northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

HI Susie.

I just found this. If there is any room, I would love to join in.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Taken 20 players for this so yes there is room for you always :)))) welcome

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Hi Susie...I would love to join as well. Both will be good.


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh how I remember last year, sure wish I could be in another, but seeing a how I'm down south now and a lot of what I grew up north might not make it here, so I 'll watch the thread and see everyones excitment over the types of seeds they receive.

Enjoy everyone.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

WELCOME SHIRLEY great to have you here with us
Jan , great haven you keeping an eye on us :)) pop in any time & chat :)

well MECHELLE Has given us some great game IDEAS for this robin so I'm going to post them in the 2nd post where our player names are ,

would like your vote as to the type of game you would like to play . its been quite a day so off to lay back will be back in the morning .

Winnetka, CA

Hi everyone...

Game idea #4 is my 'first choice'.... I agree... everyone could use a new dish towel! :)

2nd choice would be game idea#1

Right now I am camera-less so as much as I like the idea of the robin photo... (game idea#3) I wouldn't be able to play that game with the group....

So I guess my third choice would be game idea# 2 (postcard game)

Anyway...those are my thoughts...


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I like game 4 and 1.
Hm....I'll vote #4.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Keeping track of the votes...

NF2932 - 4
poisondartfrog - 4
dees- 4
risingcreek- 1
Igrowinpa- 4

Vote totals:


This message was edited Sep 16, 2011 12:45 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Mechelle I will let you be our voting judge we have 11 Players so far but we have till OCT 15th to sign up UNLESS we get 20-25 players before :)

Been quite a day off to bed back for coffee in the AM :)
good night all .

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

game number 4 or 1 for my vote

ok-will clarify
4 first choice change to second choice
1 second choice change to first choice.

both sound like lots of fun !

ok, changed my mind, if that is allowed. number one sounds like more fun.

edited to change vote, not sure if that is allowed

This message was edited Aug 30, 2011 8:24 AM

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I know it's a hard decision but we can only pick one! LOL

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm all about ready to go out side & get to work so Mechelle is going to my helper to keep track.
this is a busy time for me right now. but i Also like the towel IDEA For i like taken a Towel to the garden with me .

BUT Please we Need to try keeping the POSTAGE cost down So JUST ONE Towel .
Have a great day everyone .

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I pick #4 also.


Concord, NH

number 4

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Good Morning : Well end of another week a another week closer to Fall it is 55* this morning & I Hope to get much done outside :) Much easier to Garden when it is cooler :)

as I Pull weeds I find a new spot to plant new seeds :) so start saving , I have many empty spaces :) HEHE.
Happy gardening .

Athens, PA


I totally agree - I was looking at my gardens and I need to get out there and weed - it will be easier with the weather getting cooler.

Several weeks ago, I had enlarged my main bed and moved some things around - I have been thinking seriously of placing black garbage bags over the area that does not have plants and anchoring them down with rocks until next spring to see if that will take care of the grass that is trying to come back and the weeds.

I cannot find the game descriptions - I know I read them before. But, I liked the one where the robin is moved around and a picture taken. Even if we don't end up doing that - I would like to see what other people do with their seeds/gardens. I love to see new ideas.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Sorry I could not get on last night Our Power went out early Afternoon & Didn't come back On till after 9 pm & By then This gal was ready for bed after working in the garden most the morning :)

anyway allot more room for New seeds & Plants :))) there is going to be many Seeds this year in the robin .

I've been contacted by One of our Great Robin Members who won't have time to play on this one but will be watching us But Best of all he WANTS to Donate Many of His seeds from his garden , To our ROBIN
calling for more rain later today sure need it easier to pull weeds & I sure have allot to pull.
so you all have a great day try to get back later today .

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

may i please have some of your rain !!!! so hot and dry here.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sure wish we could share but will not complain when we get it :) I have to go dig a few plants to get out in the may tomorrow & The ground is just right Now if I can just get this ole body to Moving :)

well off to go get super just strawberry shortcake tonight :) you all have a great evening .

Athens, PA


I am disappointed that Corey won't be in the robin this year.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Carolyn, but I'm drowning in seeds from both Robins last year, plus the Hog Wild extravaganza. Even having the "Seed Head" addication, there's a limit to my greed. No, I suppose that's not true, but there IS a limit to how much room I have in my garden, and even the box-full-of-jars I use for perseonal seed storage is full!

I'll be peeking into this thread and donating a few seeds, and wishing you all the best.

I still have last year's "Flight Path Sequence" pinned up on my cubicle wall, with little check marks as it reached each nest.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

HE"S HOOKED & There Is Only One Thing to do & that is to feed his addiction :))) By letting him Join us for chat :) well i have got to call it a night . back tomorrow .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I'm a seed junky. Far gone down that road. And it only took a year!

What's worse, I finally realized there is a name for wanting to label and categorize seeds obsessively and compulsively ...

O. Seed D.


Athens, PA

Quote from RickCorey_WA :

O. Seed D.


Too funny. I tend to be OCD too!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Try cardboard to kill weeds/grass for next season instead of black plastic. Not only does it form a barrier, but it's organic and breaks down over time, improving the soil too. You can just put soil right on top and leave it there till spring. I even just throw my pulled weeds/grass clippings on mine to both make it look less like cardboard and to add organic material to the mix.


Athens, PA


Thanks for the tip - anything that makes our lives easier in the garden is great!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Carolyn I Buy a ROLL of 3ft x 50 black Plastic from our loacal hardware store for $9.99 :) then set potted plants on it till grass is dead But if you can get the Cardboard it is best to use that is what I use into the new raised beds put the cardboard down then fill . but i get my dirt or soil for free but I give the guy $20-40. for Hauling it my beds . for it is very good soil .

well i have to get busy here so Happy gardening all

Athens, PA

Susie - thanks for the heads up. I do know I am going to have to something. The bed is at least 60 feet long and I brought it out by at least 3 feet, if not more. That is a lot of space for weeds...

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Carolyn, the cardboard would be your best bet. I go to my local Dollar General and get all I need for free.Like Amanda said, you can add any compostable materials and come spring you will have wonderful soil. If you're not familiar with 'lasagna bed gardening' its worth checking in to. I used this method with my vegetable garden last year and I had tomatoes til November! You just layer your beds on top of the cardboard with green grass clippings, aged manure, brown leaves, etc. And in no time you will have the most amazing soil.

Athens, PA


I have read about Lasagne but never tried it. Thanks

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Blah - always one to rebel against catchy snappy new labels, I fought the word Google as a verb for years. Despise the term "lasagna" gardening, but maybe someday i will accept it into my vocabulary. :D

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I am gonna miss you all this year. I really enjoyed last years seeds swaps.

Hugs to you all and I will be reading what you are all doing tho.


Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Need to vote for a game. I personally like #2 because I'd like to see all of the different places the seeds are coming from and know that the towel for #4 will add bulk and postage to the robin box. But, will gladly play along with whatever the group decides. I ordered some affordable seed packets this week of unique varieties just to share with you guys (of course, they are seeds I wanted too so really being completely selfish). Already looking forward to next fall when I will have a 100 different varieties growing instead of just 10 =)


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TESSA : A Hand Towel really will not add to the weight of the robin all that much . & your Just sending one
Towel to the Your sending to.

well i have a Jungle to tackle today so you all have a great day .

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I'd like to join in this year, both robins please. I started on DG in December and saw all the posts about last year's robin... It sounded amazing, and I was sooooo envious of all the lucky players! I have tons of plants to collect from, and many, many seeds left over from spring planting. I also somehow double-ordered a few things recently while taking advantage of summer sales...all the better for sharing,


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi pam & welcome Yes we had a great time last spring many very nice seeds & Players .
I Hope this one can top the last 4 we have done : many new type of . I've been searching already :) also .
well Going to Get out this afternoon & Go to town Just to look around .

I Hope to find some good sales :) so you all have a great afternoon .

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

i have a few questions:

do we list somewhere the seeds we are going to share (i am not yet ready to do that, just wondering) or maybe something we are looking for?

what is a good amount of seeds to put in a packet for an individual?

are there any kind of prohibited seeds? (like maybe something poisonous like castor beans or nightshade)


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

IF YOU Want to list a few special seeds that you have for trade for something that your looking for
this is ok to do , but I cannot tell you if that person is going to be before or after you in the robin till after we get our players list done . so you may have to do private trade for them . but you can list if you want .

as for seeds I would share a fair amount as you think others should share with you , I Found packs in the robin that you could hardly find the seeds & many of them stuck to the plastic so please

seeds like foxglove simular type would you please take a small 2x2 inch piece of wax paper & Fold the seeds into that before placing them into the ziplock baggie .

& As for amount when i st started swapping back 5-7 yrs ago there was a Guideline of 1/4 teas -1teas Per
Pack Now I do not see them use this any more . WHY I Do not know .

well my friends i need to sign off we have thunder & Lightening out there . so back in the AM:)

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I choose game #1 to play.

I went on line the other night and almost bought some pansy seeds until I went to check out and they wanted $12.00 for postage. Good grief the packs of seeds were 75 cents. I told the lady I was buying them for that I did not
think she wanted to pay that kind of postage.


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

I'd like to join in the swap too.

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