Merino, Australia

All I can say about the heat is 'thank goodness for air con'. My "bod" is not what it used to be . I think it aged somewhere and the themostat is askew.
Here's the only sensible thing to eat.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sydney, Australia

We found this on the beach a few months ago. A Weedy Sea Dragon. It's around 30cm in length.
Saw one in the shop the other day and they wanted $40 for it. We have let the sun and ants do their bits and we are ready to stick it on the wall. Stinking hot at Sussex yesterday. Southerly hit at around 2am and it cooled things down. Off to tend the critters now. Back later.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hello everyone,sorry ive been quiet.will try to cram up the forums during the week,just popped home as i was starting to forget what it looks like,anthony

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks for the icecream Jean! I made Mango ice cream using Chrissy's recipe. Its beautiful! I'll post a pic next time I dish some up, and you can all have some.
Steve, the poor little tyke! Actually, what kind of size is it? They wouldn't be all that common, I wouldn't think?
Anthony, your flower stem on the other thread was awesome! Congratulations on such a good number of placings. It sounds as though you've had a ball.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sue the world opened up as it does every january like a big pacman'wokka wokka wokka'but this time im going to take a look at it

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I'm not saying good morning because it's not really. Very muggy and already getting hot. I've thrown a bit of water at the plants that need it most . I have a few in the little wading pool I bought. It is just right for the couple of dwarf cannas and a few water irises. I must get another when I finally get the back area done as it will look quite nice under there with my small bamboo in it. Maybe a fish or two.
Hello Elaine, I do like your big buck there. Doesn't he like going back to the north pole after Christmas ?
Chrissy, the insects never disappeared, they all moved down to the shadehouses. I went in yesterday afternoon and there were all sorts of insects under the cloth roof. I think any sensible snakes would be sheltering too. We don't see many although they are around. Lots of places for them here to keep out of sight. I keep the water bowls full on the ground for them.
Sue, move over in that pool, I'm coming to sit in there with my icecream.
Steve, those sea dragons are very beautiful. Such a shame that fellow didn't survive. We get a different type down in Portland .
Anthony, nice to see you pop back again. Are you getting the very hot weather down there ?
Better get out and check on the pot plants around the place. They are surviving the heat quite well as long as they have a drink.
I hope you all get through this hot spell okay and remember the Tea Room is always at a perfect temp. for us all.
Here's some Chocolate Truffles straight from the fridge.
Keep cool and safe everyone.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Morning all, I'm at work, so just a quick wave from me. I'll put a choc truffle away for later.
Steve, I'm jealous of your sea-dragon! I hope it can be used & enjoyed. I'd love to see a sea horse in the wild. I seen a few pipe fish, which are like thin straight sea horse, but I'm still hoping one day for the real thing.
Happy gardening, Leisa.

Hi from me too ...off to the hospital, monitoring hormones of my brother.
Love the dear little sea dragon ...I hope he had a happy life.
Stay cool everyone.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. I am running in and out just to leave something nice in case anyone fels like a nibble.
Expecting a visitor this morning so I'm off to throw some water on the poor plants first. It was very hot and windy yesterday as I expect you all felt. Cool this morning and the plants will appreciate the respite.
I hope you all stay cool and safe during the hot weather.
See you all later.
Chocolate dipped Coconut Macaroons

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Hi everyone ...a horror heat heading this way I must go water out front now because being on a main road it only takes one ciggy thrown from a car window (yes they still do it) to set things on fire.
I hope everyone gets through it ok.
will be back a bit later.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Chrissy
Its overcast here so hope it stays thate way , but inside for the day air con. on I dont turn it on normally till the temp is moving up water bottles all chilled my day is relaxed and cool.
Hope no new fires start in your area have the best day possible .---------elaine.

townsville, Australia

Good morning all, I am sitting here stuffing all the invoices into envelopes looking out the window and thinking about the meaning of life lol, this is the most boring job I have to do, it is important as far as the business goes but it takes over an hour and is mind numbing not to mention the paper cuts :-), I needed a break from it and decided to go to my favourite tea room for a cuppa.
Steve I love your sea dragon, I have seen them at the aquarium in Reef HQ but not as big as yours, they are lovely. I am sure you will find somewhere wonderful for him.
Jean yum I love chocolate and I really love macaroons so I am in love. I hope you have a nice time with your visitors.
Chrissy nice to hear that your brother is improving, your frangi is lovely.
Sue your muffins are very safe with me, I live in mango country and can not even stand the smell of them, toooooooooooo many when I was a kid, just do not like them now.
It has not been that hot here this week, well I have not noticed it anyway, I was a little warm on Sunday when I mowed the yard, but nothing to bad, the humidity is a little high but it has been overcast and not to bad.
I had best get back to my envelope stuffing, have a wonderful day all
Smile and stay safe

Thumbnail by shelly61
Alstonville, Australia

I hope you are all safe out there where all the fires are.
Sunset, thought you may want to have look at the old shearing shed for memories,
oh! memories.

What a lovely tea room.

Thumbnail by hel
Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely tea room hel, but a bit warm in there today.
Our Windsor lookalike is lovely and cool.
Jean, I have been saving all your cakes this week.
I might freeze them..mind you I ate the ice-cream.
Shell, what is that pretty flower? is it a climber? it looks familiar but the colour is confusing me.

Merino, Australia

Hello All
It's RAINING !!!!!!!
It started to rain around 9am then decided to stop. Next thing it started up again. Probably forgot how to rain here.
The visitor was only hubbys brother so I finished my watering until he left. Hubby gets a bit uptight when he visits, which thankfully is not often. Hubby felt like relaxing so we took a drive over to Hamilton for lunch.
It rained all the way over and back. Lovely. We have had about 56 points so far. I can hear the plants slurping away madly.
Chrissy, hope all stays quiet up your way in the heat. Stay inside in the cool. Hope your brother is going well.
Elaine, I hope you stay nice and cool too.
Shelly, take some extra macaroons to keep you going doing those boring envelopes.
Thanks for the pic, Hel. It does bring back memories of those far off days. I did like working in the sheds.
Dianne, good idea with the cakes. Always some there for later then. Lucky our Tea Room is always in perfect weather. i wish we could manipulate the real weather as easily.
Better go and check on the plants. Make sure they don't go into shock after seeing rain.
Happy day. Enjoy some more Icecream.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Enjoy your rain jean ...I am very happy you are getting it, I hope it's widespread ...no such luck here but then we have had some good down pours in the last few weeks, so now hopefully now it's your turn.
Love the old shearing shed ...wouldn't want to be in one today though.
dianne that bloom you are asking about is a desert rose (I call them fat bottomed plants.)

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

mean fire here,gotten away on the wellington ranges about 20 km away.wind has changed and pushing fire s/w away into thicker bush.not good

Merino, Australia

Hello all. The rain has stopped but it did freshen the garden and cool things down.
Anthony, I hope your fire down there is contained and does no permanent damage. The bush always regrows but it's hard now with so many people wanting to live right in the bush. Hard to find a happy medium between living in the bush and retaining it while being fire safe. We have had a few haystack fires around here over the last week . Silly farmers never learn about stacking their hay properly.
Saw on our news last night where one imaginative farmer used his very large bales and rounds of hay to build a castle. Looked really good too. One way to stack safely while having a bit of fun.
I am going to use the much cooler day here to get out and pull all the old dead plants out now they have self seeded everywhere. Lots of old opium poppies, wallflowers and honesty. I really want to trim the roses as they do look awful. I will leave for a while though as I don't want to encourage any new growth which will get burnt as soon as the heat returns.
Hello to everyone looking in. I hope you are all enjoying your gardens and the return to a more normal way of life after the holidays. Sue, Chrissy, Leisa, Kat, Brian, Colleen, Elaine , Steve .
Louise , we haven't seen your smiling face for a while. Hope all is well with you and those little fluff balls of yours.
Have a great day everyone. Try these Coconut Marshmallows. I can't resist them.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Over 30C at midnight ...agh!
the humidity was almost pure steam I reckon.
I am wondering now if our winter this year will be extreme like the poor gardeners overseas are experiencing, it kind of makes you nervous.
Please send some milder weather this way jean ...I feel sick in this miserable heat, it's the only time I wish I lived somewhere cooler.
The Southerly buster did not reach us here.
Some veggies are bolting to seed in the heat.
Luckily there has not been much fierce wind.
I hope everyone is staying out of the sun ...it's really scary to see so many people on the beach ...skin damage.
I sound like an old granny ... better get out of here for now.
see you all later.

Toowoomba, Australia

Hi to All, haven't had much to say of recent times but have been reading all the news. My good news is that my reports show that my cancer is now in remission. Yahoooo!!!! Still have to have some doses of radium during February & guess that will make me feel a little unsociable for a while so please excuse my silence.
I'm so pleased to hear that everyone seems to have had good falls of rain, just wish that we had. We had the grand total of 31mils for December &18 mils so far this year. Not great when one considers that it mostly came in falls of approx 5 mils at a time followed by sizzling hot days. It would seem, from comments I have read in the local paper, the drought still persists in just a small corner of the Darling Downs. As one wit said - you know how the weather forecast will state "showers & storms for the eastern downs, dry elsewhere"? This chap reckons we should be renamed as "Elsewhere". I'm inclined to agree with him. Our tank was almost dry around 23rd December, just green "yuck" in the bottom & then we had 15mils in one fall so I can water my plants again.
I am intrigued with the Brugmansias (have I got that right?) I have seen them up around Maryborough way but none around Toowoomba. Do you think they would survive here? We can get freezing cold winters as well as sizzling summer heat, particularly out where I live, on the western side of Toowoomba.
Must away now, just wanted to let you know that I was still in the land of the living, Glwyn

Merino, Australia

Glwyn, great news on your remission. About the brugs. If they grow here at my place , they will grow aywhere.
Just watch our threads for those that are more hardy. Some are just pure beauty but faint at the slightest fright while others will keep plodding on regardless.
Chrissy, the mild weather up and went , probably to that place called Elsewhere. It has been warm again today but not too bad as yet.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Thanks Jean, for the Coconut Marshmallows, they were scrumptious.
We have a farmer nearby who stacks up his bales and makes a Santa every year..he also sprays them red and white.
The kids love to see the giant Santa..so do I.
Sue, thank you for the info re Desert Rose....I have seen mention of them but haven't looked them up.
Anthony, I hope your fires eased last night....Tassie is too beautiful to burn.
Hello Glwyn, I am new so we haven't met before...glad to hear that you are coming along well,
My daughter was in a similar situation 4 yrs ago so I know how you would be feeling, be as unsociable as you feel, the forum will still be here and you may get a giggle from it.
The experts will tell you about the Brugs.
Here is a clover leaf that I found this morning...it is enormous..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Christchurch, New Zealand

we have a big old elderberry tree on the boundary, too close to the wall it has cracked the block work.
and yesterday the wall finally gave up the ghost & came tumbling down.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
townsville, Australia

Good afternoon all, Glwyn, great news, hope it lasts 30 years, my Aunts remission lasted 27 years so I would be rapt for you to beat that.
Jean those marshmallows of yours were popular, I am late today and there is none left, but I did get extra macaroons, so I am not to concerned lol.
Teresa what a pain, that looks like quite a job to fix, good luck.
the weather here is still being kind to us, unlike down south, this country always astounds me with the weather and as much as I complain about it, I would not live any where else on the planet. I do hope everone is safe around the bushfires down south.
Dianne that is massive, I have never seen one that large before
I best be off not much time today. Please be safe all

Thumbnail by shelly61
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

fires under control,late last night,thank god,cooler day today..i'll keep cleaning up from the lily show,pull the back off the truck and tuck everything away by this weekend,so the firewood can come[hopefully] next weekend..i need a rest

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.Lovely cool morning here .
Hello Teresa, thats some mess you have to clean up there. Maybe you can redesign that part of the garden around the tree.
Dianne, that leaf is certainly a large one. I hope it's not part of some giant triffid sneaking up on you.
Glad to hear the fires are under control Anthony. Can't have Tassie burning away, it's the only state I haven't been to as yet.
Hello Shelly. I'm like you. I wouldn't live anywhere else either even if I do complain about our weird weather.
Glad you found some nibbles in the kitchen.
I got rid of the old plants yesterday. It was cool to work outside and the garden does look a bit neater without the dry honesty and opium poppies standing around.
I think I may do a bit of potting of some of the larger Angel seedlings today. They grow so fast when young. Time they went down with the big boys and made room for other small plants.
I have some seeds of Hellebores to put in , also some small Clivia seedligs that need a larger pot.
The Epi house is next on the list to be tackled. I have to trim all the epis and move them around to put up more shelves. I may redesign the Brom area too and hang some of them up on the wall.
Hello to everyone looking in.
I am off outside. I'm leaving some very tasty Chocolate Muffins for you.
Have a happy gardening (or work ) day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Ahhh a few minutes to have a cuppa.
Well the heavens opened last night ...a great deluge!
I won't go on about it because I know how badly some need rain.
It once again flattened stuff but who is complaining.
My wish for all of you who have been fighting illness ...pain and worry, is that 2010 brings you health, comfort and serenity.
For those battling the drought my wish for you is rain ...not gushing and flattening but soft, gentle and soaking ...all that you need to revive and replenish your land.
For those battling floods ...my wish for you is sunshine to dry out the sodden mess and that the flood leaves enough life behind to get the land green and growing again.
For those in danger of the bushfires ...I wish you rain and cooler days.
For my country I wish the mob in charge would do something about harvesting all the water falling from the sky ...our country would be the garden of Eden if they did.

Merino, Australia

Chrissy, as long as the mob in charge has easy access to everything they need , there will be no sensible things done like harvesting rain. It's a wonder we aren't being charged for it actually falling from the sky onto our garden. The poor farmers here ( I don't know about other states) have to pay for the dams they put in to try and use some of this rain. Stupidity rules.
Nuff said.
It is nice and mild here today so I am getting more potting done. I have moved some baby angels to big pots and have other seedlings to pot on. I see that the willow is losing it's leaves so winter must be upon us Ha ha.
Lack of water for the darn thing, It will probably send it's roots to creep up to the septic when I'm not looking.

Clifton Springs, Australia

I am typing with a mouthful of muffin Jean, delicious.
as well as watching the cricket, not so delicious.....Mt Wellington and the Derwent look lovely anyway.
Brian, I have had my first peach...juicy and sweet, even my husband said they were nice and he is not a fruit eater.
I think their small size appealed to him, easy to eat.
The splitting that you spoke of, if you look at the bottom peach in the photo, you will see a small split in the centre,
is that what you meant?
I have a couple like that, but no grubs inside...
There would be over 100 fruit on the little tree.....I will be interested to see how it crops this year...
I will always remember what you said about thinning, thanks for that....Normally I would have thinned because
they are so close together...Glad that I didn't.
Lovely sentiments Chrissy....and I hope whatever was flattened, pops up again......
The photo went sideways.....it's the peach on the right.

This message was edited Jan 14, 2010 2:16 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barmera, Australia

The RH peach bottom is masked but I think I can see the start of the split. I have a feeling that as the tree ages this problem might ease up, certainly hope so. I had a lousy crop this year but the fruit was over 3" across and splitting was not a problem, mind you they didn't last long once ripe. We don't get grubs or maggots here it is the Carphopalous (spelling is wrong) Beetles that enter the cracks and carry the "Brown Rot" fungus spores with them, this is what does the real damage. If you don't know the beetle, there are several species about 2mm long 1mm wide and some have yellow marks on the back others are all black.
If your fruit is too small IE less than 2" then you can thin, removing the "Siamese Twins" or one of the pair to give the remaining one a bit more room.

townsville, Australia

Chrissy those are all lovely thoughts and nicely said, my wish is for your brother and all those who are not well to get better.

Oh and those in charge are tooooooooooooooo busy spending all my hard earned taxes send 114 people overseas for a summit that could have handle 1 maybe 3, oh ok i will stretch it out to maybe 6, to worry about little things like lack of water and hospital beds. Ok I have said my bit.

have a wonderful evening all

Christchurch, New Zealand

the wretched tree is an elderberry so a noxious weed as far as I am concerned.
I have someone booked to quote on removal, need to ring some other firms too.
The block wall is rubbish & I think between the neighbour & us we can pull it down, then we can get a privacy fence put up.
I have always wanted to do this & was just needing a push - only been here 10 years.
I am looking forward to redoing the garden along that boundary.
I have a massive camellia that might just be given the heave ho as well, room for more interesting plants then.
I have much nicer camellias on the other boundary so won't miss 'big red'.
It is a sunny strip, north facing, could be made into a haven for day lilies?
Ahh the possibilities.

Sydney, Australia

I think I have discussed the Elderberry with you before Dalfyre. It took years after removal to kill all the suckers. Nice tree on 100 acres! Always good to have a new project. I hear one coming on! Thought from your previous pic it was on the front boundary? Try to keep the Camellia for me. I have a soft spot for them. (he will never know I hear you say!) Anyway, having a Verdelho and listening to Fleetwood Mac.
Say hi to all across the ditch!
Have a good night all

Christchurch, New Zealand

close up of the lovely lily that is the main flower in the bunch sent to me after my father died...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

these adorable roses came from one of my lovely regulars at the RSA.
She is so thoughtful & kind, always smiling.
She thinks I am lovely because I look after her & remember to make her drink just how she likes it but she deserves the special treatment because she is a special lady:)

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone.
Time to move us so we are now over here near the pond.
Those peaches look really tasty. I must get one of those little trees. I could hide it from the birds if I kept it in a pot. Our blood plums are extra large and plentiful this year after a few years of hardly any and then only small ones. Now I've said that , I should have put 'were'. The birds have either eaten or knocked off just about all. I did manage to find a couple of ripe ones still on the tree. Next to go will be the nectarines , but luckily for me , they seem to leave the peaches alone. For a while anyway. The quinces are nowhere near ripe but are being pecked which knocks them down too. They can have all the apples which are not nice ones anyway. We will be lucky to race down and grab one grape. No good netting as the little birds can find a small space somewhere. Too awkward to do anyway.
You will have some fun playing with your new area Teresa. I wish I was closer and I would take that camellia away for you. I love them. Your flowers are beautiful.
Steve , nice to see you pop in. How is the shower project going ?
Shelly, It's friday, you have 2 whole days to play.
Better move from here or nothing will get done and I still have a few chairs to move to the new Tea Room site.
Have a happy day all and don't fall in the pond while admiring the water lilies .
Here's something different but yummy. Chocolate Pavlova. ( yes , Brian, with cream )

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Morning all,
I've just been driven inside by a rain shower - lovely! My garden is looking much more lush than the past few years, even the grass is fully green! I hope you have the same luck with "just enough" rain in the coming year!
Glwyn, hi & fingers crossed for permanent remission for you. Live every day regardless!
Shelly that's a lovely hibiscus & the picture is fabulous too - nicely done!
Jean, the Chocolate Pavlova looks a bit rich for me so early in the morning, I might just have some raisin toast to start.....then have a piece. That's if Brian leaves any!
Dalfyre - I can feel your dream re the fence - nice to see opportunities realized after 10 years eh!
Oooh the cat is calling "heeelllo" & wants me to go outside for a walk around, so gotta run.

Thumbnail by LeisaD

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