its supposed to be in the 60s here today.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Susie and Cris,
The box was just delivered by our mailman, who is also our neighbor, and he asked my DH who was out snowblowing so the MM could get INTO the driveway, what is it with you guys and all the boxes???!!!!!! My DH told him - " from things on the internet"!

My Grand-daughter has a basketball game this afternoon - grades 4 and 5 girls - so I will not get to open it up and work on it until a bit later. Gives me something to look forward to HE HE HE.

PS Also got a new seed catalog today. I'm in heaven!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Not ashamed to tell you grand-lady aged ladies (and gents) that middle aged generation X ladies get that way too over a box of seed. :D

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Have 4 NEW Seed & Flower books maybe more So i have been throwing out last years :) well its been a very busy day getting ready for tomorrow & This old lady is ready for a break so brother is frying Fresh Blue Gills for daddys super so i can sit back for awhile .
so if you all for give me I will lay back for an Hr or so .
back later

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Sure George. I can send you some. Anything else you'd like from my list as long as I am sending?

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I usually cut pics of the seeds I have already from the old
catalog and either plan my garden or stick them in the
little baggies so I can find them easily when I'm hunting
through a 100+ of the same looking packages.

Just a thought if you haven't already thought of it.

Glad you got the box Linda, didn't I tell you it was bulging?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

cris that is a great Idea I Will start doing that will go get the old seed books out of the recycle bin TY saves on PRINTER INK Also
cool . ty ty for sharinging that great Idea .

OH What a LONG DAY So HAPPY IT IS OVER So So Many People in one small Place I need to lay back for awhile to get my thoughts will try to get back later or in the Morning .


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Your welcome Susie. Glad you & Dad had a great day. Its a
nice way to become exhausted :)

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Yes you did warn me, Cris. It was a really full box. Thanks so much for a pretty towel. The colors in it are perfect for my kitchen. I love it!

I'm all sorted and ready to repack. I need to find a new box so that I can get the Robin back in flight. I hope the local PO has the correct size box when I stop tomorrow. On to Anita next. Are you ready to have some fun, Anita?


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Did the robin leave PFG on January 14th like it says up top? Just wondering where it happened to. Anybody know?

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Bluespiral - Karen received it on the 20th according to her post. I know
it gets dizzying sometimes trying to read them all.

My family all go to bed early so I have to tell someone or I'll burst.
My daughter Liz works at Foxboro Stadium & was one of the employees
chosen by random drawing to go to the SuperBowl ALL expenses paid !!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Cris: I'm here and I hear you!!!

That's awesome! Hope she gets on camera and you can see her!!!


San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)


Athens, PA

Wow Cris! That is great!

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Congrats to your daug Cris. I know thats a pretty expensive prize! A trip of a lifetime.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

How exciting Cris! I hope she enjoys Indianapolis. It's a fun town. While she's there hopefully she can check out the Circle Center mall and Buccas, if she likes italian food.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM To all as of JAN 20th The WEST TO EAST Robin had Landed @ Bluespiral / Karen's Home So She should be Posting soon as to rather she has sent it on to BIGTROT /Donna Or Not as of yet I Have not heard back. so Hope that maybe we will hear something today .

Now as For The EAST TO WEST Robin It has Left Igrowinpa/ Linda's On Jan 23 rd On Its way to
Diamond9192001 / Anita's & should land maybe today or tomorrow.

Did I Mention also I Do not exspect you to put into both Robins ONLY Into the 1st robins that you recieve
but if you have special pks for others after you then you may include them .

well i have findely caught up with my self I Hope since things are not so hecktive Now that daddys party is over thank you all for watching out for the robins with me :)

well you all have a save & Fun day I will be back later

Concord, NH

oops i put a big bunch in both robins lol oh well happy to share,susan

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

That is fine but i should have explained that you would not have to off to play in plaster this morning :)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

lol Susie, fine time to tell us we didn't have to put seeds into 2 Robins.
Since they were going to different people I actually split the seeds I had
to put into both.

Anita, from what Liz says its going to be a pretty whirlwind tour. They fly
out Sunday morning, go to the hotel to check in, gather in a hospitality
suite to be whisked off to the stadium. After the game - win or lose there
is a party with the players. Back to the room, then a flight out Monday
morning. Go Pats !!! I'm so excited for her !

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry cris It is trully my fault for not posting that & I Should have but with Holidays , weather , sickness ,& No other Good Excuse I just didn't think about it , Seems as some one sent me a private email & Ask me that & I was going to post it , & I do not remember if i had or not . Soso sorry .

BIGTROT / Donna Have you rec'd the robin yet ???? Just waiting for my Plaster to dry trying to make a few Stones for my garden this spring :) got to go pick up a bag of cement , so you all have a great day .

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Cris, I'm excited for your daughter!!! I am not cheering for the Patriots, though. I'm cheering for Eli, our Manning brother.

Does anyone have any Lantana seeds in the Robin? Does anyone have sowing experience with Lantana?

(Zone 7a)

The West to East robin has flown to BigTrot today - by the seat of DH's pants - he skidded into the line snaking out the post office door just before 5:00 pm with Ye Boxe - confirmation #0310 2010 0000 9915 0261. It was close - I added 52 flower packs - 41 from the wish lists or my intuition of BigTrot, AmandaESQ, mrsspeedsgarden & Deejay9 (my brain is mush right now, bear with me for not using real names) - plus 11 for everyone to share, in which hopefully there will be enough for the rest of y'all down the line from me.

I couldn't finish Ansonfan's & Poisondart's in time to mail the box today, so will send seeds to those two separately - still waiting on a couple of things anyway.

By now, I realize I didn't have to add seeds, but these were special seeds that I knew some of you wanted - and isn't part of the fun to play Seedy Santa? Where else can Santa get Seedy, anyway?

Although I didn't find anything for myself in the box, I enjoyed going through it - love the mystery & suspense.
Susie, sounds like your Dad's birthday party was a "rousing" success - good for you.

Congratulations, Cris, on your daughter's upcoming adventure - if there's ever a good time of the year for excitement and fun, it's certainly now during winter doldrums.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Karen How could you get it closed with all of that :) ??? :)))) Sounds as Donna May have to put up a soft landing Pad for that robin or get the tread mill ready for him :) .

Golly Hard to Believe that the WEST Robin is almost Home Just 4 more stops & The East robin has only 6 more stops .
well off to play cards for a bit ya all have a great evening .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone for your expressions of delight at my daughters good fortune.

Anita thats ok not to root for the Pats. I'm not a fan of football period -
I'm a hockey, baseball gal.

Last year I grew Lantana from seed & it was pretty darn easy. They
came up beautifully & the butterflies loved it. If you don't find Lantana
in the swap I can send you some seeds which I couldn't find at the
time to include in the stash.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I have a question? I've been following this thread for a while to learn how the Robins work and I just had to many times does the robin go around? What happens to all the seed that is bursting out of the boxes? I'm guessing that the boxes gain more seed than they started out with right? My brain is swirrling...I have a cold so I'm blaming my lack of being able to understand on that.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

monkeymomr - this one had two boxes - 19(?) people. One starts on one end and travels down the line, the other started at the other end and went up the line. Usually - there is only one box and it goes one way, then back to the originator.
This one has been AWESOME albeit a bit hard to track at times. We are all loving it, are we not?!?!

Its almost to me!! Just to clarify though - am I not supposed to put seed in the second time around? I thought that is what I read. Just want to make sure. I do have it ready if need be - and if someone after me wants something specific, I will absolutely put it in.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I did love how this went around although I understand the
headache it was for Susie, our moderator. Susie you are
doing a wonderful job. I get excited when Other people get
the box cause I know just how chock full of goodies it is :)

Minnesippi, I believe that is what was said.

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