Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

YAY! Can't wait. ;)


(Zone 7a)

Alana, I like wild plants too, but my gardeners have all fled the castle and there's no one to pull dandelion roots for me lololol.

Anyhoo, dandelions do have a certain beauty - Durer, 1503 -

And did you see this in last year's North American Rock Garden Society ( )seed list? -

2803 Taraxacum albidum white 30cm 212
2804 Taraxacum faeroense yellow flr/black lvs 15cm 212
2805 Taraxacum pamiricum white 10-15cm 80

fyi - the seed list at goes up this December 15, and it's not too late to join. They profess to prefer alpines, but really, they are paradise for many different habitats and garden styles - including cottage gardens. I hope they never change.

Alana, you must have a fascinating garden to be populating it with white dandelions. How do/would you grow them? I know these are very economically useful plants - I can imagine a permaculture type of garden where these would be at home...or an old-time physik/medicinal garden. Are you growing or working on creating anything like that?

Amanda & George - you too really know how to build suspense.

Trying very hard not to tease Alana about white-flowered kudzu,

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Ah Karen! Thank you! I have never paid the slightest attention to NARG. I have two types of drainage in my garden; none, and next to none. The result is clearly unwarranted tunnel vision on my part. As soon as I have 30 minutes to really examine that website I am going to dig in.

My garden is messy and unabashedly loud and overblown, but to my familiar eye it has little themes. One vignette is "A Spellcaster's Botanique". No serious Sorceress should be without one.

Kudzu? Kudzu smothers my area. It has encroached on and obliterated some beautiful natural stands of Lobelia cardinalis, Echinacea tenesseeinsis, and many other species, very close to my home. Last summer I slowed down to see if a motorist pulled to the side of the road was someone I could help and found not a stalled vehicle, but a photographer documenting the bizarre and evocative shapes of trees and shrubs shrouded in it's green veil. She was spending her summer studying it's habit. We are sworn enemies, Kudzu and I, despite the deceptive pureness of it's blossom.

This message was edited Dec 6, 2011 8:58 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

alana is this what you are chatting about lost ya from dandelions to KUDZU

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Susie, that is it exactly. Those malevolent creatures are the stuff of nightmares.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

don't know as we have that here thank goodness for we have many other creepers to get a handle on :( as like dandellions funny when i started out in gardening over on another site few yrs back there were many members who would sed me email asking for the dandelion plants , I i was in a group trade one time where a lady sent me the plant well not to hurt her feelings i just through it into the burn barrow .

we also have BURDOCKS here oh my what a mess if the go to seed. well I just finished 8 mini loafs of PUMPKIN CARROT BREAD MMMM
Good so daddy says he is my taster :) now to get my rest till my brother gets home with my Mincemeat ,
ya all have a great day .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

FYI - you'll pay a lot of money for a bunch of fresh dandelion leaves at an organic food store. They are very nutritious!

I have saved seed from my front lawn this season for my green iguana, Rita, because these greens have many of the nutrients she needs for good health. So THERE!!!


p.s. This is NOT a seed I will be putting into the Robin. :P

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

She sure is pretty A :)
I used to have 21 lizards (yes, all at once - along with 3 snakes, rats, mice and crickets). Now I just have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 (available ) kittens and the kids...I think that's enough.

Athens, PA


I just love Rita - how big is she?

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Amanda, does that thing come with a saddle? I admire anyone who collects reptiles, but I have to keep them in my dreams. They give me more than my share of cold chills there hehe.
I do love the mod sharpies though! I have a collection of those myself. Thats my weakness - office supplies oooohhhh.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

When I still had my iguana I'ld put him on his lease and take him from one yard to the next to eat the dandilions. Best dandilion control ever. Robyn

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well i just got home I looked at my cell & Saw that anita had called to say robin landed at her post office & She will pick it up tomorrow when she gets off work & will ltry to get it back into mail by thursday when she has to be back to work .

WOW These robins are Really Flying theyt might be home by NEW YEARS :) HEHE NOT .

No REPS Here i cannot handle seeing a snake or it is in my dream & I Hate that . well it is time for me to sit back & Get tuned into the world news ya all have a great evening .

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

See?! I knew not everyone disparages dandilion! One summer Court fed poor Rita burdock. Turned out it was not on the list of good good stuff for her, but I was traveling for work and had no idea. Fortunately she showed no long term problems. ;)

The picture above was taken in spring 2009 so she is a fair amount larger. Saddle and other accessories not included (that's part of the fine print). At the time I thought the Sharpie would help for size comparison, but as the years pass it becomes less helpful. I think right now she's lost weight because of the egg-laying behavior (they stop eating) but typically between 6-7 lbs and about 40" long.

Steph - you got me beat - Court used to have bullfrogs which he would feed with crickets until I outlawed the practice. Then I happened into a pair of breeding hissing Madegascar cockroaches - what fun!!! Could not fathom feeding small mammals, though this past spring I brought in a dead bunny as a gift to a rescued Crow in my living room. Yes Yes, freakish, I know. But the look on my neighbor's face when she came in and saw that was priceless - I have never seen her speechless. :D

Well, I worked myself into such a frenzy over the thought of the Robin landing here today that I ended up with a migraine and had to sleep most of the afternoon away. Hate that, but the headache is gone, and no Robin. :/

Maybe tomorrow!!! :D


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Cross-post. This one's for you, Susie. :D

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Oh no! Amanda. Calm down ;) (I want it back - and do it again and again though, so I cant really tell you to calm down now, can I?!) Lol.
This is so much fun. I want to do it over and over again...not that I have the time - I just love seeds & gardening and it is something to look forward to when it is 14* outside...

Hope your headache is gone - and stays gone. It will be there...dont fret :)

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

14 degrees? Yikes! You need more than seeds in that kind of weather.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

bluespiral - do you have a "want" list? When the Robin leaves here I thought I'd look and see if I had anything that you would like...........can't find your list. Want to help me out with some hints? Donna

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Blah. No sign of the Robin today. Only wrens and jays.


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Amanda I wonder if this is due to changes they are making in the USPS. It should have arrived by today, but that means you should definitely have it by tomorrow.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Changes (according to my news anchor) dont take effect until next spring...
If it went through the Memphis area (or there abouts) it would have probably gotten delayed. They got 4" of snow. LOL!!
They've gotten more snow than MN so far this year!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

You know, GEorge and I could have met halfway and it'd only have been a couple of gallons of gas. ;)

(Zone 7a)

Donna - thank you for asking about my seed wishes. Since Amanda may not get the box until tomorrow, Thursday, at the earliest, at this point, I hope it's okay if I hold off until Friday getting back to you on that. The headache gremlin has struck here too grrr. But my seeds are ready to add to the box any time.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes it should have been there today but looks as it will be tomorrow for sure . & Don't worry about getting it back out till Monday if you need.

Processed through USPS Sort Facility
December 07, 2011, 5:56 am

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Crazy. O well. In the meantime I have a cat to look for. Don't know how, but this one may be on the loose. You can see from the photo he tends to be trouble. In this pic, he went out the bathroom window to the roof. Come home Willie!

I'm sick. :/


p.s. Of COURSE it's not his fault, but Court says he only went out once this morning and no sign of Willie. I know he was in the living room when I went to bed at 4 in the morning. Ay aye ayeyayay. :/

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Amanda I was thinking jiust about the same thing, I could have driven it there in just around 3 hours and then I could have stopped by winston salem and visited my neice hehe.
But after that info from Susie, if you don't get it tomorrow, you march right down there and tell me what for hehe.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Durn it - there goes my chance to meet another DGer. :/

The good news is that I found my stupid cat. Had to bundle up and pace around the neighborhood with a flashlight, but I feel so much better now. That giant lump in my throat will take a while to go down, tho.

G'night all.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

amanda happy you found your cat . & hope that the robin will land today , have a busy day here today so i might not get back in till this evening . ya all have a great day

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Have you seen the Hallmark commercial for the Christmas ornament hanging on the tree that has a countdown to Christmas?

That's what it's like waiting for the mailman today. :D

2 hours, 3 minutes, and 48 seconds, 47, 46, 45, 44 . . . ..

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Athens, PA


I am so glad you found your cat.....

Let us know if the eagle has landed!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Okay - which one of you shipped me your headache? :(

Athens, PA

Wasn't me - I still have it!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Eagle landed for Amanda!! YEAH!!

Who ever shipped it (the headache), air shipped it...

This message was edited Dec 8, 2011 3:57 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I shipped the headache in exchange for this magnificent box of seeds. It's a round robin - only seemed fair.

Thank you George for the happy towels and cute card. You did a fine job of getting those seeds back into the box. My crazy neighbor lady was here already and she went thru it as I was doing my Zoo Chores. I am going to be leisurely with it, but not too...

Thanks for all your hard work, Susie. What a great project.

Loveya. Meanit. ;)


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Glad to hear the package got there safe and sound. Something to do on a cold cold night.

(Zone 7a)

Amanda, if you don't get the box out till Monday, that will be fine with me. I just got out of minor surgery - nothing serious - but durnit when I have fun, I want to enjoy having fun while I'm at it. I'll feel better in a few days.

Glad you found your puttycat.

Susie, or anyone - does anyone have a great cabbage soup recipe? I am definitely gonna find a place to grow nettles next spring - collected some seeds earlier this past summer. When cooked, nettles are one of the best pot herbs around - minus those stingers.

Donna - I'm gonna echo George at this point and enjoy the box for it's surprise aspects. But I look forward to talking plants and gardens with y'all - I know I need to go back and read previous threads.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

1 head of red cabbage
4 cubbed carrots or enough for your family
1med to lg red onion
2 peeled potatoes diced
2-3 stalks celery diced
6-8 c water
3 TBLS Beef base
3 bay leaves remove just before serving


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha hahahahahahaha

I have been going for at least 3 hours now.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

karen good luck with the surgery,

WELL off to get a few chores done so you all have a great day;

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I was in the seeds into the wee hours and had to put them away.

I have to thank George who must have looked at my wish list because he put in a few that I have been coveting for years. Thank you soooo much.

Maybe it's because I'm a novice that it's taking me so long to go thru the seeds and take a tiny few here and there. Then before I went to bed last night I had to stand in front of my own seed collection and re-assess. It's so much fun either way.

I am going to just look longingly at the seeds all over my kitchen counters today while I dance around them doing the chores that I missed yesterday. :)


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