Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

thats great rebeccanne! I was so organized this time it was a breeze! This has got to be my favorite seed swap!

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

ATTN: All participants from the United States. Twice a year I hold a bulb/plant swap and am always looking for new participants. I usually have between 20-30, so you can imagine the different plants and bulbs that run across my tables! The awesome thing about these swaps is that you have the option to send bulbs/plants or you can buy a box. Boxes are $25 and include return postage. Your $25 goes to: return postage of $10.20, and I will purchase bulbs (many unusual like Arum Italicum or specialty tulips, different alliums,etc)
Its easy to sign up, just become a member of and you will be notified for all swaps I host! There is such a great variety and what better way to get new plants/bulbs for your gardens! The next swap is in the spring...hope to see you there!

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Theresa, got the seeds today, I only make it to the PO on Wed and Sat. I am tickled pink with what I got, thanks again. Annette

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Theresa, received the seeds today, that's fast for overseas.
Most of the seeds I wanted were in the envelope. Thank you so much.
Hope to join next year.


Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Looking forward to your joining again next year Jonna.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

By next year I'll be able to join also. What fun that will be.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I got mine today as well. I was amazed by how many of the ones I requested were in there!
Thank you indeed.

Pretoria, South Africa


The seeds arrived today. Thank you so much for a wonderful swap! I will definitely be saving seed for next years... thanks to everybody that marked the seeds to be included in my envelope. I really appreciate your trouble.

Happy gardening,

St. Annaparochie, Netherlands

last night I came home from a short vacation and found a thick envelope full of seeds. Today I have gone through all the bags. I want to thank everyone for the nice seeds. Therese thanks for hosting this swap. I am very happy with all these seeds!!!!

Orangeburg, SC

Am I the only one who hasn't received seeds? It's been 10 days since Teresa mailed it out and I have yet to see them. I am so heartbroken.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

Deebie, I contacted the post office today and they will be putting a track on its whereabouts. In the first swap Bartjesuin's first envelope of seeds never arrived to me. Both instances are so upsetting. The post office, after taking all the information will have some kind of answer for us in 30 days. :(
Not much of a consolation, but lets hope it arrives. Sometimes, over the years, I have found that as soon as I inquire about it, its delivered in a couple days. Lets hope that happens this time....

Orangeburg, SC

I'll try to keep hope alive. Thanks for your help, Teresa.

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Oh Deebie, I am so sorry this happened to you. I was so running to the mail box to get my package, hope it arrives soon.

Teresa, I am trying to collect my seeds but its been raining and too wet. Tomorrow it promises to be not rain so I will get the seed and send you a list I hope, by tomorrow evening.

Orangeburg, SC

Rebeccanne, I was really looking forward to some of the ones that I requested from you. I'm still hoping that they show up. I just read a post on another forum where someone received a "We Care" package (damaged mail) from the PO. It was from a seed trade made back in February and looked like some chemical spilled on it. Yuk!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

If you can remember what they were, and I still have some of those seeds, I can put them in my next shipment to Teresa.

I do feel for you, I was so excited to get my package, I have not made a wish list for the new one yet, but so many wonderful things.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Deebie, If there is anything on my trade list you want, let me know will be happy to send anything you want. Have tons of seeds. Annette

Orangeburg, SC

OMG, you guys are so wonderful. I'm teary eyed.

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

if you go to round 2 thread it has Deebie's wishlist from the first swap. Feel free to send in anything on her list, I will be happy to pass them on to her.

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Theresa,
I received the package of seeds and then traveled on business. I finally got to go through the seeds this morning -- Thank you for the seeds (and the cuttings) and for hosting this swap!!

and also read a dmail from marjolein/Bartjestuin -- she did not receive some of the seeds that I sent in the separate baggie for her and is a little upset with me I think. (This is very awkward....I did not mind getting less seeds, as I said in advance that was ok and to give some of my "seed credit" away to others. The cuttings were a very very nice bonus, too.) I am concerned that maybe others did not get seeds from me, and just have not said so.

I know it is a huge task to run one of these, I know I couldn't do it. Please please don't be offended, Theresa. Could you let us know anything though, so that marjolein/Bartjestuin doesn't think I just stiffed her?

Just for the record to others (to defend my name a little), I sent in 109 packets, 23 were pre-arranged to got to certain people. and 10 things had been/were being sent directly to me (because those people had already sent in their packages); and I got 33 packs back plus some big/solid cuttings (brugs? I think they are). I'm quite happy with what I've gotten in this swap. Please don't get me wrong. I just feel very bad that she is upset, and since I haven't been here on DG as a member for very long even though I've done hundreds of trades on the other site, I'm concerned that this will give me problems.

(I'm sorry if my wordings are less than graceful. I'm trying in the midst of interruptions.)

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi All, forgot to post to say that I got my package of seeds. Thanks everyone! ^_^

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hi All,

I was sorting and listing the seeds I received in this swap.
There is one package I can't find out what it is. It is labeled 'CHINESE YALLOW', even if I change the L in a R (here we know Chinese people can't pronounce the 'R', they always make a 'L' of it, haha), I still can't find what seeds it are.
Hope the one who sent in this seeds will let me know what it is.


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Just a guess, but maybe Chinese Mallow?

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Danita, thank you for your reply.
It is a good idea, just one character is different, but i think the seeds are too big for a Mallow.
I got 4 seeds, almost round and about 0.5 cm

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Chinese Tallow, Triadica sebifera.
But I did not send it.
Edited to reflect that.

This message was edited Nov 9, 2010 5:56 PM

Marine City, MI(Zone 5a)

try chinese tallow. Its a tree, so it should have big seeds???

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Thank you both. The seeds really look like the Triadica sebifera.
The only thing that makes me doubt, is the color. If I google the seeds they are light brown, the seeds I got are dark brown, almost black.

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