Pretoria, South Africa

Are they MG seeds for yourself or for the swap?

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

they are for the swap Elsa, but I will pick them for myself :)

Pretoria, South Africa

Let me know if you don't get any. I have a few JMG seeds I can send you.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

ok, will do :) thx.

I am looking for mints, any sweetpeas any marigolds. i know they are not rare but i really like them and have lots of room to plant if anyone has any to share i would appreciate it.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Theresa, I already sent in my seeds, but I have a Morning glory you might be interested in: Ipomoea Sunrise serenade.
I only could collect a small amount of seeds, but we can trade for it later.
Sherman, I have as well some sweetpeas as marigolds, but since I already sent in my seeds (from Belgium to the USA it usually takes about a week for small envelopes, longer for bigger ones) we might have a trade later. Just let me know..

Winnetka, CA

sherman99...... I harvested tons of sweet pea seeds from my garden this year....they are mostly in pastel shades, but a mixture of many colors....all were harvested together into a small bucket so they are a mixture.... I will put together several packages for the swap...they were lovely in the garden this year.... I know you will enjoy them! I also have some marigolds .... so I will send them as well.

Does anyone in the swap have echinacea to share? I'd like to acquire some 'fragrant angel' ...'pow wow wild berry' or 'flame thrower'.... I've been growing 'harvest moon' this year and they are so pretty...I'm hoping to add more this coming spring.

Deebie.... the lady slippers are so pretty... my husband is constructing a water feature which would create the perfect spot for them to grow...I'd love to have some seeds if there are enough....


wow thank you

Pretoria, South Africa


I would also love to receive some of your sweetpea seed. I had a lovely display this past winter, but for some reason, only pink flowers. I can't get enough of their delicate fragrance...


elsa123 that is the best part about sweetpeas! the smell is heavenly!

Pretoria, South Africa

I agree. My husband complaints that it gives him a stuffy nose, but that doesn't prevent me from putting them everywhere...

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

I am getting so excited, already have a lengthy list from the seeds posted that Theresa has posted on her site, when do you think we will get the trade? Annette

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

The swap runs from Sept.15-Oct.15. As soon as everyone gets there seeds in I will ask for a final wishlist, then start packing up and sending off!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Theresa, do you want me to send you some seeds of the Jewel Weed? Its a cure for Poison Ivy.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Theresa,

Is there still room to join in this swap?
I've enjoyed it in the past a lot! :)


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi everyone!

I am still gathering and drying seeds. I didn't realize that you were starting a swap so early this year. Is there going to be an October-November swap? I will have a better selection by then.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

yes, there will be a oct-nov one :) I barely have any seed gathered myself.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Dirkje hofstra, what is you DG name? I received your seeds today and want to log you in.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am glad that there will be a later swap! Please sign me up for that one!!!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I really enjoy the seed swap :)

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am very short on time here, I will mail my seeds today, but did not list them. Actually this is the first set, I am waiting for some more things to ripen, if they do in time I will send in another package.

Off the top of my head this is what I put in the package
Lobelia tupa
crindendron hookeri, (chilian latern tree from Chile)
Lots, I mean lots, of the asarina procumbens
erygnium Jade Frost (variegated sea holly)
Leptospermem Dark Shadows

Thats what I am remembering. So many nice seeds you all have.

What a great trade idea this is. Thank you Teresa for having in and letting me join.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

I am so into variegated plants. I cant wait to grow those sea holly.

Denver, United States

Is this trade now closed? or open?
If open, how many seeds makes up a pack?
Can I send 20 packs of the same seeds?
If I send international, could I send 40 packs of the same seeds in lieu of postage?
What would you consider an "unusual vegetable"

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

hi Peter. The swap is still open, and yes, if sent internationally you can send 20 extra in lieu of postage, and all can be the same, but no more than 40 of the same kind.
I would think any veggie, flower, herb, etc. seeds would be fine.
I do request that you send a return address label and dmail me a list of the seeds you are sending.

Pretoria, South Africa


I just love your Lobelia tupa, erygnium Jade Frost and rhodochiton... Oh, it is going to be like opening an early Christmas present with all the possible lovelies coming our way... Can hardly wait!


Munden, KS

Hey Everyone,
Ok,This is going to be a long post.
I've been going through my seeds, to see what I have to offer.So far, this is what I have:

10- Northern Sea Oats
10- Purple Fountian Grass 2-3' tall
10-Apple Gourd
5- Love in a Mist- Mixed colors
5- Poppy Venus - pink and frilly,very pretty
5- Adenium - Blue Boy 10 seeds (pic enclosed)
4- Adenium - Black- King 10 seeds (pic enclosed)
5- Adenium - Ultravoilet 10 seeds ( pic enclosed)
4- Adenium - Red Dragon 10 seeds ( pic enclosed)

Poisondartfrog- I would love to trade later on for seeds from your Family Jewel tree.
cjcjmass- I would be interested in some of your Magic Hybrid Aster, Stokes Aster- color wheel,Peony blue lagoon,Cherry Brandy Rudbeckia
NF2032 - I would love some of your cinnamon Basil *** I have Echinacea - Flame Thrower,but as of today they are not ready yet.If they're not ready by the time I send my seeds in,I will gladly send you some later.****
Sherman99 - I would love to try some of your Adenostoma Fasciculatium, Self Heal.
Theresa- do you have enough of your Coconut Lime Coneflower seeds yet ? So I could get a few?
Kilngod - I would love some of your Black Magic Dianthus seeds
Lazlo - Do you still have Easter lily and Black Cohash seeds left? I'm interested in some if you do.
Rebeccanne - I would love to have some of your Leptospermum - Dark Shadow , Enygnium - Jade Frost - Varigated Sea Holly seeds. If you have any left.

Is anybody looking for Clematis seeds? I have Guernsey Cream - an off white with beautiful 5 " blooms. It mostly blooms in the spring,but it will have a few blooms through out the year.It even have a bloom on it now. But I have lots of seeds,Lots!

Seeds I'm looking for: Anything Black, burgandy ,pink , white.

But more specifally,I would like to find these:
Easter lily vine
Bleeding Heart vine- white
Fringed bleeding Heart
Echinacea- Fragrant Angel
Chocolate Daisy
Monkshood -Stainless steel
Salvia Black & Blue
Bird of Paradise - regular ones
Poppy - Black Poppy
- Bonbast pink
- Persian White
- Royal Wedding
-Raspberry Fool
Snow in the summer

Marti000- Can I possibly get some Jewel weed seeds? I get bad allergic reactions to Poison Ivy.And it would be nice to have.

I'm so anxious to see what goodies I will be bless with from this swap. Thanks for letting me join again. Karen

I guess I can only post 1 picture so the other Adenium pictures will follow.These pictures are not mine.They are ones I have saved for my own records.I just don't want to get in trouble for using someone elses pictures.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2010 8:44 PM

This message was edited Sep 24, 2010 9:33 AM

Thumbnail by Kwolflady
Munden, KS

This is Adenium - Black King

Thumbnail by Kwolflady
Munden, KS

This is Adenium Red Dragon

Thumbnail by Kwolflady
Munden, KS

And this is Adenium Ultra Violet

Thumbnail by Kwolflady
Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

I will send in a env with you name on it also for the seed that you requested above.

Kwolflady's if possible can you pls tag these seed for me.

Love in a Mist- Mixed colors
Poppy Venus - pink and frilly,very pretty
Adenium - Blue Boy
Adenium - Black- King
Adenium - Ultravoilet
Adenium - Red Dragon

Thanks for posting you seed. I'm checking too see what else i may have to add on too this swap.

Munden, KS

cjcjmass, I've put them in a baggie for you. Thanks for saving the seeds for me. Karen

Pretoria, South Africa


I just love your adeniums. Are the seeds from your own plants? I would love some, please, if you have any left. If sent some Bird of Paradise seeds, but it is for the bigger plant with the white and purple flowers. I hope to have a few seeds of the orange and purple later in the year. LEt me know if I must save some for you.


Munden, KS

HI Elsa,
I wish they were mine. Mine are just 1" babies right now.I purchased these from a lady in Thailand,off E-Bay.I always buy in bulk of 100 seeds. As things always seem to happen and I lose my first crop.And this way I have more to fall back on.Just like with any seeds I get,I never plant them all at once.This year was a bad year here for plants starting out. In May we had hail storms every week.I have alot of Irises,and the first hail storm we had shredded them all.I Cried,as they were all just getting ready to bloom. All my flower and trees were took all the blooms off my fruit trees too, so we had no fruit. Oh , no wait ! I did have 1 apple and 4 peaches.
I will put some in a bag with your name on it. Hopefully next year the seeds I offer will be from my own plants.I would like to have the white Bird of Paradise,but I think it will get too big for a house plant. Will you save me some of the orange/ purple Bird of Paradise seeds this fall. Thank you !! Karen

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Kwolflady, I will send Black Magic dianthus for you. Could you mark one of your Black King Adenium for me? Thanks!

Munden, KS

Kilngod, I've got it saved for you with your name on it. Thank you for the Dianthus seeds ! ! ! Karen

Munden, KS

Nf2032- I'm sorry but I don't have Flame Thrower. I have Firebird (Echinacea) Karen

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Karen in Kansas -   Yes, I still have seeds for both plants. I also have some rootstock for the Black Cohosh and a few bulb scales for the Easter Lily. I shall make an envy for inclusion with the swap with your DG name on it with some of each for you.

This message was edited Sep 24, 2010 8:13 AM

Munden, KS

Lazlo - That would be great. Thank You so much ! ! Karen in KS

Orangeburg, SC

Kwolflady, if you haven't sent your seeds in already, can you mark some seeds of Poppy Venus, Adenium - Blue Boy, Adenium - Black- King, Adenium - Ultravoilet, Adenium - Red Dragon 10 seeds for me, please.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I just read the article about crocosmia. I have about 10 varieties and lots of them have seeds now. Tons of seed of the lucifer, but then, who doesn't? I have a few that are quite rare, some yellows and such. Anyhow if anyone wanted some seed, I could send some. Of course they are hybrid so the seed may give you quite a bit of variety. If you were interested I could harvest the seed from the more uncommon ones. They are very easy to grow from seed. Let me know and I will get them in the mail.

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