(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Try getting some different size screens cut them into squares , also i use kitchen culendars, or even the kitchen sieves .

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

no, I have them saved in a word document. its 12 pages, but I can cut & paste into my labels, add my own flower photo and vwaa-laa :)

These are what I use - multiple sizes

Thumbnail by minnesippi
Athens, PA

Donna - are you familiar with the seed site? If you scroll down to the bottom of this page - you will see zinnia seeds. This site is great and has over 600 different types of seeds. I have it bookmarked on my computer.

Minne - I have the same issues with headaches -not unusual for them to hang on a week of more for me either.

As far as separating the seeds and chaff - I like to use an empty spice jar with the plastic snap on top. I just pour my seeds from a paper plate into the spice jar, put on the cap and then shake away. This separates out most of the chaff from the seeds.

Looking forward to the robins!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Some seeds, let's say Asters, do not separate easily from their flower parts or fluff. George, Steph - amaranth and celosia-type seeds fall easily from the flower heads. Plants with seeds covered in a protective sheath like northern sea oats (chasmanthemum latifolium) or mexican sunflower (tithonia) are not as readily removed.

There is special equipment to separate the seed and their coating. The collander/screens work well in some instances, in others, not so much. This is my first year trading thru DG. When I collect seed for myself I either direct sow or store and dry seed often with coating and/or fluff still attached.

The solidago and aster seeds I included in the Robin have what I consider to be fluff or chaff attached. I guess maybe I'm just lazy. Or ill prepared!!!

I just hoped Susie wouldn't yell at me. :D


Athens, PA


You make a very good point. I was very surprised the first time I saw Japanese Anemone seeds and I wondered at the time if I was supposed to separate the fluff and the seed. I decided it would be next to impossible, so planted as is. The other thing that goes through my mind is when these seeds self sow out in the wild - they drop and blow around with the fluff and chaff. Mother Nature is not descerning as to how much fluff or chaff is included with the seeds.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Carolyn, thank you for the link (no I didn't know about it). It's great, I wish it had a search to go directly to the seed but as I was looking for clematis I learned about a lot of other seeds while clicking the "Next" button.

Have a great day everyone and all headaches are here-by banned!!!

Athens, PA

Donna - if you go to the home page and then scroll down, there are different subjects you can click on. Click on database and you will be able to scroll down from there and there is an alphabetical key, in which the seed pictures are classified.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Donna - spend an hour and poke around on the site. I think I spent about 4 total - clicked on EVERY link that was there. The kids section is nice too :) Even for "big kids" like us.
They should add into the site the best way to clean the seeds - maybe we all submit our cleaning ideas to them :) I went as far as buying an adjustable screen at the hardware store - slides bigger to fit little windows. Havent used it yet, but the plan is there.
Milk weed is fun (LOL) I prefer to clean those wet/fresh as opposed to waiting until the pod splits and I chase them all over the place, because I took a deep breath and didnt "aim" away when I exhaled. I may just put the loveseat out in the yard this spring and see what a beautiful garden grows from it. There are SO many seeds in it. OH! Duh, vacuum the couch Stephanie - then dump the canister in the compost. (Im blonde, can you tell? - I claim 9 day headache as my excuse though) Come to think of it - that might be a good way to clean seed. dump them on the floor, use the Dyson to clean it up and all the "fuzz" should be up around the top with all the dog hair. Seeds in the bottom. Good in theory. I will let you know if I try it and it works.
Oh good grief...I will go now...:)
Here is a cute idea for straw bale gardening I found on - start planning...I am :)

Thumbnail by minnesippi
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn and Mellen I forgot to put your seeds in the box. Will you please email me your address? Gardenseeder, I sent all of your seeds in the Hog Wild seed exchange. I hope that was okay.

Athens, PA


I need to send out yours as well. It dawned on me that you are ahead of me in the robin - another 'duh' on my part.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Steph I really like the shoppingl cart. No good for us rural people though.
I have used straw bales for growing tomatoes. Its a lot of work getting them ready but it was the best tomato harvest I've every had.

I appreciate all the input on seed cleaning, I'm always looking for more info, it seeds like every seed type has its own demands
As far as chaff goes, we clean it to be neater, but its actually good to plant the chaff with the seed. Its just some more compost
that will feed the seed once it starts growing. I always leave the chaff with the seed if I'm keeping it.

BTW what is the hog wild seed exchange?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Steph - how cute is that!? Like George, think it's a lot of work and gets messy in a small space. Don't have that kind of room here. I thought going vertical this year would be the dealio but with the hurt hand it didn't work out any better than the hay bale would have. ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I think those are straw bale right ??? for I also tried growing but mine didn't do well not sure what I did wrong . but i might try again this year. .I have a place where i can get straw for $2.50 a bale in all other places they charge $3.50 to $5. a bale.

well off to get my mail done you all have a great weekend .

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Stephanie - I am so glad that I ask about seed cleaning. I was laughing so hard when I read about your dyson and dog was like you were really talking about our house. I had to go get my husband and read it to him. We are still laughing.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Whew! glad Im not the only one Donna!!

I love the cart idea - can move it around in the driveway to optimize the sun. I can see the kids rolling it down the street though. I do want to try the straw bale thing next season though. Need to find some before the snow comes so it can season over the winter. I have at least a week before the snow is even in the forecast...looking like a brown Christmas in MN. (Weird but I really dont mind the weather right now)

Off to watch movies with the kids and DH.

Athens, PA


We lived in a suburb of Minneapolis when I was a little girl - the weather was always extreme there. I do remember the tornadoes more than anything else though. I was 5 years old and terrified! I still have an occasional nightmare about tornadoes this many years later.

The robin landed here this morning. I just got up - (I know), so I am just seeing it. I have not opened it yet, but am looking forward to it. I am really happy that it arrived on a weekend. Last time I went through it quickly to get it back in the mail.....

(Zone 7a)

I never would have thought it was possible to get this excited over a box of seeds this late in life. But, alas, mailman has come and gone without leaving a box here. I always thought Zen was an interior place of perfect balance, but I'm beginning to think excitement may have its Zen aspects too - I've gone from being a perfect 2 year old to an imperfect 65 year old in seconds this afternoon. If I had that much fun without the box, it oughta really be something with the box.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


December 15, 2011, 8:44 pm
Expected Delivery By:
December 17, 2011
Delivery Confirmation™

(Zone 7a)

Thank you Susie. Cute about the pooch hair, Donna - I wonder which makes a better germination medium - dog or cat hair? I'll try not to send any of St. Ray's sheddings along with the seeds. (Our rescue cat was named by our vet, who found St. Ray parked on the sidewalk in his carrier in front of the door to her clinic - very sociable and fluffy and sings for guests when they come over)

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I couldnt say if dog or cat hair is better - I am not about to try and separate the two! :) The birds arent picky, the seeds shouldnt be either. Im sure there was some of both in the box when I shipped it. In the tape for sure. I emptied the Dyson 6 times vacuuming today. Maggie - my choco lab is shedding something fierce. Coming out in clumps...eeewwww

Athens, PA

Definitely shedding time here as well. My long haired cat is matting and that happens when she sheds. Poor thing.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Thought they were supposed to shed in the spring...whats with that? I have more hair rolling around the floor now that I have in the last 6 months! YUK! Sometimes Im glad I have wood floors, sometime I wish I had carpet...SHAVE EVERYONE!

Athens, PA

My husband would be happy if we shaved them all.....

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Years ago I had a persian who would not let us brush him so I took him to a friend who had sheep and she shaved him. It took four of us to hold him and after he was the funniest looking creature on the planted. My brother thought it was a great idea and tried to shave his. I think he's still recovering. What get me is my shorthair sheds more than the longhairs. Of coarse with three women in the house, it's the human hair that is the worst.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I was going to organize my seed stash of those "I'm ready for Christmas Break" activities. I managed to get everything out of their bubble envelopes and sorted to vegetables, herbs, annuals and perennials into shoebox size plastic tubs. I'm really wanting something more useful...I know when planting time comes I'm going to digging and cussing that I can't find the packet I know I have in there. How do you organize your seeds? I didn't really realize how many I had collected this summer and know its going to take a lot of effort to get them all started. But really looking forward to reclaiming my back yard with flowers and paths instead of dead grass and weeds.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I've number each packet of seeds and then listed them in a notebook with basis info. Size, space, light. So I look for what I want in the book and then look for the number packet. Right now the seeds are in a box together but I'm planning a trip to the dollar store to look for some kind of box or holder that I could set them in like a filing cabnet. Did I mention how OCD I am?

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

DeeJay - just checking in verbally so to speak so you know I'm
waiting - thought I'd get the box for Christmas but don't think with
the mail being as it is & a few in front of me thats going to happen.

Ordairygirl, My seeds have their own mini-fridge and I do the same thing
but use open top organizers. However, I use plastic baggies & have the
seeds separated by size so I know which "row" to put them in. 2"-24",
24-36" and over 3'. Trees, shrubs, vine types and bulbs are grouped in
their own box. Veggies have another, and lastly herbs. Then I rely on
my computer spreadsheets to keep me organized. When I'm out of a seed
I mark it OOS but still keep the information so I remember to fertilize and
how much water it needs.

Once in the garden I group the heavy feeders & those that need
lots of water. The first couple of years were really intense but having done
all the pre-planning and sorting has worked out well for me. Hope this helps.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

My flowers are alphabetical by common name in one box, veggies the same in another. Keep the flower seed in plastic baggies - in the seed packet if I have one - or I staple them to a 3x5 index card that has a picture and information on it.They have a dresser drawer in the basement - and a shelf in the garage, and then there are the bags and bags of seed I have yet to clean...I have LOTS to do this winter!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Ordairygirl, I organize my seeds in alphabetical order. I keep them in a binder in the bottom of my fridge. I have to binders, one for trading and one that I will plant in my garden. I can hardly wait to start wintersowing.

Concord, NH

i think in next! HERE BIRDIE,BIRDIE LOL

(Zone 7a)

Sorry to say that mailman has been and gone and left no box.

Trying to think of something pleasant to say...tum tum de least it isn't lost :)

and Cris, you won't be rushed trying to get it out before Christmas - maybe you'll have more "leisure" to play after Christmas day?

I'll check in again tomorrow


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok KAREN do you know where that sorting station is maybe you can call them if it is not there tomorrow . this is what the conf# is saying

December 17, 2011, 9:06 pm
Expected Delivery By:
December 17, 2011
Delivery Confirmation™

GARDENSEEDER Robin West is headed your way should be there by weds we hope

(Zone 7a)

Susie - all righty - we'll wait and see what happens tomorrow and then go from there.

It doesn't seem too worrisome to me yet, since our box did not arrive at Linthicum until around 9:00 pm on Saturday, and it is now Monday, only 3 business days from when it was last dropped off. Hasn't delivery taken 4 days recently in at least one case?

We'll stay on the lookout.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Holy Cow! The robin's right around the corner!!! I'm getting nervous again.

Concord, NH

YAAAAAAAY! whata christmas present!

(Zone 7a)

Thought you folks would like to know the box is here. DH's theory is that the post office is making separate trips each day with packages separated from letters, which would have had them out and about before 9:00 am this morning, as opposed to their usual delivery time from 2:00 pm to after 5:00 pm.

The address label from Donna was intact, so I don't think any third party interfered with the box.

I'll send my woohoo's once I can open the box later on today - there are a few things I've gotta do first. But the box is fine, and I know I'll be swinging from "chandeliers of joy" once I can assuage my curiosity about what's in there.

I'll try to get it back to the PO tomorrow.

Is it just me, or does anyone else ever muse about what Pandora was feeling in the moments leading up to the actual event of her opening The Boxe?

lol - Amanda & Susan

Susie - whew!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all just got home had to go for my blood work this morning & get new tires put on the car slid through two stop signs the other day hardly any snow on the ground but my car would not stop so its was time for new ones.

just brewing a fresh pot of coffee everyones goe but daddy & i so good time to get my forums checked :) sure hope the east robin land safely today the conf #still says the same as before stuck in LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MD 21090 since December 17, 2011, 9:06 pm .

well when jim gets back today he is building me a new stand with lights so i can start my seeds in jan i have a few i want to start now
will keep you posted as to how it is looking when it is done :)
ya all have a great day .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

cross post good that it is there have fun with it :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I wonder if we have been busted in MD for swapping seeds?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL @ Amanda I confessed to my post office a long time ago. I am a seed-a-holic!

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