Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Just checking in to say hi and that I'm really looking forward to the swap. I would really like to have some ideas on which kinds of seeds would be best for the swap. I have several here from my harvest but I will be looking elsewhere for a few to add.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

AS Long as they are not INVASSIVE , Then it is allowed in the Robin :) or if it can reseed Please add that info to the pack .
there will be lots of seeds this fall . its been good so far.
well Hope everyone has been haven a great weekend :)

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

OK Susie, thats a great idea. I don't need any more invasives either, we have lots of them here already.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry been busy with my new Plant House findly windows all in & have the drywall up on 3 walls will try to get back in when i have more time I've not forgotten you all Just juggling many home duties right now & also collecting seeds from the gardens :)))

well I wish you all a safe fun weekend .


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Hope that you can show pics of your Plant House, Susie.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Will do so this afternoon can hardly wait to get it done :) on my way out to play :) its a rainy day . but just right to play.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Updated my "have" trade lists in case some is looking for a specific seed.
Also have ordered some new seeds to tuck into the swap as well but those are a surprise.
We're going on vacation (Sept 18th-25th) so if I don't answer emails you'll know why.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)


Do you have any penstemon Huskers Red, Joe Pye or euphorbia?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Anita I Have the euphorbia Plant but have not seen any seeds but if i do you can have will check tomorrow

Ok Here is the link as to how far we are with the PLANT House :)


& This is the front view still have to get it finished off yet :)
well been a long day you all have a great evening

Thumbnail by deejay9
New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Holy CARPADOODLE, lady!!!!! That is beyond awesome! What are each of the rooms for? Loving it!

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Susie you have a lot of talent girlfriend!! (Is the bed for a Lazy Daisy ha) Its so nice to be able to keep the plants all together.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Cris how did you get your verbena to grow that way? Or maybe is it a hybrid? Mine are like 6' tall and the flowers not that big. I want mine to look like yours!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well My Friends Like this When you want something done & your Talents are Limited ..You TWIST an arm of a Brother for Help :) hehe
Truth be told I Have a Very Talented RETIRED Brother Who Helps me with anything I have going when it comes to my Plants Or Gardens .

I Know your all saying That is crazy Leaving your car out into the cold hard Michigan winters Just for some Plants .
will My car wouldn't know How to act if I started parking it in a Garage proble stop running for me .

There was Never NO ROOM For my car in there Till Now My Brother & I Talked & Decided I Needed Help with Daddy & The Gardens & Lawn care He has to drive 9 Miles to help me so we gutted the Garage turning it into my HOUSE he & His wife will Give up their home in town & Move out here in Late Oct . will save them $$$ a month by moving out here & selling their place

we hope to have the walls all finished off & painted & water running within the next two weeks. so i can be moved into it by mid oct.
then we hope to get started Next spring on building their New Home here in front of this home & tear down this old Place.

The inspector will be here Tuesday To Check on what we have done so far . well Now you Know Why these old bones are so sore at the end of the day But I'm Loving it . & so very Excited .
the 8x8 Room to the Left is the Bathroom , you will see the purpose of the shorter walls when i have it finished :) well I have some sanding to do this morning & more mudding so you all have a great day . Hope i Haven't Bored ya to badly :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

It's really great that you and your brother can work together like that to help your daddy.

I'm happy for you - sounds like it's going to be just super. :)

Have a great day.


Athens, PA


that is just fantastic.... I want a place like that for my plants... I'm going to move in with you too...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

come on it is bigger then it looks

Athens, PA

I'll be right there. Just need to gather up my plants!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

17 acres to plant them in Plant house will be pack with both of us then what plants i have :) hehe
but there is room to add on if you have a few Dollars Saved :) HEHE Mines about gone Jim loves to spend someone elses money :)

COFFEE Break Been getting a box of plants to send out to another Member & Get it sent out tomorrow 30 plants so i have been very busy today :)

well to let the gal know her box is ready to ship back later

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh, Susie, I got tears in my eyes of happiness for you. You are such a special lady and so deserving of all that is happening. You have been so faithful to your dad for so many years, it is good that you finally asked for help. Plus, I KNOW that you have a real peach of a brother and SIL. Congratulations!
Love 'ya,

Athens, PA

17 acres! Boy do I have envy there. I am on 1/5 of an acre and it just is not enough.

I am glad you have your family helping you. You are such a special lady.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thank you ladies but for the most part daddy is easy to care for He can Hear when he wants to see what you don't want him to see, or visa versa :) right now I have him soaking his feet :) So I can have a 15 min coffee Break He's watching his Watch "(SEE)" What ya Don't want him to see :) Love to throw it out at times ( MEAL TIME) That is .

Jim Is a big help to me Much more then my two sisters . In The last 14 yrs :)Its costing more to fix thiss old Place then to Build New .
So That IS what we are doing Now . Cash & Carry No Going in debt with any Loans . so this is a long project :) On my income :) HEHE

DID I Mention MY 1St New Home Just Me & My Plants & I Can get My Parrot DJ Back Home with me He is staying with Friends for daddy hates him :) well Hates his chatter :)
well coffee Gone daddys ready back later .

Athens, PA

Oh Susie - I'd love to see pictures of DJ. I like parrots - I am sure my cats would as well....:)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Right now he is with friends & their 3 dogs 3 cats & a Cockatoo haven a field day with all of them he is not affraid of cats or dogs & He lets them know the 1st day :) HEHe & He just turned 14yrs old July 30th this is Dj about 4 yrs ago when i had my pond .

well time for me to lay back you all have a great day & By the way anyone here Know the best way to collect seeds from
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherokee Sunset' please post it will you please ???

Thumbnail by deejay9
Athens, PA


He is beautiful. I just love him.

I have not tried to gather seeds from the Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherokee Sunset', however I would guess that once the seed head has dried in the center, the seeds would be there.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes he is I try to go play with him as much as i can but lately with so many other things going on i've not been able to . but soon hope to have him back home :)) .

I have a few rudbeckias but not yet ready to set seeds still in bloom this will be my 1st year collecting seeds from these.
2;30 am going to try to go back to bed .

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Anson, Have penstemon but not the red. Do have plenty of Joe Pye Weed.
All my verbena turned up pink instead of purple! That pic you saw was a stock
pic on DG. I did have quite a few surprises this year in my garden.
The "lilliput zinnia" grew over 2 ft tall! Had tons of flamingo feather celosia seedlings
and the lantana grew despite full sun, poor soil and really dry conditons.
I'm going to do some shameless promotion for their seeds cause they're really plentiful.

Thumbnail by Cris316
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Nice Cris I have one Lantana plant It is still Blooming & I hope to get some seeds from it If its not to hard to collect :)
News Just said 30* by friday Morning it is 47* this morning . Good thing i took plants in yesterday :) I'm Just NO Where ready for fall yet .
well off to get my day started you all have a great day .


Athens, PA

Seems it is too early to be that cold. I know one night this week, they said we are supposed to have a low of 35 degrees......

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Cris - how tall did your celosia get? Mine have just started blooming and they are 6' tall! I bought the seeds last year from Onalee but didn't get to plant them till this year. I love the foliage and very pleased with the plume. Looks like they send out flowers at the nodes up there too!

They're almost too tall for me to see the flower! I'm 5'5".

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Have you any pictures of them ??? love to see here is one of mine that got up to 6FT had to cut it back .
will try to get back in here more this weekend .


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oooh - they are very pretty, Susie! Mine have only just started showing pink at the top, no side shoots yet.

I enlarged the picture too and yours look different from mine. Are your leaves entirely purple/maroon? I love the foliage! The flowers look darker than mine too.

I'll try to get some snaps this afternoon before the rain comes. Have a great day everyone! :)

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Quote from MechelleT :
Keeping track of the votes...

NF2932 - 4
poisondartfrog - 4
dees- 4
risingcreek- 1
Igrowinpa- 4

Vote totals:


This message was edited Sep 16, 2011 12:45 PM

I updated the game list. If I missed anyone, just LMK! Looks like we are tied between #1 and #4.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Susie, I haven't voted yet - I'm bad. I like #4 followed by #1.

Amanda, my celosia & lantana reached just over 5' at the tallest. The celosia seeds will literally fall
all over the place. Spread a sheet around the bottom of the bush & just give a gentle shake, the seeds
are little black balls. Gather them up or you will have hundreds of bushes.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I know how tiny the seeds are - when I planted them i just dumped the whole packet (100+ seeds) in an area about 12" x 12" so I would know right where they were. Then I transplanted them around when I thinned them. I suspect they'll be easy to ID with their red and green foliage if I want to pull them out next year.

I got a picture for you Susie. Don't know if you can see the color or not. It was very cloudy and kind of dark today. It hasn't rained much yet - they have changed the forecast....

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie, I love that plant!!! Is that an annual or perennial?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Mine is an annual but reseeds every year I have 2-4 popping up here & There I Have many seeds to share just that I Don't know what amaranthus it is so if anyone know s let me know ok .

another day Hoping to get all my shelves into the new place today Oh & The Carpet :) so you all have a great day .
back later .

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Susie your bird is so cute I know you can't wait to get him back. How old do they get? I know some of them can live a long time.
Cris I don't have any joe pye this year. My bil brush hogged mine and it died. I think I have some more seeds coming though and if I do I'll split them with you. (I'll make myself a note) I really like joe pye and this time I think I'll plant a back up. I do have elderberry and Vitex, plenty of seeds from both if anyone is interested.
Amanda how tall did your celosia actually get? Mine never got near that tall! I didn't feed mine though that might be why.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Dj Is 14 yrs old & they say if taken care of properly they can out live a master :) Really looking forward to bringing him back home with me :))) will be a month yet anyway.

well been long day got to go take care of daddy sonn back in the morning

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello Ansonfan:

I havent' measured the celosia but it is still climbing and it's 6'+. I didn't feed them. Not all of them are that tall, but this one gets the most sun. When I sowed them I didn't thin them early and waited till they were big enough to transplant around the yard. So the growth of some were stymied that way.

I'm happy with it and am looking forward to shoots and blooms coming out of the main stem. :)

Athens, PA

Amanda - can you post pictures of your celosia ? Is it the feather type of the other? I'd love to see a 6ft tall celosia....


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