(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Same back seeder rainy here for the last few days .it clearns in the afternoon so i can get some weeding done . witch is nice.
going to be a big seed crop this year .
well I Think I Here daddy ya all have a great day .

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I'm going to have to drop out. My subscription is up in a week or so, and I've had some huge unexpected vet bills in Sept. I really can't justify spending the $20 for a subscription right now. I realize $20 may not sound like a lot to some, but right now, that's about my grocery budget for a week, and there is nothing to spare for emergencies, let alone something like DG. I'm hoping to find a temporary part time job to help get through this.
I'm sure your robins will be great. The ones I've participated in have been wonderful. Maybe next year I can see my way clear and rejoin. Please keep in touch.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Hear yeah Deb & I Have been in your shoes some times are harder then others we do understand . Sure hope all gets better soon wish I Could help but right now I Also have DR's & Hospitals Begging for their money this Money . so leaving me short also .
Hope it gets better for you soon.

& Just wanted to say SORRY For being away from here so long Between, My new Plant House/ Home ,Taken care of daddy ,Gardens ,& Critters & other things Popping up I Will do my best to get caught up in here . Oh We have had 2 frost & Many of my Zinnias have
dried up so hope to start collecting soon. along with a few other seeds also:)

we might make the start of the Robins by NOV 1st .


Concord, NH

YAY cant wait

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Wanted to ask if there is anyone else you has any type of cute or strange type of seeds or plants to share with us as to where we can get seeds I Love to find other type of seed s to grow so share with us your IDEAS :) I NEED NEW IDEAS :))) for arangements or just personal use for my gardens , ANNUAL ,TROPICAL, Perrenial Don't matter .
Well APPLEJACK In the Oven Daddys FAV So Gotta go back later

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I love the blue or yellow shrimp plant "cerinthe major'. I don't think I have anything unusual??? I will have to check my list and check it twice. LoL

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Can't leave out the Love In A Puff vine. The seeds are black and round with little hearts on them.


Seeds available at Annie's Annuals:


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Anita I Have a Green & Red Shrimp Plant I Just love them I just hope i can over winter them they are still in blooms they have bloomed all summer . Guess i will have to check out the Blue shrimp plant :) .

Anson I Was told that Love in the Puff was Invassive can you tell me ??
well they say another very nice warm bright sunny day sure seems good after all the dark rainy days last week . Now I can get back on course .

I Need to get my Zinnias & cosmo's taken care of today if i can find the time between Picking Apples , Brother Putting in Plumbing today also, chores are never ending when it comes to getting ready for Winter.

well off to get daddys BKF So you all have a great day back this evening

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

This is the only place I posted that I couldn't renew, so, I'm guessing it was someone here.

To my Angel,
Thank you, so much, for renewing my membership for me. It means more than I can express with words. DG is such a great site, with so many wonderful, caring, sharing people. I hope someday to be in the situation where I can help someone else in need.

Susie, I'm back in, unless you've given my spot to someone else!!


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

YEAH!! (Though I though about it, it wasnt me) So wonderful to be around such giving people!!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

i have some blue shrimp seeds i can add for the robin, unfortunately not a large quantity. i think i also have love in a puff, will check. if someone could list what they consider unusual plants i will check what my cousin gave me, i am still sorting through them. or maybe things people are looking for, would be happy to share.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh DEB I'm So Happy that your back in I Wish I Could say it was me , There are so so many KIND & Wonderful DG's We all Look Out for each other :))) Your Name will surely Go Back on the list :) .
KC Would you share just a few of the Blue Shrimp Plant seeds with me ?? Just put them into an envelope with my Name on them.
sure they will get back to me :) .

Anyone can list a few of your wants or have's here & request seeds from others but as I Said You Might have to mail them seperate
Depending if your in the east or the west Robin. or if that Person is before you or after you & I won't Know that till
time gets closer to the Send out Date .

Well I Have much More to get done since Niether my brother Or Nephew showed up today . so you all have a great day

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Susie about the Love In A Puff vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum), I think that it may be an invasive south of zone 7. Its not invasive for me although a prolific reseeder the sprouts are easily pulled up.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Nice to hear about the Love in a Puff vine, I have a packet that I picked up on clearance of that. I'll share half of it in the robin. I bought a bunch of seeds at Renee's Seed year end sale and split all those in half too. Excited to see what's in the robin and donate the cool stuff I've collected. I'm starting everything in my basement under lights, so don't need so many seeds since I'm not direct sowing. My husband is nervous that the cops will be knocking on the door thinking I'm growing weed with all the fluorescent lights going =) I have a whole back yard to landscape this next Spring and don't plan to leave any room for grass!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Learned not to plant all the seeds at one time I started some in March then I direct sowed some also Those that I Put right in the garden done much better so not going to winter sow to much this year .

I Have a filled brown paper bag filled to top with ZINNIA"S & I Have a few 100 more yet to cut . will do so tomorrow .
time to go put My frankie in soon

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi All! Susie, can we have a spot with a link to post haves and wants?

Momcat, you do have a guardian angel. That was such a sweet thing to do. This person whomever she/he is has a heart of pure compassion. Didn't even occur to me and this person worked it out. Now I have a request for something I have not been able to acquire - a HUSBAND! Tall, dark and handsome...please. Heart of a saint, body of an adonis, hard working, God-fearing and madly in love with me just the way I am. LoL I would like to marry him soon while I can still walk down the isle. I'm getting old, may have to be pushed in a wheelchair before too long. LoL

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Hang onto those beautiful zinnias Susie!!! I also have some retail packs that I'm going to split for the robin. I think everybody likes surprises.

This message was edited Jan 5, 2012 10:46 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OK Anita Here is a Link you all can list what you have or would like to try

I would like for all to chat here but if you see someone has seeds you would like to try please use dmail to ask for request so that
it will be easier for all of you to keep track of.

I Opened it so anyone even if they are not in the robin might want to trade with you all but they will be a private trade & Not through the ROBIN. Hope that is OK.

I Just ask that there is no CHAT On That thread just everyone or anyone who wants can go list what they have or want.
well off to get my day starte3d daddy needs a hair cut :)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Ms DeeJay, you posted the invisible link. LoL We need the other one.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm reminded of the Brideshead Revisited line from some benighted Canadian or American about "it really is raining, but we;re too sinfull to see it.

The link really IS there, but we're too sinful to see it!


P.S. Does anyone have some Trillium grandiflora (also called "Wake Robin") for a one-to-one trade?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Anson you had to say that! You just jinx me, so nevermind now. I don't want a husband any more. LoL

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ANITA I'm So sorry I Just not with it right now Please forgive me everyone .
you all can go here & Post . your list of haves or wants


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Tall, dark and handsome...please. Heart of a saint, body of an adonis, hard working, God-fearing and madly in love with me just the way I am. LoL

>> And speaking of surprises, be careful what you wish for Diamond, you may get a gay priest! (soorrry, mybad)

You must have seen the 2000 remake of Bedazzled!
Especially the scenes with "the most sensitive man in the world", the basketball player, the drug lord and the author.

Good luck finding people who you'll be happy with!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL Rick, I'm happy. LoL I was joking about the husband thing. Now if the right one was dropped through my ceiling...

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Ahh, I understand. But I do urge anyone, especially guys, to rent the "Bedazzled" re-make.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ANITA IS THAT Your have list or wish list that you posted ??????
I'm not sure If I will get a list up for I Just have way to many seeds to share so going to just let you all take your wants :)))

you can edit your trade list with whom you are trading with & For what if you like & It might help you all to keep track by doing that .
also put OUT or N/A when something is gone.

someone wanted ZINNIA"S HERE ??? Trust Me there will be plenty for all to share .
well sup is over daddy just wants to chat before he goes to bed so you all have a great evening

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Awww Anita I thought your post was so cute and then that priest comment (from someone who went to catholic school for 10 years) took the nice right out of it. Blah!

Susie I am amazed with your seed/plant collection! I know you work hard at it.

I was looking at some photos from last season and I am realizing my garden is not long of this world. Made me a little misty.

But I just have to look up at that glorious blue October sky to get cheery again.

Have a great weekend.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

AMANDA STICK With Us there will be Plenty to go around for all to share & If you do not have any to share not to worry
you will have soon :) . Your garden will glow with Lotsa Blooms Next year :)))

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Aw thanks again - I have seeds to spare, just looking kinda bare right now and those full sun spots in the yard are now full shade. Ha haha.

I ain't goin' nowheres!!! :D

Have a good night. Going to knock myself out with something for my sinuses.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL@ Amanda yeah my dream was shut down witha cold splash of reality! LMBO All in fun!

Susie, I posted the word 'have' in the invisible ink. LoL. I will edit when I make it to my pc.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

I am wondering about this haves and wants list. I mean if the robin is going a certain way then nobody knows what will be in the package when it gets to your house, so unlike a regular swap, exchanges don't really work do they? Susie I saw where you wrote that it would be something separate and other people may get involved. Its almost like ita just another swap going on that is connected to this one, but it seems like using the robin to carry out those exchanges could get pretty confusing.

I think I will do like Susie and just put what I have in the box and play it by ear, and just keep it simple like that no offence to anyone. I think it was the reason that I was attracted to this robin because I haven't done this before, and it just seems like a lot of fun to have a mystery package coming to my house not knowing at all what may be inside, and also having the chance to add my seeds to make it even more fun.

This message was edited Jan 5, 2012 10:49 AM

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

What ansonfan said, only more so.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I will try to explain the best I Can

In the pass we always posted or haves or wants so that EVERYONE Just In the robin could pass them in the Robin if the person in the robin was After them but if they were before then the person sharing would have to send to that Person.
some may just have a few seeds of certain seeds & Just want to share for something they are looking for.

An we tried to seeds sent to me with peoples name on pack so they could take them out when arrived at their home but them
some felt it wasn't fair to pay the extra postage .

So I was just going to start the robin for all to share just with 20 people we just share what is in the Robin. No Keeping track of trades we just take our changes there is lots of goodies in the box .

the postage for the robin is anywhere from $10.95 + Conf# to $14.95 + conf Just to let you know so you have time to back out
if you want . you will find over 100 pks choose from . Many from Gardens & Many New packs .


I Hope i have cleared up any misunderstanding Oh & The reason for two Robins was To try to Keep the postage
down . & it is your choice if you want in on both robins for you might fine something different .

also when you share a Towel in the 1st ROBIN you will not have to share in the second ROBIN.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Anson and friends - no harm taken - just kinda creepy. :D


'nuff said.


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I should have said that I am following ansonfan's suit regarding not posting haves and wants for the Robin. That was cumbersome and confusing last time.
The other parts of the discussion were of no interest to me. I should have clarified-I just wasn't paying attention.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

YOU ARE NOT REQUESTED TO POST ON HAVE OR WANT THREAD It is just a choice In this ROBIN If You want to or not . as for me I Just have a few of those Little PUMPKIN Tree seeds or what ever they are & will share what I can .

well been digging up my cannas & Dahlia Bulbs for the winter so you all have a Great day.

This message was edited Oct 8, 2011 1:15 PM

(Zone 7a)

I picked seeds today that I would like to donate to the Robin. Also I have many Fall looming plants I will be gathering seeds from. I do not wish to participate but would be delighted to package and share these seeds. If it's ok can I send to You someone to put in the Robin for me?


Thumbnail by Kim_M
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kim you are welcome to send them & They will be split between the two robins my address is in the address exchange .
& I Know everyone will enjoy what you have to share . thank you so much.

(Zone 7a)

Ok Great! What's the deadline for them to be in?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well i hope to get the Robins in mail BY Mid NOV.

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