(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM to all well Mother nature has Locked me into my new house this morning she has frozen my doors shut yep No way out till my hearter thaw out the doors :) Hehe I didn't turn on the propane heater over by the doors when i went to bed last night for it was warm in here with just the electric one :) I usually turn it on about 4 am go back to bed but i didn't .

with all the plants & Moisture i have in here it caused the doors to freeze up ; so my excuse for not making breakfast this morning or getting daddy up is I'm locked in & no way out :) guess she Knew I needed a break :)
I have both heaters going & they are still air locked shut :)sure if a fire was to happen they would not lock up like that :)

so guess i have learned that I Have to have my other heater going also or cut back on my plants what do you think is going to happen ??

well off to read some more :) HEHE Amanda have fun this weekend :)

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I'm passing this on because it worked for me today. A doctor on TV said that to have inner peace we should always finish things we start and that we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around my house to find things I'd started and hadn't finished. So I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun prscriptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum.


(Zone 7a)

Also, send some silver and gold glitter to all who have started decluttering and cleaning projects back when dinosaurs roamed and still have not finished - glitter is fun to sprinkle on those Mt. Rushmoots that by now have evolved from those dustmoots in the lower strata.

mt. mcRushblue

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Karen are you over at Stephanie's house??? I think you got in some of her Merlot hehe. Stephanie, Susie could have used some of that alcohol to free up her doors! Anyway, I imagine after finishing all of those projects you may need rehab hehe.
Seriously though, Susie, when you get your doors opened up, please put it at the top of your 'to do' list to find something that will pry your door open in case of an emergency, or at least something strong enough to break the glass if you need to get out. A crowbar might do both. One of the most tragic circumstances in life is to be stuck in a building and not able to get out. I live alone as well and so that makes it even more of an issue. Welcome to saturday morning preachin hehe.

Amanda, I'm glad that I put something useful in that box. There's just no telling what another gardner might like. I guess I've poured through those seed catalogs enough over the years that I'm finally learning what is something good to plant, and what is something that was renamed from last year, or the pic is a close-up cause the plant looks crappy from a distance. I really wish the seed companies would raise their standards. I can't tell you how many times I got tricked into ordering something that I thought was something else. Us DG'ers should get together and start a movement to stop mis-representation in the industry. It would benefit a lot of people in the future. I know for a fact that a very large percentage of gardners don't have the resources to waste.
I'll have to shut up now or take a collection hehe.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Steph I loved your post. O how it applies to me. Now off to finish going thru that box of seeds . .... ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes george you are right & there is a crowbar in there but There was no fire so i really didn;t want to break out the glass door , however it is now unstuck & I Cleaned out the tracks & will spray some w-d 40 in the tracks so that they cannot freeze up again.
& will remember to tur on the propane heater in early morning :)

well guess i should walk down & get the mail . hope everyoe is haven a great sunny day .


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

If I actually would have done all of that, my headache might be gone...unfortunately, it is not :( Day 4...however, it is supposed to be 40* today :) Huge difference from 4* on Friday!
I've had the patio door freeze shut before - makes it interesting to try and let the dogs out. Front storm door has been snowed shut too. Good thing we can always get out the garage. But if the dogs get out the front, they run...stoopid dogs.

On my list of things to do this winter - actually "plan" a garden bed. I usually just "throw" stuff in the ground where I have an opening. And if I have time (cutting it close) get some seed assortments together to give as gifts for the siblings and parents. My sister is only able to container garden because the lady they are renting from will not allow anything in the ground except grass. Beautiful home, no landscaping. Its a travesty. She gave me many iris when they moved because she couldnt bring them with.
Off topic question - who pulls their iris up in the winter months? I do not - never have - but it made me wonder if I should be? I generally dont plant anything I have to pull out - I have too many other things to do. I did pull my canna and my amaryllis, but that is it. Was going to push the amaryllis for the holidays but never got around to it, and only pulled the canna because I intend to find it a new location. Oh well.

Cookie decorating for the kids @ Nana & Papa's today. I was going to wrap gifts this morning (they spent the night) but this headache is killing me :( Wish I knew what caused them...Dr's cant figure it out either. Starting to think that trip to the Mayo might need to be added to the list.

Have a good day y'all

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Carolyn22 - when I get the Robin I will put in a pack for you. I have a small trade of Dusky Salmon that I got in Sept. I'll share it with you and then if either of us has extra seeds next fall we can share with the other - deal? I also have white Angelonia for you (which was going to be a surprise) but since I saw your post for DS I thought I'd better let you know since you sounded close to self destructing without DS.

When I got the trade for DS, the note with it said that it needed stratification so I am going to try my seeds in my new winter sowing project. Seriously I only have about 10 seeds so don't be disappointed but between the 2 of us we should be able to grow them.


Athens, PA

Minne - Best of luck with your headaches - I too am a headache sufferer and quite often it does not matter what I do - the headache ends up going away on it's own. My headaches seem to be worse in the spring and fall with the unsettled weather and the lows that come through.

Donna - I did not mean to sound like I was going to self destruct - that is actually funny. Thank you so much - you are such a kind lady. I do have an extra packet of the red/orange ones if you are interested.

Susie - I hope you have a cell phone with you when you retire to your new home. That way, if you need to call for help, you can.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Carolyn22, can you tell me where our "WANT" lists have gone? I am sure that I remember you asking for single color portulaca, etc......... Is this just another old lady issue for me??? - I also have some notes on things that others requested and now I can't find where I got the info from. I think I need some mint tea to calm my nerves or maybe I'll just go to bed and start a new day tomorrow. :)

PS. I checked and you sent me enough of the red/org for a planting this spring. Many thanks.

Athens, PA


a request in a single color of portulaca sounds definitely sounds like something I would say - but I too, don't remember and I am not even sure where to look. Apparently I sent you the Maltese Cross seeds already - does not say much for my memory.... ^_^

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey everybody!

I have had such fun with this box of seed. I guess I need to get out more.

The robin will take off from GSO tomorrow afternoon. I'm still working tonight on my contributions. :D

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks for update amanda . & I'm sure that Diamond/anita will have the east robi in flight today going to the west so frist in line is
LINDA/IGROWINPA so with both taken off today hope they land on weds @ linda's & Donna"s
I'm also a headache sufferer , had to cut back on trying to finish off unfiished projects so guess my bottle house will take a few more years .
well gotta go get off here

Thumbnail by deejay9
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

You could start working on your tree susie :)

Thumbnail by minnesippi
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh cool stop with the great IDEAS & chores already )))

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a) that is a bottle tree! Yours, of course, Minne? Have you had yourself checked for migraines?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

LOL - no, I cannot claim this one...might try one next year though. My sister posted it on FB although I dont believe it is hers as she does not have a blue house...

I've been checked too many times to count. :/ they are still scratching their heads.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

That is a cool tree. Where do you store something like that the rest of the year?

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I"d hafta leave it in the yard :)
Or recycle it and start over the next year...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Or it could be your wine rack, 'cept you'd have to hang the bottles upside down.


The east robin is in flight. I had so much fun with it ladies I can't tell you, but you probably know already. :D

I packed in flower seeds for those of you who like 'em. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Susie I will send DC by separate mail.


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

I got a feeling that tree might cause all the winos in the neighbood to come callin lol

All of you headache sufferers, you might consider growing these herbs next year

Feverfew - A tea made from the leaves helps with migraines
Lemon Balm - A tea made from the leaves helps with headaches
Rosemary - A tea made from the leaves helps with headaches
Valerian - the root of the plant takes away pain.
(Info from Johnny's Seed Catalog)

This message was edited Dec 12, 2011 5:42 PM

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Amanda - I think I'll take a few naps today so that I am fully rested when the Robin gets here. Can't wait, from what everyone is saying, I'm excited!!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi all! I lost this thread some how. Susie, were you trying to get rid of me? LoL I got the Robin and mailed it . It should have landed yesterday. I hope the packing was okay. She is packed full and needed a new box.

Susie, I will dmail the confirmation number.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Anita, I contacted Susie last night. The West to East Second Time Around Robin landed yesterday. Thanks so very much for forwarding it to me. I'm having a great time looking at the seeds!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Donna - better make sure you have coffee/caffeine too - I spent more than one sleepless night in that box!!!

Concord, NH

oooohh cant wait !!!!!! here birdie birdie

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Carolyn and Susie,

The West to East 2nd Time Around Robin is in flight today. I think I saw that you were looking for Campanula (Bell Flowers), Carolyn, and there is a pack of Fuji Blue Bell Flowers in the baggie that has my name on the outside that you can look at.

Hope you all enjoy the West to East 2nd as much as I did.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY LINDA carolyn might have it tomorrow way flights are going :)))

Athens, PA

Can't wait! Glad the robin is coming before Santa gets here!

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Robin landed 10 min ago = 6:01pm I can't wait to open it and I'll be working all night.

Susie, I'll check all instructions before mailing again and touch base with you if need be.

I've got to go now play with the seeds. Thanks,

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think little kids get as excited about Santa as we all do with seeds. I watch for the mailman more than I ever watched for Santa. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one.

Concord, NH

I'm sooo excited,I've been practicing how long it would take me to tackle the mailman!! lol

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all the robins are really flying . west robin is in the east now :) Just wanted to let you all know that , the towels you see in the robin as you get the second robins land at your home will be coming back to me so they will have quite a trip :) hope that is ok & they don't take up to much room :).

well have a recheck of my eyes this morning so everyone enjoy the robins . will check back later 55* here this morning.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Whew – I’m at the PO and I put in extra mailing labels and confirmation slips because I think we need them. I’ve taken my tape gun so that I can wrap it all up and it’s only 2pm. I’m so clever, except that I left my completed mailing label and confirmation slip on the kitchen counter. I remember Ansonfan did something like that. No problemo, I just rewrite them and Bluespiral you should get Robin on Saturday.

Carolyn, I will send to you separately. There is so much in that box, I am still overwhelmed even after a long night and a hard morning of seed envy. Some of you put in so much and some were very rare, at least I thought so. But I have so much to learn.

When looking up some (most) names that I did not recognize I came across ROS, and after several googles it struck me that it was probably Rose Of Sharon. I hope so because I took a few of those seeds because the Lavender Chiffon looked so pretty and I can grow ROS’s. Then there is the problem of chaff. You will notice that my seeds have an abundance of chaff, sorry. I do plan to improve. Does Newbie status count in this group? Honest I’ve read about seed cleaning but still my seed doesn’t look like the lovely clean seeds that ya’ll sent me.

Amanda I love your towels and they are so timely. We have a full house Christmas and New Years and somehow there are never enough dishtowels. Hugs. I also wanted some of your nice clean seeds but some of them require shade and moist and I have neither. I did collect a very substantial number of Sun Lovers and Drought Tolerant. And Susie, I have been wanting Kiss Me Over The Garden Gate for ages – well at least since this summer when I started gardening. I figure if it is close to being a weed, I can grow it. :)

Sorry to run on but I’ve had little sleep and I’m still wound up about how all these seeds are going to perform for me next year!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey, Donna!

I'm so impressed that you turned around so quickly with the Robin! Like you, I had some chaff on some of my seeds. I figure I'll improve for trades, but when I save seed for my own purposes I never have to think about that.

Glad you liked the things I sent. Just got lucky, I guess. :)

Looks like we are getting ready for another Robin coming this way - you'll barely have a chance to catch your breath.



Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

I want to share this with some of you because I wish someone would have told me way back. It really helps with getting the chaff out of most seeds. (Some are just about impossible)
You need a baking pan, one that is like new and very smooth and with low edges, like a cookie sheet.. Put your seeds, chaff and all on one end of the pan and tilt that end up with your knee. Then just use your fingers and tap a drum beat on the bottom of the pan and most of the time the seeds will just magically crawl out from under the chaff and slide to the other end. Works like a charm.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

George, Thanks, I am going to try it because you had some amaranth seeds in the trade and they were so tiny, pretty and clean!! I also put some amaranth seeds in the box and mine are easily recognized because of the red chaff and yellow pollen. All help is welcome.

Now since I'm coming clean - is there a way to tell seeds from chaff? I even have trouble with zinnia seed which are big enough but isn't easy for me to tell seeds from seed coating. Or Mexican Sunflower, they have a similar chaff that comes off when I coax out the seed.

Susie, If this isn't the place for this discussion, please let me know.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Donna that is part of the reason for the pan method. The seeds are heavier than the chaff, even though you can't tell, and they will present themselves when you start tapping the pan if the seeds are good and ripe.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Who can I ship this headache to? I'm done with it!! (Yes, its the SAME one from last week!!)

I use old 'fashioned' sifters - of various sizes...then i use the pan method (or a tray, or a box lid ~ you lose some with the lid though~ )
I also sit in the garage when Im smoking and use a pencil eraser to pick them up if they have decided to "fly" all over my workbench.
I have just learned (this is pretty bad I know) what the seed from echinacea looks like! LOVE the seed site!! Very helpful! Is it bad that I exported the whole database so I can print them on my label packets? :)

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Very clever Stephanie, doesn't that take a lot of your memory?

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