GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh Marti, I forgot to say thanks for the False Indigo Bush! Thanks! :)

my place is also 20 + years worth of neglect. nothing planted, nothing mowed. upside is a lot of natives, downside-lots of natives! soil is either clay or decomposed granite so needs lots of work, cant dig unless very wet. have been working in about 12 x 12 ft increments, weed, water, dig, amend, plant move on.
i have tons of nicotiana seeds, also lots of seedlings if anyone wants but not sure how they would ship. mostly i just dig them up as they sprout.
oh dear, the desert willow seeds are not fresh (if you mean just off the plant) they are some weeks old and dont have a lot but will send all i have. lovely lovely flowers.
i am having trouble telling seed from chaff on some of the plants.
am headed over to the newbie seed thing now.
again- thank you everyone for your kindness.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Concerning the desert willow, I just meant they are this year's seed. From what I've read, they have a somewhat short viability and last year's seed won't germinate. If I manage to get some in this swap, I plan to plant them right away under lights to grow through the winter.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Yes, sherman99, do stay in. This is how you will begin to fill your seed box and before you know it you will have an extensive list.

Orangeburg, SC

Sherman99, now that you're staying in the swap, could you please earmark some mariposa lily and desert willow seeds for me.
LazLo, I'd like some freckface blackberry lily and cardomon seeds--please.
Rebeccanne, if you haven't sent in your seeds already, I'd like some of the cuphea seeds.

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Sherman please do not leave i just finish collecting some new seeds.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I have not sent in my second batch, will send some of those for you. I would also love some desert willow, if you run short, thats okay, I catch you next year!

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, how you build up a seed list.

(ahem...I used to think those people with 100+ things on their have lists could not possibly have all of those plants in their garden. And sure, you can get there on seeds first, but now at about 280 myself, I chuckle at my ol' self. Just you wait.....)


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

rebeccanne, I'd love some cuphea and dierama igneum if possible. I'm also hoping to get some of those Lobelia tupa seeds from your first batch. :) I am sooo tempted by those lovely Crindendron and Embothrium but I'm guessing those Chilean natives would, at the first hint of an Atlanta summer, develop a case of the vapors and faint dead away.

I'll try to get some fresh Amsonia hubrichtii seeds to send in if possible.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

all this discussion is gonna make my part of the swap easy! This is a good place to reference when you send in your wishlists too!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Theresa -   My box with a pound of seeds is in the wind to you! My list is in your DMail.

~ £az

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

got it Lazlo! THX.

Orangeburg, SC

Rebeccanne, I just looked up embothrium. It's beautiful and hardy in my zone. I think that I'd like to try it. Can you add some to my batch?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Seeds that have been received and/or logged in can be seen here
check it out to see what you would like on your wishlist. :)
I am logging them in as I receive the seeds and/or seed list of seeds you are sending.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

My list was not updated to reflect an amendment I sent you a while back. Do you need me to send it again?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes please alana, i must have missed it, sorry.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I think I sent several packages of the embothrium, I don't think anyone else is interested in it. But I got a tree full if anyone wants more, I can send. If you want them for trading, they are not common and you can get some nice things, it is very much in demand with traders. I can send a lot, my tree is full of pods. But they need to be fresh, within a few months at least or the germination rate is low. Hope to get the second batch of seeds in the mail tomorrow.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Theresa, I was very busy last weeks and had no time to ask for the seeds I would like to get in return which were posted the last week.
English is not my motherlanguage, so I might misunderstand some things. When and how do I ask for the seeds I would like to get.


Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Jonna. There is a website with all the seeds that have arrived so far. On or around Oct. 14th you will be asked to submit a wishlist from the selections at the website. I still have lots to receive and log in, so there is no hurry. There are 4 pages of seeds so far here:
click on the page, then the website next to the seed name to see information about it.
Any more questions, never be afraid to ask. I want everyone to enjoy themselves.

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

kwolflady could you please put some Guernsey Cream Clematis seeds that is one pretty flower.


Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Et Jonna, s'il t'aide, je parle francais -- mais je ne sais pas comment de faire des accents sur l'ordinateur. Si te peut m'en pardonner, ca me fais plaisir de t'aider si je peux.

Pas francais parfait, mais.....assez bien.

---Tu n'as pas manque' rien. A ce moment la, personne ne faissant pas deja des lists du wants. Apres deux semaine, ca sera l'heure des faire.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2010 6:26 AM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Marti - If you use FireFox for browsing, get the IM translator gadget . . . basically, here is what Tina wrote to Jonna, probably in hopes that she is a French speaking Belgian instead of a German speaking Belgian . . .


And Jonna, if it helps you, I speak French - but I do not know how to make accents on the computer. If can you excuse me, I will please me to help you if I can.

Not the best French, but well enough.

if you don't use the FoxFire browser, go to and bookmark (make a favourite) this site: . . . use the little box with the free translation for text and entire web pages in the upper right.


~ £az£o

This message was edited Sep 29, 2010 9:03 AM

Orangeburg, SC

Marti, I think that's the french translation for Jonna, telling him to go to Teresa's web page and that she will request our wish lists later. He said that English is not his mother language.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Bartjestuin, Im happy to say that your second envelope arrived today!
Lazlo, your box of seeds arrived today also. Now to log them all in.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)


Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, Lazlo is right. Though the auto-translater does make it look, and read, kinda weird. :)

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Kilngod, thanks for your reply. But.... Belgium has 3 languages: Flamish (Dutch), French and German.
I was born in the Netherlands, so I speak Dutch and I live in the German speaking part of Belgium, so I can speak German. I do speak a little French, so I could understand what you wrote, but be honest: my English is better than my French. But thanks anyway.
It's really weird here in Belgium, some people refuse to speak the other languages and now there is even a political point to devide the (very small) country in 3 parts. Belgium is smaller than any American state. Since we are from the Netherlands we can't understand that, we always welcome multicultural things.

Sometimes I use the auto translator too, especially with Slavic or Asian languages, but translations are most times weird. I stopped to use it for English because it made me make a few major mistakes. Now I just tell people that English is not my motherlanguage if I think I misunderstood something. I learn more from that than from the auto translator.

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

(I didn't mean to hijack the thread either.)

Your english actually looks great, very fluid, from here.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2010 7:54 AM

Pretoria, South Africa


I know how you feel.


Edited: Didn't mean to high jack the thread.

This message was edited Oct 3, 2010 7:09 AM

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Would anyone happen to have (snapdragon Summer Carnival or Snapdragon Debutante ?

It's been pretty quiet around here where is everyone? LOL

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Ive been busy finishing up my yearly bulb/plant swap. Now its raining and Im enjoying my plants getting a good drink!
Im also getting ready to sell Dr. Suess and Jean Pasco brug cuttings. They are in buckets ready to root~
Today two of my grandkids will be coming over for the night. They are so much fun....
hubby captured this spiderweb right after the fog lifted a couple mornings ago. neat looking isnt it :)
whats everyone else doing today?
Im off to check out all the seeds and make a few selections for myself. Sounds like a good rainyday project to keep me out of trouble.

Thumbnail by Theresa
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm enjoying the cooler weather also. No rain, but thats OK. My neighbors think I'm crazy going out to water my plants. Around here no one waters anything unless they have a container or 2. Plants in the ground don't get watered. They just wait for rain. I figure with 90 degrees and the humidity for a week, I should water the yard. Now with cooler weather I won't have to water to often.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Cindy's seeds arrived today. She is participant number 10. This has been the smallest number of participants that I have ever had. Im not complaining tho, altho there is still room for 10 more gardeners if anyone is interested.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am getting my second batch ready to mai. So far I have
Dierama mixed colors
Dierama igneum
Billardia Longifolia, (a very neat evergreen vine, has big purple seed pods, ediable, not tasty)
Mina Lobata, ( a few)
I was hoping that my seed for my special snapdragon would ripen, and yes I do have 5 good trades of it. It is called Snap Candy and has large pink flowers, yellow center, stunning variegated foliage and is very fragrant. This seed should be true, it is not cross pollinated as I have it in the greenhouse, but its probably a hybrid so many get some odd things.

If more people want it I have some more pods ripening.

I need to get lucifer and check my other crocosmia, then can get the package in the mail. Perhaps I will finde another thing or two....never know.

Hope to get the package in the mail on Monday.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I looked at the list of seed again. I think I may want too many, may such wonderful things!!!!

Anyway, I really would like any of the asarina, poisindartfrog, you have 3 listed and I don't have those 3.

I really want some of the euphorbia cyathaphare, clerodendrun trichotomum, franklina tree and tyryallis from cycjmass.

And from Flinter, I am liking the black poppy and the hens and chick poppy.

If any of these seeds are spoken for, that is fine, but if not I would love them to end up in my greedy little hands.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Elsa, I'll answer you in a personal d-mail, because this topic is not meant for personal things. Most of the other participants are not interested in the language problem.

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Theresa, My seeds will be on their way soon! (Are there really only 11 of us?????)

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

10 envelopes have arrived so far, and Im waiting on 6 more. There is still 2 weeks til the deadline.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Theresa, the spider web is beautiful, thanks for sharing. Will get a few more seeds out to you on Sat. It's the only day I can get to the P.O. Annette

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