western sydney nsw, Australia

Iam back to normal again new tenants moving in to day .
This is a beautiful tea room must keep the elves busy cleaning all the silver .
I need a little help my Heliconia is looking very sad how far sould I cut it back I mean at the bottom of the leaves or down a few ins. from the soil . and is now the time to cut back it has finished flowering .
Now going to catch up on all the news and happenings since last time I droped in till later elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Steve. Disrobe ??? I hope the neighbors didn't get a shock.
Hello Elaine. good to see you out and about. Yes, the elves are doing an excellent job cleaning. Gives them something to do when it's not Christmas.

townsville, Australia

Good morning all, it is a beautiful morning here today, I was driving to work this morning and it was just so nice to see everwhere I looked was green and happy, it is amazing what a couple of weeks of nice rain will do to a town.
I have never seen so many names that start with S, I will give you all a GIANT hint, my name starts with S, but the normal and correct way to spell it is with a C, so I have probably led you astray slightly lol.
New Years Resolutions, I can not recall ever keeping one, I unfortunately make the same one every year to eat a lot healthier and go for a walk at least 5 afternoons a week, but alas it only ever lasts 2 weeks, I always use the same excuse lack of time, but I think it is lack of enthusiasm as well lol. So I eat rubbish and exercise little.
I don't feel like a baby when I see my kids lol. My son will be 32 in May, I have no idea where all that time has gone, it just went by in a flash.
My little Molly (my rescued cat) went in for her big operation yesterday, she is now desexed, she is feeling a little sore and sorry for her self, I always feel guilty when I put my animals through pain, hopefully she will feel better in no time. The last time I got an animal desexed was nine years ago, it was $90 then and $179 yesterday, inflation stops for no man lol. (or cat for that matter)
Jean I find it hard to imagine it being chilly this time of the year, it would be quite a shock to my system if I was visiting lol.
Elaine nice to see you again, I hope you had a wonderful christmas.
Colleen I will have to take another photo of the cacti pot so you can see how much they have all grown.
Steve you keep adding to your list of projects, you will never get time to enjoy any of the completed ones lol.
Chrissy what do I feed my angels, they are looking a little sad and anemic, I think they need some lovin.
I had best go and do some work, I hope you all have a wonderful day
Smile and stay safe

Merino, Australia

Cheryl , Sheryl ????

Brisbane, Australia

Morning all, I can't get in for a piece of lovely Blackberry Coffee cake - only have plain Arnotts biscuits here at work ;-(
It;s still gray here in Bris, not raining really at all & not as humid as it was. It's hard to imagine cool weather at this time of year. I looked thru my wardrobe this morning to find something to wear to work & felt positively uncomfortable even looking at anything with long sleeves! The garden is doing well though & the grass going nuts. Anyway I'd better get back to work - hopefully the day will slip by quickly.

Barmera, Australia

How about Sharlotte or Shantelle both are correctly spelt with a "C".

townsville, Australia

Jean you are a very clever woman you must be good at puzzles. Now you know my secret lol.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Shelly, good thing Molly is ok now, no kitten worries or tomcats....
Sorry Jean, I was unfaithful this morning and dropped in to my favourite nursery for coffee
and very nice nutty slice which I shared with Matilda...She likes the nursery as much as I do.
She was bitten by a wasp this morning so after the vet we went for a treat.
Lovely day now, gentle easterly blowing....

Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
After advice on garden lights so if you have recently been through the exercise I would appreciate your opinions.

Merino, Australia

Shelly your clue made me think of my daughter's second name Cherie so I took a wild guess. I like Shelly though. It is nicer. Yes , I do like puzzles and buy books of them.
Dianne, we will forgive you going elsewhere as long as you came home with a plant. Hope Matilda is okay.
Leisa, with your lovely rain up there and none here, you will have to put up with just plain biscuits.
Louise, yoo hoo.... we are over here.
It has been a lovely day here and I'm going out to talk to the angels. I had the sprays on in the fern house and all the little froggies came out for a bath. I had to laugh last evening, as there were two squished in one brom leaf back to back plus two in other leaves on the same plant. Accomodation must be at a premium there. I will need more broms.

Barmera, Australia

Of course Jean. You don't really want more Broms but you must look after the wildlife because they keep down the mosquitoes & flies.

You are so funny ...brom apartments for your frogs ^_^
I find lots of them in my angel leaves ...teensy little green ones.
I only find spiders in my broms but they starting to grow on me because I haven't killed them yet ^_^.
steve an outside shower? what a wonderful idea! I could use one of those for my fella who is always covered in grease and WD40 etc.
Hi everyone I hope you all had a great day.

Sydney, Australia

Mine will be good for dirt and sand Chrissy. Sounds like you need a carwash!

Brisbane, Australia

Hey, that's an idea to keep the Tea Room clean - we could put up a car wash outside to clean everyone up before they enter! It would be nice & refreshing if we used only cool water, and especially if the frogs come to live in it & they plopped down on our heads as we're passing thru!
Hmmm maybe I had too much wine tonight ~~~

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. Leisa I wouldn't mind frogs plopping down but maybe it would draw other crawlies which we don't want plopping on our heads. I can see us now enjoying a spray when some large 8 legged thing sticks it head out and says hello. I think things would fly in every direction. Anyway, I've always been one for being comfortable so if you are grubby from the garden , just wipe your feet and come in any way. This ia a gardeners Tea Room after all.
Brian, of course I want more broms, I only have a few. The little frogs need homes.
Chrissy, I have found some small web on a couple of the broms but seen no spiders as yet. I think they all know me and keep out of sight. I won't kill any outside usually but woe betide any that venture in the house. Splat !!!!
Steve, I bought some cheap lights from one of the cheapo shops and they worked for ages. I finally had to buy more last year and they are still going. Look for the ones with the white light as some look more yellow. I use them for lighting the path when we have been out at night.
It's a beautiful morning here after a very nice day yesterday. It's shopping day so I had better be off. Wave to me , orphans, I'm coming.
Happy day everyone Look Brian, and don't eat them all.
Bourbon Balls.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Beautiful morning,hope everyone finds it the same.
I did buy a plant the other day Jean, but from a different nursery.
Colleen and Brian would love this one..It's called Roirama and they specialize in Cacti and Succulents.
But I didn't buy one of those, amazing though they were, I bought an Elephants foot ( Dioscorea elephantipes)
a truly astonishing plant....it looks just like one and the one that they have in the nursery was about a foot wide...
Here is a photo of mine it's only just over an inch and a half wide..they live for 70 yrs so there is a good chance that it will outlive me..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Sydney, Australia

Makes for a good cryptic puzzle too Dianne.
Thanks for your input on the lights Jean. I will start looking around.
Off to Sussex today with the ute full of potted bits. I need to get going on digging more garden.

townsville, Australia

Good morning all, I hope everyone is well on this lovely morning.
Dianne, I saw your elephants foot when I was in the botanic gardens in Hobart, you are right it is an amazing plant, they have some very weird and wacked out plants there it was fascinating.
Jean enjoy your orphan hunting I hope you find some to give a good home to.
Steve I tried Solar garden lights but found they did not last very long, although friendlier for the carbon footprint, I had to go with the powered ones as I got sick of replacing them all the time.
Chrissy I have lots of little frogs as well they are so cute and very noisy lol. The photo is of one next to my fingernail.
I best go and do some work, have a wonderfull day all

Thumbnail by shelly61
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good morning all, nearly afternoon!
I get some whopper spiders in my broms, hence I now look 10 years older than I am! he he. I'm really only 29! They usually get flushed out when I water, so I hose them away.
I saved a big huntsman spider in the house the other day, by catching it in a bowl and throwing it out on the lawn. It repaid me by running up my trouser leg about 4 hours later. I'm with Jean, splat from now on.
Hot day again! Awaiting anither two lots of visitors this week and weekend. Best go and change sheets, wash towels and clean bathrooms! Boooo!

Clifton Springs, Australia

Hey Budge, I saw a great heap of fence palings up the road...thought of your projects..
My solar lights, very cheap from Bunnings, lasted about 3yrs before they started to fail.
If you get a brand that they have all the time, you can replace them as they stop working..
without changing the style.
Shell, that dear little frog, what a delightful photo, I know that we have frogs, I hear them
sometimes near my pond, but they aren't little cuties like you have.

western sydney nsw, Australia

when your solar lights start to fail they only need batteries changed you can buy the batteries at Bunnings mostly they are hanging in the same area as the lights .

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Here is a string of solar lights. elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
Sydney, Australia

Thanks for the heads up on the palings Dianne. Little far to go though! Your solar lights last longer than my last lot of cast alloy ones. I bought them because I thought they would be long lasting but they corroded quickly and it seemed I was replacing bulbs every second week. I think cheap and replacable may be the way to go. I have filed your battery tip in the last bit of brain space I have left Elaine.
Have a good day all.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Going to be very hot today so I have been out throwing water at a few plants. I found no orphans yesterday but I did get a lovely brom in the mail that I had bought on eBay. I have also been out chasing the darn white cockatoos. They hang around in huge flocks but usually stay away from here. We have a large lump of wood that we slam the fence with whenever they do visit. As the fence is corrugated iron, it makes a sound like a gunshot. Does make the B**** leave quickly. Aside from the noise, they chew everything in sight , which includes the power wires and hubbys antenna stays. Now if I could just train the maggies to be like watchdogs and chase them away.
Steve, I find on average, our cheapo solar lights last around 2 - 3 years. By then, it's not worth replacing batteries as the lights are looking sad and worn. Depends on your climate about how quickly they deteriorate. It's easier to buy new cheapies.
Hello Dianne. I have seen pics of those odd plants. Be quite a talking point in your garden.
Shelly, cute frog. Don't you just love them in the garden.
Hello Elaine. What have you been making for your garden lately ?
Hello everyone else. Kat , Sue, Chrissy, Brian, Colleen etc. Louise , you haven't found us yet. I'll have to send the carpet for you. I'm off to pot up a few little things before it gets too hot. I may get the washing dry before I even hang it out , the way it feels here.
Have a good day and enjoy your gardens.
Cranberry Swirl Cheesecake for a nice snack in the heat.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all,
I have not made any thing the last few days been working in my work area trying to make a little more space I have so much stored in there I had to resort to covering the boxes with a white paper blind the brown carboard made every thing look so dark and untidy if only I could find a place for the roll of floor covering hanging above my corner sitting area its a eye sore I would be so happy .
Iwant to move a few plants in next but so hard to find a place for them .
This is how it looks at the moment. -------elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
townsville, Australia

Good morning all, its FRIDAY Yippppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Not much time today, so just popped in to wish every one a great weekend, and also to beg for some help, can anyone at all tell me what this plant of mine is, I found it in Rocky sorry Rockhampton about 10 years ago, I was down there when my mum was very sick and had to have a couple of operations, she had blood clots in her brain, the doctors told us all that she would die, but as stubborn as my mum is she thankfully did not listen to them, anyway back on track shell, I spent many a week in the hospital grounds and found this little plant struggling to survive, it was only 2 inches high, and I got it in my head that as long as it survived my mum would, so I planted it in a little pot in my motel room and have had it ever since, it is the most important plant that I have, but alas I have no idea what it is, if anyone can help me I would be very gratefull.

have to go
smile and stay safe

Thumbnail by shelly61

Mickey Mouse Plant ^_^

sorry that was a bit brief but the phone was ringing so I didn't finish the id
Golly that was quite an ordeal perhaps it's apt that the''Mickey Mouse''
(aussie term for grouse) was telling you that it would be ok.
I think this is the right one.

Nice little working area elaine ...glad to see you are up and at em as usual.
Good luck with the lights!
ha ha ha sue i mean't I had not killed the broms yet ...no I don't kill spiders.
That little green frog sure looks familiar!

townsville, Australia

thanks heaps Chrissy, I had not idea I had been taking care of a weed all these years, this matters not to me because of how I got the plant, I am however very glad I have kept it pot bound.

The frogs are very cute I only have about a dozen of that breed I hope to get more when my ponds up and running.

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I was outside throwing water around and nearly forgot to open the doors. I see noone was waiting around though. I had visions of people falling around for lack of a nice cuppa.
It's going to be hot here all weekend with Monday getting up to over 40 C.
I will go back outside and finish watering before the flies wake up that I am there. Darn things. So annoying when you have your hands full and they are trying to get in your eyes etc.
Hubby just came in to show me a small blue tongue lizard that had come for a drink. I keep dishes on the ground for the lizards and snakes to drink. The birds all have their own swimming pools.
Better move as there is noone here as yet. You can all help yourselves as you wish but wash the dishes please. The elves have taken themselves off for a holiday.
Try these Shortbreads with White Chocolate and Strawberry.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all,
We are in for a very hot day here to day .
Went to buy a few pots this morning and saw a snack tray trolly marked down to half it will make a great potting table just wheel to the place needed .and a couple of little plants a nice spot light solar
for 10 dollars a good start to my day.--------------elaine

Thumbnail by sammut

sorry to be late ...I still am caring for my brother and it chews up a fair bit of time because everything is done very very slowly.He can go to the loo now which is a big help, but still requires washing, meds, ointments ...shaving and feeding.
sooo the garden is a bit neglected at the moment.
No real time for pictures either unless something is sreaming it's beauty at me.
Yes high heat on the way ...fingers and toes crossed for not too many angel buds to drop ...I have already found 2 dropped this morning. :(
Now hubby has justed asked to be taken to the hardware shop *sigh*
hopefully I can come back but if not have a fab day everyone!
stay cool! ^_^

Clifton Springs, Australia

Thats the sort of shopping morning that I like Elaine, bargains.
The snack trolley was a beaut buy.....I could do with one of those..
We have strong gusty winds here and it's about 31c...not northerlys thank goodness.
Monday will be a worry with the 41c forecast, still we can always hope that they are wrong.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello, I've been catching up on all the gossip, but don't have time to answer everyone, but you can relax 'cause I paid attention and KNOW what you'e all up to. he he.
I made you some Banana and Mango muffins, (sorry Chrissy, I know you're not into Mango, but you have many yummy things at your fingertips anyway)
I must go back up the thread and find that post for your mango ice cream, because a neighbour has an abundance of Mangos and I have a box of them to eat, plus more on the way. I have already frozen the ripest ones, but need recipes. Might go google it. I wish I had a frut dryer, as dried mango is a treat.
Hubby went fishing again yesterday, and we had flathead again last night, baked in cocnut cream with veges, ginger, garlic, and thai seasonings. Yummmm!
More visitors arriving tomorrow, so I might be away from the computer while they are here. Its good to have company!

This message was edited Jan 9, 2010 1:57 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sydney, Australia

I bought flathead yesterday Sue. I was wondering what to do with it so I just grilled it with lemon juice and a bit of mustard. If you have a recipe for above I would love to hear from you. Spent some time this morning going through some old fishing mags and pulled out the recipes. Drifted the inlet this afternoon. Caught nil so steak for dinner. Have a good night all.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good evening Dianne,
I rang son and went back had seen sun lounges marked down 50% but forgot about it bought one for the daughter inlaw I dont know whate the temp. was just know it was hot Iam on a neat kick at the moment and sorted out the garage I have 2 big fans in there but it was hard work son left 2 fold up tables here to store so it was a lot of moving things around to fit them in .
Sue PLEASE can I help you eat the Mango muffens I love mango's too . Goat cheese and sliced Mango in salad a great lunch.
A nice breeze is starting so of out side for a while before time for bed -----------elaine.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
Another lovely morning here as yesterday was. It will get very hot as the day goes on. It was very uncomfrotable heat yesterday and expected even hotter today and tomorrow. I hope you are all doing okay in the heat and keeping cool inside . I did spend some time down in the shadehouse potting up a few small plants that needed to be done .
It was so hot that the flies were non existent around the garden, all being out in the old shed at the side. I have never seen so many flies in one place. I know there were no dead bodies there so they must have been looking for cool. There were a lot hanging around one of the taps too as I have a drip bowl under it. Our bird friends all found some shelter where they could. A couple of the magpies like to get in the shed under the car .
I was looking at the extreme contrast on the news this morning. How would you like to be shivering in the US or England with all that snow ?? Not for me , thank you. It might look pretty but to live in it would be pretty awful.
Sue, I managed to grab a couple of your yummy muffins, thank you.
Elaine, you are the lucky one with your bargain shopping. Don't get carried away and do too much tidying on your own.
Dianne, we missed having the hot wind thank goodness but it will eventually get here.
Chrissy, I am surprised at how well the angels handled the heat. It seems the hot wind is the worst for them as the flowers stayed quite good yesterday.
Steve, there is nothing as tasty as a nice flathead done over the coals with lots of lemon juice and eaten with fresh bread.
I'm off out to say good morning to the plants and give them a feed.
Hello to everyone not here this morning.
Have a safe and happy day, try and keep out of the heat.
Here's an indulgence for a hot day. Cream filled Strawberries .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all,
A nother hot one the way so got a early start there was still a few things to finish of from yesterday
Iam not really a super neat person had to smile thought I better clean the stove in the garage when I opened the oven found a book and half full can of drink must have been put there for a reason or in the last clean up .
Its time to pack big Buck away and repot a few little cuttings with roots pushing out the bottom . Hope all have a great day.
here is big buck. he's not a plant .-----------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut

hi elaine ...yes it's already too hot, can't handle it at all it gives me the grumps. ^_^
Yes the angels are reasonably good considering the heat and grasshoppers.
Trouble is the buds will cook, drop or be deformed if it gets too hot. We have to be patient (not easy in the heat.)
sue that is pure cordial in that recipe but a juice of some kind may be ok ...the mango needs some tartness to bring out the flavour.my sil makes mango jam I don't think it would be too hard to do ...just google.
steve just a light dusting of seasoned plain flour and cooked in a little butter. A squeeze of lemon to finish.
jean you know it's hot when the mozzies and flies are gone, it's snake weather.
Enjoy your day everyone ...try to stay out of the heat.

Thumbnail by
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Chrissy. Its hot here too, just closed all the windows to keep the house cool, as its hot air coming in! Fans are on! I've been in the pool already and about to go out and make sure I haven't left any tender plants out in the sun.

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